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Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft in the U.S. and other countries.
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Hewlett-Packard Company
Network Server Division
P.O. Box 58059, Technical Marketing
Santa Clara, CA 95052-8059 USA
The user guide is for the person who installs, administers, and troubleshoots LAN
servers. Hewlett-Packard Company assumes you are qualified in the servicing of
computer equipment and trained in recognizing hazards in products with
hazardous energy levels.
1 HP NetServer Navigator ..................................................................................1
Contents of the HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM...........................................1
The HP NetSer ver Navigator CD-ROM M ain Menu directs you to modules where
you can perform configuration tasks or access online system documentation. The
following is a description of the contents of the CD-ROM as accessed from the
Main Menu.
Readme File
This file includes the most recent information that was not included in the printed
installation documentation. It is important to check this file before installation.
HP NetServer Information A ssistant
HP NetServer Information Assistant gives you complete access to all the HP
NetServer information and documentation. The information includes the complete
user and service information available in online format that can be viewed on the
screen and printed. The information includes system and accessory installation
documentation, NOS Guide s , troubleshooting, e rror messages, part numbe rs,
replacement information, and other important information.
HP NetServer Information Assistant allows you to search, display, and print a
topic or a series of topics. Also, the information is available in a print-file format
that will print complete manuals.
HP NetServer Information Assistant can be accessed in three ways:
• From the HP NetServer Navigator Main Menu after booting from the HP
NetServer Navigator CD-ROM
• Directly from the HP Navigator CD-ROM on any Windows system that has
a CD-ROM drive
• On an HP Vectra or other PC running Windows 3.1 and above, Windows
95 or Windows NT, where HP NetServer Information Assistant has
been installed
For more information on installing and using HP NetServer Information Assistant,
see Chapter 2.
Chapter 1HP NetServer Navigator
Configuration Assistant
Configuration Assistant guides you through the steps necessary to configure
the NetServer. Three methods of configuration are available: Express, Custom and
Express configuratio n is the preferred method to configure your HP N etServer
since it leads you through the configuration process in se quence and offers you
default selections. An Express configuration includes the following steps:
• Update System BIOS: This step appears if Configuration Assistant detects
that a newer version of the BIOS is available on the HP Navigator CDROM. You must update your BIOS to the new version if you want to
continue in Express mode.
• Select NOS: HP NetServer Navigator uses the NOS (Network Operating
System) information to create the drivers diskette that you need to install
your operating system and to create a file that contains the appropriate
NOS installation and optimization instructions. The information may also
be used to select the appropriate d e fault co nfiguration settings.
• Execute EISA Configuration Utility: This step runs the EISA
Configuration Utility (ECU) in automatic mode (if you are not installing
ISA cards) or manual mode (if you are installing ISA cards). Before and
after running the ECU, Configura tion Assistant will run Configuration
Advisor to dete ct and notify you of any known problems with your curre nt
• Show Configured Cards: This step shows the cards configured by the
ECU, including PCI cards, and allows you to make changes if necessary.
• Configure Disk Array (JetSet Utility): If you have an installed HP disk
array, you must configure it with JetSet Utility.
• Install Utility Partition: This step creates an 8 MB utility partition on the
server hard disk where HP NetServer Navigator will copy the EISA
Configuration Utility (ECU), Diagnostic Assistant, BIOS Update Utility,
system and accessory CFG and OVL files, Error Message Utility (EMU)
and other utilities. This is not available for SCO UNIX.
Chapter 1
HP NetServer Navigator
• Execute Card Utilities: When HP NetServer Navigator finds installed
boards for which there are additional configuration utilities on the CDROM, the configuration utilities are executed automatically to complete the
configuration of the boards.
• Create Drivers Diskette: This step creates a customized diskette that
contains HP drivers and configuration files to use when you are installing
your NOS.
• Show NOS Installation Instruct ions: This step provides important
customized information about installing your NOS with your hardware
configuration. You should save this information to a DOS ASCII file that
can be copied to a DOS formatted diskette. Take this diskette to a system
with an attached printer to print the file.
• Diagnostic Assistant: An easy-to-use hardware diagnostic for system
verification, burn-in, and rapid troubleshooting.
In Custom Configuration, you can perform the configuration steps in any order.
Select Custom if you are experienced in NetServer configuration and have a
preferred sequence of steps or prefer to configure your system one component
at a time.
In Replicate Configuration, you can save a copy of your current system
configuration or load a previously saved configuration. This method saves time
when configuring multiple, identical systems.
HP Management Solutions
HP Management Solutions is a comprehensive suite of utilities, applications,
and built-in features to manage multiple servers locally or from remote locations.
If you are unfamiliar with these products or concepts, try the interactive
demonstration of HP NetServer Assistant, HP Remote Assistant, and other
HP and third-party management applications.
HP NetServer Assistant (NSA) is included on the HP Navigator CD-ROM. NSA
is for managing servers from an HP OpenView console. The software is
customizable and contains easy-to-use troubleshooting tools. HP Management
Solutions contains an interactive demonstration of HP NetServer Assistant and
an overview of installing HP NetServer Assistant.
Chapter 1HP NetServer Navigator
Some of the features of NSA include:
• Disk capacity threshold alert and usage tracking
• SCSI controller and device failure notification
• Predictive disk problem warning backed by HP proactive warranty
• PC LAN adapter card performance statistics, configuration, and problem
• Error alerting and identification for the server’s Power-On Self Tests
• HP memory, HP Disk Array, HP UPS management software, and
HP Remote Assistant products, including management agents with event
notification integrated into the HP NetServer Assistant/HP OpenView
alarm log
• Over-the-network temperature monitoring and redundant power
supply status
• View of critical server information, such as the BIOS version, EISA and
PCI slot contents, SMP information, serial and parallel ports, and security
status, from a single network management console
• Control of management console from a remote PC, allowing the same
features to be used at a local management console or non-networ kconnected remote PC
HP NetServer Utilities
HP NetServer Utilities takes you to a menu where you can directly execute utilities
such as the following:
• Diagnostic Assistant: An easy-to-use hardware diagnostic for system
verification, burn-in, and rapid troubleshooting
• Event Log Report Utility: Displays all logged server management events,
Power-On Self Test (POST)errors and other system events
Chapter 1
HP NetServer Navigator
• Diskette Library: Allows you to conveniently generate any flexible disk
available on the NetServer Navigator CD-ROM. For example, you can
create the following flexible disk: BIOS Update, EISA Configuration
Utility, NOS Drivers, NetServer Assistant, PowerWise Assistant,
Diagnostic Assistant and Remote Assistant Upgrade.
• Error Message Utility: Lets you view descriptions for errors that occur
during the Power-On Self Test (POST) and tells how to handle the errors
• Print or View Configuration:Allows you to print or view the current
system configuration, including details of which cards are detected in the
system and which resources are allocated to the cards
Change User Preferences
Change User Preferences lets you change the language and the system date
and time.
2HP NetServer Information Assistant
HP Information Assistant Ov erview
HP NetServer Information Assistant provides a quick and efficient means to locate
information about installing, managing and servicing your HP NetServer.
Information Assistant has complete documentation on the HP NetServer and
accessories as well as important information on your NOS. Reference
information, such as functional descriptions and technical papers, help you better
understand your HP NetServer and make choices compatible with your network.
The following section briefly describes the functionality of Information Assistant.
The final section describes how Information Assistant can be read or installed on
other systems.
Using HP NetServer Information A ssistant
Information Assistant has many features that help you quickly find the information
you need. The following is a brief description of these features. To understand
how to use each function, use the Information Assistant help system.
Getting Help
The Help button displays the help system for Information
Assistant. The Information Assistant help system explains how
to use Information Assistant to find the information you need.
Chapter 2HP NetServer Information Assistant
Finding Information
Information Assistant provides you with many ways of navigating through its
topics and locating information. For example, you can:
Select a topic from the Map. Displays a window with an
outline of every module, and topic in the Information
Assistant for the selected product. The Map enables you to
view the contents of the Information Assistant in outline view,
and then select a topic to view.
Search for a word or phrase using the Index. The Index
allows you to browse through a list of keywords or type in a
word or phrase. When the entry is found, the Information
Assistant displays the topic, or a list of topics containing the
word or phrase.
Search for a word or phrase using Search. Search performs
full-text searches for topic text that not only takes you to the
topic found, but highlights the word or words found by the
search. You can use search operators such as AND, OR,
NOT, and NEAR to further narrow your search.
Select a topic from the Reference Button list. Reference
modules are arranged by subject, not by task. The Reference
Button list shows reference documents available for the
selected product.
Select a Task button. Each button represents a task you can
perform, and each task contains multiple topics.
Go to a topic with Previous button. Displays the previous
topic in a module.
Go to a topic with Next button. Displays the next topic
in a module.
Chapter 2HP NetServer Information Assistant
Go to a previously viewed topic with Back button.
Displays the previous topic viewed. Clicking this button more
than once backtracks through topics in the order that you
viewed them.
You can also find information using drop-down menus and hot spots.
For example:
• Lookup error number. This drop-down menu displays the Error Number
dialog box in which you enter the error number for which you need
• Lookup part number. This drop-down menu displays the Part Number
dialog box where you enter the part number for which you need
• Jump to other topics. Click on hot spots in graphics and text that link to
other topics or to more information about the current topic. Hot spot text
appears as bold green text. Hot spots on graphics are identified by moving
the pointer over the graphic. When you point to a hot spot, the pointer
changes to a hand.
• Return to any previously viewed topic by choosing History from the
Topic menu. As you view topics, Information Assistant keeps a record of
where you have been. The History button displays a list of the topics you
have viewed, starting with the most recent. Select any topic from this list to
return to it.
Copying and Printing Information
You can copy topic text in Information Assistant for use in other applications, such
as word processors, by copying text onto the Windows Clipboard and pasting the
text into any Windows application.
To print topics in Information Assistant, use one of the print options on the
File drop-down menu. You can choose to print the current topic or a series of
previously marked topics using the Mark for Print command.
With the Mark for Print command, you can choose to mark either the currently
displayed topic or all the topics in the group to which the current topic belo ngs.
Then use the Print Marked Topics op tion to print out all marked topics as a group.
Chapter 2HP NetServer Information Assistant
After selecting the print option, a Print Setup box or Print dialog box appears. In
the Print dialog box, you can choose from several options: number of copies to
print, collate, print quality (dots per inch, and print to a file.) In the Print Setup
box, you can select a printer, the page orientation, and the type or source of paper
on which to print.
Installing HP Information Assistant Software
HP Information Assistant runs on an HP Vectra or other PC running Wind ows 3.1
and above, Windows 95 or Windows NT. HP Information Assistant can be
installed in one of two ways:
• From the CD-ROM
• From a Network Server on which the HP Information Assistant application
files are installed
The installation program gives you the option of accessing the data files from your
hard disk or from the CD-ROM. The default is to access the data files from the
CD-ROM. You can copy the data files to your hard disk to improve access time,
but this could take up a significant amount of disk space.
Installing from the CD-ROM
To install HP Information Assistant from the HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM,
do the following:
1. Turn on your computer and CD-ROM drive.
2. Run Windows and display the Program Manager.
3. Insert the HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
4. From Program Manager, select the File menu and choose “Run.”
5. At the command prompt, type the following:
{drive}:\infoasst\setup /a
where {drive} is the letter of the CD-ROM drive.
6. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
In Program Manager, the Setup Program creates a new program group called HP
NetServer Information Assistant, with an icon for running the applic ation.
Chapter 2HP NetServer Information Assistant
Installing from the Network
To install the HP NetServer Information Assistant from a network, you must first
install the run-time files onto a network hard disk from the CD-ROM, and then run
setup on the client PC.
If you plan to let multiple users run the HP NetServer Information Assistant from
the network, it is advisable to copy the data files to the network.
Installing the Application Files onto the Network
To install the HP NetServer Information Assistant onto the network, do
the following:
1. Run Windows as you normally would, and di splay the Program Manager.
2. Insert the HP NetServer Information Assistant CD-ROM into the CD-ROM
3. From Program Manager, select the File menu and choose Run.
4. At the command prompt, type the following:
{drive}:\infoasst\setup /a
where {drive} is the letter of the CD-ROM drive.
5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
Running the Setup Program on a Client PC
To run the HP NetServer Information Assistant from a client PC, it is necessary
for the client to run the setup program that was installed onto the network hard
disk, as follows:
1. Run Windows and display the Program Manager.
2. From Program Manager, select the File menu and choose Run.
Chapter 2HP NetServer Information Assistant
3. At he command prompt, type the network location where the HP NetServer
Information Assistant files were installed, followed by setup.
For example, if Information Assistant was installed on drive
“N:\windows\iaclient,” you would enter the following:
4. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
3Configuring Mass Storage
The HP NetServer LH Pro chassis contains three horizontal mass storage shelves
and a hot swap subsystem with six hot swap shelves. There are also external
connector openings for connection to exterior mass storage subsystems. The
NetServer LH Pro can be configured to accommodate a number of different
NOTEFor cabling configuration information, see the Technical
Information Label on the mass storage side of the chassis
and Information Assistant on the HP NetServer Navigator
Mass Storage Indicator Lights
The front of the NetServer has a number of lights that indicate the status of the
mass storage devices and controller boards as shown in Figure 3-1.
Hard disk activity light 1
Yellow = Embedded SCSI A or IDE bus active
Hard disk activity light 2
Yellow = Embedded SCSI B bus active
Flexible disk drive activity light
Yellow or Green = disk drive active
CD-ROM drive activity light
Green = power on
Yellow = drive active
Blinking = drawer opening or closing
Hard disk status light
Green = drive powered on
Flash yellow = drive error
All drives flash simultaneously
Flash yellow = temperature warning
Flash red = temperature emergency
Hard disk activity light
Green = dri
Figure 3-1. Mass Storage Indicator Lights
Chapter 3
Configuring Mass Storage
Shelf Location
The HP NetServer has three horizontal upper shelves and 6 hot swap
shelves. The shelf number is not the SCSI address. The SCSI address is
set by the switches on the devices in the upper horizontal shelves and the
switches on the rear of the hot swap subsystem cages. Figure 3-2 shows the
shelf numbers.
Shelf 1
Flexible disk drive
Shelf 2
CD-ROM drive
Shelf 3
Hot swap shelf numbers
are located on bezel above
each hot swap shelf
Hot swap shelf 1
Hot swap shelf 2
Hot swap shelf 3
Hot swap shelf 4
Hot swap shelf 5
Hot swap shelf 6
Figure 3-2. Mass Storage Shelf Location
Chapter 3
Configuring Mass Storage
Switch Settings on the Hot Swap Subsystem
Figure 3-3 shows the switch settings on the rear of the hot swap subsystem cage.
The default settings depend on the model and are described on the Technical
Information Label on the side of the chassis and in Information Assistant.
Switches 3, 4, and 6 determine the SCSI address of the shelf. Switch setting
combinations are listed in the next section.
with configuration information
Technical Information Label
Figure 3-3. Hot Swap Subsystem Switch Location
Chapter 3
Configuring Mass Storage
The switch setting location and functions are the same on both cages. The settings
for switch 6 determines upper and lower cage functionality. Switches 1 and 2 are
always set to Off.
Table 3-1 lists the functional settings for each switch.
Table 3-1. Switch Functions and Settings
3High/Low Addresses
4SCSI Address Zero
5Remote Start
6Upper/Lower Cage
C Bus SettingAlways se t to Off
C Bus SettingAlways se t to Off
OnSets drives to upper eight SCSI
Fast-Wide (68 pin) SCSI Only
Sets SCSI addresses for upper
or lower eight addresses
OffSets drives to lower eight SCSI
See SCSI Address Settings table below
for description of settings.
OnSets middle shelf in the cage
Sets middle shelf in cage to
(shelf 2 or shelf 5) to SCSI ID 0.
OffSets middle shelf to normal SCSI
address sequence.
See Table 3-2 for a description of SCSI
address settings.
OnInternal control: Upper cage is set
Determines control of the hot
swap disk module power-on
to delayed start and lower cage is
set to power-on at startup.
Recommended setting.
OffPower-on sequence is determined
by the disk array controller. Not
supported by HP SCSI controller
OnLower cage
Identifies cage location. This is
important information for the
SCSI addresses and for the I
OffUpper cage
See Table 3-2 for a description of SCSI
address settings.
Chapter 3
Configuring Mass Storage
Hot Swap Subsystem SCSI A ddress Settings
Switches 4 and 6 determine the SCSI address setting for each shelf in the hot swap
subsystem. Table 3-2 lists the shelf SCSI address for each switch setting.
NOTEFor information on changing the SCSI address setting on the
CD-ROM drive, see the Technical Information Label on the
CD-ROM drive.
Shelf 1 = ID 1
Shelf 2 = ID 2
Shelf 3 = ID 3
Shelf 1 = ID 1
Shelf 2 = ID 0
Shelf 3 = ID 3
Shelf 1 = ID 9
Shelf 2 = ID 10
Shelf 3 = ID 11
Shelf 1 = ID 9
Shelf 2 = ID 8
Shelf 3 = ID 11
3 - Off
4 - Off
6 - On
3 - Off
4 - On
6 - On
3 - On
4 - Off
6 - On
3 - On
4 - On
6 - On
Shelf 4 = ID 4
Shelf 5 = ID 5
Shelf 6 = ID 6
Shelf 4 = ID 4
Shelf 5 = ID 0
Shelf 6 = ID 6
Shelf 4 = ID 12
Shelf 5 = ID 13
Shelf 6 = ID 14
Shelf 4 = ID 12
Shelf 5 = ID 8
Shelf 6 = ID 14
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