Games PC NORMALITY User Manual

Written by Ade Carless Produced by Ade Carless & Mark Glossop Lead Programmer: Graeme Ing 3D Graphics Engine: Anthony Crowther Audio Programmers: Anthony Crowther and
3D Environments and Artwork: Ricki Martin,
Christian Russell and Jonathan Sandford
Music: Chris Adams,Neil Biggin and Patrick
Sound Effects: Neil Biggin and Patrick Phelan 3D Character Modelling: Matt Furniss, Oliver
Murray,Andy Cambell,Ira Hill and Berni
3D Sequence Animation and Compositing: Matt
Furniss,Oliver Murray, Ricki Martin,Christian Russell,Ira Hill and Jonathan Sandford
Additional Compositing: Rosswood Computer
Services Ltd.
Character Design: Les Spink In-Game Character Animation: Andy Campbell,
Christian Russell and Jonathan Sandford.
Voodoo Interface by Christian Russell
Motion Capture Guys: Mick Sheehan, Tony
“Half A Pint”Wills and Ben Wilson
Motion Capture Actor: Alex Kelly Motion Capture Dog: Suzie Character Voices: Tom Hill,Lorrelli King and
Rob Rackstraw
Box and Manual Design by Martin Calpin,
Sarah Anne Nicholson and Matt Furniss
Manual Text by Malchick Nostra,Ade Carless
and Graeme Ing
Quality Assurance: Carl Cavers,Lee Cambell,
Sim Furniss, Tony Howe, Rob Millington and Simon Short
Crackers and Asthma are Neil Biggin and John
Davison Featuring Ade Carless as Brian Deluge.
Marketing Squad: Mark Mattocks, Joe
Chetcuti,Sarah Osborne and Nicola Swift
Sales Crew: Phil Wright,Barry Hatch,Steve
Brown,Linda Cliff and Louise Dearing.
Production: Lisa Gray and Sally Beedham Software Manager: Tim Heaton Development Manager: James North-Hearn
1. Insert the NORMALITY CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Select the correct drive letter that your CD-ROM drive uses e.g. D:
3. Type INSTALL at the prompt. The Install program will now execute.
4. When you have installed the game and chosen your Sound Effects
1. Make sure that the NORMALITY CD-ROM is placed in your
2. At the DOS Prompt select the directory that you have installed
3. When you are in the correct directory type NORMAL to execute the
Installing NORMALITY from CD-ROM
The Install program is made up of a number of separate menus each with selectable options. The current menu selection appears high lighted. You can move position by using a mouse if you have one installed. Clicking a mouse button will select an option, or you can use the cursor keys on the keypad. Return selects an option.
and Music cards select Exit from the menu and select to save the configuration from the menu. Your choices will be saved and used every time you play the game.
Even though you execute the game from your hard drive the game is played from CD-ROM and you must keep the CD-ROM in the drive at all times whilst playing NORMALITY.
CD-ROM drive. NORMALITY into e.g. CD\NORMAL. game. The game checks your system and optimises itself to your
machine’s capabilities.
Normality will run from a PC running Microsoft Windows® 95 and is pre-
set to run in two different modes. Install as normal by double clicking on
INSTALL. Ignore any memory warnings. Then:
1. To run the game concurrently with Windows® 95 simply click the icon called NORMALW. As this runs the game with Windows® 95 running in the background it is a good idea to have as few applications running as possible.
2. If you have any problems running under Windows® 95 you can click on the icon called NORMALD. This will allow you to play the game in full, exclusive MSDOS mode. In cases where Normality is running slowly always use the NORMALD icon.
Windows ® is a registered trademark of MicroSoft Corporation.
I’ve just spent seven days in the Blue Pen for whistling an annoying tune and being happy. But it’s seems there are people out there who feel like me, the
strange note written in ear wax that was pushed
under the door proved that. It seems that not
everyone in Normsville is into monster truck TV
programmes and elevator muzak.
All I’ve got to do now is figure out how to
meet such people, in a place like Neutropolis
that’s not as easy as it sounds.
k to as many people as you can, you may have to
talk to some people at least twice.
If the OObbjjeeccttss are small enough to be carried,
pop them in your SSaacckk, you never know when
you’re going need them.
Try using all the Objects with each other, some-
things may not be obvious, nothing in Neutropolis
is NNoorrmmaall.
Use the MMaapp (press MM on the keyboard) to travel
around the city.
e all the objects you can.
To find your way round your own room and Neutropolis you’ll need to
use the following Keys and Mouse controls. Using a combi-
nation of both is advised. For example: Use the mouse to
move the pointer around the screen to find useful
objects. Once they’ve been identified and are under the
mouse pointer press the PP key to pick
the item up and put it in
your inventory.
KKeeyybbooaarrdd CCoonnttrroolls
CCuurrssoorr KKeeyy UUpp:
CCuurrssoorr KKeeyy DDoowwnn:
CCuurrssoorr KKeeyy LLeefftt:
CCuurrssoorr KKeeyy RRiigghhtt:
PPaaggee UUpp: PPaaggee DDoowwnn: EEnndd KKeeyy:
: To bring up your inventory
: Use item under the mouse cursor
: Examine item under the mouse cursor
: Pick up the item under the mouse cursor
: Talk to the character under the mouse cursor
: To display the Options screen
: To display the Map screen
: Save game
: Load a saved game
.. ((FFuullll SSttoopp)):
: Look up : Look down
: Centre viewpoint
: Hold down shift and use the cursor keys to
: To skip to next sentence
: Walk forward
: Move Backwards
: Turn left
: Turn right
MMoouussee CCoonnttrroolls
NNoo bbuuttttoonnss pprreesssseed
Move pointer around screen to find items in room.
When the pointer is passed over a usable/useful
object it will be identified by a text call-out on
screen. You cannot walk around in this mode.
RRiigghhtt bbuuttttoonn pprreesssseed
Bring up Kent’s Voodoo doll to select,
Voodoo doll for the correct way of using it.
Incorrect use of the doll may lead to bouts
of Normalization and the makers of this
game will accept no responsibility for
incorrect usage of the Voodoo doll.
LLeefftt bbuuttttoonn hheelldd ddoowwn
Rotate by pulling left or right.
Move forwards or backwards by moving the
mouse up or down.
LLeefftt AANNDD RRiigghhtt bbuuttttoonnss hheelldd ddoowwn
Rotate by pulling left or right. Look up or
down by moving the mouse up or down.
+ 14 hidden pages