COmPlEtE PrEssurE CalIbratIOn KIts
The PC6-CCK-PRO provides everything necessary to calibrate from vacuum to 15,000 psi with 0.025% accuracy in one, portable, compact kit.
PC6-CCK kits are provided as “low bias” or “high bias” kits. The user chooses the range of both the PC6 head and the external pressure module
to give you complete flexibility and accuracy over your desired range. Low bias means the calibrator head is the low pressure range with EPM of
high pressure.
For dedicated applications, the PC6 can be supplied as just a pneumatic or hydraulic
kit, as shown on previous pages.
Kit Includes One of Each of the Following
• PC6
• HTP1-700 Pump
• TP1-360 Pump
• EPM of your choice
• SiCal Software
• HK1-1000 Hose Kit
• HPTA-1000 Adapter Kit
• Carrying Case
• Battery Charger
• PRV Relief Valve
• NIST Calibration Certificate
PC6 HEAd RANgE (A) 0.07 -70 to 70 mbar/1 PSI 0.025%
0.20 -200 to 200 mbar/3 PSI 0.025%
0.35 -350 to 350 mbar/5 PSI 0.025%
0.70 -700 to 700 mbar/10 PSI 0.025%
1 -1 to 1 bar/15 PSI 0.025%
2 -1 to 2 bar/30 PSI 0.025%
3.5 -1 to 3.5 bar/50 PSI 0.025%
7 -1 to 7 bar/100 PSI 0.025%
10 -1 to 10 bar/150 PSI 0.025%
20 -1 to 20 bar/300 PSI 0.025%
35 -1 to 35 bar/500 PSI 0.025%
70 0 to 70 bar/1000 PSI 0.025%
100 0 to 100 bar/1500 PSI 0.025%
200 0 to 200 bar/3000 PSI 0.025%
350 0 to 350 bar/5000 PSI 0.025%
700 0 to 700 bar/10000 PSI 0.025%
EPM RANgE (B) 0.07 -70 to 70 mbar/1 PSI 0.025%
0.20 -200 to 200 mbar/3 PSI 0.025%
0.35 -350 to 350 mbar/5 PSI 0.025%
0.70 -700 to 700 mbar/10 PSI 0.025%
1 -1 to 1 bar/15 PSI 0.025%
2 -1 to 2 bar/30 PSI 0.025%
3.5 -1 to 3.5 bar/50 PSI 0.025%
7 -1 to 7 bar/100 PSI 0.025%
10 -1 to 10 bar/150 PSI 0.025%
20 -1 to 20 bar/300 PSI 0.025%
35 -1 to 35 bar/500 PSI 0.025%
70 0 to 70 bar/1000 PSI 0.025%
100 0 to 100 bar/1500 PSI 0.025%
200 0 to 200 bar/3000 PSI 0.025%
350 0 to 350 bar/5000 PSI 0.025%
700 0 to 700 bar/10000 PSI 0.025%
OrdErIng InFOrmatIOn: A = PC6 Head Range; B = EPM Range
CCK-PRO-A-B Complete calibration kit