Piezo Replacement Instructions
These instructions describe the procedure for exchanging standard temperature (-4ºF to
176ºF/-20ºC to 80ºC) piezo module assemblies on the Flowserve Logix 3200IQ positioner
with low temperature (-40ºF to 176ºF/-40ºC to 80ºC) assemblies. These instructions
supplement the 3200IQ Installation, Operating, and Maintenance (IOM) Instructions (FCD
1. Remove main housing cover and driver
module cover by unscrewing the covers.
WARNING: To prevent ignition of
hazardous atmospheres, disconnect supply
circuit before opening. Keep assembly
tightly closed when in operation.
2. Remove the plastic main control board (PCB)
cover by removing two (2) short cover screws,
and one (1) long cover screw.
3. Unplug the red and black 2-wire piezo connector.
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4. Disconnect the flexible tubing from the
barbed fitting on the driver module assembly
by hand .
5. Pull the red and black 2-wire piezo connector
through bottom of driver module housing.
6. Loosen and remove the 9/64” Allen screws A
and B. Important: Loosen the screw
opposite the wire entry last. This screw is
retained by the piezo cover, and should only
be removed after screws A & B are removed
to avoid damaging the cover.
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