PRODUCT NAME: HP SNA Printer Emulator SPD 26.70.11
for OpenVMS, Version 1.6
This SPD describes HP SNA Printer Emulator for OpenVMS, which is available for the OpenVMS I64, Open-
VMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX platforms. All information applies to all platforms unless otherwise indicated.
HP SNA Printer Emulator for OpenVMS (PrE) is an
OpenVMS layered software product that allows suitably
configured OpenVMS systems to receive printable data
from IBM host-based applications. These applications
will originally have been developed to produce output for
an IBM 3287 printer in system mode that is connected to
an IBM 3274 cluster controller in a Systems Network Architecture (SNA) networking environment. Access from
the IBM system to OpenVMS systems is via one of the
following SNA servers or gateways:
TCP/IP or DECnet Connections
• HP SNA Peer Server
• HP SNA Domain Gateway
• HP SNA Access Server for Windows NT®
• HP SNA Server for OpenVMS Alpha, a layered prod-
uct that supports local access as well as TCP/IP and
DECnet clients
DECnet Only Connections
• HP DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport
• HP DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Transport
• HP SNA Server for OpenVMS VAX, an OpenVMS
VAX layered product that supports local access as
well as remote DECnet clients
In an actual IBM 3287 environment, data transfer is one
way (from host to printer) and generates hard copy. The
PrE Access software will allow OpenVMS users to direct
the received output either to be printed via the OpenVMS Print Symbiont or spooled to a disk file.
The following is a summary of functions provided by
• PrE is configured and controlled via a HP Digital
Command Language (DCL) style interface for ease
of use.
• PrE can accept data in SNA Character String (SCS)
format (LU type 1) and 3270 Data Stream format (LU
type 3).
• PrE recognizes the following 3270 Data Stream orders:
CR - Carriage Return
DUP - Duplicate (converted to a semicolon)
EM - End Message
EUA - Erase Unprotected to Address
FF - Form-feed
FM - Field Mark (converted to an asterisk)
GE - Graphics Escape (converted to a hyphen)
NL - Newline
PT - Program Tab
RA - Repeat to Address
SBA - Set Buffer Address
SF - Start Fields
• PrE supports the following 3270 Data Stream commands:
December 2006

HP SNA Printer Emulator SPD 26.70.11
for OpenVMS, Version 1.6
• PrE will recognize the following SNA Character String
BS - Backspace
CR - Carriage Return
FF - Form-feed
GE - Graphics Escape (converted to a hyphen)
HT - Horizontal Tab
IRS - Inter Record Separator
LF - Linefeed
NL - Newline
SHF - Set Horizontal Format
SVF - Set Vertical Format
TRN - Transparency
VCS - Vertical Channel Select
VT - Vertical Tab
• PrE accepts but ignores the following SNA Character
String orders:
BEL - Bell
ENP - Enable Presentation
INP - Inhibit Presentation
SLD - Set Line Density
• PrE supports the 3287 printer Program Attention
(PA1 and PA2) keys and the CANCEL PRINT key
using commands entered at the user interface.
• PrE does not support the Printer Authorization Matrix
feature, and it does not emulate the 3287’s REPRINT
key function.
• PrE supports 1 to 255 copies of the print job to be
• PrE supports a maximum of 250 sessions simultaneously.
• PrE supports the ability to submit a print job for another user. The print job will run exactly as if that
user submitted the request. Accounting information
is logged to that user’s account. The user name
string can be 1 to 12 characters in length and should
be a valid user name on the system.
• PrE supports multiple form types. The form type is
specified by using either a numeric value or a form
name. These form types can refer to the print image
width, length, or type of paper. Codes for these form
types are installation defined.
• PrE supports the ability to change queue name,
forms, number, number of copies, user name, and
choice of deleting the output stream files without
stopping the session.
• PrE supports the deletion of output files that are
spooled to printers as a user-selectable setting.
• PrE provides an option to send an INIT SELF request
to the IBM application.
• PrE supports LU security through the ability to specify a password for providing additional security to access the LU. This feature is supported in the HP
DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport,
the HP DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Transport,
the HP SNA Domain Gateway, the HP SNA Access
Server for Windows NT, and the HP SNA Server for
OpenVMS products.
Only experienced customers should attempt installation
of this product. Installation services from HP are recommended for all other customers. These services provide
for installation of the software product by an experienced
software specialist.
For HP SNA Printer Emulator for OpenVMS to be supported by HP, the customer must also have a support
agreement for the selected prerequisite SNA server or
Processors Supported
For information about supported processors, refer to
the OpenVMS Operating System for I64, Alpha and
VAX Software Product Description (SPD 82.35.xx and
Processors Not Supported
PrE is not supported on the following processors:
• VAX-11/785
• VAX-11/788
Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1)
Disk space required for installation:
OpenVMS I64 3820 blocks
(1.91 MB)
OpenVMS Alpha 2119 blocks
(1.06 MB)
OpenVMS VAX 1711 blocks
(856 KB)
Disk space required for use (permanent):
OpenVMS I64 2868 blocks
(1.434 MB)
OpenVMS Alpha 1037 blocks
(520 KB)
OpenVMS VAX 574 blocks
(290 KB)