D-Link dws-1008 User Manual

Table of Contents
Introducing the D-Link Mobility System .........................................................................................1
D-Link Mobility System .................................................................................................................1
Using the Command-Line Interface ................................................................................................2
Text and Syntax: Conventions ......................................................................................................2
CLI Conventions ...........................................................................................................................3
Command Prompts ................................................................................................................3
Syntax: Notations ...................................................................................................................4
Text Entry Conventions and Allowed Characters ...................................................................4
MAC Address Notation ..........................................................................................................5
IP Address and Mask Notation ..............................................................................................5
Globs .....................................................................................................................................6
User Globs .........................................................................................................................6
MAC Address Globs ..........................................................................................................7
VLAN Globs .......................................................................................................................7
Matching Order for Globs ..................................................................................................7
Port Lists ................................................................................................................................8
Command-Line Editing .................................................................................................................9
Keyboard Shortcuts ...............................................................................................................9
History Buffer .........................................................................................................................9
Tabs .......................................................................................................................................9
Single-Asterisk (*) Wildcard Character ................................................................................10
Double-Asterisk (**) Wildcard Characters ............................................................................10
Using CLI Help ...........................................................................................................................10
Understanding Command Descriptions ......................................................................................11
Access Commands ........................................................................................................................12
System Services Commands ........................................................................................................14
Port Commands ..............................................................................................................................33
VLAN Commands ...........................................................................................................................59
Quality of Service Commands.......................................................................................................73
IP Services Commands ..................................................................................................................77
AAA Commands ...........................................................................................................................170
Cryptography Commands ...........................................................................................................214
RADIUS and Server Groups Commands ....................................................................................227
802.1X Management Commands .................................................................................................240
Session Management Commands ..............................................................................................256
RF Detection Commands ............................................................................................................267
File Management Commands ......................................................................................................286
Access Point Commands ............................................................................................................307
STP Commands ............................................................................................................................428
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual i
IGMP Snooping Commands ........................................................................................................450
Security ACL Commands.............................................................................................................469
Trace Commands ..........................................................................................................................490
Snoop Commands ........................................................................................................................496
System Log Commands ...............................................................................................................505
Boot Prompt Commands .............................................................................................................513
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual ii

Introducing the D-Link Mobility System

Read this reference if you are a network administrator responsible for managing DWS-1008 switches and DWL-8220AP access points in a network.

D-Link Mobility System

The D-Link Mobility System fulfills the three fundamental requirements of an enterprise WLAN: It eliminates the distinction between wired and wireless networks, allows users to work safely from anywhere (secure mobility), and provides a comprehensive suite of intuitive tools for planning and managing the network before and after deployment, greatly easing the operational burden on IT resources.
The D-Link Networks Mobility System consists of the following components:
• One or more DWS-1008 switches—Distributed, intelligent machines for managing user connectivity, connecting and powering Mobility Point access points, and connecting the WLAN to the wired network backbone.
• Multiple DWL-8220AP access points—Wireless access points (APs) that transmit and receive radio frequency (RF) signals to and from wireless users and connect them to a DWS-1008 switch.
• Mobility System SoftwareTM —The operating system that runs all DWS switches and access points in a WLAN, and is accessible through a command-line interface (CLI) or the Web View interface. This software is built-in to the switch.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 1

Text and Syntax: Conventions

This CLI manual uses the following text and syntax conventions:
Convention Use
Monospace Text
Bold Text
Italic Text
Menu Name > Command
[ ] (square brackets) Enclose optional parameters in command syntax.
{ } (curly brackets) Enclose mandatory parameters in command syntax.
| (vertical bar)
Sets off command syntax or sample commands and system responses.
Highlights commands that you enter or items you select.
Designates command variables that you replace with appropriate values, or highlights publication titles or words requiring special emphasis.
Indicates a menu item that you select. For example, File > New indicates that you select New from the File menu.
Separates mutually exclusive options in command syntax.

Using the Command-Line Interface

You configure the DWS switch and AP access points primarily with set, clear, and show commands. Use set commands to change parameters. Use clear commands to reset parameters to their defaults. In many cases, you can overwrite a parameter with another set command.
Use show commands to display the current configuration and monitor the status of network operations.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 2

CLI Conventions

Be aware of the following MSS CLI conventions for command entry:
• “Command Prompts” on page 3
• “Syntax: Notation” on page 4
• “Text Entry Conventions and Allowed Characters” on page 4
• “User Globs, MAC Address Globs, and VLAN Globs” on page 6
• “Port Lists” on page 8

Command Prompts

By default, the MSS CLI provides the following prompt for restricted users. The mmmm portion shows the DWS switch model number (for example, 1008) and the nnnnnn portion shows the last 6 digits of the switch’s media access control (MAC) address.
After you become enabled as an administrative user by typing enable and supplying a suitable password, MSS displays the following prompt:
For ease of presentation, this manual shows the restricted and enabled prompts as follows:
For information about changing the CLI prompt on an DWS switch, see set prompt on page 22.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 3

Syntax: Notations

The MSS CLI uses standard syntax notation:
• Bold monospace font identifies the command and keywords you must type. For example:
set enable pass
• Italic monospace font indicates a placeholder for a value. For example, you replace vlan-id in the following command with a virtual LAN (VLAN) ID:
clear interface vlan-id ip
• Curly brackets ({ }) indicate a mandatory parameter, and square brackets ([ ]) indicate an optional parameter. For example, you must enter dynamic or port and a port list in the following command, but a VLAN ID is optional:
clear fdb {dynamic I port port-list} [v1 an vlan-id]
• A vertical bar (I) separates mutually exclusive options within a list of possibilities. For example, you enter either enable or disable, not both, in the following command:
set port {enable I disable} port-list

Text Entry Conventions and Allowed Characters

Unless otherwise indicated, the MSS CLI accepts standard ASCII alphanumeric characters, except for tabs and spaces, and is case-insensitive.
The CLI has specific notation requirements for MAC addresses, IP addresses, and masks, and allows you to group usernames, MAC addresses, virtual LAN (VLAN) names, and ports in a single command.
D-Link recommends that you do not use the same name with different capitalizations for VLANs or access control lists (ACLs). For example, do not configure two separate VLANs with the names red and RED.
The CLI does not support the use of special characters including the following in any named elements such as SSIDs and VLANs: ampersand (&), angle brackets (< >), number sign (#), question mark (?), or quotation marks (“ “).
In addition, the CLI does not support the use of international characters such as the accented E (é) in “décor”.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 4

MAC Address Notation

For shortcuts:
• You can exclude leading zeros when typing a MAC address. MSS displays of MAC addresses include all leading zeros.
• In some specified commands, you can use the single-asterisk (*) wildcard character to represent from 1 byte to 5 bytes of a MAC address. (For more information, see “MAC Address Globs” on page 7.)

IP Address and Mask Notation

MSS displays IP addresses in dotted decimal notation—for example, MSS makes use of both subnet masks and wildcard masks.
Subnet Masks
Unless otherwise noted, use classless interdomain routing (CIDR) format to express subnet masks— for example, You indicate the subnet mask with a forward slash (/) and specify the number of bits in the mask.
Wildcard Masks
Security access control lists (ACLs) use source and destination IP addresses and wildcard masks to determine whether the DWS switch filters or forwards IP packets. Matching packets are either permitted or denied network access. The ACL checks the bits in IP addresses that correspond to any Os (zeros) in the mask, but does not check the bits that correspond to Is (ones) in the mask. You specify the wildcard
mask in dotted decimal notation.
For example, the address and mask match all IP addresses that begin with 10 in the first octet.
The ACL mask must be a contiguous set of zeroes starting from the first bit. For example,,, and are valid ACL masks. However, is not a valid ACL mask.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 5


Name “globbing” is a way of using a wildcard pattern to expand a single element into a list of elements that match the pattern. MSS accepts user globs, MAC address globs, and VLAN globs. The order in which globs appear in the configuration is important, because once a glob is matched, processing stops on the list of globs
User Globs
A user glob is shorthand method for matching an authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) command to either a single user or a set of users.
A user glob can be up to 80 characters long and cannot contain spaces or tabs. The double-asterisk (**) wildcard characters with no delimiter characters match all usernames. The single-asterisk (*) wildcard character matches any number of characters up to, but not including, a delimiter character in the glob. Valid user glob delimiter characters are the at (@) sign and the period (.).
For example, the following globs identify the following users:
User Glob User(s) Designated
jose@example.com User jose at example.com
All users at example.com whose usernames do not contain
* .*@marketing.example.com
* All users with usernames that have no delimiters.
** All users
periods—for example, jose@example.com and tamara@example. com, but not nin.wong@example.com, because nin.wong contains a period.
All marketing users at example.com whose usernames do not contain periods.
All marketing users at example.com whose usernames contain a period.
All users in the Windows Domain EXAMPLE with usernames that have no delimiters.
All users in the Windows Domain EXAMPLE whose usernames contain a period.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 6
MAC Address Globs
A media access control (MAC) address glob is a similar method for matching some authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) and forwarding database (FDB) commands to one or more 6-byte MAC addresses. In a MAC address glob, you can use a single asterisk (*) as a wildcard to match all MAC addresses, or as follows to match from 1 byte to 5 bytes of the MAC address:
00:* 00: 01: * 00:01:02:* 00: 01: 02 : 03:* 00: 01: 02 : 03 : 04:*
For example, the MAC address glob 02:06:8c* represents all MAC addresses starting with 02:06:8c. Specifying only the first 3 bytes of a MAC address allows you to apply commands to MAC addresses based on an organizationally unique identity (OUI).
VLAN Globs
A VLAN glob is a method for matching one of a set of local rules on a DWS-1008 switch, known as the location policy, to one or more users. MSS compares the VLAN glob, which can optionally contain wildcard characters, against the VLAN-Name attribute returned by AAA, to determine whether to apply the rule.
To match all VLANs, use the double-asterisk (**) wildcard characters with no delimiters. To match any number of characters up to, but not including, a delimiter character in the glob, use the single-asterisk (*) wildcard. Valid VLAN glob delimiter characters are the at (@) sign and the period (.).
For example, the VLAN glob bldg4. * matches bldg4.security and bldg4.hr and all other VLAN names with bldg4. at the beginning.
Matching Order for Globs
In general, the order in which you enter AAA commands determines the order in which MSS matches the user, MAC address, or VLAN to a glob. To verify the order, view the output of the show aaa or show config command. MSS checks globs that appear higher in the list before items lower in the list and uses the first successful match.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 7

Port Lists

The physical Ethernet ports on a switch can be set for connection to access points, authenticated wired users, or the network backbone. You can include a single port or multiple ports in one MSS CLI command by using the appropriate list format.
The ports on a switch are numbered 1 through 8. No port 0 exists on the switch. You can include a single port or multiple ports in a command that includes port port-list. Use one of the following formats for port-list:
• A single port number. For example:
DWS-1008# set port enable 4
• A comma-separated list of port numbers, with no spaces. For example:
DWS-1008# show port poe 1,2,4,6
• A hyphen-separated range of port numbers, with no spaces. For example:
DWS-1008# reset port 1-4
• Any combination of single numbers, lists, and ranges. Hyphens take precedence over commas. For example:
DWS-1008# show port status 1-3,6
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 8

Command-Line Editing

MSS editing functions are similar to those of many other network operating systems.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are available for entering and editing CLI commands:
Keyboard Shortcut(s) Function
Ctrl+A Jumps to the first character of the command line.
Ctrl+B or Left Arrow key Moves the cursor back one character.
Ctrl+C Escapes and terminates prompts and tasks. Ctrl+D Deletes the character at the cursor. Ctrl+E Jumps to the end of the current command line.
Ctrl+F or Right Arrow key Moves the cursor forward one character.
Ctrl+K Deletes from the cursor to the end of the command line.
Ctrl+L or Ctrl+R Repeats the current command line on a new line.
Ctrl+N or Down Arrow key Enters the next command line in the history buffer.
Ctrl+P or Up Arrow key Enters the previous command line in the history buffer.
Ctrl+U or Ctrl+X
Ctrl+W Deletes the last word typed.
Esc B Moves the cursor back one word.
Esc D
Delete key or Backspace key
Deletes characters from the cursor to the beginning of the command line.
Deletes characters from the cursor forward to the end of the word.
Erases mistake made during command entry. Reenter the command after using this key.

History Buffer

The history buffer stores the last 63 commands you entered during a terminal session. You can use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to select a command that you want to repeat from the history buffer.


The MSS CLI uses the Tab key for command completion. You can type the first few characters of a command and press the Tab key to display the command(s) that begin with those characters.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 9

Single-Asterisk (*) Wildcard Character

You can use the single-asterisk (*) wildcard character in globbing. For details, see “User Globs, MAC Address Globs, and VLAN Globs” on page 7.

Double-Asterisk (**) Wildcard Characters

The double-asterisk (**) wildcard character matches all usernames. For details, see “User Globs” on page 6.

Using CLI Help

The CLI provides online help. To see the full range of commands available at your access level, type the following command:
DWS-1008# help Commands: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
clear commit copy crypto delete dir disable exit help history load logout monitor ping quit reset rollback save set show telnet traceroute
Clear, use ‘clear help’ for more information Commit the content of the ACL table Copy from filename (or url) to filename (or url) Crypto, use ‘crypto help’ for more information Delete url Show list of files on flash device Disable privileged mode Exit from the Admin session Show this help screen Show contents of history substitution buffer Load, use ‘load help’ for more information Exit from the Admin session Monitor, use ‘monitor help’ for more information Send echo packets to hosts Exit from the Admin session Reset, use ‘reset help’ for more information Remove changes to the edited ACL table Save the running configuration to persistent storage Set, use ‘set help’ for more information Show, use ‘show help’ for more information telnet IP address [server port] Print the route packets take to network host
To see a subset of the online help, type the command for which you want more information.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 10

Understanding Command Descriptions

Each command description in the D-Link Command Reference contains the following elements:
• A command name, which shows the keywords but not the variables. For example, the following command name appears at the top of a command description and in the index:
set {ap | dap} name
The set {ap | dap} name command has the following complete syntax:
set {ap port-list | dap dap-num} name name
• A brief description of the command’s functions.
• The full command syntax.
• Any command defaults.
• The command access, which is either enabled or all.
All indicates that anyone can access this command.
Enabled indicates that you must enter the enable password before entering the
• The command history, which identifies the MSS version in which the command was introduced and the version numbers of any subsequent updates.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 11

Access Commands

Use access commands to control access to the Mobility Software System (MSS) (CLI). This chapter presents access commands alphabetically. Use the following table to locate commands in this chapter based on their use.


Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.


Places the CLI session in enabled mode, which provides access to all commands required for configuring and monitoring the system.
Syntax: enable
Access: All.
Usage: MSS displays a password prompt to challenge you with the enable password. To enable
a session, your or another administrator must have configured the enable password to this switch with the set enablepass command.
Examples: The following command plus the enable password provides enabled access to the CLI for the current sessions:
DWS-1008> enable
Enter password: password DWS-1008#
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 12


Exit from the CLI session.
Syntax: quit
Defaults: None.
Access: All.
Examples: To end the administrator’s session, type the following command:
DWS-1008> quit

set enablepass

Sets the password that provides enabled access (for configuration and monitoring) to the switch.
Syntax: set enablepass
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: After typing the set enablepass command, press Enter. If you are entering the first
enable password on this switch, press Enter at the Enter old password prompt. Otherwise, type the old password. Then type a password of up to 32 alphanumeric characters with no spaces, and reenter it at the retype new password prompt.
Examples: The following example illustrates the prompts that the system displays when the enable password is changed. The passwords you enter are not displayed.
DWS-1008# set enablepass
Enter old password: old-password Enter new password: new-password Retype new password: new-password
Password changed
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 13

System Services Commands

Use system services commands to configure and monitor system information for a DWS-1008 switch. This chapter presents system services commands alphabetically. Use the following table to located commands in this chapter based on their use.
System Identification
quickstart on page 18
set auto-config on page 27
clear banner motd on page 15 set banner motd on page 19 show banner motd on page 28 set confirm on page 20 set length on page 20
set prompt on page 22 set system name on page 27 set system location on page 27 set system contact on page 23 set system countrycode on page 23 set system idle-timeout on page 25 set system ip-address on page 26 show load on page 29 show system on page 30 clear system on page 16 clear prompt on page 15
Technical Support
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 14
help on page 17
history on page 18 clear history on page 15
set license on page 21 show licenses on page 29
show tech-support on page 32

clear banner motd

Syntax: clear banner motd
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Examples: To clear a banner, type the following command:
DWS-1008> clear banner motd success: change accepted
Note: As an alternative to clearing the banner, you can overwrite the existing banner with an empty banner by typing the following command:
set banner motd ^^

clear history

Deletes the command history buffer for the current CLI session.
Syntax: clear history
Defaults: None.
Access: All.
Examples: To clear the history buffer, type the following command:
DWS-1008# clear history success: command buffer was flushed.

clear prompt

Syntax: clear prompt
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Examples: To reset the prompt, type the following command:
wildebeest# clear prompt success: change accepted. DWS-1008#
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 15

clear system

Clears the system configuration of the specified information.
Syntax: clear system [contact | countrycode | idle-timeout | ip-address | location | name]
Defaults: None.
Access: All.
Examples: To clear the location of the switch, type the following command:
Resets the name of contact person for the DWS-1008 switch to null.
Resets the country code for the DWS-1008 switch to null.
Resets the number of seconds a CLI management session can remain idle to the default value (3600 seconds).
Resets the IP address of the DWS-1008 switch to null.
Resets the location of the DWS-1008 switch to null.
Resets the name of the DWS-1008 switch to the default system name, which is DWS-mmmm-nnnnnn, where mmmm is the model number and nnnnnn is the last 6 digits of the switch’s MAC address.
DWS-1008# clear system location success: change accepted
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 16


Syntax: clear history
Defaults: None.
Access: All.
Examples: Use this command to see a list of available commands. If you have restricted
access, you see fewer commands than if you have enabled access. To display a list of CLI commands available at the enabled access level, type the following command at the enabled access level:
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 17


Syntax: clear history
Defaults: None.
Access: All.
Examples: To show the history of your session, type the following command:
DWS-1008# history


Runs a script that interactively helps you configure a new switch.
Caution! The quickstart command is for configuration of a new switch only. After prompting you for verification, the command erases the switch’s configuration before continuing. If you run this command on a switch that already has a configuration, the configuration will be erased. In addition, error messages such as Critical AP Notice for directly connected APs can appear.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 18

set banner motd

Configures the banner string that is displayed before the beginning of each login prompt for each CLI session on the DWS-1008 switch.
Syntax: set banner motd ^text^
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: Type a caret (^), then the message, then another caret.
Do not use the following characters with commands in which you set text to be displayed on the DWS-1008 switch, such as message-of-the-day (MOTD) banners:
• Ampersand (&)
• Angle brackets (< >)
• Double quotation marks (“ ”)
• Number sign (#)
• Question mark (?)
• Single quotation mark (‘)
Examples: To create a banner that says Update meeting at 3 p.m., type the following command:
DWS-1008> set banner motd ^Update meeting at 3 p.m.^
success: change accepted.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 19
set confirm
Enables or disables the display of confirmation messages for commands that might have a large impact on the network.
Syntax: set confirm {on | off}
on Enables confirmation messages.
off Disables confirmation messages.
Defaults: Configuration messages are enabled.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: This command remains in effect for the duration of the session, until you
enter an exit or quit command, or until you enter another set confirm command.
MSS displays a message requiring confirmation when you enter certain commands that can have a potentially large impact on the network. For example:
DWS-1008# clear vlan red This may disrupt user connectivity. Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [n]
Examples: To turn off these confirmation messages, type the following command:
DWS-1008# set confirm off success: Confirm state is off

set length

Defines the number of lines of CLI output to display between paging prompts. MSS displays the set number of lines and waits for you to press any key to display another set, or type q to quit the display.
Syntax: set length number-of-lines
Number of lines of text to display between paging prompts. You can specify from 0 to 512. The 0 value disables the paging prompt action entirely.
Defaults: MSS displays 24 lines by default.
Access: All.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 20
Usage: Use this command if the output of a CLI command is greater than the number of lines allowed by default for a terminal type.
Examples: To set the number of lines displayed to 100, type the following command:
DWS-1008# set length 100 success: screen length for this session set to 100

set license

Installs an upgrade license key on a DWS-1008 switch.
The DWS-1008 can boot and manage up to 32 APs by default. You can increase the AP support to 64, 96, or 128 APs, by installing one or more activation keys. You can install a 32-AP upgrade, 64-AP upgrade, or 96-AP upgrade. If you have already installed a 32-AP or 64-AP upgrade, you can still install additional upgrades.
Syntax: set license activation-key
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: This command applies to the DWS-1008.
Examples: To install an activation key for an additional 80 APs, type the following command:
DWS-1008# set license 3B02-D821-6C19-CE8B-F20E success: license accepted
See Also:
• show licenses
Hexadecimal digits generated by the D-Link license server or otherwise provided by D-Link for your switch.
The activation key is based on the switch’s serial number. You can enter the number in either of the following formats:
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 21

set prompt

Changes the CLI prompt for the DWS-1008 switch to a string you specify.
Syntax: set prompt string
Defaults: The factory default for the DWS switch prompt is DWS-mm-nnnnnn, where mm is the model number and nnnnnn is the last 6 digits of the 12-digit system MAC address.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: When you first log in for the initial configuration of the DWS switch, the
CLI provides an DWS-mmmm-nnnnnn> prompt. After you become enabled by typing enable and giving a suitable password, the DWS-mmmm-nnnnnn# prompt is displayed.
If you use the set system name command to change the default system name, MSS uses that name in the prompt, unless you also change the prompt with set
Examples: The following example sets the prompt from DWS to happy_days:
DWS-1008# set prompt happy_days success: change accepted.
Alphanumeric string up to 32 characters long. To include spaces in the prompt, you must enclose the string in double quotation marks (“”).
See Also:
• clear prompt
• set system name
• show config
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 22

set system contact

Stores a contact name for the DWS-1008 switch.
Syntax: set system contact string
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
To view the system contact string, type the show system command.
Examples: The following command sets the system contact information to
DWS-1008# set system contact tamara@example.com success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear system
• set system location
• set system name
• show system
Alphanumeric string up to 256 characters long, with no blank spaces.

set system country code

Defines the country-specific IEEE 802.11 regulations to enforce on the DWS-1008 switch.
Syntax: set system countrycode code
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 23
Two-letter code for the country of operation for the DWS switch. You can specify one of the codes listed in the table below
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 24
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Usage: You must set the system county code to a valid value before using any set ap commands
to configure an access point.
Examples: To set the country code to Canada, type the following command:
DWS-1008# set system country code CA success: change accepted.
See Also:
• show config

set system idle-timeout

Specifies the maximum number of seconds a CLI management session with the switch can remain idle before MSS terminates the session.
Syntax: set system idle-timeout seconds
Defaults: 3600 seconds (one hour).
Number of seconds a CLI management session can remain idle before MSS terminates the session. You can specify from 0 to 86400 seconds (one day). If you specify 0, the idle timeout is disabled.
The timeout interval is in 30-second increments. For example, the interval can be 0, or 30 seconds, or 60 seconds, or 90 seconds, and so on. If you enter an interval that is not divisible by 30, the CLI rounds up to the next 30-second increment. For example, if you enter 31, the CLI rounds up to 60.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 25
Access: Enabled.
Usage: This command applies to all types of CLI management sessions: console,
Telnet, and SSH. The timeout change applies to existing sessions only, not to new sessions.
Examples: The following command sets the idle timeout to 1800 seconds (one half hour):
DWS-1008# set system idle-timeout 1800 success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear system
• show system
set system ip-address
Sets the system IP address so that it can be used by various services in the DWS-1008 switch.
Syntax: set system ip-address ip-addr
ip-addr IP address, in dotted decimal notation.
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
Examples: The following command sets the IP address of the DWS switch to
DWS-1008# set system ip-address success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear system
• set interface
• show system
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 26

set system location

Stores location information for the DWS-1008 switch.
Syntax: set system location string
Defaults: None.
Access: Enabled.
To view the system location string, type the show system command.
Examples: To store the location of the switch in the switch’s configuration, type the following
DWS-1008# set system location first-floor-bldg3
success: change accepted.
See Also:
• clear system
• set system contact
• set system name
• show system
Alphanumeric string up to 256 characters long, with no blank spaces.

set system name

Changes the name of the switch from the default system name and also provides content for the CLI prompt, if you do not specify a prompt.
Syntax: set system name string
Defaults: By default, the system name and command prompt have the same value. The factory default for both is DWS-mmmm-nnnnnn, where mmmm is the model number and nnnnnn is the last 6 digits of the 12-digit system MAC address.
Access: Enabled.
Alphanumeric string up to 256 characters long, with no blank spaces.
D-Link DWS-1008 CLI Manual 27
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