This guide is intended to be used in conjunction with the full Install and Operation manual
IPN 997-00012-41, available from the documentation pages of the web site
February 2009
Eaton Corporation
Electrical Group
Telecommunications Power Solutions
Data Power Solutions Quick Start Guide
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APS dc power systems provide high reliability 48V dc power for wiring closet and other data
and telecommunications equipment. Each power system includes ac/dc rectifier modules, a
supervisory module to provide control and communications functions, circuit breakers to
protect the output cabling, and output terminals to connect the cables to the dc powered
equipment and optional batteries. Four APS3 and two APS6 dc power system models are
available, as shown on the following three pages.
• APS3-058 – rack-mounted version, without battery option
• APS3-059 – rack-mounted version, with battery option
• APS3-060 – desktop version, without batte ry option
• APS3-061 – desktop version, with battery option
• APS6-058 – rack-mounted version, without battery option
• APS6-059 – rack-mounted version, with battery option
Input: APS dc power systems can be powered by a wide range of ac sources such as singlephase, two-phase, three-phase (L-N) and three-phase (L-L ) . Depending on the no m inal
voltage of the ac supply (120V or 240V), the power systems a re equipped with either APU48
or APR48 rectifiers. Fused ac sockets (one per rectifier) are available for connecting the power
system to the ac supply.
Output: Eight floating dc outlets are available for connecting equipment power cables to the
APS dc power system. Each dc outlet is protected by a corresponding 6A or 25A load circuit
breaker. Any combination of 6A or 25A rated load circuit breakers (up to a maximum of
eight) can be fitted, depending on customer requirements.
Battery Option: External VRLA 48V batteries can be connected to APS3-059, APS3-061 and
APS6-059 dc power systems to provide backup power during ac outages. The ba ttery float
voltage is temperature compensated.
Data Power Solutions Quick St art Guide
Access Power Rectifiers
There are three status indicator LEDs on the Access Power Rectifier front panel (Power On,
Urgent Alarm and Non-Ur gen t Alar m).
Two types of fan-cooled, hot-pluggable Access Power Rectifiers are available:
• APU48 – 48 V, 720 W, 120 - 2 40 V ac
• APR48 – 48 V, 1500 W, 208 - 240 V ac
SM45 Supervisory Module
The SM45 supervisory module is an advanced control and monitoring solution for Acce ss
Power Solutions (APS) dc power systems. It provides a full suite of advanced
communications options, including built-in Ethernet interface, Web server and SNMP agent.
Alarm notifications may be by SNMP traps. The SM45 has an onboard audible indicator and
two alarm LEDs.
APS3-059, APS3-061 and APS6-059 dc power systems are equipped with a Low Voltage
Disconnect (LVD) module. The LVD disconnects the batteries at the LVD disconnect voltage
to prevent damage to the batteries due to excessive deep discharg e. After the batteries are
disconnected, they recover to their open-circuit voltage. The LVD reconnects the batteries
automatically after the ac supply is restored. Af ter the ba tteries are reconnected, the APS dc
power system recharges the batteries and powers the loads.
Both the LVD disconnect and reconnect voltages are configurable. The default LVD
disconnect voltage is set to 44V and the reconnect voltage to 48V. This hysteresis band
ensures that the open-circuit recovery of the discharged batteries does not rise above the LV D
reconnect voltage.
This section contains important warnings relating to:
• Inputs
• Equipment Classification
• Outputs
• Batteries (if applicable)
• Rectifiers
• Location and Environment
• Servicing
• EMC Compliance
• Desktop Versions:
Pluggable Type A: Except for 120V input, if APS3-06X power systems are fitted with three rectifiers, then only
two ac power cords may be connected to one building bran ch circuit. The third ac power cord mus t be
connected to a separate building branch circuit. Failure to do so voids all safety approvals.
• The maximum earth leakage current of each Access Power Rectifier is 1.5 mA. Ensure that any upstream
Residual Current Devices (RCDs) are appropria tely rated.
• The ac power cords (supplying the power system) must be suitably rate d for the e nvironment and ac power
distribution system. I n addition, these ac power cords must be ap proved and installed to comp ly with local
wiring regulations.
• The earth conductor of each ac power cord must have a minimum cross sectional area of 1 m m2 (0.00155 in2).
• The maximum length of each ac power cord should not exceed 3m (10 feet), unless local wiring regulations
permit otherwise.
• Ensure that the ac supply is disconnected from those fused ac power sockets before checking or replacing
their respective fuses.
• Each socket, K1 to K3 (APS3), and K1 to K6 (APS6), contain two fuses, FS1 and FS2.
• Use only 15 A, 250 VAC, 6.3 x 32 mm, fast-acting fuses of t he same type (Bussman ABC-15 or L ittelfuse 314-
015 Type 3AB) for continued pr otection ag ainst risk of fire.
• Versions ordinateur de bureau : Enfichable Type A:
Hormis pour l'entrée 120V, si les systèmes d'alimentation APS3-06X sont équipés de trois redresseurs, deux
cordons d'alimentation seulement peuvent être connectés au circuit de dérivation de l'immeuble. Le troisi ème
cordon d'alimentation secteur doit êt re connecté à un circuit de dérivation séparé. Le non respect de ces
consignes annule l'ensemble des garanties de sécurité.
• Le courant de fuite maximum, à la terre, de chaque redresseur de puissance d'accès est de 1,5 mA. Vérifiez
que les dispositifs à courant résidue l (DCR) en amont sont correctement dimensionnés.
• Les cordons d'alimentation secteur (fournissant le système d'alimentation) doivent être correctement
dimensionnés pour l'environnement et le système de distribution CA. De plus, les cordons d'alimentation
secteur doivent être approuvés et installés conformément aux réglementations de câblage locales.
• Le conducteur de terre de chaque cordon d'alime ntation secteur doit avoir une section minimale d'1 mm2.
• La longueur maximale de chaque cordon d'alimentation secteur ne doit pas dépasser 3 m, sauf disposition
particulière de la réglementation de câblage.
• Assurez-vous que l'alimentation électrique CA est déconnectée des prises électriques secteur protégées par
fusible avant de contrôler ou remplacer les fusibles de celles-ci.
• Chaque prise électrique, de K1 à K3 (APS3) et de K1 à K6 (APS6), est dotée de deux fusibles, FS1 et FS2.
• Pour une protection continue contre les risques d'incendie, n'utilisez que des fusibles à action rapide de 15 A,
250 V CA, 6,3 x 32 mm, de même type (Bussman ABC-15 ou Littelfuse 314-015 Type 3AB).
• Desktop-Versionen: Typ A, steckbar:
Wenn APS3-06X Stromversorgungsanlagen mit drei Gleichrichtern ausgestattet sind, dürfen an einem
Hausstromkreis nur zwei Netzkabel angeschlossen sein (gilt nicht für 120 V Eingangsspannung). Das dritte
Netzkabel muss an einem separaten Hausstromk reis angeschlossen werden. Bei Nichtbeachtung werden
jegliche Sicherheitszulassungen ungültig.
• Der maximale Erdschlussstrom für jeden Access Power-Gleichrichter beträgt 1,5 mA. Vergewissern Sie sich,
dass der Nennauslösestrom für alle vorgeschalteten Fehlerstromschutzschalter (FI-Schalter) korrekt ist.
• Die Nennleistung der Netzkabel (zur Versorgung der Stromversorgungsanlage) muss in Übereinstimmung
mit den Umgebungsbedingungen und der Wechselstromversorgungsanlage ausgelegt sein. Darüber hinaus
müssen diese Netzkabel gemä ß den für Ihr Land gültig en Elektroinstallationsv or sc h rif ten z uge las sen und
installiert sein.
• Der Schutzleiter von jedem Netzkabe l muss einen Mindestquerschnitt von 1 mm2 aufweisen.
• Die Maximallänge von jedem Netzkabel darf höchstens 3 m betragen, sofern andere Längen durch
landesspezifische Elektroinstallationsvorschriften nicht ausdrücklich zugelassen ist.
• Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Stromversorgung von den abgesicherten Netzsteckd osen getrennt ist, bevor
Sie die zugehörigen Sicherungen überprüfen oder auswechseln.
• Jede Steckdose, K1 bis K3 (APS3) und K1 bis K6 (APS6), umfasst zwei Sicherungen, FS1 und FS2. ACHTUNG:
• Verwenden Sie für dauerhaften Schutz gegen Branden twicklung nur flinke Sicherungen mit 15 A, 250 VAC,
6,3 x 32 mm desselben Typs (z. B. Bussman ABC-15 oder Littelfuse 314-015 Typ 3AB).
ad eccezione dell'ingresso da 120 V, se i sistemi di alim entazione APS3-06X sono dotati di tre raddrizzatori ,
sarà possibile collegare solo due cavi elettrici C. A. a un unico circuit o derivato. Il terzo cavo C. A. deve essere
collegato a un circuito derivato separato. La mancata oss ervanza di questo punto rende nulle tutte le
eventuali approvazioni per la sicure zza.
• La corrente di dispersione a terra massima per ogni Access Power Rectifier è di 1,5 mA. Assicurarsi che
eventuali dispositivi RCD (Residual Current Device, dispositivo di corrente residua) a monte presentino la
tensione appropriata.
• I cavi elettrici C.A. (che alimentano il sistema elettrico) devono presentare la tensione adeguata all'ambiente e
al sistema di distribuzione elettrica C.A. Inoltre, tali cavi elettrici devono essere approvati e installati in modo
tale da essere conformi alle normative locali sui collegamenti elettrici.
• Il conduttor e di messa a te rra di ogni cavo elettrico C.A. deve avere una sezione trasversale minima di 1 mm2.
• La lunghezza massima di ogni cavo elettrico C.A. non deve superare i 3 m, ad eccezione del caso in cui le
normative locali sui collegamenti elettrici prevedano diversamente.
• Assicurarsi che l'alimentazione C.A. sia scollegata dalle prese di alimentazione C.A. dotate di fusibili, prima
di controllarne o sostituirne i relativi fusibili.
• Ogni presa, da K1 a K3 (APS3) e da K1 a K6 (APS6), contiene due fusibili, FS1 e FS2. ATTENZIONE: POLO
• Utilizzare solo fusibili da 15 A, 250 V C.A., 6,3 x 32 mm, ad azione rapida dello stesso tipo (Bussman ABC-15 o
Littelfuse 314-015 Tipo 3AB) per una protezione continua rispetto al rischio di incendio.
Entradas CA
• Versiones de escritorio: Con enchufe tipo A:
Excepto para la entrada de 120V, si los sistemas de en ergía APS3-06X están inst alados con tre s rectificadores,
solo dos cables de alimentación CA se podrán conectar a un circuito derivado del edificio. El tercer cable CA
deberá conectarse a un circuito derivado diferente del edificio. Si no lo hace, se anularán las aprobaciones de
• La máxima corriente de fuga a tierra de cada uno de los rectificadores Access Power es de 1,5 mA. Asegúrese
de que los equipos de corriente residual (RCD) te ngan una capacidad nominal adecuada.
• Los cables CA (los que suministran el sistema de energía) deberán tener una capacidad nominal adecuada
para el medioambiente y el sistema de distribución de energía CA. Además, dichos cables CA deberán ser
aprobados e instalarse de acuerdo con las disposiciones locales referidas al cableado.
• El conductor a tierra de cada cable CA deberá t ener un área de sección transversal mínima de 1 mm2.
• La longitud máxima de cada cable CA no deberá exceder los 3 m, a menos que lo permitan las disposiciones
locales referidas al cableado.
• Asegúrese de que el suministro CA esté desconectado de las tomas CA con fusibles antes de verificar o
reemplazar los fusibles correspondientes.
• Cada toma, K1 a K3 (APS3), y K1 a K6 (APS6), contienen dos fusibles, FS1 y FS2. PRECAUCIÓN: DOBLE
• Use solamente fusibles de acción rápida de 15 A, 250 VAC, de 6,3 x 32 mm del mismo tipo (Bussm an ABC-15
o Littelfuse 314-015 Tip o 3AB) para ten er una protección continua contra el riesgo de incendio.
Equipment Classification
APS dc power systems are classified as “Class 1” equipment that must be provided with an earth connected to the
“Protective Earthing Conductor” in the bu ilding wiring. The earth conductor of each ac power cord must be
connected to the “Protective Earthi ng Conductor” in the building wiring. A P S3-06X (desktop versions) are cl assed
as “Pluggab le Equipment Type A” and inte n ded for use as “Desktop units”, All other units, APS3-0 5X and APS605X are “Pluggable Equipment Type B” or for “Permanently connection” in host equipment.
The dc outlets of an APS dc power system are floating to meet the isolation requirements for powering Power over
Ethernet IEEE802.3af compatible devices. In non-Power over E thernet applications the positive or ne gative out put
of the dc outlets can be referenced to earth, if required.