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The ReadMe File
The TONKA Monster TrucksCD-ROM game has a ReadMe file where you can view both the License Agreement and updated information about the game. To view this file, double-click on that file in the TONKA Monster
Trucksdirectory found on your hard drive (usually C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\TONKA Monster Trucks). You can also view the ReadMe file by first clicking on the Start button on your Win95/98/Me
taskbar, then on Programs, then on Infogrames Interactive, then on TONKA Monster Trucks, and finally on the ReadMe file item.
System Requirements
Operating System: Windows
Processor: Pentium
II 233 MHz or higher Memory: 32 MB RAM Hard Disk Space: 200 MB Free CD-ROM Drive: 8X Speed Video: 4 MB 3D Video card* Sound: Windows
95/98/Me-compatible sound card*
: DirectX®version 8.0 (included) or higher
* Indicates device should be compatible with DirectX
version 8.0 or higher.
1. Start Windows®95/98/Me.
2. Insert the TONKA Monster TrucksCD-ROM game disc into your CD-ROM drive.
3. If auto-play is enabled, a title screen should appear. If auto-play is not enabled, double-click on the “My
Computer” icon on your Win95/98/Me desktop. Next, double-click on your CD-ROM icon to install the game. If the install screen still does not appear at this point, locate the “setup.exe” file in the install folder of the TONKA Monster Trucksgame disc and double-click on it.
First Things First........................................................................................................3
The ReadMe File................................................................................................3
System Requirements ........................................................................................3
Setup and Installation ................................................................................................3
Welcome to TONKA Monster Trucks! ..........................................................................4
Main Menu................................................................................................................4
Types of Tracks..........................................................................................................6
The Different Play Modes ..........................................................................................7
Quick Start Mode ..............................................................................................7
Career Mode......................................................................................................7
Career Mode Menu Hot Spots ....................................................................................8
Customize Your Monster Trucks!..................................................................................9
Edit Your Tracks!......................................................................................................10
Selecting Trucks........................................................................................................12
Controlling Vehicles ..................................................................................................12
The Different Tricks..................................................................................................14
Controlling Your Viewing Angle ................................................................................15
Print Shop ..............................................................................................................15
Infogrames Web Sites..............................................................................................16
Technical Support......................................................................................................17
License Agreement ..................................................................................................19
Credits ....................................................................................................................24
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B. Career Mode
Click here if you want to push your skills to the limit by driving on a series of challenging courses as described on page 7.
C. Print Shop
Click here if you want to print pictures of monster trucks, licenses and certificates as described on page 15.
D. Options
Click here to go to the Options menu. From there you can adjust the following:
Controls – Click here to select the type of input device you will use for the game (Keyboard, Mouse, Game Pad, or TONKA Dig ‘n Rigs Playset).
Redefine Controls – To redefine a key or button on your selected input device, click on its corresponding on-screen text and then press the Enter key on your keyboard to erase the current entry. Next, press the new key or button (on your input device) that you would like to use for that function. A text description of the new key or button that you selected will then appear on screen.
SFX Volume– To adjust the sound effects volume, select the volume bar by clicking on it; then drag the tab on the slider bar to adjust the volume.
Music Volume– To adjust the music volume, select the volume bar by clicking on it; then drag the tab on the slider bar to adjust the volume.
Level of Detail – On slower computers you may need to reduce the level of screen detail to increase the game speed. Important! Only adjust this option if your display is slow and jerky. To adjust the level of detail, select the detail bar by clicking on it; then drag the tab on the slider bar to adjust the level of detail.
Auto-Tricks– When this option is activated, your truck will automatically perform a series of tricks once it becomes airborne off of a jump. Note: This feature is designed to be used by novice and/or younger drivers who might find it difficult to perform the trick controls outlined on page 13.
4. Follow the remainder of the on-screen instructions to finish installing the TONKA Monster Trucks
CD-ROM game.
5. Once installation is complete, click on the Start button on the Win95/98/Me taskbar and choose
Programs/Infogrames Interactive/TONKA Monster Trucks/TONKA Monster Trucks to start the game.
Note: You must have the TONKA Monster Trucksgame disc in your CD-ROM drive to play. Installation of DirectX
The TONKA Monster TrucksCD-ROM requires DirectX®8.0 or higher in order to run. If you do not have DirectX
8.0 or higher installed on your computer, click “Yes” when asked if you would like to install it.
Get ready to enter the exciting world of TONKA Monster Trucks, where kids can create and drive the biggest, toughest trucks around! The fun begins in the garage, where monster trucks can be customized with a choice of powerful engines, all-terrain tires, and colorful paint jobs. Then it’s time to kick up some dirt on the TONKA tracks. Drive over ramps, do cool stunts and tricks, and race with friends. This is tough TONKA fun!...
From the Main Menu, select from the following:
A. Quick Start Mode
Click here if you simply want to jump into a monster truck and get crushing, jumping and racing as described on page 7. In Quick Start Mode you can also compete against the times and scores of up to 3 other players on the same course.
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Race Tracks
Race tracks challenge you to get from point A to point B in the shortest time. Along the way you can smash, bash, jump and perform tricks for extra points!
The TONKA Monster TrucksCD-ROM game features both a Quick Start Mode and a Career Mode. The different modes provide access to different tracks, activities, levels and ways of playing.
This mode allows you to quickly jump into a monster truck and get driving. Simply select the number of players who want to play, then select your truck and your track (or edit one as described on page 10), and go! Each player’s score is recorded on the scoreboard so that you can compare scores and times. Note: Quick Start Mode is the only mode where multiple players (1 to 4 players taking turns) can race.
In this mode, you compete on a series of different tracks to become the Greatest Monster Truck Driver. To begin your career, click on one of the following:
New Game
To start a new game, you must first sign in. Type your name on a blank driver’s license to make it your own, press the Enter key, and then click on the Thumbs Up button. (To delete an existing license, first click on the license to select it and then click on the Trash Can icon.) After you enter your name, you must choose a helmet design to represent you.
E. Credits
Click here to see the names of the people who worked so hard to bring you this cool game.
F. Exit
Click here to exit the game and return to your Windows
There’s a lot to do in the TONKA Monster Trucks CD-ROM game — and lots of tracks to do it on! Each track has its own unique features, requires different skills, gives you the opportunity to earn points, and falls into one of these three categories:
Open Free Style Tracks
Free Style tracks resemble a skateboard park. You can go in any direction, off of any jump or smash into any obstacle. To earn points for tricks, your driving has to be particularly creative!
Open Stunt Tracks
These tracks are designed so that you can pull off really awesome stunts! Earn points for “airtime” and successfully executed tricks, or for crushing and smashing objects. Go wild!
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B. Edit Track
This hot spot allows you to customize your very own tracks as described on page 10. In Career Mode you can save and retrieve up to four tracks of each type.
C. Customize Truck
This hot spot allows you to select and/or customize your monster trucks as described below.
D. Training
This hot spot allows you to practice your driving skills without the pressure of scores and time. Practice jumps, tricks, crushing and stunts with a little help from TONKA JOE
. Each time you learn a new skill, you will be rewarded. Once you’ve mastered all of the skills, a new certificate will be added to your driver’s license. See the “Print Shop” on page 15.
E. Score Board
Click here to view the most recent score board race results.
F. Career Mode Tracks
This hot spot allows you to choose your career track path.
From the Career Mode menu screen, click on the Customize Truck hot spot. Next, enter the Truck Garage by clicking on the transparent truck parked in the center of the parking lot. This truck is what you will customize in the garage by selecting such features as:
• Body Design • Paint Color
• Decal Designs • Engine Type
• Tire Type
Note: Although some features will not affect your vehicle’s performance, they will all determine how COOL your monster truck looks.
Click on the helmet icon to access the Helmet Designs screen. Select the design you want for your license. Next, click on the color-chip screen icon to open the Color Selector window. Select the color you want for your helmet. Click on the Thumbs Up icon when you are done.
Note: Your career progress and scores, along with your customized vehicles and tracks, are saved to your driver’s license.
Load Game
To load a previously saved game, click on the license that features your name and then click on the Thumbs Up icon. Doing so will take you to where you left off in your career the last time you played.
When you first start your career, only one track will be available to you. During play, however, your choice of tracks expands every time you beat a challenge. This continues until you reach the ultimate
Career Mode challenge — the Bonus tracks! Before each event, you can change your truck by clicking on the Customize Truck hot spot. Note: If you beat a track challenge, you will be awarded a certificate that you can print out from the Print
Shop as described on page 15.
From the Career Mode menu screen, select any of the following hot spots by clicking on it:
A. Free Play
This hot spot allows you to play through four available open track challenges in any order using a pre-made truck or one of your customized trucks. See “Customize Your Monster Trucks” on page 9. When your total score for the four tracks hits a pre­determined number, two Bonus tracks will become unlocked.
Hint! Free Play gives you the chance to get in some “no-pressure” practice runs.
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+ 10 hidden pages