Table of Contents
Keys............................................................................................ 1
Locking and Unlocking the Device Keys................................ 1
Status Icons........................................................................... 1
Opening the Menu................................................................. 1
Training........................................................................... 1
Going for a Run.......................................................................... 1
Forerunner 235 Only...................................................................1
Wearing the Device and Heart Rate...................................... 1
Viewing the Heart Rate Widget.............................................. 1
Broadcasting Heart Rate Data to Garmin® Devices.............. 2
Tips for Erratic Heart Rate Data.............................................2
Activity Tracking..........................................................................2
Turning On Activity Tracking.................................................. 2
Using the Move Alert..............................................................2
Auto Goal............................................................................... 2
Using Do Not Disturb Mode................................................... 2
Sleep Tracking............................................................................ 2
Training Indoors.......................................................................... 2
Following a Workout From the Web.......................................3
Starting a Workout................................................................. 3
About the Training Calendar.................................................. 3
Interval Workouts................................................................... 3
Personal Records.................................................................. 3
Heart Rate Features....................................................... 3
Setting Your Heart Rate Zones...................................................4
Letting the Device Set Your Heart Rate Zones.......................... 4
Physiological Measurements...................................................... 4
About VO2 Max. Estimates.................................................... 4
Viewing Your Predicted Race Times..................................... 4
Recovery Advisor................................................................... 4
Recovery Heart Rate............................................................. 5
Turning Off the Wrist Heart Rate Monitor................................... 5
Smart Features............................................................... 5
Pairing Your Smartphone........................................................... 5
Phone Notifications................................................................ 5
Opening the Music Controls...................................................5
Playing Audio Alerts During Your Run................................... 5
Widgets....................................................................................... 5
Bluetooth Controls Widget..................................................... 5
Viewing the Weather Widget..................................................6
VIRB Remote......................................................................... 6
Bluetooth Connected Features................................................... 6
Turning On the Smartphone Connection Alert....................... 6
Locating a Lost Smartphone.................................................. 6
Turning Off Bluetooth Technology......................................... 6
Connect IQ™ Features............................................................... 6
Downloading Connect IQ Features........................................ 6
History............................................................................. 6
Viewing History........................................................................... 6
Viewing Your Time in Each Heart Rate Zone........................ 7
Viewing Data Totals.................................................................... 7
Deleting History.......................................................................... 7
Data Management...................................................................... 7
Deleting Files......................................................................... 7
Disconnecting the USB Cable................................................7
Sending Data to Your Garmin Connect Account........................ 7
Garmin Connect..........................................................................7
Customizing Your Device.............................................. 7
ANT+ Sensors............................................................................ 7
Pairing ANT+ Sensors........................................................... 7
Foot Pod................................................................................ 8
Setting Up Your User Profile.......................................................8
Activity Profiles........................................................................... 8
Changing Your Activity Profile............................................... 8
Activity Settings.......................................................................... 8
Customizing the Data Screens.............................................. 8
Alerts...................................................................................... 8
Using Auto Pause®............................................................... 8
Marking Laps by Distance......................................................9
Using Auto Scroll................................................................... 9
Changing the GPS Setting..................................................... 9
Power Save Timeout Settings................................................9
Activity Tracking Settings............................................................9
System Settings.......................................................................... 9
Changing the Device Language............................................ 9
Time Settings......................................................................... 9
Backlight Settings.................................................................. 9
Setting the Device Sounds.....................................................9
Changing the Units of Measure............................................. 9
Format Settings......................................................................9
Data Recording Settings........................................................ 9
Device Information....................................................... 10
Charging the Device................................................................. 10
Forerunner Specifications.................................................... 10
Heart Rate Monitor Specifications....................................... 10
Device Care.............................................................................. 10
Cleaning the Device............................................................. 10
Caring for the Heart Rate Monitor........................................ 10
User Replaceable Batteries................................................. 10
Troubleshooting........................................................... 11
Support and Updates................................................................ 11
Getting More Information.......................................................... 11
Acquiring Satellite Signals........................................................ 11
Improving GPS Satellite Reception.......................................... 11
Resetting the Device.................................................................11
Clearing User Data................................................................... 11
Restoring All Default Settings................................................... 11
Viewing Device Information...................................................... 11
Updating the Software.............................................................. 11
Maximizing Battery Life.............................................................11
My daily step count does not appear........................................ 11
Tips for Erratic Heart Rate Data............................................... 11
Appendix....................................................................... 12
Data Fields................................................................................12
Software License Agreement................................................... 12
BSD 3-Clause License..............................................................12
Heart Rate Zone Calculations...................................................13
VO2 Max. Standard Ratings..................................................... 13
Index.............................................................................. 14
Table of Contents i

See the
product box for product warnings and other important
Always consult your physician before you begin or modify any
exercise program.
Important Safety and Product Information guide in the
Hold to turn the device on and off.
Select to turn the backlight on and off.
Select to start and stop the timer.
Select to choose an option or to acknowledge a
Select to mark a new lap.
Select to return to the previous screen.
Select to scroll through the widgets, data screens,
options, and settings.
Select > to select an activity profile.
Select > to open the menu.
Hold to view the options menu.
Going for a Run
The first fitness activity you record on your device can be a run,
ride, or any outdoor activity. You may need to charge the device
Charging the Device, page 10)
Select , and select an activity profile.
Go outside, and wait while the device locates satellites.
Select to start the timer.
Go for a run.
After you complete your run, select to stop the timer.
Select an option:
• Select Resume to restart the timer.
• Select Save to save the run and reset the timer. You can
select the run to view a summary.
before starting the activity.
Locking and Unlocking the Device Keys
You can lock the device keys to avoid accidental key presses
during an activity or in watch mode.
Hold .
Lock Device.
Hold to unlock the device keys.
Status Icons
Icons appear at the top of the home screen. A flashing icon
means the device is searching for a signal. A solid icon means
the signal was found or the sensor is connected.
GPS status
Bluetooth® technology status
Heart rate status
Foot pod status
Speed and cadence sensor status
tempe™ sensor status
VIRB® camera status
Opening the Menu
Select .
Select .
• Select Discard
> Yes
to delete the run.
Forerunner 235 Only
Wearing the Device and Heart Rate
• Wear the Forerunner device above your wrist bone.
NOTE: The device should be snug but comfortable, and it
should not move while running.
• Do not damage the heart rate sensor on the back of the
• See (Tips for Erratic Heart Rate Data,
information about wrist-based heart rate.
Viewing the Heart Rate Widget
The widget displays your current heart rate in beats per minute
(bpm), lowest resting heart rate for today, and a graph of your
heart rate.
From the time of day screen, select .
page 2) for more
Introduction 1

Select to view your average resting heart values for the last
7 days.
Broadcasting Heart Rate Data to
You can broadcast your heart rate data from your Forerunner
device and view it on paired Garmin devices. For example, you
can broadcast your heart rate data to an Edge® device while
cycling, or to a VIRB action camera during an activity.
NOTE: Broadcasting heart rate data decreases battery life.
Select to view the heart rate widget.
Hold .
Select Broadcast Heart Rate.
The Forerunner device starts broadcasting your heart rate
data, and appears.
NOTE: You can view only the heart rate widget while
broadcasting heart rate data.
Pair your Forerunner device with your Garmin ANT+
compatible device.
NOTE: The pairing instructions differ for each Garmin
compatible device. See your owner's manual.
TIP: To stop broadcasting your heart rate data, select any
key, and select Yes.
Tips for Erratic Heart Rate Data
If the heart rate data is erratic or does not appear, you can try
these tips.
• Clean and dry your arm before putting on the device.
• Avoid wearing sunscreen under the device.
• Wear the device above your wrist bone. The device should
be snug but comfortable.
NOTE: You can try wearing the device higher on your
forearm. You can try wearing the device on your other arm.
• Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes and get a heart rate reading
before starting your activity.
NOTE: In cold environments, warm up indoors.
• Rinse the device with fresh water after each workout.
Activity Tracking
Using the Move Alert
Before you can use the move alert, you must turn on activity
Sitting for prolonged periods of time can trigger undesirable
metabolic state changes. The move alert reminds you to keep
moving. After one hour of inactivity, Move! and the red bar
appear. The device also beeps or vibrates if audible tones are
turned on (Setting the Device Sounds,
Go for a short walk (at least a couple of minutes) to reset the
move alert.
page 9).
Auto Goal
Your device creates a daily step goal automatically, based on
your previous activity levels. As you move during the day, the
device shows your progress toward your daily goal À.
If you choose not to use the auto goal feature, you can set a
personalized step goal on your Garmin Connect™ account.
Using Do Not Disturb Mode
Before you can use do not disturb mode, you must pair your
device with a smartphone (Pairing Your Smartphone,
page 5).
You can use do not disturb mode to turn off the backlight, alert
tones, and vibrations. For example, you can use this mode while
sleeping or watching a movie.
NOTE: You can set your normal sleep hours in the user settings
on your Garmin Connect account. The device automatically
enters do not disturb mode during your normal sleep hours.
From the time of day screen, select to view the controls
Select > Do Not Disturb > On.
You can turn off do not disturb mode from the controls
Sleep Tracking
While you are sleeping, the device monitors your movement.
Sleep statistics include total hours of sleep, sleep levels, and
sleep movement. You can set your normal sleep hours in the
user settings on your Garmin Connect account. You can view
your sleep statistics on your Garmin Connect account.
Turning On Activity Tracking
The activity tracking feature records your daily step count, step
goal, distance traveled, and calories burned for each recorded
day. Your calories burned includes your base metabolism plus
activity calories.
Activity tracking can be enabled during the initial device setup,
or at any time.
Select Menu > Settings > Activity Tracking > Status > On.
Your step count does not appear until the device locates
satellites and sets the time automatically. The device may
need a clear view of the sky to locate satellite signals.
From the time of day screen, select to view the activity
tracking widget.
The step count is updated periodically.
2 Training
Training Indoors
The device includes indoor activity profiles where GPS is turned
off. You can turn off GPS when you are training indoors or to
save battery life.
NOTE: Any change to the GPS setting is saved to the active
Select Menu > Activity Settings > GPS > Off.
When running with GPS turned off, speed and distance are
calculated using the accelerometer in the device. The
accelerometer is self-calibrating. The accuracy of the speed
and distance data improves after a few outdoor runs using
You can create custom workouts that include goals for each
workout step and for varied distances, times, and calories. You