Emerson Fisher easy-e EZ Data Sheet

easy-e Cryogenic Valves
Fisherr easy-et Cryogenic Sliding-Stem Control Valves
Fisher easy-e cryogenic valves are globe-style, single-port, valves featuring stainless steel construction materials and fabricated extension bonnets. Fisher ET-C and EWT-C valves are pressure-balanced, whereastheFisherEZ-Cvalveisan unbalanced design. These cryogenic valves are designed to provide throttling or on-off control of liquids and gases at cryogenic temperatures as low as
When required, these rugged valves can reliably provide tight shutoff for special applications within the chemical and hydrocarbon processing industries, such as certain liquefied natural gas services.
Product Bulletin
51.1:easy-e Cryogenic August 2012
The high-capacity ET-C and EWT-C valves with pressure-balanced trim allow the use of smaller, lower-cost actuators, reducing installed costs in high-pressure and high-flow-rate applications.
The easy-e Valve Family
Thesevalvesarepartoftheversatile easy-e family of industrial control valves. Special features include:
ET-C and EWT-C: Different cage/plug styles provide
particular flow characteristics for highly-specialized applications. The standard cage comes in two different flow characteristics:
J linear.
J equal percentage
Typical Fisher easy-e Cryogenic Valve with Extension
EZ-C: Interchangeable, restricted-capacity trims and
full-sized trims match a variety of process flow demands for highly-specialized applications. The standard plug is designed with three different flow characteristics:
J quick-opening.
Bonnet and 585C Actuator
J equal percentage, J linear, and
Product Bulletin
51.1:easy-e Cryogenic August 2012
easy-e Cryogenic Valves
Cryogenic Spring-Loaded Seal Ring–The seal ring
and associated valve parts in the ET-C and EWT-C valves are specifically designed and manufactured for excellent performance at low temperatures.
Stable Control–Rugged cage guiding in the ET-C
and EWT-C valves stabilizes the valve plug at all points in its travel to reduce vibration, mechanical noise, and the need for hydraulic snubbers.
Cost Effective Operation and Economical
Maintenance–Increased wear resistance of hardened stainless steel trim means long-lasting service. Balanced valve plug construction in the ET-C and EWT-C valves permits use of smaller, lower-cost Fisher actuators.
Piping Economy–Expanded end connections of EW
Series valves may reduce the need for line swages while accommodating oversized piping arrangements used to limit fluid flow velocities.
Cryogenic Design Features–The stainless steel valve
body and bonnet with fabricated extension are designed to meet low temperature requirements. Theuniquemetal-to-metal seat design provides repeatable tight shutoff, reducing maintenance costs.
Rugged Metal Seat–The metal-to-metal seat is
designed and manufactured to provide long-lasting, reliable, tight shutoff at both ambient and cryogenic temperatures without the need for periodic lapping. This reduces the need for soft seats, even in applications with stringent shutoff requirements.
Fugitive Emission Protection–The optional
ENVIRO-SEALt packing systems provide an improved stem seal to help prevent the loss of valuable or hazardous process fluids, and keep emissions below the EPA limit of 100 ppm. Additionally, these live-loaded packing systems can provide long life and reliability at low temperatures to help reduce maintenance costs and downtime.
Thoroughly Tested–Extensive cryogenic testing
during the development of the valve design reduces the need for expensive cold testing for most applications, which results in quicker delivery and greater value.
Easy Maintenance–Quick-change trim, with a
clamped-in seat ring, reduces the disassembly/ assembly time. The valve body can stay in the pipeline during removal of trim parts for inspection or maintenance.
Sour Service Capability–For NACE applications,
consult your Emerson Process Management sales office.
Features 2.....................................
Specifications 3................................
ET-C and EWT-C Typical Trim Materials 5..........
EZ-C Typical Combinations of Metal Trim Parts 5...
Maximum Allowable Actuator Thrust 5...........
ET-C and EWT-C Port Diameters,
Valve Plug Travel, Stem and Yoke Diameters 8...
EZ-C Port Diameters, Travel, Valve Plug and Stem
and Yoke Diameters 8.......................
Bolting Materials 8............................
EZ-C Maximum Allowable Pressure Drop 9.........
Dimensions 10.................................
easy-e Cryogenic Valves
Product Bulletin
51.1:easy-e Cryogenic August 2012
Available Configurations
ET-C: Single-port, globe-style control valve with cage guiding, balanced valve plug, and push-down-to-close valve plug action (figure 1) EWT-C: Single-port, globe-style control valve with cage guiding, balanced valve plug, push-down-to-close valve plug action, and with expanded end connections (figure 1) EZ-C: Single-port, globe-style control valve with post-guiding, unbalanced valve plug, and push-down-to-close valve plug action (figure 2)
Valve Sizes
J NPS 3, J 4, J 6, and J 8
, J 8X4, J 8X6, J 12X6, and
J 10X8
J NPS 1, J 1-1/2, J 2, J 3, and J 4
End Connection Styles
CL150, 300, or 600 raised-face flanges per J ASME B16.5,
J EN 1092-1/B
Maximum Inlet Pressure
Consistent with J CL150 and J CL300 pressure-temperature ratings per ASME B16.34
J CL600 valves with B8M Class 2 bolting are
consistent with CL600 pressure-temperature ratings per ASME B16.34 except as shown below:
ET-C and EWT-C
1 77 1110 2 83 1200 3 94 1370 3 94 1370
6, 8 x 6,
12 x6
8, 10 x 8 96 1390
at 38_C (100_F)
Bar Psig
75 1085
J CL600 valves with optional S20910 (XM-19)
bolting are consistent with CL600 pressure-temperature ratings per ASME B16.34
Trim Material
See tables 1 and 2
Shutoff Classifications Per ANSI/FCI 70-2 and IEC 60534-4
ET-C and EWT-C.
Metal Seat:.
J ClassIVisstandard J ClassVAirTestisoptional
(Test will be 50 psid air)
J Class VI (Consult your Emerson Process
Management sales office)
Composition Seat:.
J Standard air test is standard J ClassVIisoptional
Metal Seat:.
J ClassIVisstandard J ClassVIisoptional
Maximum Actuator Thrust
See table 3
Conformance to Customer Specifications
ET-C with metal seats and EZ-C valves successfully passed type approval testing per SIPM (Shell) specification T-2.253.730
Flow Characteristics
ET-C, EWT-C, and EZ-C.
J Equal percentage J Linear
EZ-C Only.
J Quick-opening
Flow Direction
Maximum Pressure Drops
Same as maximum inlet pressure, except where limited by spiral wound gasket for EZ-C (see tables 7 and 8)
ET-C and EWT-C. Normallydownforlinearandequal percentage trims. Flow up for Whisper Trimt.Seefigure1. EZ-C. Up through the seat ring only. See figure 2
Product Bulletin
51.1:easy-e Cryogenic August 2012
Specifications (Continued)
easy-e Cryogenic Valves
Standard Construction Materials
Valve Body and Bonnet: CF8M (316 SST) Body-Bonnet Bolting: SA-193-B8M Class 2 studs
Optional Materials.
J Double PTFE V-ring and J Graphite ribbon/filament
with SA-194-8M nuts (see table 6) Bonnet Bushing: S31600/filled PTFE Flat Sheet Gaskets: S31600/graphite Spiral Wound Gasket: N06600/graphite PackingStudsandNuts:S31600 SST Seal Ring (ET-C and EWT-C): UHMWPE
with R30003 spring Back-UpRing(ET-CandEWT-C):S31600 (316 SST) Retaining Ring (ET-C and EWT-C): S30200 (302 SST) Load Ring (for ET-C, NPS 8 and for EWT-C, NPS 10 x 8 only): N07718 Packing Follower, Lantern Ring, Packing Spring
Packing Box Ring: S31600 SST
Material Temperature Capabilities
ET-C and EWT-C
-198 to 66_C(-325to150_F) EZ-C
-198 to 149_C (-325 to 300_F)
ENVIRO-SEAL Packing Systems: See figure 5
Packing Material:
J PTFE V-ring and J Graphite ULF
See Bulletin 59.1:061, ENVIRO-SEAL Packing Systems for Sliding-Stem Valves, for more information
Approximate Weights (CL600 Valves)
NPS 3: 51 kg (135 lb) NPS 4: 95 kg (210 lb) NPS 6: 211 kg (465 lb) NPS 8: 372 kg (820 lb)
NPS 6X4: 200 kg (440 lb) NPS 8X4: 277 kg (610 lb) NPS 8X6: 318 kg (700 lb) NPS 12X6: 730 kg (1610 lb) NPS 10X8: 753 kg (1660 lb)
Bonnet Extension Length
See figures 3 and 4 for standard valve dimensions
NPS 1: 15 kg (33 lb) NPS 1-1/2: 23 kg (48 lb)
Flow Coefficients and Noise Level Prediction
See Catalog 12
NPS 2: 41 kg (90 lb) NPS 3: 60 kg (130 lb) NPS 4: 95 kg (210 lb)
Port Diameters, Plug Travel, Yoke Boss, and Stem Diameter
See tables 4 and 5
ET-C and EWT-C:
J Whisper Trim III and WhisperFlot
trim for aerodynamic noise attenuation, and
Packing Arrangements
Standard Material.
J Single PTFE V-ring. See figures 1 and 2
1. Valve size number is end connection sizeby normal trim s ize. For example, anNPS 6X4 EWT-C valvehas NPS 6 endc onnections with NPS 4trim (see table 4).
2. Do not exceed the pressure or temperature limits in thisbulletin, and any applicable code limitations.
3. UHMWPE stands for ultra high molecular weight polyethylene.
4. A spring is used only with PTFE V-ring packing. Alantern rings replace the spring in other packing arrangements.
5. Down is in through the cage and out the seatring (see figure 1).
6. Class V shutoff cannot be performed with water. The residual trapped moisture from testingwith water can cause valve and trim damage fromthe ice crystals formed at belowfreezing service temperatures.
J Cavitrolt III cages for liquid cavitation protection
are available. Contact your Emerson Process Management sales office for information EZ-C:
J Micro-Flute and J Micro-Flow trim
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