1How to Play Sam & Max Hit the Road
About Sam & Max Hit the Road
hit the road with Sam & Max™ in pursuit of hyperthyroid thugs and sinister Sasquatch-nappers, you need a few facts on the case from the files of the Freelance Police:
It started simply enough with a call from the Commissioner. Soon Sam & Max were screaming down the highway (they have to scream since their siren broke) to the Kushman Bros. Carnival, where they learned that Bruno the Bigfoot and Trixie the Giraffe-Necked Girl had disappeared. They soon discovered this was part of a larger pattern of bigfoot disappearances, and all the clues would take them on a meandering romp across tacky U.S. tourist traps.
Solving this case is up to you! You direct the actions of Sam & Max, tearing down the road with mayhem on their minds and Corn Duds
on their breath, on a peril-fraught mission to make the world safe for Sasquatches and sentient mammals everywhere!
If this is your first computer adventure game, be prepared for an entertaining challenge. Be patient, even if it takes a while to figure out some of the puzzles. If you get stuck, you might want to solve another puzzle first, find and use a new object, or highway surf for a while. Stick with it and use your imagination… you and the Freelance Police will eventually bag your perpetrator!
3How to Play Sam & Max Hit the Road
These verb icons are also located in the inventory box (except the “walk” verb).
If you run any of the verb icons over a “hot spot” on the screen, the icon will animate. For example; move the closed eye icon over the TV set in the office. The eyeball will open. Now click your left mouse button and see what happens. Try the “use” icon with the TV.
To pick up an item, click the right mouse button until the pick-up icon comes up, and then click the left mouse button on the object you wish to pick up. The cursor will then become the object and you may then place it in your inventory box. You can also use an object in your inventory either with another inventory object or with an object on the screen.
The Max verb icon has a special function, as it enables Sam to enlist Max’s help at certain points in the game. With the “Max” cursor, click on any object (inanimate or animate) that you think needs Max’s help.
Talking to Characters
There are plenty of characters in the game with whom you can converse. Nearly everyone Sam & Max meet will have something to say, whether friendly or unfriendly...helpful, or unhelpful! Often, you can talk with someone at one point in the game, and
then return to him or her later to get new information. What you learn and discover in another area may open more conversational topics with someone to whom you’ve previously spoken. You may even have more than one question to ask certain characters. To talk with characters, right click through the cursor options until you see the mouth, or TALK TO option. Move it to the character you wish to talk to, and, when the mouth opens, left click on the character.
During a conversation, you select
what Sam may say by choosing icons.
Dialogue Icon Function
You may also see other icons on the dialogue icon line. These represent subjects for conversations. For instance, if Sam is talking to someone and you click on the Bruno the Sasquatch icon, Sam will ask about Bruno.
Playing the Game
To start the game on your computer, please use the computer reference card included with the game. It contains all the instructions specific to your computer.
As the story opens, Sam & Max are hanging out at their office when the phone rings . These non-interactive sequences are known as “cut-scenes” — short, animated sequences, like scenes from a movie — which can provide clues and information about the characters. Cut-scenes are also used to show special animated sequences, such as when Sam & Max deliver the goods in Bosco’s Market. When you are viewing a cut­scene, you do not direct the action.
You begin directing Sam’s actions as soon as the phone call is over. Max sort of does his own thing and follows along. If you have played an adventure game before, you may be saying, “Where’s my inventory? Where’s my interface?” Don’t worry. We wouldn’t leave you without an interface or inventory. Start clicking the right mouse button to cycle through the various verb icons:
Verb Icon Function
Go in/out of inventory box
Look at
Cannot look at
Pick up
Cannot pick up
Talk to
Cannot talk to
Cannot use
Walk (default)
Stand still
Use Max
2 Crimestompers’ Coloring Book
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