Epson EMP-7850 Operating Manual

Operation Guide
EasyMP Operation Guide


Preparing a Presentation (Using EMP SlideMaker2)
Files that Can be Included in Scenarios ................... 3
Creating and Sending a Scenario............................. 4
Sending a Scenario ....................................................................... 8
What Do You Do When ... ......................................................... 10
Showing the Presentation (Using the CardPlayer)
Files that Can be Projected by the CardPlayer....... 15
Using the CardPlayer.............................................. 16
Starting the CardPlayer ..............................................................16
Closing CardPlayer ....................................................................17
CardPlayer Basic Operation ....................................................... 17
Projecting Scenarios............................................... 21
Playing a Scenario...................................................................... 21
Operation During a Presentation ................................................ 22
Editing a Scenario ......................................................................22
Playing Graphics and Movie Files........................... 24
Playing Graphics and Movie Files ............................................. 24
Playing all Graphics and Movie File within
a Folder in Order (Slideshow) .................................................. 25
Setting Graphics and Movie Files Display
Conditions and Operation Mode............................ 26
Advanced Operations
Setting, Monitoring and Controlling
from a Computer ....................................................29
Changing Settings Using a Web Browser (EasyWeb) ...............29
Monitoring and Control Using EMP Monitor............................ 32
Using the Mail Notification Function to Report Problems ........37
Management Using SNMP.........................................................38

Preparing a Presentation (Using EMP SlideMaker2)

Here, we will describe the methods for creating and sending scenarios.
Files that Can be Included in Scenarios ................. 3
Creating and Sending a Scenario........................... 4
Creating a Scenario ....................................................... 5
Sending a Scenario ....................................................... 8
What Do You Do When ... ...........................................10
• Create a Scenario Easily .....................................................................10
• To Verify the Scenario Projection Status on a Computer................... 11
• Animation Settings..............................................................................12
EasyMP Operation Guide

Files that Can be Included in Scenarios

Any of the following file types can be merged into a single file to create a scenario.
The following slide transition effects and animation settings on the
Ty pe
PowerPoint .ppt Microsoft PowerPoint 2000/2002 Graphics .bmp
Movie .mpg MPEG2-PS
Audio .wav PCM, 22.05/44.1/48.0kHz, 8/16bit
File Type
.jpg Any version. However, CMYK colour
formats and progressive formats cannot be played back.
If the movie exceeds a maximum size of 720 × 480, or is not in the same form as a DVD (sequence header arranged for each GOP) it cannot be played back. The reproducible audio format is MPEG-1 Layer 2. Linear PCM and AC-3 audio cannot be played back. It is recommended that memory cards used be of the CompactFlash format, or a card type hard disk drive. Correct reproduction may not be possible if using memory cards other than those mentioned above. Additionally, if a CompactFlash card with a slow access speed is used, correct reproduction may not be possible and the audio track may skip or cut out.
PowerPoint "Slideshow" menu are reflected in a scenario.
• Fly • Blinds • Box • Checkerboard
• Crawl • Dissolve • Peek • Random Bars
• Spiral • Split • Stretch • Strips
• Swivel • Wipe • Zoom • Random Effects Effects and animations other than those listed above can be placed using the "Cut" command.
In the event that the graphics and movie files in the table on the left are to
be played back as file units, they need not be made into scenarios. After saving the file to a memory card, direct playback and projection with the CardPlayer function is possible when the memory card is inserted into the projector.
The following table indicates whether scenarios created by the included software of other projectors can be opened by EMP SlideMaker2 of this projector.
EMP-735 EMP SlideMaker2 Ye s EMP-8150/8150NL EMP Scenario No EMP-715/505 EMP SlideMaker No
Projector Software Can be opened
EasyMP Operation Guide

Creating and Sending a Scenario

In this guide, a "scenario" refers to a combination of PowerPoint, graphics and movie files arranged in a projection order and saved as a single file. Scenarios are created with EMP SlideMaker2. Using EMP SlideMaker2, it is possible to easily and efficiently prepare presentation material by extracting the necessary parts of files, and arranging them in order without editing the original files.
PowerPoint File 1
Scenario File
PowerPoint File 2
PowerPoint File 3
EMP SlideMaker2
Creating a Scenario s p.5
On the Computer
Sending a Scenario s p.8
On the Projector
Projecting Scenarios s p.21
The created scenario is sent to the memory card inserted in the computer. Insert the memory card in the card slot of the projector and project the scenario using the EasyMP CardPlayer facility of the projector.
EasyMP Operation Guide
Creating and Sending a Scenario

Creating a Scenario

Verify the following points before creating a scenario.
The data that is combined to create a scenario, such as PowerPoint, graphics and movie files, must be created in advance.
Only file types listed under "Files that Can be Included in Scenarios" can be used. s p.3
Start Windows on the computer, then select "Start" -
"Programs" (or, "All Programs") - "EPSON Projector"
- "EMP SlideMaker2".
EMP SlideMaker2 starts, and the scenario properties are displayed.
Enter each of the items on the following table, then
click the "OK" button.
Scenario Name
Scenario Folder
Configure BGM
Background Color
Image Quality EMP SlideMaker2 changes each slide in a PowerPoint file
This becomes the file name and scenario folder name of the created scenario. This must be entered. Up to eight capital letters and numbers can be entered. Keep this item and the scenario folder directory in the next item to within a maximum of 127 characters all told.
Specify where to create the scenario folder to be used whilst creating the scenario. A scenario folder is created in the directory specified here.
Click to select to play background music during scenario playback. The audio file (WAVE format) selection screen is displayed if this is selected. On this screen, select the file to be used as the background music. After selecting the audio file, play the file by clicking the " " button on the right. Stop playback by clicking the " " button.
Selects the background for graphic data in the scenario.
to a JPEG file and saves it. Use this item to select the image quality to be used during conversion to JPEG files. A characteristic of JPEG files is that, when the compression ratio is high, image quality is worse than JPEG files of lower compression. However, highly compressed files are smaller, and take less time to project. Using this setup item, the compression ratio grows progressively higher going from "Highest image quality" to "High Quality" and "Standard". Therefore, when "Highest image quality" is selected, a high-quality, large JPEG file is saved. When "Standard" is selected, the image quality is lower than for the other settings, but the JPEG file is smaller. If a JPEG file is included directly into a scenario, any of the above image quality settings will become invalid for that image, and the compression ratio of the original file is used.
EasyMP Operation Guide
Creating and Sending a Scenario
Previously set content can be modified by "File" - "Properties".
Select the files to use in the scenario.
Folders Window
Thumbnails Window
Displays the contents of a clicked file in the Files window as a thumbnail.
Files Window
Displays the files in a folder selected in the Folders window.
Scenarios Window
This window is where the work of building a scenario is performed.
Each slide comprising a scenario is called a "cell".
Animation Verification Window
Double-click the file icon in the Files window to display the selected file in the Scenarios window.
You can incorporate PowerPoint files in scenarios using the following two methods.
Incorporate all slides in a PowerPoint file
1. Double-click the desired PowerPoint file in the Files window.
2. Click "OK" after checking the message. The slideshow is performed automatically. If you press the [Esc] key on the keyboard, the slideshow will be terminated. In this case, only the slides which were shown are incorporated into the scenario.
3. Click anywhere in the screen after completing the slideshow. All slides contained in a file are displayed in the Scenarios window. After a file is included in a scenario using the above procedure, the animations set in PowerPoint are maintained. Therefore, the animations will operate effectively during projection of the scenario using CardPlayer.
Include only the necessary slides whilst referring to
1. Click the file icon in the Files window.
2. Double-click the thumbnails to be included in the scenario. The desired slide is displayed in the Scenarios window. After a slide is included in a scenario using the above procedure, any animations set in PowerPoint are disabled.
In the Folders window, click the desired folder to display a list of the files within the folder in the Files window.
For graphics files, click the file icon in the Files window to display the contents of the file in the Thumbnails window. For movie files, icons will be displayed in the Thumbnails window.
Slides using animation are displayed in the cell as ".EMA" in the Scenarios window. Slides without animation are displayed in the cell as ".JPG" in the Scenarios window. Clicking ".EMA" cells displays an Animation verification window for each animation operation.
EasyMP Operation Guide
Creating and Sending a Scenario
Thumbnails cannot be displayed if PowerPoint is not installed on the
Although animations can be set in the Properties screen of EMP
SlideMaker2, animations set in advance in PowerPoint will operate more smoothly when played in the scenario. To set animations in PowerPoint slides, we recommend it be set within PowerPoint. Use the Properties screen of EMP SlideMaker2, to include animation in a graphic, or to include animation in a slide in a scenario without maintaining the animation.
The following PowerPoint animations can be used in a scenario.
• Fly • Blinds • Box • Checkerboard
• Crawl • Dissolve • Peek • Random Bars
• Spiral • Split • Stretch • Strips
• Swivel • Wipe • Zoom • Random Effects Animations other than those above can be placed by the "Cut" command.
Finish the scenario by adding or deleting files and
slides, or changing their order.
The content displayed in the Scenarios window is projected from the beginning when projected by the CardPlayer in the projector.
To add files and slides:
Drag-and-drop a file displayed in the Files window or a PowerPoint slide displayed in the Thumbnails window, to the desired location in the Scenarios window.
To add multiple slides:
Click the slides to be added in the Thumbnails window. All clicked slides are selected. Clicking a selected slide a second time will release the selection. After selecting all the slides to add, drag-and­drop one of the selected slides to the desired location in the Scenarios window. The selected slides are all added to the scenario.
To add two or more graphic files:
While holding down the [Ctrl] key click on the icon of each file you wish to add from the Files window, one by one. Each file you click on is selected. To cancel the selection, click anywhere in the white area outside of the file icons. To add all of the selected files, click on one of the files and drag and drop it into the place you want to add the files in the Scenario window. All of the selected files are added to the scenario.
To delete slides:
To delete, use the mouse to right-click on a cell to delete, and select "Cut" in the displayed menu (shortcut menu).
Changing the slide order:
Change by dragging-and-dropping the cells to move within the Scenarios window, or display the shortcut menu and change by selecting "Cut" and then "Paste".
EasyMP Operation Guide
Creating and Sending a Scenario
It is possible to add the desired files and slides to the Scenarios window using drag and drop.
See Help for the functions of each of the menus in EMP SlideMaker2.
Use "Save" or "Save As" to save your scenario when you are still working
on it. However if you save the scenario to a memory card you will not be able to play it back with EasyMP CardPlayer. Use "Send Scenario" when saving to a memory card.

Sending a Scenario

To project a created scenario using the projector, it is necessary to send the scenario to the memory card using "Send Scenario" in EMP SlideMaker2.
Designate a memory card inserted into the card drive of the computer as the send destination.
It is also possible to set automatic projection and continuous projection of a scenario at projector startup. The automatic projection function is called "autorun".
When "Send Scenario" is performed, the scenario file is saved in the
memory card under the name "scenario name.sit". In addition, a folder with the same name as the scenario is created and each screen is converted to graphics files and saved according to the image quality settings.
If you use "Send Scenario" without saving, a folder with the same name as
the scenario name and a "scenario name.sit" file are created in the scenario folder. Each screen is converted to graphics files and saved in the created folder according to the image quality settings.
EasyMP Operation Guide
Creating and Sending a Scenario
After the scenario is complete, select "Scenario
Option" - "Send Scenario".
Insert into a card adapter if a card adapter is needed.
A dialogue box for designating the destination drive
is displayed. Select the drive where the memory card is inserted and click "OK".
A confirmation message is displayed. Click the "OK"
Upon completion of transfer, a message is displayed
confirming whether autorun setup is to be performed. To set up autorun or continuous play, click the "OK" button and perform the following steps. To set nothing, close out by clicking the "Cancel" button.
All scenario files within the memory card are
displayed in the Scenario List on the left.
In the case of automatic projection at projector power ON, click the desired scenario name in the Scenario List, and click the " " button. The scenario is displayed in the Autorun Scenario List on the right, and is set as an autorun file. To automatically go back to the beginning once the scenario projection has finished, select the desired scenario in the Scenario List and select "Revive".
Autorun can be set even if "Scenario Option" - "Edit Autorun" is selected.
Autorun setting cannot be designated in the EasyMP CardPlayer.
If there are two or more files set for autorun, they will be played back in
order on the Autorun Scenarios List.
Insert the memory card from the senario sending
function in the projector, and use CardPlayer on the projector to project the scenario. s p.21
EasyMP Operation Guide
Creating and Sending a Scenario

What Do You Do When ...

f Create a Scenario Easily
To turn a single PowerPoint file into a scenario, drag and drop the PowerPoint file icon onto the EMP SlideMaker2 program icon on the desktop.
Scenarios cannot be created in this way when EMP SlideMaker2 is
running. Be sure to close EMP SlideMaker2 first.
The name "Scnxxxx" (xxxx are numbers) is given to the created scenario.
The image quality of the scenario is set to "Standard". The image quality can be changed in the scenario settings dialogue box displayed by selecting "File" - "Properties". For details concerning image quality,
In the event that multiple PowerPoint files are selected and dragged-and-
dropped onto the EMP SlideMaker2 program icon, only the file whose icon is pointed at by the mouse cursor will be made into a scenario.
When easy scenario creation is performed, the scenario will be created from
all the slides in the PowerPoint file. If there are slides you do not wish to project, right-click those cells and select "Inactivate".
The following PowerPoint animations can be used in a scenario.
• Fly • Blinds • Box • Checkerboard
• Crawl • Dissolve • Peek • Random Bars
• Spiral • Split • Stretch • Strips
• Swivel • Wipe • Zoom • Random Effects Animations other than those above can be placed by the "Cut" command.
EasyMP Operation Guide
Creating and Sending a Scenario
f To Verify the Scenario Projection Status on a Computer
It is possible to verify on a computer how a created scenario will project when played back on a projector by using the CardPlayer. All the structural elements of the scenario such as graphics, animation, background music, etc. will be played.
Open the scenario to verify in EMP SlideMaker2.
Select "Scenario Option" - "Scenario Preview".
The Scenario Preview screen is displayed. Operate
the scenario referring to the following table.
Stop Stop play and return to the first slide.
Pause Temporarily stops the slides when "Automatically" is
selected for "Advance". s p.13
Play Starts the scenario preview. In addition, this restarts
stopped or paused scenarios. The following slide is displayed when "Advance" is set to "On mouse click". s p.13
Rewind Returns the slide to the one previous to the currently
displayed slide or returns the screen previous to the animation being executed. The animation effects are not performed upon return.
Forward (FF)
Volume Performs volume control. Sets the level of the background
Status Bar Displays the state of progress of the scenario on a bar. At
Shows the next slide (one after the current slide) or shows the screen after animation execution. At this time the animation effects are not executed.
first there is no bar display, and then the bar extends from left to right as the scenario progresses. The scenario ends at the rightward end of the bar.
After verification is complete, click the " " button at
the top right of the screen to close the Scenario Preview screen.
Status Bar
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