HP StoreFront Mobile Access Software User Manual

HP StoreFront Mobile Access 1.1 User Guide

This user guide describes the installation and use of HP StoreFront Mobile Access server software, an Android app and an iOS app.
HP Part Number: 5697-2657 Published: September 2013 Edition: 2
© Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
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1 About HP StoreFront Mobile Access..............................................................5
What’s new.............................................................................................................................5
App-server compatibility and upgrades.......................................................................................6
Software and documentation downloads.....................................................................................6
New installation overview..........................................................................................................6
Upgrade installation overview....................................................................................................7
2 HP StoreFront Mobile Access apps................................................................8
Quick Tour – Android app.........................................................................................................8
Quick tour – iOS app................................................................................................................9
Screens map..........................................................................................................................12
Connecting to (viewing) storage systems....................................................................................12
Accessing help – Android app.................................................................................................14
Accessing Help and About – iOS app.......................................................................................14
Sharing properties information – Android app............................................................................15
Sharing properties information – iOS app..................................................................................16
Viewing storage notifications – Android app..............................................................................16
Viewing storage notifications – iOS app....................................................................................17
HP 3PAR alert severity and status icons......................................................................................17
3 HP StoreFront Mobile Access servers...........................................................19
General planning...................................................................................................................19
VPN planning........................................................................................................................19
Firewall planning....................................................................................................................20
Installing and configuring HP StoreFront Mobile Access server software.........................................21
Device access and device keys.................................................................................................21
Device access limit..................................................................................................................22
Device key notification settings.................................................................................................22
Changing device key notification settings...................................................................................23
Server services and ports.........................................................................................................23
Changing server port numbers.................................................................................................24
Listen address.........................................................................................................................25
iOS notification level...............................................................................................................26
Session timeout......................................................................................................................26
Mobility Setup Tool.................................................................................................................26
3PARsetup – add command................................................................................................30
3PARsetup – delete command..............................................................................................31
3PARsetup – help command................................................................................................31
3PARsetup – list command..................................................................................................31
3PARsetup – restart command..............................................................................................32
configuration – change deviceAccessLimit command..............................................................32
configuration – change listenAddress command.....................................................................32
configuration – change serverBasedNotificationLevel command (iOS).......................................32
configuration – change serverBasedSessionTimeout command (iOS).........................................33
configuration – change sessionTimeout command (Android).....................................................33
configuration – default deviceAccessLimit command...............................................................33
configuration – default listenAddress command......................................................................33
configuration – default serverBasedNotificationLevel command (iOS)........................................34
configuration – default serverBasedSessionTimeout command (iOS)..........................................34
configuration – default sessionTimeout command (Android)......................................................34
configuration – help command............................................................................................34
configuration – list deviceAccessLimit command.....................................................................34
Contents 3
configuration – list listenAddress command............................................................................35
configuration – list serverBasedNotificationLevel command (iOS)..............................................35
configuration – list serverBasedSessionTimeout command (iOS)................................................35
configuration – list sessionTimeout command (Android)...........................................................35
configuration – restart command..........................................................................................35
deviceaccess – generateKey command.................................................................................36
deviceaccess – help command.............................................................................................36
deviceaccess – list command...............................................................................................36
deviceaccess – revoke command..........................................................................................37
4 Troubleshooting........................................................................................38
App screens show different notification counts............................................................................38
Cancelling a server installation.................................................................................................38
Compatibility and upgrade related problems.............................................................................38
Device access limit warnings....................................................................................................38
Mobility Setup Tool command not recognized............................................................................39
Network related problems.......................................................................................................39
Server is slowed when processing many HP 3PAR StoreServ failed tasks........................................40
Storage user name and passwords............................................................................................40
5 Support...................................................................................................41
Release history.......................................................................................................................41
4 Contents

1 About HP StoreFront Mobile Access

HP StoreFront Mobile Access includes server software, an Android app and an iOS app. The server software and apps work together to provide secure access for monitoring HP 3PAR StoreServ storage from mobile devices. Mobile phones can connect to HP StoreFront Mobile Access servers by Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
The following diagram illustrates an HP StoreFront Mobile Access server and typical connections with mobile devices.
1. HP 3PAR StoreServ storage being monitored
2. Physical or VM server with HP StoreFront Mobile Access server software installed
3. LAN
4. External firewall
5. Mobile device with Wi-Fi LAN connection
6. Mobile device with Wi-Fi Internet connection
7. Mobile phone with cellular network connection
• HP StoreFront Mobile Access apps include List and Properties screens for: systems, hosts, provisioning, remote copy configurations, alerts, and failed tasks.
Properties screens are optimized for easy viewing on mobile devices and include only the properties that are most important to storage administrators.
• Information on Properties screens can be sent by email or text message to other people.
• Notifications of problems on HP 3PAR StoreServ systems are automatically received on mobile devices. See “Viewing storage notifications – Android app” (page 16).
• HP StoreFront Mobile Access server software includes a command-line interface for administrators to configure access to storage systems and manage mobile device access. See “Mobility Setup
Tool” (page 26).
For specifications and support details, see the HP StoreFront Mobile Access Release Notes.

What’s new

HP StoreFront Mobile Access version 1.1 includes the following new or updated features compared to version 1.0.
• iPhone support. An iOS app and support for iPhones is added.
• Server improvements. The HP StoreFront Mobile Access server retrieves HP 3PAR storage information more efficiently.
What’s new 5
• Mobile device access limit. Administrators can now limit the number of mobile devices that can be granted access. See “Device access limit” (page 22).
• iOS notification level. Administrators can manage the iOS notification level. See “iOS notification
level” (page 26).
• Session timeouts. Administrators can manage session timeouts. See “Session timeout” (page 26).

App-server compatibility and upgrades

• HP StoreFront Mobile Access apps and HP StoreFront Mobile Access server software must be the same version. For example, 1.1 apps are compatible with 1.1 server software, but are not compatible with 1.0 server software.
• When a user’s mobile device has an app that is incompatible with an HP StoreFront Mobile Access server, the mobile device will not be able to connect to the server and monitor storage.
• To add iPhones to an HP StoreFront Mobile Access 1.0 environment, the HP StoreFront Mobile Access server software must be upgraded to 1.1. After upgrading the server, the Android apps on mobile devices must be upgraded to 1.1.

Software and documentation downloads

HP StoreFront Mobile Access software and documentation are available as free downloads.
• For administrators who need HP StoreFront Mobile Access server software, visit the HP Software Depot at https://h20392.www2.hp.com/portal/swdepot/index.do.
• If you need the Android app, visit Google Play at https://play.google.com/store/apps. To quickly locate the app, enter HP StoreFront in the search box. PDF and EPUB versions of the user guide are included in the app.
• If you need the iOS app, use iTunes to connect to the App Store. To quickly locate the app, enter HP StoreFront in the search box. PDF and EPUB versions of the user guide are included in the app.
• If you need only the documentation, see HP.com at www.hp.com/go/StoreFrontMobile or see the HP Support Center at www.hp.com/go/StoreFrontMobile-docs.

New installation overview

A typical new installation and configuration includes the following general steps:
1. An administrator installs HP StoreFront Mobile Access server software, configures network access, and connects to HP 3PAR StoreServ storage. See “HP StoreFront Mobile Access
servers” (page 19). (one-time step)
2. The administrator reviews default configuration settings and changes them, if necessary. See
“Device access limit” (page 22), and “Session timeout” (page 26) , and “iOS notification level” (page 26).
Administrators who support iOS mobile devices may want to change the rather restrictive default settings for iOS.
Administrators may also need to add exceptions to firewalls. See “Firewall planning” (page 20) and “VPN planning” (page 19).
3. The administrator notifies users of the HP StoreFront Mobile Access server IP address. Users install the HP StoreFront Mobile Access app on their mobile devices, then use the app to connect to the server and request a device key. See “Device access and device keys” (page 21). (one-time step per mobile device)
4. The administrator reviews the requests and, if approved, sends a unique device key to each user by email. (one-time step per request)
6 About HP StoreFront Mobile Access
5. Each user enters the device key in the app. The device key is checked and the mobile device is granted permission to connect to the HP StoreFront Mobile Access server and monitor the storage systems. (one-time step per mobile device)
(After users complete this step, they can connect the same mobile device to the same HP StoreFront Mobile Access server again, without having to re-enter a device key.)
6. Once permission to connect is granted to a mobile device, a list of available storage systems is displayed in the app. The user can select specific HP 3PAR StoreServ storage systems to view. (The user must enter HP 3PAR StoreServ security credentials to view a storage system.)
As new users and mobile devices are added, the steps involving device keys are repeated. Administrators can revoke access for specific mobile devices and limit the number of mobile devices that can access the server. See “Device access limit” (page 22).

Upgrade installation overview

IMPORTANT: Before upgrading the HP StoreFront Mobile Access server, HP recommends that
administrators coordinate with all mobile device users. See the HP StoreFront Mobile Access Release Notes for more information on upgrade coordination.
An upgrade from HP StoreFront Mobile Access 1.0 to 1.1 includes the following general steps:
1. An administrator notifies mobile device users that the HP StoreFront Mobile Access environment will be upgraded.
2. The administrator runs the server installer to upgrade the HP StoreFront Mobile Access server software. Previous configuration settings are preserved.
3. After the HP StoreFront Mobile Access server software has been upgraded, the administrator:
• Reviews default configuration settings and changes them, if necessary. See “Device access
limit” (page 22), “Session timeout” (page 26), and “iOS notification level” (page 26).
Administrators who support iOS mobile devices may want to change the rather restrictive default settings for iOS.
• Adds an iOS-related exception to firewalls, if necessary. See “Firewall planning” (page 20).
• Notifies mobile device users that the server upgrade is complete.
4. Existing users upgrade the Android apps on their mobile devices. These users can immediately connect to the server and monitor storage.
New Android users and users with iOS devices install apps on their mobile devices. These users must request device access keys and be granted access before they can connect to the server and monitor storage. See “Device access and device keys” (page 21).
Upgrade installation overview 7

2 HP StoreFront Mobile Access apps

This chapter is primarily intended for HP StoreFront Mobile Access users.
Installing HP StoreFront Mobile Access apps
• The HP StoreFront Mobile Access Android app is installed like any other Android app and is available on Google Play. See “Software and documentation downloads” (page 6).
• The HP StoreFront Mobile Access iOS app is installed like any other iOS app and is available on the iTunes App Store. See “Software and documentation downloads” (page 6).

Quick Tour – Android app

Due to differences in Android versions, the appearance of the app on your mobile device may be different than the following illustrations.
Views and Problems screens
The Views screen is the starting point for getting detailed information about storage systems, hosts, provisioning, remote copy configurations, alerts and failed tasks. The Problems screen provides a summary of problems being reported by storage systems. Tap the Views tab (1) and the Problems tab (2) to switch (toggle) the screens.
List and properties screens
The HP StoreFront Mobile Access app includes various list and properties screens. Tap the List tab (3) and Properties tab (4) to switch (toggle) the screens.
8 HP StoreFront Mobile Access apps
Screen navigation
Most screens in the app are organized like branches of a tree. Tap items on the screens (5) to navigate forward (deeper) in a branch.
For example, to see controller node List and Properties screens for a storage system named WestRegion, you would tap Views > Systems > WestRegion > Controller Nodes.
To go back to previously viewed screens, tap the Back button ( ). At the end of a branch, tap the Back button repeatedly to go back to other branches.
Menu items
Depending on the screen you are viewing, several menu items are available when you tap the menu button. Disconnect (6) closes the connection to the HP StoreFront Mobile Access server. Share (7) allows you to send information from a Properties screen by email or text message. See “Sharing
properties information – Android app” (page 15). Help (8) allows you to view the HP StoreFront
Mobile Access User Guide or open the HP Storage website in a browser. For more information, see “Accessing help – Android app” (page 14). About (9) displays the app version number and information about open source licenses.
Screen orientation
HP StoreFront Mobile Access app screens are always displayed in portrait mode.

Quick tour – iOS app

Due to differences in iOS versions, the appearance of the app on your mobile device may be different than the following illustrations.
Views and Problems screens
The Views screen is the starting point for getting detailed information about storage systems, hosts, provisioning, remote copy configurations, alerts and failed tasks. The Problems screen provides a summary of problems being reported by storage systems. Tap the Views tab (1) and the Problems tab (2) to switch (toggle) the screens.
Quick tour – iOS app 9
List and properties screens
The HP StoreFront Mobile Access app includes various list and properties screens. Tap the List tab (3) and Properties tab (4) to switch (toggle) the screens.
Screen navigation
Most screens in the app are organized like branches of a tree. Tap items on the screens (5) to navigate forward (deeper) in a branch.
10 HP StoreFront Mobile Access apps
For example, to see controller node List and Properties screens for a storage system named WestRegion, you would tap Views > Systems > WestRegion > Controller Nodes.
To go back to previously viewed screens, tap the Back button ( ). At the end of a branch, tap the Back button repeatedly to go back to other branches.
Disconnect and share actions
Depending on the screen you are viewing, several actions are available. Disconnect (6) closes the connection to the HP StoreFront Mobile Access server. Share (7) allows you to send information from a Properties screen by email or text message. See “Sharing properties information – iOS
app” (page 16).
Help and About
Help allows you to view the HP StoreFront Mobile Access User Guide or open the HP Storage website in a browser. For more information, see “Accessing Help and About – iOS app” (page 14). About displays the app version number and information about open source licenses.
Screen orientation
HP StoreFront Mobile Access app screens are always displayed in portrait mode.
Quick tour – iOS app 11

Screens map

The illustration shows the main screens and navigation paths. Most screens are accessed by starting at the Views screen.

Connecting to (viewing) storage systems

The following procedures assume that an administrator has notified you that an HP StoreFront Mobile Access server is available, and that you have installed the app on your mobile device.
To connect (view), you need to know: the HP StoreFront Mobile Access server IP address (or name) and port number, and the user names and passwords for the storage systems to view.
Note: The connection between an HP StoreFront Mobile Access app and an HP StoreFront Mobile Access server can use significant network bandwidth. If you are connected by cellular network,
12 HP StoreFront Mobile Access apps
and your phone does not have an unlimited data plan, HP recommends that you monitor data use on your phone. Consider connecting by Wi-Fi, if possible.
Selecting an HP StoreFront Mobile Access server
1. Tap the HP StoreFront Mobile Access launch icon ( ). The Select Mobile Access Server screen opens.
Android iOS
2. Enter the IP address (or name) and port of the server. The default port is 9069.
Requesting a device key
The first time you use a given mobile device to select an HP StoreFront Mobile Access server, you are prompted to request an HP StoreFront Mobile Access device key for that device. You must enter your name, email address, and reason for having access. An administrator will review the request and, if approved, will send a device key by email.
1. Select an HP StoreFront Mobile Access server. See Selecting an HP StoreFront Mobile Access
2. On the Mobile Access Server Authorization screen, tap Request Device Key.
3. On the Request Device Key screen, enter your request information and tap Submit Request.
4. Review the confirmation screen. If you receive the device key while viewing the confirmation screen, tap Enter Device Key.
Entering a device key
After receiving a device key, enter and validate it immediately to avoid expiration of the key.
• Device keys are case sensitive.
• The default timeout period is 12 hours from the time the key is generated.
If you received a device key while viewing the confirmation screen, go to step 2; otherwise, go to step 1.
1. Select an HP StoreFront Mobile Access server. See Selecting an HP StoreFront Mobile Access
2. Tap Enter Device Key.
3. On the Enter Device Key screen, enter the HP StoreFront Mobile Access device key and tap Enter Device Key. The device key is validated and securely stored.
Connecting to (viewing) storage systems 13
Connecting to (viewing) storage systems
After you have validated a device key, you can connect to (view) the storage systems. Multiple storage systems are connected if the same user name and password are used for each system.
If you just validated a device key, go to step 2; otherwise, go to step 1.
1. Select an HP StoreFront Mobile Access server. See Selecting an HP StoreFront Mobile Access
2. On the connect screen, enter the user name and password credentials to connect to one or more storage systems that are monitored by the HP StoreFront Mobile Access server, and then tap Connect.
• If the credentials are valid for all of the monitored storage systems, the systems are connected and the Views screen opens.
• If the credentials are valid for some of the monitored storage systems, but not for all of them, a screen of connected and available storage systems opens. To continue and view the connected storage systems, tap View Storage Systems. If you want to add available storage systems before continuing, select the systems, enter the credentials, and tap Connect.

Accessing help – Android app

Help is available from all screens. To display help, tap Menu > Help.
From Help you can view the HP StoreFront Mobile Access User Guide, or open the HP Storage website in a browser. Viewing the user guide on a mobile device requires an appropriate reader app.
To view the user guide, tap User Guide and then tap PDF Format or EPUB format. The HP StoreFront Mobile Access app will attempt to automatically open the user guide in an appropriate reader.
On Android devices, if the user guide does not automatically open when a reader is present, you may be able to use the reader to manually open the file from its location at .../download/HP StoreFront Mobile Access/. (The PDF or EPUB user guide file will only be present in this location after you have tried once to open it by tapping the screen.)

Accessing Help and About – iOS app

On the Select Mobile Access Server screen, tap the information icon then tap Help.
14 HP StoreFront Mobile Access apps
+ 30 hidden pages