Games PC SCARFACE User Manual 2

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You call Felix to fi nd out more about Gaspar Gomez and decide to pay Gaspar a visit in person. Matters take a turn for the worse as you rip through the hotel suite, attempting to execute Gomez. You’ll need every bullet when tackling the assembled henchmen…and helicopter! Moving methodically down to a parking lot, you’ll steal an armored van containing Gomez’s ill-gotten gains and bank it yourself—if you can survive the drive!
La Normand Location: U-10
Stride into the hotel reception area and tell the attendant your intentions. Before he can call hotel security, you’re in the elevator, heading up to Gomez’s penthouse suite. A guy on an upper balcony might help you fi nd him. Bring out your SMG.
This attack is a murderous rampage with little time to rest. You must rely on sharp, manual targeting and Blind Rage episodes to keep you alive. Also, The King’s lyrics “fools rush in” apply to this fi refi ght. Stay back and kill from a distance.
Bring out your SMG and run around and up the ramp, turning right as you do. About 10 enemies are standing behind an indoor pool. Begin to manually target each one, dropping around fi ve from this partial cover. Optionally crouch to dodge a few more shots.
“F—k Gaspar Gomez….”
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You’ll be shot at by gang members from an upper balcony, so move to the top of the ramp, turn right, and fi nish off four or fi ve thugs on the same level as you. Stay close to the wall, so the balcony punks can’t shoot you.
Drop the nearer one fi rst, including those coming around the left corner near your position. With accurate manual shooting and taunting, you’ll have built your Rage meter by this time.
down three foes immediately, because no one notic- es you until you start fi ring or brandish a weapon!
PRIMA Offi cial Game Guide
This initial attack is crucial. Try to cut
Two tactics make this assault a little easier. First, check your mini-map for red dots: these are enemy locations. Second, auto-target everyone to quickly ascertain where they are, and if they’re enemies or innocents. These tech­niques are especially useful when only a few enemies remain.
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Remain on the fl oor near the pool and fi nish off this initial wave of attackers. Use auto­targeting to locate three or four foes on the upper balcony 180 degrees ahead and left of you, and slaughter them all.
Then look over the low wall to the curved lower area, and bring out the guns on a couple more thugs. Don’t enrage yourself just yet. During a lull in the carnage, claim the health by the bar, and pick up as much ammunition as you can.
You should have cleared all the enemies from the living rooms on the lower deck, so move around to the right, and head toward the thug-fi lled rear living area. This is an excellent spot to launch into a Blind Rage.
Be quick and mow down fi ve or six thugs, then climb the stairs and drop another three or so before the rage stops, then turn right, and fi nish the thugs in the sitting area across from you. Check the kitchen and the large table for ammo and any remaining enemies.
Smash a window to reach a health pack outside on the balcony. You could then move around the outside balcony itself, but this isn’t recommended as you’ll reach a well­guarded area with nearby enemies who can really damage you.
Head across to the sitting area after scouring the kitchen and interior balcony for ammo. Stand by the right wall, and blast two shotgun-toting bad guys from a distance. Then step and turn right, and
shoot a coked-up maniac in the bedroom. If you step into the open you’ll be ambushed, so stay at a distance!
The shotgun-wielding maniacs drop their weapons, and now is a great time to add them to your collection. However, you don’t want to lose the SMG, so select the pipe or pistol when you’re swapping weapons.
Basics — Walkthrough — Appendicies
Mission 5: Gaspar Gomez
Stride along the gallery where the shotgun wielders died, and head up the steps to the top balcony. Gaspar isn’t here, but his lieutenant, Ricardo, is. After you exchange some words with him, you remark, “The next thing outta your mouth is gonna be your teeth, puta!”
Begin combat with Ricardo. If you’re using melee attacks, simply tap the right trigger quickly after locking on; countering and shoving aren’t necessary. However, the counter move is easy and then you don’t need to run around after Ricardo.
You’re probably wounded after your fi refi ght, so don’t forget the health up here. Run to it before the fi ght starts if you need it.
Ricardo takes a long walk off a short balcony, landing with a messy thud on the ground below. Gaspar’s remaining thugs head straight into the building, intent on hunting you down.
A helicopter appears, and you have three options: You can blast it in a Blind Rage, which destroys it as long as you fi re at different sections of the chopper. Or, you can fi re at it from the balcony, shrugging off the incoming bullets. Or, you can ignore it.
Ignore the chopper and you can fi nish it after dealing with the foes inside. Also, shoot the chopper until it begins to smoke; after that it explodes on its own. Defeating the chopper increases your Balls.
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