Eaton Electrical ETN1000, ETN2000 User Manual

EATON ETN1000 / ETN2000
Grid PV-Inverter
Installation and Operation Manual
Version 1.6 E 2010.06
Opening the package...............................................................................9
Before installation.....................................................................................9
Mounting Inverter to the wall.................................................................. 11
Connecting to the grid (AC utility)...........................................................14
Connect to PV Panel (DC input).............................................................15
Modes of operation.................................................................................18
Front Panel arrangement .......................................................................19
Function Key...........................................................................................19
Accuracy of the reading..........................................................................19
Front Panel.............................................................................................20
LCD Display Sequence:.........................................................................22
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)...............................................22
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)...............................................23
Display information.................................................................................24
Edition 1.6E, 2010/06 2
Before you start…
Congratulations on choosing EATON ETN1000 / ETN2000 Grid PV-Inverter, a product from EA T ON Grid PV -Inverter is a highly reliable prod uct due to it s innovative design and perfect quality control. Such an inverter is used in high demand, grid-linked PV systems.
TThhiiss mmaannuuaall ccoonnttaaiinnss iimmppoorrttaanntt iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn rreeggaar
ccaarreeffuullllyy bbeeffoorree uussiin
aanndd ssaaffee ooppeerraattiioonn ooff tthhiiss uunniitt.. B
ssuurree ttoo rreeaadd tthhiiss
If you encounter any problems during installation or operation of this unit, first check this manual before contacting your local dealer or representative. Instructions inside this manual will help you solve most installation and operation difficulties.
Thank you again for choosing our product. Please keep this manual handy for quick reference.
Safety instructions
z Risk of Electric Shock
1. Do not remove the casing. Inverter contains no user serviceable pa rts. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
BBootthh AACC aanndd DDCC vvoollttaaggee ssoouurrcceess aarree tteerrmmiinnaatteedd iinns
2. When a photovoltaic panel is exposed to l ight, it generates a DC voltage.
3. Energy stored in this equipment’s DC link capacitors presents a risk of
4. This unit is designed to feed power to the public power grid (utility) only.
5. Carefully remove the unit from it s packaging and inspect for external
ddiissccoonnnneecctt tthheessee cciirrc
When connected to this equipment, a photovoltaic panel will charge the DC link capacitors.
electric shock. Even after the unit is disconnected from the grid and photovoltaic panels, high voltages may still exist inside t he PV -Inverter. Do not remove the casing until at least 30 minutes after disconnecting all power sources.
Do not connect this unit to an AC source or generator. Connecting Inverter to external devices could result in serious damage to your equipment.
damage. If you find any imperfections, please contact your local
uuiittss bbeeffoorree sseerrvviicciinngg..
tthhee PPVV--IInnvveerrtteerr..
Edition 1.6E, 2010/06 4
z Hot surfaces
Although designed to meet all safety requirements, some parts and surfaces of Inverter are still hot during operation. To reduce the risk of injury, do not touch the he at sink at the ba ck of the PV-Inverter or nearby surfaces while Inverter is operating.
Limited Warranty
Inverter comes with a limited warranty. This warranty includes all defects of design, components and manufacturing. Excluded from warranty are damages due to:
z Breaking the product seal (opening the casing) z Improper transportation and delivery z Unqualified persons opening the unit z Improper installation z Unauthorized modification, testing or repairing z Use and application beyond the definition in this manual z Application beyond the scope of safety standards z Acts of nature such as lighting, fire, storm etc.
The right to repair and/or replace the unit is at the manufacturers’ discretion. Any damages discovered during installation should be submitted via a written damage report within 5 working days of receiving the PV-Inverter. Otherwise EATON is not responsible for damages beyond the scope of this warranty.
Edition 1.6E, 2010/06 6
1. Overview
1.0 kW / 2.0kW Design Overview
Front View Bottom View
Parts Description
Display information switch
Operation LED, Green , normal
Operation LED, Red, fault status
Solar panel input
RS232 cover
LCD Display: Showing the inverter status
Utility (AC) connection: Terminal Black
Optional communications slot: RS232 & others
2. Features
z Very high conversion efficiency (up to 96%)
z MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking)
z Higher power capacity than similar products of the same si ze.
z Embedded LCD display showing complete status information
z Natural convection cooling. Quiet, fan-less design
z Stylish, modern casing
z Compact, small profile
z High reliability, and Easy to install
z Maintenance free
z Standard RS-232, optional RS-485 and others
z No external GFCI breaker is required
Edition 1.6E, 2010/06 8
3. Installation instructions
Opening the package
After opening the package, please check the contents of the box. It should contain the following:
1. One Inverter
2. One Instruction manual
3. One mounting frame
4. 4 mounting screws
5. 2 safety-lock screws
6. One cable gland and TB cover for AC cable
Before installation
Before starting installation please consider the follo wing items:
TThhiiss uunniitt iiss ddeessiiggnneedd ffoorr iinnddoooorr uussaaggee.. DDoo nno wweett,, oorr mmooiisstt ccoonnddiittiioonnss..
nnoott eexxppoossee tthhee PPVV--IInnvveerrtteerr ttoo ddiirreecctt ssuunnlliigghhtt.. DDiir iinnccrreeaasseess tthhee iinntteerrnnaall tteemmppeerraattuurree tth eeffffiicciieennccyy..
aatt mmaayy rreedduuccee ccoonnvveerrssiioonn
ott eexxppoossee tthhee uunniitt ttoo
reecctt ssuunnlliigghhtt
9 Check the ambient temperature of installation is within specified
range -20 ~ +55°C.
9 The AC grid voltage is between 206 and 264VAC, 50/60Hz. 9 Electric utility company has approved the grid connection. 9 Qualified personnel are performing the installation. 9 Adequate convection space surrounds the inverter. 9 Inverter is being installed away from explosive vapors. 9 No flammable items are near the inverter.
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