Flanking I
Shock Ambush Combat IV
Medic IIMedic I
Combat V
Navigation I Navigation II
Combat II Combat III
Flanking II Mobility City Raider I
City Raider II City Raider III
Barrage I Barrage II Barrage III
City Garrison I City Garrison II City Garrison III
Drill I Drill II
Guerilla I Guerilla II
Woodsman I Woodsman II
Drill III
Drill IV
Combat I
NOT/ONLY available to
recon melee gunpowder archer mounted armor helicopter siege naval
+10% withdrawal +20% withdrawal, immune to first strikes -1 terrain movement costs
+1 movement +1 movement
+25% vs. melee
+25% vs. guns
+25% vs.archers
+25% vs. armor
+25% vs. mounted
+25% vs. siege
no combat penalties for attacking across river or from sea
heal +10% (adjacent tile)heal +10% (same tile)
recover health while moving
multiple attacks per turn
+10% strength+10% strength +10% strength
+10% strength, recover +10% health in neutral
+10% strength, recover +10% health in enemy lands
+1 first strike chance
+20% city defense
+20% collateral
+20% hills defense
+20% forest defense +20% jungle defense
+2 first strike chances
+25% city defense
+30% collateral +10% vs. melee
+2 extra first strike
+30% city defense +10% vs. melee
+50% collateral +10% vs. guns
+25% vs. cities+20% vs. cities +30% vs. cities
+10% vs. guns
+30% hills defense double movement in hills
+30% forest defense +30% jungle defense double movement in forest double movement in jungle
+1 visibility range
use enemy roads
+2 extra first strike +10% vs mounted
+10% cities bombard damage
Civic Name Upkeep Cost Required Technology Effect One Effect Two
Despotism Low None None None
Hereditary Rule Medium Monarchy +1 happy per military None
unit stationed in city
Representation Low Constitution +3 beakers per specialist +3 happy in 5 largest cities
Police State High Fascism +25% military unit production -50% war weariness
Universal Suffrage Medium Democracy +1 hammer from town Can spend gold to finish production in a city
Barbarism Low None None None
Vassalage High Feudalism New units receive +2 experience points Lower unit support costs
Bureaucracy Medium Civil Service +50% hammers, +50% gold in capital None
Nationhood Low Nationalism Can draft 3 units per turn +2 happy per Barracks
Free Speech None Liberalism +2 gold from town +100% culture in all cities
Tribalism Low None None None
Slavery Low Bronze Working Can sacrifice population None
to finish production in a city
Serfdom Low Feudalism Workers build improvements +50% faster None
Caste System Medium Code of Laws Unlimited Artists, Scientist, Merchant None
Civic Name Upkeep Cost Required Technology Effect One Effect Two
Emancipation None Democracy +100% growth for cottage, Unhappiness penalty for
hamlet, village civs without Emancipation
Decentralization Low None None None
Mercantilism Medium Banking +1 free specialist per city No foreign trade routes
Free Market Low Economics +1 trade routes per city None
State Property None Communism No maintenance costs +1 food from workshop, watermill
from distance to palace
Environmentalism High Ecology +5 health in all cities +1 happy from jungle, forest
Paganism Low None None None
Organized Religion High Monotheism Can build missionaries without monastery Cities with state religion construct
buildings +25% faster
Theocracy Medium Theology +2 experience points in cities No non-state religion spread
with state religion
Pacifism None Philosophy +100% great person birth rate +1 gold support cost
in cities with state religion per military unit
Free Religion Low Liberalism No state religion, +10% research in all cities
+1 happy per religion in a city
Improvements/ Requires Food Production Commerce Comments
Camp Hunting +0 +0 +0
Deer +1, +2 with Camp 0 0 +1 health
Fur 0 0 +1, +3 with Camp +1 happy
Ivory 0 +1, +1 with Camp +1 with Camp +1 happy
Cottage Pottery 0 0 +1g Becomes a Hamlet in 10 turns
Hamlet Pottery 0 0 +2g Becomes a Village in 20 turns
Village Pottery 0 0 +3, +1 with Printing Press Becomes a Town in 40 turns
Town Pottery 0 +1 with Universal Suffrage +4, +1 with Printing Press,
+2 with Free Speech
Farm Agriculture +1,+1 with Biolog y 0 0 Carries irrigation (with Civil Service)
Corn +1, +2 with Farm 0 0 +1 health
Rice +1, +1 with Farm 0 0 +1 health
Wheat +1, +2 with Farm 0 0 +1 health
Fishing Boats Fishing 0 0 0
Clam +1, +2 with Fishing Boats 0 0 +1 health
Crab +1, +2 with Fishing Boats 0 0 +1 health
Fish +1, +3 with Fishing Boats 0 0 +1 health
Fort Mathematics 0 0 0 +25% defense
Hit Movies Hollywood 0 0 0 +1 happy
Hit Musicals Broadway 0 0 0 +1 happy
Hit Singles Rock N Roll 0 0 0 +1 happy
Lumbermill Replaceable Parts 0 +1 +1 next to river
Mine Mining 0 +2 0 Small chance to discover metals
Aluminum Industrialism 0 +1, +3 with Mine +1 with Mine
Coal Steam Power 0 +1, +3 with Mine 0
Copper Bronze Working 0 +1, +3 with Mine 0
Iron Iron Working 0 +1, +3 with Mine 0
Uranium Physics 0 0 +3 with Mine
Gems 0 +1 with Mine +1,+5 with Mine +1 happy
Improvements/ Requires Food Production Commerce Comments
Gold 0 +1 with mine +1, +6 with mine +1 happy
Silver 0 +1 with mine +1, +4 with mine +1 happy
Offshore Platform Plastics 0 0 0
Oil Scientific Method 0 +1, +2 with offshore platform +1 with offshore platform
Pasture Animal Husbandry 0 0 0
Horse 0 +1, +2 with pasture +1 with pasture
Cow +1, +1 with pasture +2 with pasture 0 +1 health
Pig +1, +3 with pasture 0 0 +1 health
Sheep +1,+2 with pasture 0 +1 with pasture +1 health
Plantation Calendar 0 0 0
Banana +1, +2 with plantation 0 0 +1 health
Dye 0 0 +1, +4 with plantation +1 ha ppy
Incense 0 0 +1, +5 with plantation +1 happy
Silk 0 0 +1, +3 with plantation +1 happy
Spices +1 with plantation 0 +1, +2 with plantation +1 happy
Sugar +1, +1 with plantation 0 +1 with plantation +1 ha ppy
Quarry Masonry 0 0 0
Marble 0 +1, +1 with quarry +2 with quarry
Stone 0 +1, +2 with quarry 0
Watermill Machinery +1 with State Property +1, +1 with Replaceable Parts +2 with Electricity
Well Combustion 0 0 0
Oil Scientific Method 0 +1,+2 with well +1 with well
Whaling Boats Optics 0 0 0
Whale +1 +1 with whaling boats +2 with whaling boats +1 happy
Windmill Machinery +1 +1 with Replaceable Parts +1,+1 with Electricity
Winery Monarchy 0 0 0
Wines +1 with winery 0 +1, +2 with winery +1 happy
Workshop Metal Casting -1, +1 food with State Property +1, +1 with Guilds, 0
+1 with Replaceable Parts
Promotions in
Promotion Name Required Promotions Available to Effect
Accuracy City Raider I or Barrage I Siege +10% city bombard dama ge
Ambush Combat II Siege, Gunpowder, +25% vs. armored units
Armored, Helicopter
Amphibious Combat II Recon, Mounted,Archery, No combat penalty for attacking
Melee, Siege, Gunpowder from sea or across river
Barrage I None Siege, Armored +20% collateral damage
Barrage II Barrage I Siege, Armored +30% collateral damage,
+10% vs. melee units
Barrage III Barrage II Siege, Armored +50% collateral damage,
+10% vs. gunpowder units
Blitz Combat III Mounted, Armored, Helicopter Can attack multiple times per turn
Charge Combat II Mounted,Melee, Armored, Helicopter +25% vs.siege weapons
City Garrison I None Archery, Gunpowder +20% city defense
City Garrison II City Garrison I Archery,Gunpowder +25% city defense
City Garrison III City Garrison II Archery, Gunpowder +30% city defense,
+10% vs. melee units
City Raider I None Melee, Siege,Armored +20% city attack
City Raider II City Raider I Melee, Siege,Armored +25% city attack
City Raider III City Raider II Melee, Siege, Armored +30% city attack,
+10% vs. gunpowder units
Combat I None All +10% strength
Promotion Name Required Promotions Available to Effect
Combat II Combat I All +10% strength
Combat III Combat II All +10% strength
Combat IV Combat III All +10% strength, heals extra 10% damage
per turn in neutral lands
Combat V Combat IV All +10% strength, heals extra 10% damage
per turn in enemy lands
Commando Combat IV Recon, Archery,Mounted, Can use enemy roads
Melee, Gunpowder,Armored
Cover Combat I Archery, Melee, Gunpowder +25% vs.archery units
Drill I None Archery,Siege, Armored, 1 extra first strike chance
Helicopter,Na val
Drill II Drill I Archery, Siege,Armored, 1 extra first strike
Helicopter,Na val
Drill III Drill II Archery,Siege, Armored, +2 first strike chances
Helicopter,Na val
Drill IV Drill III Archery, Siege, Armored, +2 first strikes,
Helicopter,Na val +10% vs. mounted units
Flanking I None Mounted, Armored, +10% withdraw chance
Helicopter,Na val
Flanking II Flanking I Mounted,Armored, +20% withdraw chance;
Helicopter,Na val Immune to First Strike
Formation Combat II Archery, Mounted, +25% vs. mounted units
Melee, Gunpowder
Promotion Name Required Promotions Available to Effect
Guerilla I None Recon,Archery, Gunpowder +20% hills defense
Guerilla II Guerilla I Recon,Archery, Gunpowder +30% hills defense,
double movement in hills
March Combat III or Medic I Recon, Archery, Mounted, Can heal while moving
Melee, Siege, Gunpowder
Medic I Combat I All except Armored and Helicopter Heals units in the same tile
extra 10% damage per turn
Medic II Medic I All except Armored and Helicopter Heals units in adjacent tiles
extra 10% damage per turn
Mobility Flanking II Mounted, Armored -1 terrain movement cost
Navigation I Flanking I Naval +1 movement range
Navigation II Navigation I Naval +1 movement range
Pinch Combat I Mounted, Gunpowder,Armored, Helicopter +25% vs. gunpowder units
Sentry Combat III or Flanking I Recon, Mounted, Helicopter, Naval +1 visibility range
Shock Combat I Archery, Mounted, Melee, Siege +25% vs. melee units
Woodsman I None Recon, Melee, Gunpowder +20% jungle defense,
+20% forest defense
Woodsman II Woodsman I Recon, Melee,Gunpowder +30% jungle defense,
+30% forest defense,
double movement in jungle and forest