S Valves for general, erosive, cavitating, or noisy applications
S DN 25 to 300 and NPS 1/2 to 24 sizes
S Choice of balanced or unbalanced trim and metal or soft seats
S Temperatures to 538_C
S Pressures to PN 160 andCL900
S ENVIRO-SEALt packing systems are available to assist in
compliance with environmental emissions requirements
S FIELDVUEt digital valve controllers offer digital control and remote
diagnostics. The traditional proven line of Fisher positioners,
controllers, transmitters, and switches also is available.
easy-e Valves
The easy-e Valve Family
easy-e valves are rugged, single-port globe, angle,
and reverse-acting (push-down-to-open) valves
designed for many varied applications. Although
there are many variations available, internal trim
parts are interchangeable for many different trims,
and maintenance procedures are similar. These
features reduce spare parts inventory and simplify
maintenance training.
Interchangeable Trim Sizes . . . Many easy-e
valves feature interchangeable, restricted-capacity
and full-size trims to meet variable flow demands.
Product Flier
July 2008
Select from Several Flow Characteristics . . . In
most types,
J quick-opening, J linear, and
J equal percentage flow characteristics are
Quick Opening Cage
Equal Percentage Cage
Figure 2. Typical Cages
Figure 1. Typical easy-e Globe Valve
Noise-Attenuating Trim . . . To help reduce
aerodynamic noise in gaseous service, Whisper
Trimt cages are available. To minimize liquid
cavitation damage, Cavitrolt III cages are available.
Linear Cage
Whisper Trim Cage
for Noise Attenuation
Product Flier
July 2008
The easy-e Valve Family (Continued)
easy-e Valves
Materials for Sour Service . . . Materials and
manufacturing procedures for compatibility with
Cavitrol III Trim for Control of Liquid Cavitation
(Typical FL Coefficients for Two- or Three-Stage
Trim is 0.98)
Figure 3. Typical Trims
Protection Against Process Fluid Emissions . . .
Optional ENVIRO-SEAL packing systems provide an
improved stem seal to help prevent the loss of
NACE MR0103, and MR0175/ISO 15156 are
Whisper Trim III Cage for
Reduction of Noise in
Gas, Steam, and Vapor Applications
valuable or hazardous process fluids. These
live-loaded systems provide long packing life and
Figure 4. ENVIRO-SEAL Packing
easy-e Valves
Product Flier
July 2008
657 and 667 Pneumatic Diaphragm Actuators . . .
Rugged, heavy-duty spring-return actuators. These
actuators are available with a variety of instrument
accessories, handwheels, and adjustable travel
stops. They can be used for on-off or throttling
operation with or without a valve positioner.
3025 Diaphragm Actuators . . . Spring-opposed
diaphragm actuators. Suitable for travels up to 200
mm (8 inches). Specified as either direct or reverse
acting, actuator action can be easily changed on site
without need of additional parts. They can be used
for on-off or throttling operation of automatic control
Piston Actuators . . .
actuators for high thrust requirements.
J 585C size 25 through 130
J 585CLS
(long stroke) piston actuators feature high thrust and
long travels for very large valves.
FIELDVUE Digital Valve Controller . . . The
controller is available mounted on actuators.
Positioners and Transducers . . . Pneumatic
positioners and electro-pneumatic positioners and
transducers can be provided with these valves.
Position Transducers, Solenoid Valves, Limit
Switches, and Controllers . . . Also available.
657 or 667 Actuator
3025 Actuator
Figure 5. Typical Actuators
585C Actuator
Product Flier
July 2008
Selecting easy-e Products
Only a few of the more commonly selected product materials, sizes,
options, and accessories are covered in this flier.
Contact your nearest sales office (refer to the back cover) for assistance
in selecting and sizing these products. More detailed specifications are
available on request.
Selecting Valve Components
Valve Trim and Body Style 6.................................
End Connections and Valve Body Materials 8..................
Valve Plug, Seat, Ring, and Cage (Trim) Materials 9.............