High Performance Color
Duplex Scanners
The fastest and most advanced
scanners in their class*
• Fast, 60 ppm/120 ipm scanning in monochrome and grayscale
• Best in class 300 dpi color scanning at 40 ppm/80 ipm
• First scanners in their class to offer Intelligent MultiFeed Function
(iMFF) as well as advanced Paper Protection technology
• Robust 50-page Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) with enhanced hard
and embossed card scanning (Example: credit or healthcare cards)
• Comes with Kofax® VRS® Professional, Adobe® Acrobat® Standard,
and ScandAll Pro
• One-year Limited Warranty with available Advance Exchange program
* The fi-6140/fi-6240 belongs to the class of A4 ADF color scanners
whose scanning speeds meet or exceed 40 ppm / 80 ipm (color, A4,
200 dpi). This statement stood true as of October 2007.

- Must be placed at a minimum height of 11 mm.
- Must have an area of clear space (shown here in grey) around the logo,
equivalent to twice the height of the letters ‘FSC’.
11 mm
- Must be placed at a minimum width of 19 mm.
- Must have an area of clear space (shown here in grey) around the logo,
equivalent to twice the height of the letters ‘FSC’.
- The surrounding border is not required.
- Label must be in black, white or green. Background may be in any color.
19 mm
The full-color portrait positive FSC bug is preferred, although other versions
are available for a variety of reproductions.
Technical Specifications
High Performance Color
Duplex Scanners
The Fujitsu fi-6140 and fi-6240 scanners bring high performance and
advanced features in a compact design
In addition to the fi-6140 scanner being the smallest scanner in its class,
both models are able to scan an impressive 60 pages or 120 images perminute in Monochrome or Grayscale (Letter @ 200dpi) as well as 40 pages
or 80 images per-minute in Color (Letter @ 300dpi). Furthermore, the Fujitsu
fi-6140 and fi-6240 models are the first scanners in their class to adopt
high-end “fi series” functions such as:
• Paper Protection technology: Protects valuable documents by halting the
scanning process when it recognizes that a jam is about to occur.
• Intelligent MultiFeed Function (iMFF): Simplifies pre-scanning preparation
and improves efficiency by ignoring documents that trigger false multi-feed
alerts such as an attached receipt or sticky note.
• Intelligent Capture Correction Function (iCCF): Auto-color recognition, auto-
size detection, and auto de-skew correction provides dramatic efficiency by
combining fast scanning with simultaneous high speed image processing.
Along with ultrasonic double-feed detection, long document scanning (up to
10 feet), dual interfaces (ultra SCSI and USB 2.0), and embossed card scanning, these scanners can continuously feed up to 3 hard cards (up to 1.4 mm
thick) through the Auto Document Feeder (ADF).
Fully Loaded One Box Solution
Image Sensor Type
Light Source
Optical Resolution
Output Resolution
Output Format
AD Converter
Scanning Speeds
Output (Letter/A4 size)
Grayscale4 /
ADF Capacity
Document size
ADF Feeding
Paper Weight
Physical Specifications
Power requirements
Power consumption
Environmental compatibility
Inbox Contents
Bundled Software
OS Support
Relative humidity
Color (24 bit)
Grayscale (8 bit)
ADF minimum
ADF maximum
Flatbed (fi-6240 only)
A8 sheets
Card6 (1.4mm)
The Fujitsu fi-6140 and fi-6240 scanners conveniently include everything in
the box to get organizations up and scanning. With the full version of Kofax
Feed Detection Features
VRS® Professional, Adobe® Acrobat® Standard, and ScandAll Pro software,
users get image enhancement functionality as well as the option of scanning
Other Features
directly to PDF, file, print or batch. And the one-year Limited Warranty, along
with eligibility for the Fujitsu Advance Exchange Program, provides peaceof-mind. For full details on the Limited Warranty and on all Fujitsu service
programs, go to www.ImageService.com or call (800) 626-4686.
About Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc.
Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc., a subsidiary of Fujitsu Ltd., is
an established leader in the Document Imaging industry, delivering innovative scanning solutions and services that enable our customers to solve
critical business productivity issues and streamline operations. We provide
cutting-edge document capture and workflow solutions for business and
personal environments, backed by a comprehensive portfolio of service and
support programs.
Limited Warranty
Service Options
Part Number
1. Maximum output resolutions may vary, depending upon the size of the area being scanned and whether the scanner
is scanning in simplex or duplex.
2. Scanning limitations brought about by scanning mode, document size and available memory may occur when scanning at high resolutions (600dpi or higher).
3. Actual scanning speeds are affected by data transmission and software processing times.
4. JPEG compressed figures.
5. Maximum capacity varies, depending upon paper weight.
6. Supports ISO7810 embossed cards
7. Able to digitize cards that are up to 1.25mm thick when scanning in monochrome at 200dpi (60ppm).
8. Capable of scanning up to 3 cards at a time. (Note: does not support multi-embossed card feeding.)
9. Ultra SCSI interface cannot be used simultaneously with USB2.0.
10. Excluding the ADF paper chute and stacker
Color Charge Cou pled Device (CCD) x 2
Color Charge Cou pled Device (CCD) x 3
White cold cathode discharge lamp
600 dpi
50 to 600 dpi
(adjustable by 1 dpi increments, 1200 dpi)
Color: 24 bit, 8 bit/4 bit; Gr ayscale: 8 bit, 4 bit; Monochrome: 1 bit
1024 levels (10 bit)
Simplex Duplex
40 ppm 80 ipm
200 dpi
40 ppm 80 ipm
300 dpi
60 ppm 120 ipm
200 dpi
40 ppm 80 ipm
300 dpi
50 Sheets (lette r/A4, 2 0 lb.)
2 in. x 3 in. (52mm x 74mm)
8.5 in. x 14 in. (Legal)
8.5 in. x 11.69 in. (216mm x 2 97mm)
11 to 56.2 lb. (41 to 2 10g/m2)
34 to 56.2 lb. (127 to 210g/m2)
Portrait and Lan dscape feeding
Ultra SCSI (50m) / Hi gh Speed USB 2.0
100 – 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
42W or less (Sle ep: les s than 6.2W)
28 – 34 W, Energy savin g mode: 12 W
11.8 x 6.4 x 6.2 in. (3 01 x 160 x 158 mm)
11.8 x 22.9 x 9. 0 in. ( 301 x 567 x 229 mm)
9.24 lb. (4.2 kg)
19.36 lb. (8.8 kg)
42º to 95º F (5º to 35º C)
20% to 80% (non- condensing)
TWAIN, ISIS™, USB cable, AC adapter
Adobe® Acrobat® Standard,
Kofax® VRS® 4.x Profess ional and ScandAll Pro
Software IPC, Imprinter, (Flatbed Cover Black Background for fi-6240)
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional / Microsoft® XP (32 bit/64 bit) /
Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 (32 bit/64 bit) /
Microsoft® Windows Vista™ (32 bit/64 bit)
Ultrasonic Double Feed Detection Sensor
Paper Protection Sensor
Intelligent Multifeed Function
Ultrasonic Double Feed Detection, Intelligent Multi-Feed Function (iMFF),
Paper Protection Function, Embossed Card Scanning Capability,
Long Document Scanning, Automatic Color Recognition,
Automatic Paper-Size Detection, Automatic De-skew Correction,
Selectable White & Black Background (in ADF only).
One-year. Advance Exchange program also available; restrictions apply.
For full details, visit www.ImagingService.com or call (800) 626-4686.
Post-Warranty: Advance Exchange Plus; restrictions apply.
Consumables: ScanAid™ kit. For full details,
visit www.ImagingService.com or call (800) 626-4686.
Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc.
1250 East Arques Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085-4701
(800) 626-4686 (408) 746-7000 info@fcpa.fujitsu.com
©2010 Fu jitsu Compute r Products of America, Inc. All rig hts reserved . Fujitsu and th e Fujitsu log o are register ed trademark s of Fujitsu L imited. Adobe and Acr obat are eithe r registered trademarks o r trademarks o f Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/o r
other c ountries. Micro soft, SharePoi nt, Windows and Vi sta are eith er registere d trademarks or trademark s of Microsof t Corporatio n in the Unit ed States an d/or other c ountries. ISIS is a registe red trademar k of Pixel Transla tions, a divisi on of Captiv a Software C orporation.
VRS is a registere d trademark of Kofax I mage Product s, Inc. ABBYY, FineRead er are trade marks of ABBY Y Software House. As an E NERGY STAR® Pa rtner, Fujitsu Lt d. has determ ined that t his product meets the ENERGY STAR® g uidelines fo r energy ef ficiency. ENERGY
STAR® is a U.S. re gistered tr ademark. All other trad emarks are the prope rty of th eir respect ive owners . All stateme nts herein are valid only in the U.S. for U.S. re sidents, are based on normal op erating con ditions, are provided for infor mational pu rposes onl y, an d are
not in tended to create any implied w arranty of merchantabi lity or fi tness for a particula r purpose. Fujitsu Com puter Produ cts of Ameri ca, Inc. reser ves the r ight to mo dify at a ny time wi thout prior notice th ese stateme nts, our pr oducts, their performanc e specifica tions,
availab ility, price and warranty, post-w arranty and service pro grams. Printe d in the U.S .A. Qty. 5M DS382 00310