HP StoreFront Analytics for VMware Software Licenses User Manual

HP StoreFront Analytics Pack for VMware vCOPS™ 1.1

User Guide
This guide provides the information you need to install and use HP StoreFront Analytics Pack for VMware vCOPS™ 1.1 to monitor performance for HP 3PAR Storage Systems, and is intended for system and storage administrators who monitor and direct system configurations and resource allocation for HP 3PAR Storage Systems.
HP Part Number: QR482-96548 Published: June 2014 Edition: 3
© Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.


1 Introduction...............................................................................................5
2 Installation.................................................................................................6
Installing the software................................................................................................................6
Windows Installation Procedure.............................................................................................6
Linux Installation Procedure...................................................................................................7
vApp Installation Procedure...................................................................................................7
Configuring a Storage System (adding an adapter instance)......................................................8
Checking the software version....................................................................................................9
Troubleshooting the software installation....................................................................................10
Resource Kinds..................................................................................................................11
Adapter Kind....................................................................................................................11
Adapter Instances..............................................................................................................12
Resource metrics reported for HP 3PAR resources...................................................................13
3 Dashboards.............................................................................................16
Dashboard color coding..........................................................................................................16
Editing a dashboard...............................................................................................................16
Editing a dashboard widget................................................................................................16
HP Storage Monitoring dashboard............................................................................................16
HP Storage Monitoring dashboard Interactions......................................................................18
STORAGE SYSTEMS widget.................................................................................................19
HEALTH widget..................................................................................................................20
Storage Systems widget icons.........................................................................................20
HEALTH STATUS widget......................................................................................................22
HEAT MAP widget.............................................................................................................22
HP STORAGE SYSTEM ALERTS widget..................................................................................25
METRICS widget................................................................................................................25
50 LEAST HEALTHY HP 3PAR RESOURCES widget..................................................................26
HP Storage Troubleshooting dashboard.....................................................................................27
HP Storage Troubleshooting dashboard Interactions................................................................28
VIRTUAL MACHINES widget...............................................................................................28
VM TO STORAGE MAPPING widget....................................................................................28
MAPPING DETAILS widget..................................................................................................30
ALERTS widget...................................................................................................................32
HP Storage Performance dashboard..........................................................................................33
CAPACITY UTILIZATION (%) - TOP-5 VOLUMES widget...........................................................34
IOPS - TOP-5 VOLUMES widget...........................................................................................34
RESPONSE TIME (MS) - TOP-5 VOLUMES widget...................................................................35
QDEPTH - TOP-5 VOLUMES widget......................................................................................35
IOPS -TOP-5 FC PORTS widget.............................................................................................35
RESPONSE TIME (MS) - TOP-5 FC PORTS widget...................................................................36
IOPS - TOP-5 iSCSI PORTS widget........................................................................................36
SSD UTILIZATION (%) - TOP 5 VOLUMES widget....................................................................36
RESPONSE TIME (MS) - TOP-5 PHYSICAL DISKS widget..........................................................37
IOPS - TOP-5 PHYSICAL DISKS widget..................................................................................37
THROUGHPUT (KBPS) - TOP-5 PHYSICAL DISKS widget..........................................................37
4 Using the HP StoreFront Analytics Pack for VMware vCOPS™ 1.1....................38
Analyzing performance issues..................................................................................................38
Contents 3
5 Support and Other Resources.....................................................................39
Contacting HP........................................................................................................................39
HP 3PAR documentation..........................................................................................................39
Typographic conventions.........................................................................................................42
HP 3PAR branding information.................................................................................................42
4 Contents

1 Introduction

HP StoreFront Analytics Pack for VMware vCOPS™ 1.1 provides integrated and highly automated performance, capacity, configuration compliance, and cost management tools to the vCenter Operations Manager custom Graphical User Interface (GUI). The software uses the VCOPs analytics engine that analyzes what is normal and then applies them to a dynamic HP 3PAR environment. For information on vCenter Operations Manager, refer to VMware vCenter Operations Manager Enterprise documentation at:
When the HP StoreFront Analytics Pack for VMware vCOPS™ 1.1 is installed, the custom HP Storage Monitoring, HP Storage Troubleshooting, and HP Storage Performance dashboards are added to the vCenter Operations Manager custom GUI.
The HP Storage Monitoring dashboard allows you to monitor 3PAR resources associated with
a vCenter environment. The attributes that can be monitored include: storage system health, capacity utilization, and system alerts. The analytics engine also allows for proactive monitoring of the HP 3PAR environment and indicates the state of the resources within the storage system. If a problem occurs, an alert is triggered and displayed. The analytics engine also provides for proactive prediction which can determine the point in the future when a resource will reach a critical level.
The HP Storage Troubleshooting dashboard is used to troubleshoot the storage system. It
provides a way to correlate from the virtual environment to the storage environment and it provides tools to drill down and identify problem resources within the storage system to solve load or capacity issues.
The HP Storage Performance dashboard provides tools to view how well the storage system
resources are being utilized and to help balance performance trends before they become issues.
The HP StoreFront Analytics Pack for VMware vCOPS™ 1.1 can be installed with the Advanced and Enterprise editions of vCenter Operations Manager, but not the Standard edition.

2 Installation

The HP StoreFront Analytics Pack for VMware vCOPS™ 1.1 is installed into the vCenter Operations Manager custom GUI by using the Update tab of the vCenter Operations Manager Administration interface and a PAK file.

Installing the software

The HP StoreFront Analytics Pack for VMware vCOPS™ 1.1 software can be installed on a Windows, Linux, or vApp platforms.
This section describes the installation process for each platform.

Windows Installation Procedure

If you have a standalone installation, install the HP Storage adapter by extracting the adapter installation files from a ZIP file and running an installation utility.
Read the release notes that are included with the downloaded zip file.
1. Download HP StoreFront Analytics for VMware vCOPS 1.1 from the following site:
2. Extract the downloaded zip file to a temporary folder.
3. Open the ZIP file and extract the files to a temporary folder on your vCenter Operations Manager server.
4. In the temporary folder, run the installer (install.bat) from a command window.
5. Log in to the Custom user interface as an administrator.
6. Select Admin > Support.
7. On the Info tab, find the Adapters Info pane and click the Describe icon ( ). The Describe
8. Click Yes to start the describe process then click OK.
6 Installation
icon is located at the top right of the Adapters Info pane.
The Custom user interface will find the adapter files and gather the information about the abilities of the adapter. It will then update the user interface with information about the adapter. The Describe process will take several minutes and when it completes, the adapter will appear in the Adapters
Info pane (the build number will appear in the Adapter Version column).
NOTE: Verify that the build number in the Adapter Version column for the adapter matches the
build number in the ZIP file that you downloaded.

Linux Installation Procedure

If you have a standalone installation, install the HP Storage adapter by extracting the adapter installation files from a TGZ file and running an installation utility.
Read the release notes that are included with the downloaded TGZ file.
1. Download HP StoreFront Analytics for VMware vCOPS 1.1 from the following site:
2. Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a temporary folder to extract the adapter installation TGZ.
3. Open the TGZ file and extract the TAR file to a temporary folder on your vCenter Operations Manager server.
4. In the temporary folder, run the installer (install.sh).
5. Log in to the Custom user interface as an administrator.
6. Select Admin > Support.
7. On the Info tab, find the Adapters Info pane and click the Describe icon ( ). The Describe icon is located at the top right of the Adapters Info pane.
8. Click Yes to start the Describe process, then click OK.
The Custom user interface will find the adapter files and gather the information about the abilities of the adapter. It will then update the user interface with information about the adapter. The Describe process will take several minutes and when it completes, the adapter will appear in the Adapters
Info pane (the build number will appear in the Adapter Version column).
NOTE: Verify that the build number in the Adapter Version column for the adapter matches the
build number in the TGZ file that you downloaded.

vApp Installation Procedure

For prerequisites, refer to the vCenter Operations Manager vApp Deployment and Configuration
Guide located at:
1. Download HP StoreFront Analytics Pack for VMware vCOPS™ 1.1 from the following site:
Extract the downloaded zip file to a temporary folder to obtain the PAK file.
2. Open a browser window and log in to the vCenter Operations Manager Administration GUI as the Admin user.
For example: https://xx.xx.xx.xx/admin/ (where xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP address of the UI virtual machine in the vAPP).
Installing the software 7
3. On the Update tab, click Browse to locate the temporary folder and select the PAK file.
4. Click Update and then click OK to confirm the update.
The vCenter Operations Manager Administration GUI uploads the PAK file.
5. Read and accept the EULA, and then click OK.
6. Click OK to start the update process. The update might take several minutes. Status information appears on the Update tab when
the update is finished. After the installation completes, the screen will show:
Last update completed successfully
7. Open a browser window and log in to the vCenter Operations Manager Custom GUI as the admin user.
For example: https://xx.xx.xx.xx/vcops-custom/ (where xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP address of the UI virtual machine).
9. Click the Info tab.
10. Verify that the build number in the Adapter Version column for the adapter matches the build number in the PAK file that you uploaded.
You now need to configure and add the HP Storage Adapter instance. Each 3PAR array that is configured will be of the type HP Storage Adapter Instance. It is possible to configure multiple HP Storage Adapter adapter instances.

Configuring a Storage System (adding an adapter instance)

1. Open a browser window and log in to the Custom GUI as an administrator. For example: https://xx.xx.xx.xx/vcops-custom/ (where xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP address
of the UI virtual machine).
2. Click Environment > Configuration > Adapter Instances.
3. Below the Adapter Instances heading, click the Add Adapters button .
4. In the Add Adapter Instance window, add the following information.
Collector - select vCenter Operations Standard Server.
Adapter Kind - select HP Storage Adapter.
Adapter Instance Name - enter a friendly name for the HP 3PAR array that is being
Management Server Name - <server name or IP address> is the server name or
IP Address of the 3PAR StoreServ system.
CIM Port - is the CIM port on the array.
NOTE: By default, the port number is 5989, but a different port may have been
Data Source Protocol - enter WEBM.
8 Installation
Auto Discovery - set to true.
License - enter the license information.
Report Physical Disks - By default, the selection is set to false. When it is set to false, the
information for the physical disks in the environment will not be reported.
Credential - Click Add and enter the credentials for the HP 3PAR array that is being
5. Click Test to make sure the parameters are correct.
To verify that the CIM service is running on the 3PAR storage system, Open an SSH session to the 3PAR storage system and run the showcim command. The output should indicate the state of the service as Active (see Figure 1 (page 9) .
Figure 1 SHOWCIM command output
If the State is inactive, you can activate it by running startcim command. After about 5 minutes, run the showcim command to check the status of the CIM service. If it is still Inactive, you can issue stopcim command followed by startcim command.
6. Click OK. The HP Storage Adapter instance appears in the Adapter Instances list. A completed configuration for an adapter instance is shown in Figure 2 (page 9).
Figure 2 Completed Add Adapter Instance window


HP StoreFront Analytics Pack for VMware vCOPS™ 1.1 provides detailed HP 3PAR StoreServ health information for free, while advanced performance metrics and capacity information is captured and displayed during the included sixty-day evaluation period. You need to purchase a license to view the advanced metrics after the 60 day evaluation period expires.

Checking the software version

Use this procedure to check the installed version of the HP StoreFront Analytics Pack for VMware vCOPS™ 1.1 software.
1. Open a browser window and open vCenter Operations Manager custom GUI.
Checking the software version 9
2. Click the Admin > Support.
3. Click the Info tab.
4. Under Adapters Info, view the HP Storage Adapter version in the Adapter Version column.

Troubleshooting the software installation

Known troubleshooting information can help you diagnose and correct problems with the HP Storage Adapter. Log files contain valuable information about adapter instance operation.
Troubleshooting an HP Storage Adapter Instance
Perform these general troubleshooting steps to diagnose and correct problems with an HP Storage Adapter instance.
1. View the collection status and collection state for the adapter instance resource on the
Environment Overview page in the Custom GUI.
2. Check the adapter and collector log files for errors. You can view HP Storage Adapter errors in the adapter and collector log files.
To View the HP Storage Adapter logs from the custom GUI
1. In vCenter Operations Manager custom GUI, click the ADMIN > SUPPORT.
2. Click the Logs tab.
3. In the Logs list, expand the vCenter Operations Collector folder.
4. Expand the adapters folder.
5. Expand the HP3ParAdapter folder.
6. Double click a HP Storage Adapter_##.log file in the list to view the log. The content of the log file appears in the Log Content area.
NOTE: The log file for storage systems is identified by adding the storage system ID to the
end of the log file. For instance, HP3ParAdapter_38.log identifies a log file for a storage system with ID 38.
10 Installation


Resource Kinds

The HP 3PAR resources for the HP Storage Adapter are prefixed with HP 3PAR. For example HP Storage Adapter Instance, HP 3PAR Array, HP 3PAR Array Controller, HP 3PAR Disk Drive.

Adapter Kind

The adapter kind for the HP Storage Adapter is HP Storage Adapter. Use the following procedure to view the adapter kind.
1. In vCenter Operations Manager, click ENVIRONMENT > ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW.
2. Expand the Adapter Kinds list.
3. Click HP Storage Adapter in the list.
The HP Storage Adapter resources appear in the List tab in the Data Source column and is indicated
by the icon.
Figure 3 HP Storage Adapter Kind
Notes 11

Adapter Instances

The adapter instances for the HP Storage Adapter are in the HP Storage Adapter Instance under Adapter Instances.
Use the following procedure to view the adapter instances.
1. In vCenter Operations Manager, click ENVIRONMENT > ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW.
2. Expand the Adapter Instances in the list.
3. Expand the HP Storage Adapter Instance.
The HP Storage Adapter Instance appears in the List tab in the Data Source column and is indicated
by the icon. Depending on how many HP 3PAR storage systems are configured, there may be more than one
HP Storage Adapter Instance.
NOTE: The various HP 3PAR resource kinds that are reported are shown below Resource Kinds
in the list.
Figure 4 HP 3PAR instance
12 Installation

Resource metrics reported for HP 3PAR resources

The metrics that are reported by HP 3PAR resources are shown in Table 1 (page 13).
Table 1 HP 3PAR resources reported metrics
Reported MetricsResource
HP 3PAR Array
HP 3PAR Array Controller
System Capacity
Allocated in GB
Free in GB
Free in GB (FC)
Free in GB (NL)
Free in GB (SSD)
Percent Free
Total in GB
System Performance
IOPS (Read)
IOPS (Write)
IOPS (Total)
KBPS (Read)
KBPS (Write)
KBPS (Total)
HP 3PAR Disk Drive
Available in percent
Growth Limit in GB
Utilization in percent
Physical Disk Performance
IO Size in KB
IOPS (Read)
IOPS (Write)
IOPS (Total)
KBPS (Read)
KBPS (Write)
KBPS (Total)
Queue Depth
Response Time in ms
Notes 13
Table 1 HP 3PAR resources reported metrics (continued)
Reported MetricsResource
HP 3PAR Drive Cage
FC Port PerformanceHP 3PAR FC Port
IO Size in KB
IOPS (Read)
IOPS (Write)
IOPS (Total)
KBPS (Read)
KBPS (Write)
KBPS (Total)
Queue Depth
Response Time in ms
FC Port PerformanceHP 3PAR iSCSI Port
IO Size in KB
IOPS (Read)
IOPS (Write)
IOPS (Total)
KBPS (Read)
KBPS (Write)
KBPS (Total)
Queue Depth
Response Time in ms
HP 3PAR Volume
14 Installation
Volume Capacity
Percent on FC
Percent on NL
Percent on SSD
Total in GB
Utilization in GB
Utilization in percent
Volume Performance
IO Size in KB
IOPS (Read)
IOPS (Write)
IOPS (Total)
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