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Gar min® a nd th e Ga rmin logo are trade marks of Garmi n Lt d. o r its sub sidia ries, reg ister ed i n the USA and other coun trie s. T hese trad emark s ma y not be u sed witho ut th e ex press perm issi on of Gar min.
Gar min ™, G armin Exp ress™, myT rends™ , nüM aps Guara ntee™, and nüMa ps Li feti me™ ar e tr adema rks o f Ga rmin Ltd. or its s ubsid iari es. Thes e tra demar ks m ay no t be used with out t he e xpres s pe rmiss ion o f Ga rmin.
And roid™ is a trad emark of G oogl e Inc . Ap ple® and M ac® a re tr adema rks of Ap ple I nc, regis tere d in the U .S. and othe r co untri es. The Bluet ooth® word mark and logo s are own ed by the Blue tooth SIG , Inc ., a nd a ny us e of such word mark or logo by
Gar min i s und er l icens e. F ours quare ® is a tra demar k of Four squar e La bs, I nc. in t he U. S. and in ot her count ries. HD Radi o™ and the HD l ogo are t radem arks of i Biqui ty D igita l Cor pora tion. HD Radi o Tec hnol ogy m anufa ctur ed un der l icen se fr om
iBi quity Digi tal Corpo ratio n. U.S. and for eign pate nts. micr oSD® and t he mi croS DHC l ogo are t radem arks of S D-3C, LLC . Tr ipAdv isor® is a reg ister ed tr adem ark o f Tri pAdv isor LLC. Win dows®, Win dows Vista ®, an d Win dows XP® a re re gist ered
tra demar ks of Mic rosof t Cor pora tion in th e Un ited Stat es an d oth er c ountr ies.

• You can use the Garmin Express™ software (garmin.com
/express) to update the camera database stored on your
device. You should update your device frequently to receive
the most up-to-date camera information.
Navigating to Your Destination
A route is a path from your current location to one or more
• The device calculates a recommended route to your
destination based on the preferences you set, including the
route calculation mode (Changing the Route Calculation
and Areas
• You can start navigating to your destination quickly using the
recommended route, or you can select an alternate route
(Starting a Route
• If there are specific roads you need to use or avoid, you can
customize the route (Shaping Your Route, page 5).
• You can add multiple destinations to a route (Adding a
Location to Your Route, page 4)
Starting a Route
Select Where To?, and search for a location (Finding and
Saving Locations, page 6)
Select a location.
Select an option:
• To start navigating using the recommended route, select
• To choose an alternate route, select , and select a route.
Alternate routes appear to the right of the map.
• To edit the course of the route, select >
add shaping points to the route (Shaping Your Route,
page 5).
The device calculates a route to the location and guides you
using voice prompts and information on the map (Your Route on
the Map
appears at the edge of the map for several seconds.
If you need to stop at additional destinations, you can add the
locations to your route (
page 4)
Starting a Route by Using the Map
You can start route by selecting a location from the map.
Going Home
The first time you start a route home, the device prompts you to
enter your home location.
Editing Your Home Location
Drag and zoom the map to display the area to search.
If necessary, select to filter the displayed points of interest
by category.
Location markers ( or a blue dot) appear on the map.
Select an option:
• Select a location marker.
• Select a point, such as a street, intersection, or address
Select Where To?
If necessary, enter your home location.
Select Where To? > >
5) and avoidances (Avoiding Delays, Tolls,
, page
, page 5).
, page 3).
Edit Route
, page 3). A preview of the major roads in your route
Adding a Location to Your Route,
View Map.
> Go Home
Set Home Location
, and
Enter your home location.
Your Route on the Map
As you travel, the device guides you to your destination using
voice prompts and information on the map. Instructions for your
next turn or exit, or other actions appear across the top of the
Next action in the route. Indicates the next turn, exit, or other action
and the lane in which you should travel, if available.
Distance to the next action.
Name of the street or exit associated with the next action.
Route highlighted on the map.
Next action in the route. Arrows on the map indicate the location of
upcoming actions.
Vehicle speed.
Name of the road on which you are traveling.
Estimated arrival time.
You can touch this field to change the information it shows
Changing the Map Data Field, page 10)
Active Lane Guidance
As you approach some turns, exits, or interchanges in your
route, a detailed simulation of the road appears beside the map,
if available. A colored line À indicates the proper lane for the
Viewing Turns and Directions
While navigating a route, you can view upcoming turns, lane
changes, or other directions for your route.
From the map, select an option:
• To view upcoming turns and directions as you navigate,
select > Turns.
The map tool displays the next four turns or directions
beside the map. The list updates automatically as you
navigate the route.
• To view the complete list of turns and directions for the
entire route, select the text bar at the top of the map.
Select a turn or direction (optional).
Detailed information appears. An image of the junction may
appear for junctions on major roadways, if available.
Viewing the Entire Route on the Map
While navigating a route, select anywhere on the map.
Select .
Navigating to Your Destination 3