Basics — Walkthrough — Appendicies
Using the Guide
Welcome to Prima’s Offi cial Game Guide for Sierra’s Scarface™: The World Is Yours
fi nd all the information, tips, tricks, and strategies necessary to return Tony Montana to the role of top drug kingpin in the sweltering Miami
setting in the 1980s. Every page is packed with information on how best to regain Tony’s iron grip on the town that he once called his own…until
his untimely demise at the conclusion of the fi lm—a demise that he has managed to avoid. For now, anyway…
for Microsoft’s Xbox, Sony’s PlayStation 2, and Windows PC platforms. Herein you’ll
Default Controls
Action: On Foot Action: Vehicle Action: Menus Xbox PS2 PC
Character Movement Steer Navigate Menu Options Left Stick Left Stick W, A, S, D
Look/Move Camera Camera — Right Stick Right Stick V
Cycle Weapons Weapon Select Navigate Menu Options a or d a or d Mouse Wheel
— — Navigate Menu Options w w Arrow Keys
Conceal Weapon Conceal Weapon Navigate Menu Options x x 3
Run/Wall Cover Accelerate Select Menu Option 1 u e
Reload/Melee-Counter Brake/Reverse — 3 p R
Taunt, Talk; Hold for Blind Rage Hand Brake — 2 o T
Action/Engage Enter/Exit Vehicle Go Back a Screen 4 I E
Fire/Punch Fire — 8 R <
Secondary Fire Look Behind — 6 r >
Lock-On, Strafe Lock-On — 7 L ?
SAT Phone Menu SAT Phone Menu — 5 l t
Center Camera Cycle Camera Angles — r R3 h
Toggle Crouch Horn/Taunt — g L3 LEFT CTRL
Pause Pause — 9 s q
Turn Tape Player On/Off Turn Tape Player On/Off — 0 t T
Guide Contents
Gameplay Primer
Here you’ll fi nd everything you need
to know to achieve complete and
utter victory over the myriad forces
arrayed against Tony. This includes
(but is not limited to):
Combat: Featured here are both hand-to-hand
and more lethal options, with tips on how to
make the most of your available tools.
Empire Building: This is the pulsing heart of the meta-game—the game within the game. While
there is a straightforward mission mode (covered in the Walkthrough section), there is much,
much more to the game than simply going from point A to point B. In here we cover everything
from working with Dealers (or, perhaps, working them) to conquering territory that your rivals
would like to keep as their own.
This section goes into general strategies
applicable to the game at large. The Walkthrough section also
details the meta-game as it pertains to what point you are at in
the main game.
Balls: This section details how to build up and maximize your ability to earn Balls. Balls are the
basic unit of currency in the game when it comes to dealing with the various ladies. You also use
Balls to charge your Rage meter.
The Walkthrough section takes you
step-by-step through how to beat
the game inside and out. If you want
to fi ll Tony’s shoes, heed the words
written here.
Cars, people, cheats and more! This
large section is laden down with all
manner of in-depth info on all the
things we couldn’t put elsewhere in
the guide. Oh, and did we mention a
complete section of Cheats?
Tips, Notes, and Cautions
These include all sorts of helpful hints to aid you in
getting the most out of the game. They could contain some extra
information for defeating a boss, or a shortcut that gets you to your
goal quicker.
These include various bits of info that don’t
generally have a direct bearing on the gameplay at hand.
They could act as a reminder or point out a landmark that may
become important later in the game.
Paying close attention to these could
mean the difference between life and death for Tony. Generally,
these refer to situations where life, limb, or both are in peril.
Ignore these at your own risk!
With that all behind us, it’s time to turn the page and begin learning
what it takes to be Tony Montana. You don’t want to let Tony down,
do you?
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H: Henchman
G: Garage
B: Boathouse
M: Mansion
U: Uniques
F: Furniture
D: Décor
I: Investments
Exotic Cost
H: Driver $15,000 11,000 —
H: Boat Pilot $40,000 60,000 —
G: Bandit ST $10,000 2,400 —
G: Orient YU $12,000 3,000 —
G: Stretch Limo $250,000 20,000 —
G: GPV Offroad $14,000 1,000 —
B: Jet Boat $10,000 4,600 —
M: Renovate $25,000 47,000 —
U: Manny’s
$8,000 10,000 —
F: Liquor Cabinet $7,000 8,000 —
Comfy Chair $2,000 1,000 —
F: Cigar Stand $4,000 5,000 —
F: Jukebox $3,000 4,000 —
D: Stuffed Pelican $700 2,000 —
D: Bong $2,000 1,000 —
I: Montana Records $100,000 61,000
I: Montana
$2,000,000 40,000 Fronts Cost 10%
Increase Notes
Unlocks New
Music Tracks
& Creates New
Less to Purchase
Exotic Cost
H: Arms Dealer $15,000 37,000 —
H: Enforcer $30,000 40,000 —
G: Santa Monica $15,000 2,000 —
G: Monterey Shark $24,000 3,000 —
G: Caballo El Ray $16,000 1,500 —
G: Lakota Fastback $40,000 1,500 —
G: Mojave $28,000 5,000 —
B: Picklefork $53,000 25,000 —
B: Antique
$35,000 45,000 —
U: Gina’s Remains $8,000 19,000 —
F: Projection TV $55,000 45,000 —
F: Vending Machine $2,500 3,000 —
F: Liquor Display $4,500 5,000 —
D: Stuffed Tiger $24,500 60,000 —
D: Exotic Fern $500 2,000 —
D: Vintage Wine $8,000 11,000 —
I: Montana Fitness $1,500,000 200,000 All Henchmen Gain
Increase Notes
50% Health
Exotic Cost
G: Tomahawk $18,000 5,000 —
GS Wolhabend $45,000 20,000 —
Lightning $25,000 25,000 —
G: Delphine $50,000 40,000 —
G: Conick N29 $70,000 20,000 —
B: Cigarette Boat $160,000 180,000 —
M: Modern $400,000 100,000 —
U: Modern Art $147,000 90,000 —
F: Antique Comfy
$41,000 20,000 —
F: Drink Machine $2,000 4,000 —
F: Beer Cooler $1,000 2,000 —
D: Marble Statue $10,000 5,000 —
D: Tropical Plant $3,000 1,000 —
I: Montana
$1,200,000 443,000
Increase Notes
Unlocks Tony’s
Clothing Options
in the Cheat Menu
PRIMA Offi cial Game Guide
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