Locking Devices
1/4-20 CUP SEMS Bolt
Replacement Hasp
5" Can Wrench
T-Handle Tamper-Proof Wrench
Ordering Information
TF75 F600490 1/4-20 x 51/64 with cupped washer around hex head,
TVHASP F605887 TVHASP replacement hasp (10/pkg) TV40, TV60LP, TV80, TV710, and TV104
38 F003205 216-Type can wrench, hex ends are separate pieces
P29732 F529732 T-handle tamper-proof wrench, 5/16 hex-wrench with
mounting bracket and key sold separately
molded in plastic, 5" length (yellow)
15 diameter bolts in recess both ends, 1 per package
Most telephone pedestals
Finger-type wrench has hex ends for 3/8" and 7/16" nuts
and deep sockets for terminal posts
Red handle wrench used on tamper-proof cross-connect
cabinets, MESA
, and CATV enclosures
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150200D-Locks / 0514