DS-K1200 Series Card Readers Connect
to DS-K2600 Series Access Controllers
Represent 1 in binary mode
Represent 0 in binary mode
DS-K1200 Series Card Readers Connect to DS-K2600
Series Access Controllers
Connecting card reader to access controll is mainly applied to swiping card or fingerprints to open the
door for entering and exiting. The models of card reader and access controller in this guide are as below:
1. Please cut off power supply before wiring;
2. DS-K1200 Series Fingerprint Card Readers support private RS485 protocol; the details about RS-485
interface of fingerprint card reader are as below:
3. Correspondingly, there are RS485 interfaces in DS-K2600 series access controllers; you can find RS-
485 interface at the same position in DS-K2601/02/04 access controllers, as pictures show:
4. Please check the rear panel of card reader and unscrew it, you could find DIP switch module;
The No. of DIP switch from left to right is 1~4:
DS-K1200 Series Card Readers Connect
to DS-K2600 Series Access Controllers
For example, the binary value of the above status is 0011.
Step 1: DIP Switch
Please set the DIP switch firstly before connecting the card reader, more details about the binary value of
the card reader by setting DIP Switch to correspond with the door, please check the table below:
Step 2: RS-485 Wiring
Please connect card reader to door station as following picture:
1. Actually you can find RS485 A/B/C/D interfaces in access controller; we extend RS485 A interface
to the wiring distribution for easier cable connection and we use RS485B interface for backup, the
cable connection as following picture:
2. About wiring materials, we suggest customer choose RVVP cable.