Q: Which brake fluid is suitable for this device?
A: The suitable brake fluid is Honda DOT 4 Brake Fluid.
Q: What is the service limit for the front brake disc thickness?
A: The service limit for the front brake disc thickness is 3.5 mm (0.14 in).
Q: How is the hydraulic brake system bled?
A: The hydraulic brake system can be bled by attaching a bleed hose on the caliper bleed valve, loosening the valve and pumping the brake lever or pedal until it stops bleeding. Then the valve is closed.
Q: In case I experience a spongy brake lever, how do I possibly resolve this issue?
A: In conjunction with the disfigurement described, one may think that the spongy lever is an indicator of some leak in the pipes or wires of the hydraulic system. Such loose chance the brake needs bleeding.
Q: Is there a timeframe to replace brake pads?
A: The brake pads are advised to be changed in pairs more so that the forces acting on the disc are symmetrical.