Thanks for purchasing the D-Link 7-Port USB Hub. This easy plug
and play external device will allow your computer to connect to USB
interfaced monitors, printers, digital speakers, modems, digital
cameras, joysticks and other USB devices.
Technology Overview
USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. It’s a standard that has been
adopted by leading manufacturers within the computer industry to
define a new type of peripheral connection scheme. It is designed to
replace older parallel and serial ports, cables, and connectors with
something faster and easier to use. USB is:
?? Easier -- Windows 98 , 2000, Me or MAC OS will automatically
recognize newly installed devices.
?? Quicker -- You won’t have to reboot when installing.
?? Faster -- Top USB data speed is around 100 times faster than a
serial connection.
?? Greater Expandability -- Using USB hubs you can connect up to
127 devices to your computer.
?? Hot Swappable -- They just plug and go!
About the 7-Port USB Hub
The 7-Port USB Hub allows users to connect up to seven USB
peripherals to their USB ready PC or Mac.
The 7-port USB Hub is designed to provide quicker and easier access
to seven type ‘A’ downstream ports for connecting peripherals with
USB support, USB hubs and other devices. A single type “B”
upstream port is provided for connecting to the host computer, or
another USB hub.
Product Features
?? USB 1.1 specification compatibility
?? Plug-and-Play