Build your political program (the Agenda, in the Consul Office) and have it face votes in the Hemicycle.
Prepare your agenda for the oncoming Senate session of the
year, which is later held in the Hemicycle.
• In the Office, select the political proposals for your agenda. No specific order is required. The available types are:
Military, Diplomatic, Political, Province and Exceptional.
• Clicking the folder on the desk will open the status of your
current agenda.
• In the information section, the 6 items you can click on will
provide you with information, faction by faction and also globally, relative to (from left to right): Consuls, Tribunes,
Provinces, Plebis, Income and Treasury
• Clicking on the door at the bottom-right will make you enter the Hemicycle (where the vote is held).
Lists the various proposals that you have established in the Consul office to date. It is set anew at the start of each
year. Everytime in the Consul Office that you complete and validate a proposal, it will be automatically placed in
the agenda.
Note: you cannot change a proposal, but you can click on the folder on the desk then “un-select” the proposal you
want to remove. It will not be presented.
Each proposal has:
• Number (i.e. rank of proposal) button,
• Title/short description
• Validate/Disable button
• Complete description of selected proposal
The number button (and arrows next to it) allow you to change
the order in which the proposals are listed. Note that the order
you will have finally arranged will be the order in which the proposals will be presented for the vote in the Senate.
Leaving the Consul Office, you enter the Hemicycle, where votes are held.
• The first proposal on the agenda of the Senior Consul is voted first. You can check the whole session agenda by
scrolling down the list of proposed motions.
• Each proposal, in the order established by the proposing faction, is presented to the vote. Information displayed:
• Proposal summary title and brief description
• Proposal’s effects if voted
• The vote really starts after a few seconds and cannot be stopped, unless you play a tribune or a valid stratagem
to cancel the whole proposal.
• As sponsor of a proposal, you can change the order in which factions will vote in this session, but not once the
vote has already started.
• The Senate session is closed once all proposals are voted.
Time is limited in the Consul Office and between each of the vote proposals.