Intel 536EPXX - PRELIMINARY Datasheet

Host Accelerat ed Mo d em 56K V.92 Chipset
Preliminary Datasheet
Product Features
Merges benefits from software and
hardware modems
Uses host’s CPU without degrading
Distributes functions optimally between
Cost savings
—CPU eliminates need for controller chip —Reduced board size —Superior price/performance ratio
Data modulation
—Data rates up to 56 kbps —ITU- V.92, V.90 compliant —ITU-T V.34 (33,600 to 2,400 bps) —ITU-T V.32 bis, V.23, V.22 bis, V.21 —Bell‚ 212A and 103 —Error correction: ITU V.42 and MNP‚ 2–
—Data compression: ITU V.44, V.42 bis
and MNP‚ 5
Fax modulation
—ITU-T V.17, V.26ter, V.29 to 14,400 bps —Fax Class 1 commands
—PCI 2.2-compliant
PC telephony
—International telephony support —V oice compression: ADPCM, linear, and
—4800, 7200, 8000, 9600, and 11025
—Full-duplex, echo-cancelled digital
—Telephone emulation for headset
applications —IS-101 Voice commands —ITU-V.80 for videoconferencing
Power requirements
—DSP 3.3 V Pad, 1.3 V Core —Automatic sleep and wake-up modes —ACPI (advanced configuration power
—DSP: 128-pin LQFP —AFE: 44-pin VQFP
Exceeds Microsoft*‚ PC 00 requirements
Microsoft‚ Windows *‚ TAPI-compliant
AT command-driven
† Maximum speed allowed by the FCC is 53.333 kbps.
Intel Conf id e ntial Order Number: 273503-001
June 2001
Notice: This document contains preliminary information on new products in production. The specifications are subject to change without notice. Verify with your local Intel sales office that you have the latest datasheet before finalizing a design.
2 Intel Confidential Preliminary Datasheet
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Host Accelerated Modem 56K V.92 Chipset — 536EPXX
Preliminary Datasheet Intel Confidential 7
1.0 Overview
The software upgradable 536EPXX chipset and reference design from Intel is targeted at modem and computer manufacturers. This new product is a leap forward in technology, performance and cost savings. The 536EPXX is a Host Accelerated Modem solution that combines and optimizes the best features from software and hardware modems. This unique hybrid delivers superior performance and is a price competive modem.
The 536EPXX uses the host computer’s CPU to replace the modem’s controller without degrading CPU performance. Since today’s CPUs are well equipped to handle Digital Signal Processing (DSP), some of the DSP functions are diverted to the CPU. However, to prevent a decrease in CPU and modem performance, a separate and less expensive DSP chip is used to share the load. Maximum system and modem performance is maintained by splitting the processing optimally between the CPU and the DSP.
Unlike software modems, there is no performance penalty because the CPU does not handle all of the controller and DSP functions. Instead, functions have been strategically optimized for accelerated performance by either the CPU or the DSP depending on which device can perform them most efficiently—delivering a price-performance ratio neither software- nor hardware-only modems can match.
Optimizing CPU usage in this manner eliminates the need for a controller and reduces the size of the DSP, thereby reducing part count, board size and the amount of silicon us ed. Th ese cost sav ing advantages make the 536EPXX a superior high-performance and feature-rich alternative to software modems.
With an integrated PCI interface, this ITU-V.92 solution provides a complete set of standard data/ fax/voice and speakerphone features. Effective data receive rates of up to 56K (53.333 kbps FCC max.) ensures interoperability with major Internet service providers around the world. Chipset features also include ITU-V.80 videoconferencing. The 536EPXX exceeds Microsoft* PC 00 specifications for Windows* and is TAPI and PCI 2.1 compliant. It satisfies legacy applications and supports all requirements for PC-based communications, inclu ding all sta ndar d AT commands for data, Class 1 fax and IS-101 voice.
1.1 Versatile 56K Platform
With many advanced features already built in, the 536EPXX is a versatile platform for future development. By using the host computer’s CPU, the 536EPXX can leverage the latest developments in CPU technology. These advances can be taken advantage of quickly because the controller code can be modified in a “C” code development environment. Thus, new features and products can be brought to market faster and less expensively than ever before. And end users can easily upgrade to the newest communication technology by downloading and installing software upgrades directly from the modem or computer manufacturer’s internet site.
1.2 Integrated PCI & Mini-PCI Interface
The integrated design supports PCI and Mini-PCI interfaces, and allows the device to transfer data from the DSP to the host system’s CPU faster than ISA or s erial s olutions. The integrated interface also eliminates the ISA bridge chip requirement which helps to reduce part count, board space and cost.
536EPXX — Host Accelerated Modem 56K V.92 Chipset
8 Intel Confidential PreliminaryDatasheet
1.3 Satisfies Legacy Applications
The 536EPXX supports all PC-based communication requireme nts. Its robust host-based con troller software and powerful DSP support all standard AT commands for data, Class 1 fax and IS-101 voice.
1.4 Comprehensive Telephony Features
Voice telephony is becoming increasingly important. The 536EPXX offers a complete telephony interface with Caller ID, voice mail, answering machine capabilities, tone generation and detection, call progress control, telephone emulation and full-duplex digital speakerphone. All voice features are fully compliant with Microsoft’ s Unimodem V and TAPI standards, and all voice commands comply with IS-101 voice command standards. Intel also provides DAA design recommendations that support international telephony applications.
1.5 Refe rence Design Available
Intel provides a reference design that demonstrates chipset applications for several common configurations. The design documentation includes a schematic (OrCAD), bill of materials, block diagram and a description of operation.
1.6 Minimal Component Design
The 536EPXX was designed to reduce part count, board area and the amount of silicon used. These design considerations significantly reduce the cost of the 536EPXX without sacrificing quality or performance. The 536EPXX solution is a sleek, compact and cost effective alternative to both software- and hardware-only modems.
1.7 Reduced EMI/RFI Emissions
A single low-frequency crystal serves as a clock for the DSP in the 536EPXX chipsets. The single­crystal design minimizes high-frequ ency harmon ics and simpl ifies EMI/RF I design cons ideratio ns.
Host Accelerated Modem 56K V.92 Chipset — 536EPXX
Preliminary Datasheet Intel Confidential 19
Figure 3. Functional Block Diagrams
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