Endress+Hauser HART promass 60 Operating Manual

promass 60 (HART )
Mass Flow Measuring System
Operating Manual
BA 013D/06/en/12.99 No. 50091878 CV 4.2
Valid as of software version V4.00.XX (amplifier) V3.02.XX (communications)
Brief Operating Instructions
With the following instructions, you may configure your measuring instrument quickly and easily.
HART protocol
Configuration overview
page 25
Switching on the instrument
page 27
Engineering units
page 45
Configuration of outputs
Current output
page 47
Frequency output
page 48
More complex applications
require the configuration of additional functions, for which the following are available:
Function overview
page 97
Operating matrices
page 26, 28
page 101
Status output
page 55
Auxiliary input
page 55
For optimum measuring accuracy
Zero point adjustment
page 53
Density calibration
page 54
Empty pipe detection
page 51
DIP switches
Configuration overview
page 22
Configuration of i nstrument parameters
Engineering units (US/SI)
page 22
Current range (0/4...20 mA)
page 22
Full scale value (current outp.)→ page 22, 38
Pulse value
page 22, 37
Status output
page 22, 32
Auxiliary input
page 22, 35
Switching on the instrument
page 27
Configuration of di splay
page 24
Operating mode (mass/volume) displayed value, units, etc.
For optimum measuring accuracy
Zero point adjustment
page 35, 39
Density calibration
page 41
Safety instructions
page 5
Mounting and electrical connection
page 11
Electrical connection
page 17
Selection of operating mode
→ page 21
DIP switches & HART protocol local display via
Commuwin II DXR 275
Promass 60
2 Endress+Hauser
1 Safety Instructions . . . . . . . 5
1.1 Correct usage . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Dangers and notes . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Operational safety . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Personnel for installation, start-up
and operation . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.5 Repairs, dangerous chemicals . . . . 6
1.6 Technical improvements . . . . . . . 6
2 Description of the System . . . . 7
2.1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Measuring principle . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 The Promass 60 measuring system . . 9
3 Mounting and Installation . . . 11
3.1 General information . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Transport to the measuring point
(DN 40...100) . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3 Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.4 Rotating the transmitter housing
and local display . . . . . . . . . . 16
4 Electrical Connection . . . . . 17
4.1 General information . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2 Connecting the transmitter . . . . . . 17
4.3 Connecting the remote version . . . . 19
4.4 Connecting HART Handheld DXR 275 . 20
4.5 Connecting Commubox FXA 191
(Commuwin II) . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5 Operation . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.1 Selection of operating mode
(DIP switches/display, HART) . . . . . 21
5.2 Configuration with DIP switches . . . . 22
5.3 Configuration with the local display . . . 23
5.4 Configuration with the HART protocol . . 25
5.5 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . 27
6 Function Description . . . . . 31
6.1 DIP switch functions . . . . . . . . 31
6.2 Local display functions . . . . . . . 39
6.3 HART protocol functions . . . . . . . 43
7 Diagnosis and Trouble-shooting . 59
7.1 Response of the measuring system
on error . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
7.2 Trouble-shooting instructions
(operation via DIP switch) . . . . . . 61
7.3 Trouble-shooting instructions
(operation via HART protocol) . . . . . 62
7.4 Error, alarm and status messages . . . 63
7.5 Replacing the transmitter electronics . . 68
7.6 Replacing the fuse . . . . . . . . . 69
8 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . 71
8.1 Dimensions Promass 60 A . . . . 71
8.2 Dimensions Promass 60 I . . . . . . 73
8.3 Dimensions Promass 60 M . . . . . 74
8.4 Dimensions Promass 60 M
(high pressure) . . . . . . . . . . 75
8.5 Dimensions Promass 60 M
(without process connections) . . . . 76
8.6 Dimensions Promass 60 F . . . . . . 77
8.7 Dimensions of process connections
Promass 60 I, M, F . . . . . . . . . 78
8.8 Dimensions of purge connections
(pressure vessel monitoring) . . . . 85
9 Technical Data . . . . . . . . . 87
10 Functions at a Glance . . . . . . 97
11 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Promass 60 1 Contents
Endress+Hauser 3
Registered Tradem arks
Registered trademark of HART Communication Foundation, Austin, USA
Registered trademark of E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, USA
Registered trademark of Swagelok & Co., Solon, USA
Registered trademark of Ladish & Co., Inc. Kenosha, USA
Registered trademark of E.I. Du Point de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, USA
1 Contents Promass 60
4 Endress+Hauser
1 Safety Instructions
1.1 Correct usage
The Promass 60 is only to be used for measuring the mass flow rate of liquids and gases. At the same time, the system also measures fluid density and thus allows calculation of volume flow.
The manufacturer assumes no liability for damage caused by incorrect use of the instrument.
Instruments which are used in the explosion hazardous area are supplied with a separate “Ex documentation”, which is an
integral part of this Operating Manual.
The instructions and connected loads provided in this supplement must absolutely be observed. An appropriate icon is shown on the front page of the Ex documenta­tion according to the approval given and the test centre.
1.21.2 Dangers and notes
All instruments are designed to meet state-of-the-art safety requirements. They have been tested, and have left the works in an operationally perfectly safe condition. The devices were developed according to EN 61010 “Protection Measures for Electronic Equipment for Measurement, Control, Regulation and Laboratory Procedures”). A hazardous situation may occur if the flowmeter is not used for the purpose it was designed for or is used incorrectly. Please carefully note the information provided in this Operating Manual indicated by the following pictograms:
Warning! A “warning” indicates actions or procedures which, if not performed correctly, may lead to personal injury or a safety hazard. Please strictly observe the instructions supplied and proceed carefully.
Caution! A “caution” indicates actions or procedures which, if not performed correctly, may lead to faulty operations or the destruction of the instrument. Please strictly observe the respective instructions.
Note! A “note” indicates actions or procedures which, if not performed correctly, may indirectly affect operations or lead to an unexpected instrument response.
1.31.3 Operational safety
The Promass 60 measuring system fulfils all general requirements for electromag­netic compatibility (EMC) according to EN 50081 Part 1 and 2 / EN 50082 Part 1 and 2 as well as the NAMUR recommendations.
Extensive self-monitoring of the measuring system gives operational safety. Any errors which may occur are given at the configured status output, e.g. power failure, system error, etc.
On power failure, all data of the measuring system are safely stored in the EEPROM (no batteries required).
Promass 60 1 Safety Instructions
Endress+Hauser 5
1.41.4 Personnel for installation, start-up and operation
Mounting, electrical installation, start-up and maintenance of the instrument may only be carried out by trained personnel authorized by the operator of the facility. Personnel must absolutely and without fail read and understand this Operating Manual before carrying out its instructions.
The instrument may only be operated by personnel who are authorized and trained by the operator of the facility. All instructions in this Manual are to be observed without fail.
In case of corrosive fluids, the resistance of the material of all wetted parts such as measuring tubes, gaskets, and process connections is to be verified. This also applies to fluids used to clean the Promass sensor (for wetted parts materials → see page 92). Endress+Hauser will be glad to provide information and help.
Please observe all provisions valid for your country and pertaining to the opening and repairing of electrical devices.
The installer has to make sure that the measuring system is correctly wired according to the wiring diagrams. The measuring system is to be grounded.
1.51.5 Repairs, dangerous chemicals
The following procedures must be carried out before a Promass 60 flowmeter is sent to Endress+Hauser for repair:
A note must always be enclosed with the instrument, containing a description of the fault, the application, and the chemical and physical properties of the product being measured.
Remove all residue which may be present. Pay special attention to the gasket grooves and crevices where fluid may be present. This is especially important if the fluid is dangerous to health, e.g. corrosive, poisonous, carcinogenic, radioactive, etc.
No instrument should be returned to us without all dangerous material being removed first, e.g. in scratches or diffused through plastic.
Incomplete cleaning of the instrument may result in waste disposal or cause harm to personnel (burns, etc.). Any costs arising from this will be charged to the owner of the instrument.
1.6 Technical improvements
The manufacturer reserves the right to modify technical data without prior notice. Your local E+H Sales Office will supply you with all current information and any updates to this Operating Manual.
Danger from electric shock!
With the housing cover removed, protection against accidental contact is no longer present. Components with high voltages are exposed below the local display (danger from electric shock). When programming according to section 5.3, avoid any contact with the electronic components which lie below the local display, and do not use any electrically conductive object to depress the programming keys.
1 Safety Instructions Promass 60
6 Endress+Hauser
2 Description of the System
2.1 Application
The Promass 60 measuring system measures the mass and volume flow of fluids having widely differing characteristics:
Chocolate, condensed milk, syrup
Oils, fats
Acids, alkalis
Varnishes, paints
Pharmaceuticals, catalytic converters, inhibitors
Gases, etc.
The Promass 60 is used wherever mass flow measurement is of critical importance:
Mixing and batching of various raw materials
Controlling of processes
Measurement of fluids with quickly changing densities
Control and monitoring of product quality
The advantages of this measurement process are demonstrated by its successful use in food processing, the pharmaceutical industry, the chemical and petrochemical industries, waste disposal, energy production, etc.
2.22.2 Measuring principle
The measuring principle is based on the controlled generation of Coriolis forces. These forces are always present when both translational (straight line) and angular (rotational) movement occur simultaneously.
= 2 ⋅ ∆m (ω x v)
= Coriolis force
m = mass of moving body ω = angular velocity
v = radial velocity in a rotating or oscillating system
The amplitude of the Coriolis force depends on the moving mass m, its velocity in
the system v and therefore its mass flow.
Schematic diagram of a measuring tube
Fig. 1: Coriolis forces in the Promass measuring tubes
Promass 60 2 Description of the System
Endress+Hauser 7
The Promass uses an oscillation instead
of a constant angular velocity ω and two
parallel measuring tubes (Promass M and F), with fluid flowing through them, are made to oscillate in antiphase so that they act like a tuning fork. The Coriolis forces produced at the measuring tubes cause a phase shift in the tube oscillation (see Fig. 2):
When there is zero flow, i.e. with the
fluid standing still, both tubes oscillate
in phase (1).
When there is mass flow, the tube
oscillation is decelerated at the inlet
(2) and accelerated at the outlet (3).
As the mass flow rate increases, the
phase difference also increases (A-B).
The oscillations of the measuring tubes are determined using electrodynamic sensors at the inlet and outlet.
Unlike Promass M and F, Promass A and I only has a single measuring tube. However, the measuring principle and function of all sensors are identical.
The operating principle is independent of temperature, pressure, viscosity, conductivity or flow profile.
Density measurement
The measuring tubes are always made to oscillate at their resonant frequency. This excitation frequency adjusts automatically as soon as the mass, and therefore the density, of the oscillating system changes (measuring tubes and fluid). The resonant frequency is thus a function of the density of the fluid and enables the microprocessor to produce a density signal.
Temperature measurement
The temperature of the measuring tubes is determined and used to compensate for temperature effects. The signal produced is a function of the product temperature.
Two tub e system
Fig. 2: Phase shift of tube vibration with mass flow.
Balanced Measuring System
Two-tube system (Promass M, F)
The system balance is ensured by the two measuring tubes vibrating in antiphase.
Single tube system (Promass A, I)
For single tube systems, other design solutions are necessary for system balance than for two­tube systems.
Promass A: For Promass A, an internal reference mass is used for this purpose.
Promass I: For Promass I, the system balance necessary for flawless measurement is generated by exciting an eccentrically located, counter-oscillating pendulum mass. This TMB
(Torsion Mode Balanced) system is patented and guarantees accurate meas­urement, also with changing process and ambient conditions. The installation of Promass I is for this reason just as easy as with two-tube systems! Special fastening measures before and after the meter are therefore not necessary.
t =
∆ ϕ
2 ⋅ π ⋅ f
≈ m
2 Description of the System Promass 60
8 Endress+Hauser
2.3 The Promass 60 measuring system
The Promass 60 measuring system is mechanically and electronically designed for maximum flexibility with the transmitters and sensors being combined in any variation.
The measuring system consists of:
Transmitter: Promass 60
Sensor: Promass A, I, M or F
Caution! The Promass 60 measuring system is available with various Ex approvals. Your E+H representative will be pleased to supply information on the approvals available at present. All Ex information and specifications are included in a separate documentation which can be sent by E+H on request.
Sensor Transmitter
Promass 60
Without onsite operation (Blind version)
With onsite operation
With wall mounting (Remote version)
Compact version
Remote version (up to 20 meters)
DN 1... 4: For very small flow quantities, single tube system in SS or Alloy C-22
DN 8... 50: Single straight tube system (titanium), completely welded version
DN 8... 80: Two straight measuring tubes (titanium), containment vessel up to 100 bar DN 8... 25: High pressure version, system pressure up to 350 bar
DN 8...100: Two slightly curved measuring tubes in SS or Alloy C-22 (only for DN 8...80),
completely welded version
Technical data: see page 87
Fig. 3: Promass 60 measuring system
Promass 60 2 Description of the System
Endress+Hauser 9
2 Description of the System Promass 60
10 Endress+Hauser
3 Mounting and Installation
All instructions given in this section are to be observed at all times in order to
ensure safe and reliable operation of the measuring system.
Mounting regulations and technical specifications for Ex-certified instruments may
differ from those given below. All mounting regulations and connection values in the Ex documentation must, therefore, be strictly observed.
3.1 General information
Protection IP 67 (EN 60529)
The instruments fulfil all the requirements for IP 67. After successful installation in the field or after servicing, the following points must always be observed in order to ensure protection to IP 67:
Housing gaskets must be clean and
undamaged when inserted in the gas­ket groove. The gaskets may need to be dried, cleaned or replaced.
All housing screws and the housing
cover must be firmly tightened.
The cables used for connecting must
have the correct outer diameter.
The cable gland must be firmly
tightened (see Fig. 4).
The cable must loop down before enter-
ing the cable gland to ensure that no moisture can enter it (see Fig. 4).
Any cable gland not used must be
replaced with a blind plug.
The protective bush should not be
removed from the cable gland.
Temperature ranges
The maximum approved ambient and fluid temperatures must be observed
(see page 91)
An all-weather cover should be used to protect from direct sunlight when mounting
in the open. This is especially important in warmer climates and with high ambient temperatures.
Tracing, thermal insulation
With certain fluids heat transfer at the sensor must be avoided. A wide range of materials can be used to assure the necessary insulation. Heating can be provided either electrically, e.g. by heating sheets or supplied by copper pipes with heated water or steam. Heating elements for heat tracing are available for all sensors.
Caution! Danger of the electronics overheating! The connector between the sensor/transmitter housings of the compact version must not be insulated or heated. The connection housing of the remote version should also be kept free. Depending on the fluid temperature, certain installation positions are to be observed (see Fig. 8).
Fig. 4: Mounting notes for cable glands
Promass 60 3 Mounting and Installation
Endress+Hauser 11
System pressure
It is important to avoid cavitation as this can affect the oscillation of the measuring tubes.
No special measures need be taken for fluids which have properties similar to those
of water under normal conditions.
With volatile liquids (hydrocarbons, solvents, liquified gas), the vapour pressure
must not drop below a point where the liquid then begins to boil. It is also important not to release gases which are found naturally in many liquids. This can be prevented by maintaining a high enough system pressure.
Note! Ideally the sensor should be mounted
on the discharge side of pumps (avoiding low pressure)
at the lowest point of a vertical piping
Purge connections
The sensor second containment vessel is filled with dry nitrogen (N
). The purge connection is only to be opened when the vessel is afterward immediately filled with a dry, inert gas (corrosion protection!).
3.2 Transport to the measuring point (DN 40...100)
For transport, measuring instruments with nominal diameters of DN 40...100 may not be lifted at the transmitter housing or at the connection housing of the remote version.
Use shoulder straps for transport to the measuring points and wrap them around both process connections (see Fig. 5). Avoid using chains as this might damage the housing, e.g. scratch the coat of lacquer.
Warning! Danger of injury by slipping measuring instrument. The centre of gravity of the entire device is higher than the two suspension points of the shoulder straps. Make sure that the device does not turn or slip due to the higher centre of gravity during transport.
DN 40...100
DN 80
Promass M
DN 40...100
Fig. 5: Transporting the sensor DN 40...100
3 Mounting and Installation Promass 60
12 Endress+Hauser
3.3 Mounting
No special fittings such as brackets are required. External forces are absorbed by
the construction of the device, e.g. by the containment vessel.
For mechanical reasons, and to protect the pipeline, support is recommended for
heavy sensors.
Due to the high frequency of the measuring tubes, the Promass 60 measuring
system is unaffected by plant vibration.
When mounting, no special precautions need to be taken for turbulence-generating
devices (valves, bends, T-pieces, etc.) as long as no cavitation occurs.
The following installation instructions are to be carried out for correct operation of the measuring system:
Orientation (Promass A)
This is best with the flow direction upwards. Entrained solids sink down­ward and gases rise away from the measuring tube when the product is not flowing. This also allows the measuring tube to be completely drained and pro­tects it from solids build-up.
When correctly installed, the transmitter housing is either above or below the piping. This assures that no gas bubbles may collect or solids be deposited in the curved measuring tube.
Wall and post mounting
The sensor may not be suspended in the piping, that is, without support or fixation to avoid excessive stress on the material around the process connection.
The sensor housing base plate allows a table, wall, or post mounting. The post mounting requires a special mounting set:
DN 1, 2: Order No. 50077972 DN 4: Order No. 50079218
DN A [mm] B [mm]
1 145 160
2 145 160
4 175 220
10...14 kg
Post mountng set for Promass A
Fig. 6:
Orientation Promass A
Promass 60 3 Mounting and Installation
Endress+Hauser 13
Orientation (Promass I, M, F)
This is best with the flow direction upwards. Entrained solids sink down­ward and gases rise away from the measuring tubes when the product is not flowing. This also allows the measuring tubes to be completely drained and protects them from solids build-up.
Promass I (single tube):
Because of the straight measuring tube, the sensor can be mounted in any position of the piping.
Promass M, F:
The measuring tubes must lie side by side. When correctly installed, the transmitter housing is either above or below the piping (see view A).
Promass F:
Promass F measuring tubes are slightly curved. Therefore, the sensor position is to be adapted to the fluid properties for horizontal installation:
F1: not suitable for outgassing fluids F2: not suitable for fluids with solids
Fluid temperature/orientation
To ensure that the permitted ambient temperature range for the transmitter is not exceeded (-25...+60 °C) positioning is recommended as follows:
High fluid temperature
Vertical piping: Position A
Horizontal piping: Position C
Low fluid temperature
Vertical piping: Position A
Horizontal piping: Position B
View A
View A
(Promass M, F)
Positioning Promass F
Promass I (can be mounted in any position)
Fig. 7: Orientation Promass I, M, F
Fig. 8: Fluid temperature and orientation
3 Mounting and Installation Promass 60
14 Endress+Hauser
Mounting location
Air or entrained gases in the measuring tube may cause errors in measurement and therefore the following mounting installations are to be avoided:
Do not install at the highest point of
the piping.
Do not install in a vertical pipeline
directly upstream of a free pipe outlet.
Correct installation is still possible using the recommendation in the adjacent Figure. Restrictions in the piping or an orifice with a smaller cross section than the measuring instrument can prevent the sensor from running empty during measurement.
Nominal diameter Ø Orifice/restriction
DN 1 DN 2 DN 4 DN 8 DN 15 DN 15 * DN 25 DN 25 * DN 40 DN 40 * DN 50 DN 80 DN 100
0.8 mm
1.5 mm
3.0 mm
6.0 mm
10.0 mm
15.0 mm
14.0 mm
24.0 mm
22.0 mm
35.0 mm
28.0 mm
50.0 mm
65.0 mm
* DN 15, 25, 40 “FB” =
Full bore versions of Promass I
Mounting the transmitter
A wall bracket for the transmitter hous­ing and a 10 or 20 meter, ready-to-use, sensor connection cable is in the scope of supply for the remote version.
Please pay attention to page 19
“Connecting the Remote Version”.
Fix the cable or fix it in a conduit.
Do not lay cable in the vicinity of
electrical machines or switching elements.
In case of the remote version, the
connection housing of the sensor may not be insulated.
Ensure potential equalisation between
the transmitter and the sensor (see page 19).
For post mounting a special mounting set is available (Order No. 50076905).
Orifice Pipe restriction
Batching tank
Storage tank
Fig. 9: Mounting location (vertical piping)
cable length max. 20 m
Wall mounting Post mounting
Fig. 10: Mounting the transmitter (Remote version)
Promass 60 3 Mounting and Installation
Endress+Hauser 15
3.4 Rotating the transmitter housing and local display
With the compact version, the transmitter housing and the display field can be rotated in 90° steps so that the instrument can be mounted in almost any position in the piping to ensure easy handling and read-off.
Warning! The following description does not apply to Ex-certified measuring instruments. Please observe the respective, separate Ex documentation in every detail.
➊ ➐
Rotating the transmitter housing
Loosen the mounting screws (approx. two turns).
Rotate the transmitter housing as far as the groove of the nut.
Carefully pull out the transmitter housing.
Caution! Do not damage the connection cable between the transmitter and sensor!
Rotate the transmitter housing to the position required.
Push back into the latch again and tighten the two screws securely.
Rotating the local disp la y
Warning ! Danger from electric shock. Switch off power supply before opening the housing.
Loosen the safety grip (3 mm Allen key).
Unscrew the cover from the electronics area.
Undo both Phillips screws.
Rotate the display.
Tighten the Phillips screws again.
Replace the cover of the electronics area on the transmitter housing.
Tighten the Allen screws of the safety grip securely.
Fig. 11: Rotating the transmitter housing and the local display
3 Mounting and Installation Promass 60
16 Endress+Hauser
4 Electrical Connection
4.1 General information
The information in Section 3.1 must be observed in order to maintain protection
to IP 67.
When connecting Ex-certified flowmeters, all appropriate instructions and connec-
tion diagrams in the separate Ex documentation to this Operating Manual must be observed.
When using the remote version, only sensors and transmitters with the same serial
number are to connected together. Communication errors if this is not the case.
4.2 Connecting the transmitter
➊ ➏
Signal cable
Power supply cable
➎ ➋
Loosen the screws of the safety grip (3 mm Allen key).
Unscrew the cover of the terminal compartment.
Push the power and signal cables through the appropriate cable glands.
Wire up according to the connection diagrams (see diagram in the screw cover or Fig. 13):
The power supply is connected to Terminal 1 (L1 or L+), Terminal 2 (N or L–) and the ground terminal. – Stranded-wire cabling: cover with an end sleeve max. 4 mm
– Single wire cabling: max. 6 mm
Screw the cover of the terminal compartment securely back onto the transmitter housing.
Tighten the Allen screws of the safety grip securely.
Warning !
Danger from electric shock! Switch off the power supply before unscrewing the cover!
Connect the ground wire to the ground terminal on the housing before turning on the power supply.
Check that the local power supply and frequency agree with the information on the nameplate. All relevant national regulations for mounting must also be observed.
Fig. 12: Connecting the Promass 60 transmitter
Promass 60 4 Electrical Connection
Endress+Hauser 17
for AC
L +
} for DC power supply
0...400 Hz (f
= 500 Hz)
max. 30 V / 250 mA
max. 30 V / 250 mA
System error indication
Flow directi on
3...30 V DC, Ri = 1.8 k
Positive zero return, Z ero point ca libration
Totalizer reset
0/4...20 mA, RL < 700
HART protocol: 4...20 mA, R
Pulse output (passive)
Status output (passive)
Auxiliary input
Current output (active)
Ground connection (screening of signal cable)
Power supply 20...55 V AC / 16...62 V DC:
2.5 A slow-acting / 250 V; 5.2 x 20 mm
Power supply 85...230 + 10% V AC: 1 A slow-acting / 250 V; 5.2 x 20 mm
Power supply cable
Ground terminal for ground wire
Ground terminal for cable screening
Signal cable
Ground connection (ground wire)
Fig. 13: Electrical connection: power supply, input and outputs
4 Electrical Connection Promass 60
18 Endress+Hauser
4.3 Connecting the remote version
The remote version is supplied with a 10 or 20 meter ready-to-use cable which is already connected to the sensor.
Sensor connection housing
Transmitter connection housing
Cable specifications:
brn = brown; wht = white; pnk = pink; yel = yellow; grn = green; gry = grey 6 x 0.38 mm
PVC cable with
screening and individually screened cores. Conductor resistance: ≤ 50 Ω/km; Capacitance: core/screen ≤ 420 pF/m Permanent operating temperature: –25...+90 °C
With the remote-mounted version the cables between sensor and transmitter must always be screened and grounded at both ends. This is done at the ground terminals inside the connection housing of sensor and transmitter.
Transmitter connection housing
➋ ➎
cable length max. 20 m
Warning! Danger from electrical shock! Switch off the power supply before unscrewing the cover of the electronics area from the transmitter housing and the cover from the connection housing.
Connection in the terminal area is carried out as described for the compact version (see page 17, 18)
Loosen the safety grip (3 mm Allen key). Unscrew the cover of the transmitter connection area.
Push the connection cable through the appropriate cable gland.
Connect the cable according to the electrical connection diagram (see Figure below or diagram in the screw cover).
Screw on the connection housing cover again securely. Tighten the Allen screws of the safety grip securely.
Fig. 14: Connecting the remote version
Promass 60 4 Electrical Connection
Endress+Hauser 19
4.4 Connecting HART Handheld DXR 275
The following connection versions are available to the user:
Direct connection to the Promass transmitter via Terminals 26 / 27
Connection via the analogue 4...20 mA cable of the current output
In both cases the measuring loop must have a minimum resistance of 250 Ω.
4.5 Connecting Commubox FXA 191 (Commuwin II)
The following connection versions are available to the user:
Direct connection to the Promass transmitter via Terminals 26/27
Connection via the analogue 4...20 mA cable of the current output
In both cases the measuring loop must have a minimum resistance of 250 Ω .
Move the switch on the Commubox to ‘HART’!
HART handheld terminal
DXR 275
Power supply
Other instruments or PLC with passive input
Fig. 15: Electrical connection HART-handheld DXR 275
other instruments or PLC with passive input
Power supply
Personal Computer with E+H software “Commuwin II” and HART DDE server
Commubox FXA 191
RS 232C
Fig. 16: Electrical connection Commubox FXA 191
4 Electrical Connection Promass 60
20 Endress+Hauser
5 Operation
5.1 Selection of operating mode (DIP switches/display, HART)
Promass 60 can basically be operated in two different ways:
Configuration with DIP switches and/or the local display
Configuration with HART protocol (e.g. via Commuwin II, HART handheld, etc.)
The two operating modes can not be used simultaneously. By using the “DIP/HART”
switch on the communication pcb (see Fig. 17), the operating mode is fixed and thereby also the instrument’s functionality. An overview of all instrument functions, depending on the operating mode, can be found in Chapter 10.
Caution! With the switch in the “HART” position, switches Nr. 1–12 are deactivated. Switching back to the “DIP” switch operating mode overwrites settings or data entries previously made in the HART or Commuwin matrix.
Danger from electrical shock! Switch off the power supply before unscrewing the cover of the electronics area from the transmitter housing.
Do not fail to observe the supplementary Ex documentation for Ex-certified instruments, especially the waiting time before opening the housing.
1. Loosen the screws of the safety grip (3 mm Allen key).
2. Unscrew the cover of the electronics area.
3. Remove the local display if present.
4. Set “DIP/HART” to the desired position (also DIP switch Nrs. 1–12 if applicable, see page 22)
5. Reassemble in reverse sequence.
Fig. 17: Selection of operating mode (function overview: see page 97)
→Configuration with
DIP switches & display
DIP switches:
Basic instrument functions → page 22
Local display: Additional functions → page 24
→ Configuration with
HART protocol
HART handheld → page 25
Commuwin II → page 27
Promass 60 5 Operation
Endress+Hauser 21
5.2 Configuration with DIP switches
Factory settings
DIP switches No. 1–12
ON Creep suppression activated OFF Creep suppression deactivated
ON Status output: flow direction OFF Status output: indication of system errors
ON US engineering units [lb, gal] OFF SI engineering units [kg, t; l, m
ON 0...20 mA current range OFF 4...20 mA current range
Setting pulse value: For switch settings → see
on page 37
Scaling the full scale value (= flow at 20 mA) For switch settings → see
Ta bles
on page 38
(Current output)
ON Short-cycle batching on **) OFF Short-cycle batching off
ON Auxiliary input: Positive zero return *) OFF Auxiliary input: Zero point calibration *)
client settings
Danger from electrical shock! Switch off the power supply before unscrewing the cover of the electronics area from the transmitter housing.
Do not fail to observe the supplementary Ex documentation for Ex-certified instruments, especially the waiting time before opening the housing.
1. Loosen the screws of the safety grip (3 mm Allen key).
2. Unscrew the cover of the electronics area.
3. Remove the local display if present (see page 16).
4. Set the DIP switches (description of functions → see page 31 ff.) .
5. Reassemble in reverse sequence.
Fig. 18: Setting instrument functions with DIP switches
Note! On request, Promass 60 measuring instruments are also available with customised parameterisation.
*) or totalizer reset via local display (see page 35) **) For filling cycle up to <60 sec.
5 Operation Promass 60
22 Endress+Hauser
5.3 Configuration with the local display
Using the Promass 60 local display, important variables can be read off and control­led directly at the measuring point. Three operating keys are used to select and activate the various functions.
Actual flow rate (display function)
Actual totalizer value (display function)
Number of totalizer overflows (display function)
Alternating display flow/totalizer
Static zero point calibration
Enter zero point
Density-value display/start density calibration
Mass or volume measurement
Pressure pulse suppression (batching)
Test function for checking the display elements
The function of the auxiliary input may additionally be changed with the help of a jumper positioned on the local display (see page 35). All measurement data (e.g. totalizer value) and configuration values are safely stored on power supply failure. With system errors the outputs respond as described on page 59.
Operating keys
With these three keys, functions may be accessed, activated, and/or numbers entered (see next page).
11 Display segmen ts
The segments displayed allow an immediate reading of the engineering unit, process, and instrument status.
Example: If the creep falls below of a certain value (see Table on page 31), the display segment above “Low-flow cutoff” becomes immediately visible.
Display of all measured values, operating, and status reports
Configuration of the auxiliary input
Fig. 19: Local display Promass 60
Promass 60 5 Operation
Endress+Hauser 23
Operation of the local display
It is possible to access, activate, and set various functions in sequence with the help of the three operating keys on the local display.
Configuration of auxiliary input
see page 35
Set / –
This key is used for carrying out the following operations within the appropriate function:
Selecting the engineering units
Entering of numerical values (–)
Zero point or density calibration.
Totali zer reset / +
This key is used for resetting the totalizer to ’0’ (in the “
” function only).
Entering of numerical values (+)
Display function
This key is used for selecting the function resp. the display mode required:
Flow rate display
Totalizer display
Display totalizer overflow
Display flow rate and totalizer
Zero point adjustment
Zero point value
Density adjustment
Operating mode (mass/volume)
Pressure pulse suppression
Display test function
Function description → see page 39
LCD, 8-character
All measured values, operating and status indications are shown here.
11 display seg ments
The appropriate segments serve to provide clear identification of engineering units, instrument and process status:
Creep too low (Low flow cutoff)
Velocity of fluids is too high: full scale value exceeded, >500 Hz >25 mA
System fault (Error)
Present engineering units
Volume measuring activated/ de-activated
Warning! Danger from electrical shock! With the housing cover removed, protection against accidental contact is no longer present. Components with high voltages are exposed below the local display (danger from electric shock). Avoid any contact with the electronic components which lie below the local display, and do not use any electrically conductive object to depress the programming keys.
1. Loosen Allen screw (3 mm) of the safety grip. Unscrew the cover of the electronics compartment.
2. The keys may now be operated by pressing with a thin (non-conductive) pin. A switching cycle takes about 0.5...0.8 seconds.
3. Firmly screw back the cover of the electronics compartment to the transmitter housing once the settings have been entered. Firmly tighten the Allen screw of the safety grip.
Fig. 20: Operation of the local display
5 Operation Promass 60
24 Endress+Hauser
5.4 Configuration with the HART protocol
For configuration with HART protocol, there are basically two possibilities:
Configuration with the “HART handheld DXR 275”.
Configuration with a PC using special software, e.g. “Commuwin II” and the
“Commubox FXA 191” HART modem.
All functions available with HART protocol are fully described in Chapter 6.3.
Configuration using the “HART handheld DXR 275”
Selection of Promass 60 instrument functions when using the HART handheld is via various menu levels or using the HART operating matrix respectively (see Fig. 22).
The HART protocol requires a 4...20 mA setting for the current output.
The 0...20 mA setting is only selectable with the DIP switches.
All functions are accessible at all times with the HART handheld terminal i.e.
programming is not locked. The HART operating matrix can, however, be locked by entering any value except “0 or 60” in the function “ACCESS CODE”. Data can then no longer be changed. The operating matrix can again be enabled by entering the code number “0 or 60”.
Further information on the HART handheld is given in the appropriate operating
manual in the carrying case.
1. Switch on handheld terminal: a. The transmitter is not yet connected → The HART main menu is displayed → Continue with
b. The transmitter is already connected → The menue level “Online” is immediately shown.
2. “Online” menu level:
Actual measurement data including flow, totalizer sum, etc. are continually shown.
Via “MATRIX GROUP” you have access to the HART operating matrix (see page 26), then to the function group (e.g. CURRENT OUTPUT) and finally to the desired function, e.g. “FULL SCALE”.
3. Enter values or change the setting.
4. The field “SEND” is shown by pressing the “F2” function key. By pressing the “F2” key, all values and settings entered with the handheld terminal are registered by the Promass measuring system. Confirm with the “F4” key.
5. Press “F3” HOME function key to return to the “Online” menu level. The actual values measured by the Promass flowmeter with the new settings can now be read off.
Fig. 21: Operating the HART handheld (example)
Promass 60 5 Operation
Endress+Hauser 25
Fig. 22: HART operating matrix Promass 60 (Function description: see page 43)
5 Operation Promass 60
26 Endress+Hauser
Configuration using “Commuwin II” software
Commuwin II is a universal program for remote operation of field and control-room devices. With the Commubox FXA 191, the Promass 60 can be connected to the RS 232 serial interface of a personal computer. This makes remote configuration possible using the E+H Commuwin II program.
Commuwin II offers the following functions:
parameterization of functions (see operating matrix, page 28),
visualization of measuring values,
saving of instrument parameters,
device diagnostics (see page 63 ff.),
measuring-point documentation.
Commuwin II may also be combined with other software packages to visualize processes.
Note! For additional information on Commuwin II, see the following E+H documentation:
System Information: SI 018F/00/en “Commuwin II”
Operating Manual: BA 124F/00/en “Commuwin II Operating Program”
5.5 Commissioning
Before switching on the measuring system, the following checks should be carried out again:
Installation (see page 11)
Does the directional arrow on the nameplate agree with the actual flow direction in the piping?
Electrical connection (see page 17)
Check electrical connections and terminal coding. Check that the local power supply and frequency agree with the information stated on the nameplate.
Configuration mode (see page 21)
Is the “DIP / HART” DIP switch in the desired position?
If these checks are successful, then switch on the power supply. The instrument is now ready for use.
Promass 60 5 Operation
Endress+Hauser 27
“Commuwin II” operating matrix
H0 H1 H2 H3
3: kg/s 5: kg/h 10: lb/min 13: ton/hr
1: kg 2: t 3: lb 4: ton
5: l/s 7: l/h 18: Ugpm 19: Ugph
1: 4–20 mA 3: 4–20 mA NAMUR
5 Operation Promass 60
28 Endress+Hauser
“Commuwin II” opera tin g ma trix
H4 H5 H6 H7...H9
2: l 4: m3 6: USgal 8: USgal*1000
1: kg/dm3 7: g/cc
0: C (Celsius) 1: K (Kelvin) 2: F (Fahrenheit) 3: R (Rankine)
0: OFF 2: 2 mA 3: 4 mA 5: 12 mA 7: 22 mA 8: 25 mA
0: OFF 1: 0 Hz 2: 2 Hz 3: 10 Hz 4: 1 kHz
(Assign Status Output)
Promass 60 5 Operation
Endress+Hauser 29
5 Operation Promass 60
30 Endress+Hauser
+ 74 hidden pages