These test and pipetting conditions are valid for all Eppendorf pipettes
and dispensers.
Follow EN ISO 8655 "Volume-measuring equipment with pistons".
For the calibration or adjustment of pipettes, the scales and measuring station
should fulfill the following requirements:
1.1.1Balance type
Use semi-microbalances and microbalances to calibrate pipettes.
Some companies offer balances that are specially designed to meet the
requirements of pipette calibration, e.g. Sartorius and Mettler.
When selecting the balances, ensure that they are suitable for the accuracy of
the pipette. This helps to ensure that deviations within a measuring series are
recorded exactly for the assessment of the systematic and random measurement
deviations in accordance with EN ISO 8655.
For a pipette volume of less than or equal to 10 µl, balances with a 6-digit
display must be used. With larger volumes, balances with a 5-digit display are
1.1.3Minimum requirements for balances
Selected volume* of the pipette to be
1 µL to 10 µL0.001
>10 µL to 100 µL0.01
>100 µL to 1 000 µL0.1
>1 mL to 10 mL0.1
>10 mL to 200 mL1
* For practical reasons, the nominal volume can be used for the selection of the
Display resolution (mg)
Test and pipette conditions
Eppendorf SOP
English (EN)
1.2Measuring station
Take evaporation protection into account while carrying out the measurement.
With volumes < 50 µl in particular, errors caused by the evaporation of the test
liquid must be taken into consideration.
This can be ensured by using a liquid trap or other equipment to prevent
1.2.2Measuring station
For electronic measurement data processing, we recommend calibration
software and accessories for your balance (PICASO, order no. 3113 004.001).
(see also EN ISO 8655, Part 6)
1.2.3Test room
The tests should be carried out in a draft-free room under constant climatic
The test room should have a constant temperature between 15 °C and 30 °C and
a constant relative humidity above 50 %.
1.2.4Temperature differences
Before the test, the device to be tested and test liquid must have stood in the test
room for a sufficient amount of time, at least 2 hours, in order to reach
equilibrium with the storage conditions.
Direct sunlight and other influences which could affect the temperature should
be avoided at all costs.
1.2.5Test liquid
Distilled or deionized water of "Quality 3 in accordance with ISO 3696",
degassed or at equilibrium with air. The water must be at room temperature.
1.2.6Operating Manual
Observe the operating instructions for your pipette.
Eppendorf SOP
English (EN)
2.1Scope of testing
Note concerning the nominal volume:
The nominal volume of an adjustable-volume pipette is the largest volume to be
set by the user and specified by the manufacturer.
When using the Combitip with the Multipette, the nominal volume is the largest
possible dispensing volume of the Combitip. This means that for the Multipette
plus and Multipette M4, the nominal volume is 1/5 of the filling volume of the
Combitip advanced. For the Multipette stream / Xstream, the nominal volume is
the filling volume of the Combitip advanced.
2.1.1Adjusting adjustable volume pipettes
For variable pipettes, check 3 different volumes with 10 measured values each:
• the nominal volume,
• approx. 50 % of the nominal volume,
• 10 % of the nominal volume.
2.1.2Multi-channel pipettes
For Multi-channel pipettes check each channel separately with 3 different
volumes, each with 10 measured values:
• the nominal volume,
• approx. 50 % of the nominal volume,
• 10 % of the nominal volume.
With the
• Multipette,
• Multipetteplus,
• Multipette stream,
• MultipetteXstream
• MultipetteM4
check the nominal volume with 10 measured values with the Eppendorf
Combitip used.
Eppendorf SOP
English (EN)
2.1.4Bottle-top dispenser and Top Buret
For bottle-top dispensers and the Top Buret, check the nominal volume with 10
measured values.
2.2.1Work method
1. Place the selected pipette tip on the tip cone of the pipette or on the
corresponding Combitip in the Multipette.
2. Implement the following settings:
• Adjustable-volume piston-stroke pipettes: the smallest volume to be tested
• Multipettes: the nominal volume
• Bottle-top dispenser and Top Buret: the nominal volume
3. For all Multipettes with fully drawn up Combitip, always discard the first
dispensing step.
4. Fill test liquid up to a height of min. 3 mm in the weighing vessel.
5. For piston-stroke pipettes fill the pipette tip 5x with test liquid and empty it
(pre-wet), in order to create a moisture balance in the dead air volume.
6. Replace the single-use tip.
7. Pre-wet the tip 1x.
2.2.2Removing the test volume from the reservoir
1. Hold the pipette vertically.
2. Dip the pipette tip into the test liquid by a few millimeters.
3. Draw in the volume to be tested slowly and evenly. The waiting time of 1 to
3 seconds, for Research 1 to 10 mL 5 seconds must be observed.
(the waiting time corresponds to the size of the tip, see operating
4. Pull the pipette tip slowly out of the liquid, wiping it on the vessel wall.
Eppendorf SOP
English (EN)
2.2.3Dispensing the test volume into the weighing vessel
1. Rest the filled tip up against the wall of the weighing vessel at an angle.
2. Dispense the test liquid slowly until the first stop (measuring stroke).
3. Press the control button to the second stop (blow-out) and dispense the
remaining liquid in the tip (does not apply for dispensers and burets).
4. Hold down the control button and pull the tip up the vessel wall.
5. Let the control button slide back into position.
6. Determine the weight.
7. Complete all measurements of a measuring series as described and calculate
the systematic and random error (see p. 11).
8. In case of adjustable-volume pipettes, determine the measurement with the
nominal volume, 50 % and 10 % of the nominal volume. Always begin the
test with 10 % of the nominal volume.
Eppendorf SOP
English (EN)
3.1Calculating the systematic error
Mean value of the dispensed volume:
n = Number of measured values
To convert the measured values into volume values, use correction factor Z for
the dependency of the test liquid on temperature and air pressure for each
individual value (see Factor Z for distilled water on p. 36).
Systematic error e
Systematic error e
in micro liter:
in percent:
3.2Calculating the random error
Random error as repeat standard s:
Random error as coefficient of variation CV:
The specifications of the tested pipette can be found in the relevant operating
instructions or technical specifications (see Technical specifications on p. 37).
Sterilization and cleaning
Eppendorf SOP
English (EN)
4Sterilization and cleaning
Further notes on cleaning and sterilization can found in the relevant
operating manual.
Parameter for autoclaving
• 121 °C
• 20 minutes
• 1 bar overpressure
4.1.1Reference and Biomaster
The Reference pipettes and the Biomaster are fully autoclavable.
1. Prior to autoclaving, unscrew the upper and lower part of the pipette apart by
approx. one turn to enable the vapor to enter more easily.
2. After autoclaving, allow the pipette to cool down to room temperature and to
dry completely and then screw together.
4.1.2Research plus and Reference 2
The Research plus pipettes and Reference 2 pipettes are fully autoclavable.
1. You can put the Research plus and Reference 2 into the autoclave as a
complete unit or with the lower part removed. Do not disassemble the lower
2. For 2.5 mL, 5 mL and 10 mL pipettes: remove the old protection filter. Add a
new protection filter and install it after autoclaving. Only autoclave the
protection filter once.
After autoclaving:
3. Cool the pipette down to room temperature and leave to dry.
4. For 2.5 mL, 5 mL / 10 mL pipettes: the protection filter swells during
autoclaving. Slightly squeeze the protection filter when installing it into the
cone tip.
Sterilization and cleaning
Eppendorf SOP
English (EN)
4.1.3Research and Research pro
With the Research and Research pro pipettes, the lower section is autoclavable.
With single-channel models prior to autoclaving
1. Pull off the ejector sleeve with depressed ejector.
2. Unscrew the lower part of the pipette.
With the Multi-channel versions, you can autoclave the entire lower section.
After autoclaving, assemble the parts only after room temperature has been
reached and the parts have been dried.
4.1.4Top Buret
The Top Buret can not be autoclaved.
4.1.5Varipette and Multipette
• Varipette,
• Multipette,
• Multipetteplus,
• Multipette stream
• MultipetteXstream
• MultipetteM4
are not autoclavable.
The Varispenser and Varispenser plus are only autoclavable when fully
With theVarispenser plus
1. Set the discharge valve toggle to the dispensing position (–>).
2. Release the volume setting knob, move to the middle position and leave
3. Place the dispenser on a cloth and autoclave, avoiding contact with hot
4. Only use the dispenser again when it has cooled down to room temperature.
Sterilization and cleaning
Eppendorf SOP
English (EN)
4.1.7Xplorer and Xplorer plus
The lower part of theXplorer and Xplorer plus pipettes can be autoclaved.
1. Pull off the ejector sleeve with depressed ejector.
2. On the lower part of the pipette, push the ring labeled PUSH UP TO RELEASE upward until the lower part is released.
After autoclaving, assemble the parts only after room temperature has been
reached and the parts have been dried.
All areas of the underside of the pipette can be cleaned in a soap
solution or isopropanol 60 % provided that no differing instructions are
given in the operating manual.
1. Clean the parts in soap solution or isopropanol.
2. Rinse the parts in distilled water.
3. Allow the parts to dry completely and then assemble.
4. Lightly lubricate the piston of the pipette (Eppendorf special grease
Leakage check
Eppendorf SOP
English (EN)
5Leakage check
5.1Pipette leakage check
In order to carry out a leakage check on a pipette, follow the procedure outlined
1. For adjustable-volume pipettes: set the nominal volume.
2. For volumes <20 µl pre-wet the tip several times.
3. Hold the pipette vertically with a full tip for approx. 30 sec. Do not touch the
pipette tip.
4. Observe the meniscus of the liquid on the tip opening. If there is a leak in the
pipette, a drip will form on the tip opening.
6.1Potential error causes and corrections
Observe the error descriptions in the operating instructions.
Error Cause Elimination
Droplets on the
inner wall of the
pipette tip.
Pipette is dripping,
pipetted volume is
Uneven wetting of the plastic
• Tip loose.
• Incorrect pipette tip.
Pipette is leaking because:
•The piston is
• The piston is damaged.
• The seal is damaged.
Attach a new pipette tip.
Press the tip on firmly.
Use an original Eppendorf
Clean the piston and
lubricate slightly.
Replace the piston and
piston sealing and
lubricate slightly.
Replace the seal.
Eppendorf SOP
English (EN)
Error Cause Elimination
Liquid cannot be
aspirated correctly
or dripping occurs.
• Leakage in the Combitip
• Combitip advanced has
heated up.
Replace the Combitip
advanced with a new
Combitip advanced.
Ensure that the
temperature is uniform as
the liquid expands when
The control button
is jammed, runs
•The piston is
• The seal is contaminated.
Clean the piston and
lubricate slightly.
Disassemble the pipette,
clean all seals, replace if
• The piston is damaged.
Replace the piston and
piston seal and lubricate
• Penetration of solvent
Unscrew the lower part of
the pipette and aerate the
lower part.
Clean the piston and
lubricate slightly.
Eppendorf SOP
English (EN)
7.1General information
Prior to delivery, all pipettes are adjusted with distilled or de-ionized, degassed
water under the conditions described in Chapters 1 to 3 and according to ISO
3696 (see Calibration on p. 8).
If you have doubts regarding the accuracy of the volume entered, please check
the following points first:
• Is there a leak in the device (see Leakage check on p. 15)?
Exception: Biomaster
• Does the temperature of the pipetted liquid correspond to:
– the temperature of the device?
– the ambient air temperature?
• Is the set volume correct?
• Has the liquid density and air pressure been taken into consideration?
• Does the density of the pipetted liquid deviate from the double-distilled,
degassed water?
• Was the work completed correctly, as described in the "Calibration" chapter
(see p. 8) and "Evaluation" chapter (see p. 11)?
• Were original Eppendorf pipette tips used?
Volume errors can also occur when pipetting liquids with high vapor pressure,
where the density or viscosity deviates considerably from the values of water.
Adjustments should only be carried out on the device after these conditions have
been taken into consideration.
7.2Adjusting adjustable-volume pipettes
Observe the operating instructions for your pipette. There you will find
detailed descriptions on adjustment.
The adjustment of the following adjustable-volume pipettes is a zero point offset:
• Research
• Research plus
• Reference
• Reference2
Eppendorf SOP
English (EN)
Device, original Eppendorf tip, test liquid and ambient air must have the same
temperature (15 – 30°C) at a constant temperature of ±0.5°C during the test
(according to EN ISO 8655, Part 6).
If your Research, Research plus or Reference has an adjustment, remove
it before carrying out the adjustment.
After adjusting, lock the adjustment opening with a new adjustment
Adjustment seals can be reordered (see operating manual).
1. Set the pipette to the smallest volume to be tested.
2. Use a matching original Eppendorf tip for single-channel pipettes. For
Multi-channel pipettes, use any channel.
3. Pipette the set volume 10 times.
4. Conduct a weighing after every volume dispensing.
5. Calculate the mean value after 10 measurements (see Evaluation on p. 11).
The calculated mean value of these weighings (observe conversion factor Z =
mg to µL) yields the actual volume.
6. For adjusting, introduce the suitable tool into the opening intended for this
purpose, or place it on the designated location, and adjust the actual volume
(see the following figures or operating manual).
7. Check the set volume by measuring again. If the target volume does not
match the result of the measurement, repeat steps 2 to 6.
8. After the adjustment, check the measured values for accuracy at 50% of the
nominal volume and check the nominal volume for accuracy.
1. Use the pipette wrench to adjust the
volume display of the pipette, with
the piston stroke unchanged, to the
actual volume value of the
2. Pull off the pipette wrench.
3. Set the pipette to the target volume
in the usual manner.
1. Insert side B of the pipette wrench
into the adjustment opening in the
2. Using the pipette wrench, set the
digital display of the pipette, with
unaltered piston stroke, to the actual
volume value of the measurement.
3. Pull off the pipette wrench.
4. Set the pipette to the target volume
in the usual manner.
5. After the adjustment has been
successfully completed, lock the
adjustment opening with a red CAL
Reference 2
Reference 2
Reference 2
Eppendorf SOP
English (EN)
7.2.4Reference 2 adjustable-volume User adjustment
Changing the adjustment will change the volume by a specific value. Strictly
speaking, the change only applies to the testing volume.
You readjust a 10 – 100 µL pipette, with a volume setting of 100 µL, by 1 µL
(1 µL 1%). If the volume setting is 10 µL, the pipette is also adjusted by 1 µL
( 10%).
Auxiliary aids from the delivery package
• Red plastic adjustment seal (ADJ)
1. Insert the pin in the middle of the gray adjustment seal (ADJ).
2. Remove the adjustment seal.
3. Insert the adjustment tool.
4. Turn the adjustment tool until the adjustment display shows the desired
5. Read the set value distortion-free using the aligning aid in the viewing
6. Carry out weighings to check the accuracy and precision.
1000 µL
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