Can I use my 9Z module in my 5/7/8U and vice versa?
The TK module, which is designed specifically for the 9V and 9Z models, is an acceptable replacement
for the TP module. The TP module, which is used in the 5U, 7U and 8U radios, should NOT
be used
in the 9 channel radios in place of the TK module. The TK module is specifically designed for the
unique environment of the 9Z. The TK-FSS module can not be used in any other radio because of the
specialized pins and input information required from the 9Z transmitter to set the channel.
Can I use an aftermarket transmitter module? Does this affect my warranty?
There are many aftermarket items that fit specific needs and are terrific products to use. However, the
use of a non-stock transmitter module in Futaba modular radios is not one of these circumstances. Based
upon FCC regulation 95.645(b), a modeler is in violation of the FCC regulations when using a non-Futaba
module in a Futaba transmitter. Therefore we cannot service a radio which is using any after-market
transmitter module, and its use voids the radio's warranty. Please also note that making modifications to
your radio system or using non-certified equipment may void any AMA insurance coverage.
Can I use a receiver with a different number of channels?
Yes. As long as the receiver is compatible with your 9Z (all Futaba FM (PPM) and PCM1024 receivers are),
you can use a receiver with fewer than, the same number of, or more channels than the transmitter. Of
course, you won't be able to use features which use, for example, servo 5, if you use a 4 channel receiver.
Can the 9Z's synthesized module/receiver be used with non-synthesized modules/receivers?
Absolutely! You can use the synthesized module with any receiver compatible with the radio, and you
can use the synthesized receiver with any transmitter module (set to the proper channel of course), or
even with other compatible Futaba radio systems.
How do I keep track of the channel my model is on?
The base condition name can be set as the frequency used with your FSS module to easily keep track
of channel and still have 8 characters to name your model.
Can I copy a model from my 9Z*P radio to my 9Z*W radio using the Campac, or vice versa?
Yes, you can! Simply use the copy model (CPM) function. And the model from the 9Z will work
perfectly in the 9Z World. HOWEVER, please remember that if you copy from a 9Z World back to a
9Z, the model will not retain any of the features of the 9Z World radio such as the gyro set-ups, etc.
Can I use the Campac to copy a model from my 9Z to my 8U or vice versa?
No, the model memories for a 9Z model and an 8U model are not compatible. You CAN use the 64K 9Z
Campac in an 8U, but must re-initialize it to be able to be read in the 8U, and all stored data will be lost.
How do I start a brand new model in my Campac?
ALL memory in the 9Z’s Campac is set up as conditions, not individual model memories, until you
tell it otherwise. Therefore, if you want to start a model in the Campac, do so by copying a model over
from your transmitter's main memory. Now you can edit that model and attach other conditions to
that model using Condition Select (CSL). This approach allows the maximum possible flexibility of the
Campac's memory. (A detailed explanation of conditions and condition use is covered in Chapter 2.)
B. Modules/Receivers/Accessories and Synthesized Equipment