Dynamics controls
Time controls
Side chain section
Displays and metering
Full screen mode and resizing
Input and output options
MIDI learn
Undo, redo, A/B switch
Saving presets
How presets are stored
Purchasing FabFilter Pro-C 2
Entering your license key
Upgrading to Pro-C 2
Manual installation
VST plug-in versions
External side chaining
License agreement
About FabFilter
About FabFilter Pro-C 2
There is one signal-processing tool that is almost impossible to do without in any form of audio recording or postproduction: compression. Compression is available in a wide variety of
FabFilter Pro-C 2 is not just a good sounding compressor. FabFilter Pro-C 2 is a superb stereo
tricks up its sleeve that you will ever need. With its different
and side-chaining with optional EQ
do the job
with lots of style.
filtering, it can work in any desired way. Whether mastering or mixing, Pro-C 2 will
compression styles and options like mid/side compression
different formats, flavors, designs and degrees of
compressor with all the
New in version 2
When you open Pro-C 2 for the first time, you'll notice right away that it has a brand new
resizable interface, optional level display, knee display and side-chain
classic, straightforward analog compressor, or
and controls. It's up to
Of course, apart from the new look and feel, we've also added many often-requested new features. Most importantly,
FabFilter Pro-C 2 introduces five brand new compression styles
unique characteristics, it's like getting five brand new
Vocal - Very effective algorithm to bring vocals to the front of your mix. It works with automatic knee and ratio
settings, so
Mastering - Designed to be as transparent as possible, introducing as little harmonic distortion as possible, while
still being able to
Bus - Especially great for bus processing, or for adding a pleasant glue to your drums, mixes or tracks.
Punch - Traditional, analog-like compression behavior, sounds good on anything!
compressing your lead vocal is as easy as choosing the right threshold.
catch those fast transients.
present itself as a modern allround compressor with extensive metering
, in addition to the three original v1 styles. With their
EQ controller, it can either take the form of a
look. With its gorgeous,
Pumping - Deep and over-the-top pumping, great for drum processing or EDM.
But of course, it doesn't stop there. We've implemented a ton of other improvements:
Introducing Lookahead (up to 20 ms), which can be enabled/disabled as well to ensure zero latency processing.
Introducing Hold (up to 500 ms).
Introducing custom Knee, variable from hard knee to a 72 dB soft knee, which enables you to achieve saturation-
like compression effects.
Introducing Range setting, which limits the maximum applied gain change.
Introducing Mix, which scales the gain change from 0% to 200%.
Introducing up to 4x Oversampling.
Simplified and improved side-chain stereo handling, introducing variable stereo linking with mid-only, side-only,
M>S and S>M processing.
Introducing side-chain EQ section, with customizable HP and LP filters, plus an additional freely adjustable side-
chain filter (Bell, Low Shelf, High Shelf, Band Pass, Notch or Tilt).
Fully redesigned user interface, including optional knee and level displays with a variable range from 9 dB to 90
Introducing Full Screen mode, offering a large level display and side-chain EQ controller.
Extended Threshold range to -60 dB.
Introducing Audition Triggering option, to be able to hear on which parts of the audio Pro-C 2 is triggering and
how much compression is
taking place.
Introducing multiple interface sizes: Small, Medium and Large.
Introducing MIDI triggering. If MIDI is enabled, the compressor is triggered when you hit any key on a connected
MIDI keyboard
Highly improved level meters, with peak and loudness level visualization. The loudness level complies with the
Momentary mode of the EBU R128 / ITU-R 1770 standards.
Introducing Retina support on OS X and High DPI support on Windows.
Upgrading to Pro-C 2
Upgrading from Pro-C version 1 to the new Pro-C 2 is safe and easy: installing Pro-C 2 will
previous Pro-C 1 plug-in. Both versions will co-exist
without problems! FabFilter Pro-C 2 opens presets from Pro-C 1 without problems, but
open old songs that use Pro-C 1
note that
Upgrading to Pro-C 2
the resulting sound can be different, because of fundamental changes and improvements in Pro-C 2. See
for more information.
and can both be used at the same time. This ensures that you can
not replace or delete the
FabFilter Pro-C 2 is available in VST, VST3, AU (Audio Units), AAX Native and AudioSuite formats (all both 64-bit and
32-bit), as well as RTAS (32-bit only), for Mac OS X and Windows.
Windows requirements
32-bit: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista or XP
64-bit: Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista (x64)
VST 2/3 host or Pro Tools
Mac OS X requirements
OS X 10.6 or higher
AU or VST 2/3 host or Pro Tools
Intel processor
Next:Quick start
See Also
Using FabFilter Pro-C 2
Quick start
The installer will copy the FabFilter Pro-C 2 plug-in into the common VST, VST 3, AU (macOS only) and Pro
Tools plug-in folders on your computer. On macOS, the global plug-in folders in /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins are
In most cases, your host will then recognize the plugin automatically. However, if the instructions below do not
work, see Manual
Choose an empty insert slot, for example in the Mixer, and select FabFilter Pro-C 2 from the menu that
appears. To use the MIDI features in Pro-C 2, create a new MIDI track and set its output to the Pro-C 2
instance you have just created. (The VST 3 version of Pro-C 2 can be found in the Dynamics section.)
Logic Pro
Choose an empty insert slot on one of your audio tracks, instrument tracks or buses and select FabFilter
Pro-C 2 from the pop-up menu. You will find FabFilter Pro-C 2 in the Audio Units > FabFilter section
(named FF Pro-C 2).
Ableton Live
In Session view, select the track you would like to place FabFilter Pro-C 2 on, for example by clicking the
track name. At the left top of Ableton Live's interface, click on the Plug-in Device Browser icon (third icon
from the top). From the plug-ins list, double-click FabFilter/FabFilter Pro-C 2, or drag it onto the track.
Pro Tools
Choose an empty insert slot on one of your audio tracks, instrument tracks or buses and select FabFilter
Pro-C 2 from the pop-up menu in the Dynamics section.
To begin, choose fast attack and release times, put the ratio to a gentle setting (like 4:1) and bring down the
threshold to make compression audible. Adjust the parameters until you have the desired effect. Have fun!
installation instead.
Next:Using FabFilter Pro-C 2
See Also
Manual installation
VST plug-in versions
Full Screen mode and resizing.
The interface of FabFilter Pro-C 2 is designed to be easy to use while providing all necessary information and
controls. It consists of the following elements:
Level display
The animated level display shows you the incoming and processed audio signals together with the gain
reduction. It helps you detemine the correct compressor settings. You can hide the level display with the
Display button. This will also hide the knee display and change the vertical level meters to horizontal
ones, making Pro-C 2 look and feel more like a traditional compressor. See Displays and metering
Knee display
The Knee display visualizes the input/output transform of the detection circuit, including the effect of the
Threshold, Ratio, Knee and Range parameters. It conveniently uses the same scale as the level display
underneath. Use the Knee button to show or hide the knee display. See Displays and metering
Dynamics and time controls
Floating at the heart of the interface, there's a panel with the main compressor controls. Threshold,
Ratio, Knee and Range control the triggering and how much compression is applied. The Attack, Release,
Lookahead and Hold affect the smoothing and curves of the gain reduction. See Dynamics controls
Level metering
At the right-hand side of the interface, the input-, gain reduction- and output level meters and their readouts provide an immediate overview of the current levels. The input and output level meters show both
peak and loudness levels. The loudness level complies with the Momentary mode of the EBU R128 / ITU-R 1770 standards. See Displays and metering
MIDI Learn
MIDI Learn lets you easily associate any MIDI controller with any plug-in parameter. See MIDI Learn
The Oversampling setting sets the amount of internal oversampling, which reduces possible aliasing for
fast/aggressive dynamics processing, at the cost of additional CPU usage. See Oversampling
Input and output options
At the right of the bottom bar, you can bypass the entire plug-in and adjust the initial input and final
output levels. See Input and output options
Resize and Full Screen mode
The Resize button at the far right of the bottom bar selects between various interface sizes. In addition,
click the Full Screen button at the right top corner of the interface to let Pro-C 2 fill the entire screen. See
Presets, undo, A/B, help
With the preset buttons, you can easily browse through the factory presets or save your own settings so
you can re-use them in other songs. The Undo, Redo, A/B and Copy buttons at the top of the plug-in
interface enable you to undo your changes and switch between different states of the plug-in. Finally, the
Help menu provides access to help and version information. See Loading presets
and Undo, redo, A/B
See Also
Quick start
Dynamics controls
Time controls
It is easy to control FabFilter Pro-C 2's parameters with the large round knobs. They will light up when you
move the mouse cursor around to indicate that you can adjust them. The moment you move the mouse cursor
over a knob, a parameter value display will pop up, which shows the name and the current value of the
All knobs support four ways of control:
1. Vertical mode
Click on the center area of a knob and drag up or down to rotate it. The knob reacts to the speed with
which you are dragging, so if you move the mouse slowly, you make precise adjustments.
2. Rotate mode
Grab the arrow of the knob and drag it around. By moving the mouse cursor further away from the
knob while dragging it, you can make precise adjustments.
3. Mouse wheel mode
Perhaps the easiest way to make adjustments is by using the mouse wheel when you hover over a
knob. This mode works for all the knobs and possible panning rings. (On Windows, you might need to
click in the plug-in interface first to make sure it is the active window.)
4. Text entry mode
Double-click a knob to enter an exact value using the keyboard.
To reset a knob to its default position, hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (macOS) and
click the knob once. Note: In Pro Tools, Pro-C 2 uses the default Pro Tools keyboard shortcut for reset:
To fine-tune a value when using vertical drag mode or the mouse wheel, hold down the Shift key while
dragging or moving the mouse wheel. Note: In Pro Tools, Pro-C 2 uses the default Pro Tools keyboard
shortcut for fine tune: Ctrl+drag on Windows or Command+drag on macOS.
There are several handy shortcuts in text entry mode. With frequency values, you can type e.g. '1k'
to set the value to 1000 Hz, and also 'A4' for 440 Hz, or even strings like 'C#3+13'. With dB values, you
can type e.g. '2x' to get +6 dB (the value that corresponds to two times louder). With all values, you can
also type a percentage (e.g. '50%' will put a knob exactly in the middle position).
Sometimes, knobs in our plug-in interfaces are linked: these be adjusted simultaneously by holding
down the Alt key (Shift key in Pro Tools) while dragging on one of them. For example, an output level
and input level setting of a plug-in could be adjusted simultaneously (in the opposite direction) this way.
Next:Dynamics controls
See Also
Using FabFilter Pro-C 2
Dynamics controls
The left part of the main compressor settings panel contains the large style button and the controls that affect
the detection path of the compressor.
The Style button selects the style or compression. Pro-C 2 offers 8 different styles, all with their own
Clean - An allround, low distortion, feedforward, program dependent style (originally from Pro-C
Classic - A vintage, feedback, very program dependent style (originally from Pro-C v1).
Opto - A relatively slow, very soft knee, more linear opto style (originally from Pro-C v1),
Vocal - A very effective algorithm to bring vocals to the front of your mix. It works with automatic
knee and ratio settings, so compressing your lead vocal is as easy as choosing the right threshold.
Mastering - Designed to be as transparent as possible, introducing as little harmonic distortion as
possible, while still being able to catch those fast transients.
Bus - Especially great for bus processing, or for adding a pleasant glue to your drums, mixes or
Punch - Traditional, analog-like compression behavior, sounds good on anything!
Pumping - Deep and over-the-top pumping, great for drum processing or EDM.
The Threshold knob determines above which side chain level the gain should be reduced. The circular
side-chain level meter around the Threshold knob shows the level of the filtered and possibly stereolinked signal that is used for detection. This feedback makes it a lot easier to choose a proper Threshold
Using the Audition Triggering button, at the left top of the Threshold button, you can hear on which
parts of the audio Pro-C 2 is triggering and how much compression is taking place. This helps you choose
an appropriate Threshold level as well, making sure Pro-C 2 catches the necessary peaks.
The Ratio knob sets the amount of compression. At a ratio of 10:1, just one dB of output signal above
the threshold remains for every 10 dB of input signal above the threshold. You can click on the small dots
around the Ratio knob to jump to certain fixed ratio amounts. If you move the knob completely to the left
(1:1), no compression will take place. If you move it completely to the right (infinity), everything above
the threshold will be completely compressed away, making Pro-C act as a limiter.
The Knee slider set the 'roundness' of the compression around the threshold, which can vary from 0 dB
(hard knee) to 72 dB (soft knee). Using a soft knee can help to make the compression more gradual and
transparent. With very soft knee settings (> 60 dB), in combination with a fast Attack setting, you can
achieve almost saturation-like effects.
The Range slider limits the maximum amount of applied gain change. Compare this to the Ratio slider
which scales the dynamics behavior instead.
Instead of using the incoming audio to trigger the compressor, you can also trigger it via MIDI. If MIDI
is enabled (see MIDI Learn
keyboard controller, using the Note On event.
Next:Time controls
See Also
Side chain section
), compression will be applied when you hit any key on a connected MIDI
Using FabFilter Pro-C 2
Time controls
The right part of the main compressor settings panel contains the controls that affect the smoothing and curve
shape of the gain change signal, and the wet/dry mixing controls.
The Attack knob determines how fast compression will kick in, ranging from 0.005 ms (very fast) to 250
ms (very slow). For transient-rich program material like drums, fast attack times are needed to minimize
overshoot. For other program material, too short attack times may dull the sound or introduce audible
distortion. FabFilter Pro-C 2 is capable of very fast attack times and they are program dependent.
The Release knob sets the time that the compressor takes to recover from gain reduction. The various
compression characteristics of Pro-C 2 use different release models, and in most cases, the release time
is very program dependent. This means that Pro-C 2 recovers very quickly from compression after a
transient, and quite slowly after longer periods of gain reduction. Note: When Auto Release is used, the
Release knob will adjust the overall effect of the auto release feature on the release time.
The Auto Release button (the AUTO label next to RELEASE) enables a smart auto release feature. When
enabled, the compressor adjusts the release time depending on the current amount of gain reduction, so
this actually introduces an additional form of program dependency. When Auto Release is used, the
Release knob will adjust the overall effect of the auto release feature on the release time.
The Lookahead slider sets how much advance time Pro-C 2 will use to anticipate peaks in the audio
signal. Using a bit of lookahead can help to preserve transients and results in much more transparent
gain reduction. Because lookahead causes additional latency, it can be globally enabled or disabled in the
bottom bar.
The Hold slider sets the time with which peaks in gain reduction will be prolonged. Applying a bit of hold
time can help increase the transparency of gain reduction. With longer hold times, you can achieve nice
pumping effects.
The Wet Gain knob adjusts the gain of the signal after it has been compressed. This is also known as
make-up gain because it compensates for the gain reduction introduced by the compressor. The pan ring
around the Wet Gain knob controls the balance between mid and side. This can be especially useful when
applying make-up gain after mid-only or side-only compression.
When Auto Gain is enabled (using the AUTO button next to GAIN), automatic make-up gain is applied to
the processed signal, depending on current settings for Threshold, Ratio, Knee and Attack. Auto Gain
helps you to keep the audible audio level the same while adjusting the controls. The Auto Gain algorithm
is aware of mid-only or side-only processing. So for example, if you're compressing 100% mid-only, Auto
Gain will only apply make-up gain to the mid signal and leave the side-signal untouched.
Note that the auto-gain algorithm doesn't actually measure loudness to determine which gain to apply. It
just makes an educated guess, so you might want still to tweak the output gain in some situations.
The Dry Gain knob controls the amount of dry (uncompressed) input signal that is added to the output.
This is called parallel compression: the dynamics in the dry signal are preserved while the compressed
signal adds body and character to the overall sound. The advantage of this is that the sound is reinforced
where it needs it, but without the risk of crushing any peak transients.
Program dependency
The different compressor styles in FabFilter Pro-C 2 all have their own kind of program dependency. This means
that the compressor reacts differently to different kinds of input (program material). For example, Pro-C 2 will
recover very fast from transients (fast changes/peaks), but will react quite a bit slower after longer periods of
gain reduction. Both the attack and release times are less or more program dependent, depending on the
chosen compression style.
Next:Side chain section
See Also
Dynamics controls
Using FabFilter Pro-C 2
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