HP SmartStream 3D Build Manager User's Guide

HP SmartStream 3D Build Manager
User Guide
© Copyright 2018 HP Development Company, L.P.
Edition 1
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Table of contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Interface overview .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Preferences ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
About preferences .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Set preferences ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Connect to a Command Center printer ................................................................................................................................. 8
3 Adding parts ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Add parts ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
To ll the build volume .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Automatic part arrangement ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Automatic part and build checking ...................................................................................................................................... 11
About part reports ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Create a part report ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
4 Working with parts ................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Select parts ............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Adjust the position of a part ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Resize (scale) a part ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
Change the view ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Hollow a part ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Cut away a view ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Change the color view ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Changing colors ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Cage parts ............................................................................................................................................................................... 16
5 Printing parts ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Send a job to a printer ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
About job reports ................................................................................................................................................................... 19
6 Working with les ................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Save a job ................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
ENWW iii
7 When you need help .............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Appendix A Software requirements ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Appendix B Keyboard shortcuts .............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Index ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24

1 Introduction

Use the powerful 3D print-preparation capabilities of HP SmartStream 3D Build Manager to help make all of your 3D printing jobs successful:
1. Add parts to begin preparing the print job.
2. Rotate, size, and position parts on the bed.
3. Automatically locate and x 3D geometry errors, adjust part colors, and hollow parts to use less material..
4. Send a printer-ready le to a connected 3D printer or save the printable le.
This preparation can save time and money by helping you to avoid the frustration of trial-and-error printing.

Interface overview

Here is a snapshot of the application with a model ready to be printed.
ENWW Interface overview 1


1. Menu bar: Provides le management tools, editing tools and preferences, viewing controls, and learning
2. Action bar: Provides common tasks for preparing jobs to print and estimating printing times.
3. Transform toolbar: Provides tools for manipulating parts in the build volume.
4. Viewing toolbar: Provides tools for manipulating the view and navigating within the viewport.
5. Color view mode: Oers a choice between geometry view, color view, and print view.
6. Viewport: The work area that includes the build volume. The build volume, typically indicated by blue
boundary lines, is the printable volume.
7. Content panel: Contains ve tabs along the right-hand side the provide access to groups of related tools.
8. Parts panel: Provides a list of all the items in the job, including actions to manipulate the list and interact
with the parts and cages.
Transform toolbar
Move to bed
Viewing toolbar
Home view
Orthographic view
Color view toolbar
Color view

Content panel

Content panel tabs
Job settings
2 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW
Content panel tabs (continued)
Part color
Color adjustment
job settings tab provides details about the job and the printer settings being used.
1. JOB NAME: The name of the job.
IMPORTANT: Changing the job name here also changes the name of the le.
2. PRINTER: Identies
3. MATERIAL: Some printers enable you to select a material.
4. FRESH MATERIAL: Some printers used recycled material. This setting enables you to select the amount of
w material to be used.
5. PRINT PROFILE: Identies the selected group of print settings.
6. COOLING PROFILE: Select a preset to determine how long the printer should wait to cool the parts.
7. THERMAL SCALING PARAMETERS: Compensation factor for distortion based on the print volume. The
orrect setting depends on the material. Change here if results are not as expected. Parts are scaled to
accommodate the distortion.
8. PACKING DENSITY: The occupied proportion of the build volume up to the height of the highest positioned
9. HEIGHT: The height of all parts in the job. The maximum build volume height is also indicated. The build
height upda
The part color tab provides tools to sample the existing part colors, and to change them using existing and custom color swatches.
the selected printer.
tes as parts are added, moved, and removed.
ENWW Interface overview 3
1. Saturation/lightness area: Drag to adjust the color of the selected part.
2. Eyedropper: Click the tool and select a color in the build volume to apply it to the selected part.
3. Remove color: Removes all color information from the selected part.
4. Reset: Returns the part to its initial color.
5. Color swatches: Select from default color groups to display the colors in the swatch area.
Add a new color group
Duplicate an existing color group
Edit an existing color group
Delete the selected color group
Generate a color proof
6. Hue: Drag the slider up or down to adjust the color of the selected part.
7. Color preview area: Displays the adjusted color of the selected part and provides a print preview.
8. RGB/Hex value: Enter a color value to apply it to the selected part.
The color adjustment tab provides tools to adjust the hue, saturation, and value of the selected part.
1. HUE: Drag the slider left or right to adjust the hue of the selected part.
2. LIGHTNESS: Drag the slider left or right to adjust the lightness of the selected part. Use Reset to return to
the default values for the selected object.
3. SATURATION: Drag the slider left or right to adjust the saturation of the selected part.
4 Chapter 1 Introduction ENWW
The hollow tab enables you to hollow a solid part by choosing the resulting wall thickness after the hollowing is complete. Hollowing a part can reduce the amount of material used and increase printing speed.
1. WALL THICKNESS: Set the new wall thickness for the hollowed part.
2. INNER SHELL ACCURACY: Adjust the accuracy of the hollowed wall thickness setting. Increasing accuracy
may slow the creation of the inner shell. The more accurate, the longer it takes to create.
3. Make a copy: Apply the hollowing settings to a copy of the original part.
4. Hollow original: Apply the hollowing settings to the original part.
The caging tab enables you to create and modify a container, or cage, that enables you to group and print related parts.
1. NAME: Name the cage to be created around the selected parts.
2. THICKNESS: Adjust the cage bar thickness.
3. BAR WIDTH: Adjust the cage bar width. The value must be greater than or equal to the thickness value.
NOTE: Increasing the thickness and bar width values can cause other cage-related values to be adjusted
4. GRID SIZE: Adjust the size of the cage grid. The value must be at least double the bar width value.
5. CAGE PADDING: Adjust the space between the parts and the cage. The value must be at least as much as
the bar width value.
ENWW Interface overview 5
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