Canon T 70 User Manual


LCD Panel
Shift Bultcns
Plar>9 Irdicaloi
$nu(or Biritoo
Sfrjlt^fSpeod $t>f\
tcòt Levai I
Gript^tte^ y Chantbe^
Remcia Control Socke< Cosar
Reo Dot
A£ Lock Pn
Focustng King
Baycnol lor Hcoo
Acceoeory Sboe
Gstler/Cl'ocw Bi/.lon
Film Spood So'ocipt
Lock Rclodso Bttlon
ÌAòifi Swilcn
NocK8lT8P Pm9
ABMcdeSoieclot Po&ttioning Poni
Datene« Index
Thank you fof DurcAasing iho Canon T70 This camera camea automation several slaps furiher than ns predecessors, resulting in extreme prc* lure taking ease and p'Ctessional quality photo*
Exposure information is displayed ctearty in the
easy-to-read LCD panel and push buttons moke operation sample and smccth.
The T70 can be used in three programmed modes. In a>i ci these mcces. it is as easy to use as a compact camera because the aperture and
shutter speed are chosen for you Standard pro­gram is for general photography. Tele program chooses fast shutter speeds er>d Wde program
chcoses smaM epert^es. The T70 con also be
used in the shutter-pno'ity and rranual override modes
Another important feature is the 170% ability to switch betv^een tffO meterir>g systems Center*
y^eigMec} B^>erage metering is for cvonly lighted subjects soiective erea metering rs gDod for backlit and other ccntrastlng subjects To make lilm winding, rev/ind^ngi and leading easy, tne T70 uses a built-in pow^r winder which makes eyerytnng aulcmatic. Your picture taking options are funher expanded by the T70's optonal accessories: the S^edlite 277T end the Command Back 70. The 277T can be used m Doth programmed ard F. NO. SET modes. The Command Back can be used to control the camera for long exposure and inter val photography
For instructions on Initial photography, please
read the **Basic Steps" secticn. A/ter you have
mastered these operetons. move on to **MaKing the most of ycur T7Q* tc< further information that will assist you as ycur interest and skill <n pho

Contents Basic Steps

1. ASlftChngtnftL^fU . .
2. S9ttr>glheL«r4iorAE^ol^fdphr‘>*
3. Lcftd^ng the Balter«»...............................................................6
4 Turnir>9 on ihe Camera. ... .9
5 ChecXngth« Batteries, . .......
6 Setti>g the Film
. LCMir^ the Film.................................................................. 12
8. SeeciifOtheShoolir>gMcde
9. Hoding iho Camere . .
10. Fccusmg.................................................................................. i7
11. ..................................................................................18
12. SeH-Time* ^olpgrapt^y......... .
1Doo^cated Plaah i^stCQrdphy wrtt^ tie
Canon 277f............................................................................. 22
14. RewlfdiO} the Film............................................................... 24
Ì& Carryirgiho Camola . .... ...
16 PfMhcotirg ChecklÉsl........................................................... 27
V/niie readog ’.heso insiructons un№d the Iront and back fiaos of Ihis booklet for easy reference to the cameiasoarts
.................... .....................
. .
............................................ 20
1. Attirili^ tti Luis
1) Turn ihe rear cap in (he difoctico of the errosv until it $1эра end рии It off the iene To reattach the roar lens cep. align its orrow v/ith the ^ed dot on the tens Then lifintly push и in and turn it clock­SVISO unlM stops
2) Turn the body cap courster-
ctockv^so end pull it off. To
reattach the body cep. first align ii$ red positioning point with the red dot above the camera mcunt. then turn the cap cloclcsv4e
3) To mount the lens, first align the lens* mount postUonlng point VHth the camera's red dot.
A) Then turn the lens ciockv/i$e
until It stops and the lens release button pops out witn a click To remove the lens, turn it counterclockwise while pressing the tens release buticn.
5) Remove the front lens cep
6e sure to Paco ihete*is wit^ its frent end oov/n (as ii* lust'dted) tc dvod daivioi^o the proirLdire i>ns
2. SittliB tbe Liii tor AE Philigriplqr
3. Lnilii dll fiitterl»
tf tr>e aperture rifiQ is disenQaged
U&r\ ihe •A" >^afK. turn <\ \n tne di-
rectcn oi tt>e arrow '«‘•tuie press* mg in ihe AE lock pn un:kl the "A" mark click* slops at the dis tance rpex.
8efer to page 4S tor pfp*
logfiphy i</htnihe scertjre fing Is disfngaged rrom the
i> Push the bottery chember
cover opening latch h the di rection of the arrosv and the bBtlory chamber cover wi'l ilip open
Use U/o nsw elkollne celtar­les (si2e AA I & V> ol the snno brand. Carbon *2 »rc and Ni'Cd bstlofos can also be used tSee cepe 30). Remove the patter >es ir >ou do **01 expect to jse the caners fcr about three vieek$ or longer

4. Timiiigoithf Cwin

2) Load tha batieriea $o Ihot iheif tarmifkftls loco in tho di* roclions Indicated on ihe inside o( ine bauer^* cbambe^ cover. The camera will not lunction if the baueries are
loaded incorreclly
While pressing the lock release button. Slide the main switch to AVERAGE Irom the LOCK posi* tien. The display vrill cerne on at this time
Refer to pego as ror rurtter
nre^rration dbotl AVERAGE
and PARTIAL lAE II opera­tiens

S. GlHCkiiiUe 6«t!srlet

Press \ne bauery check button. Battery* voltage is then s'^n on №e di^lay panel.
d8U9typcr/»9i II K/Nsien:
Ro9l>S9l;ol*.9ti9» win new cne(
e. 8i№i| Ihi Ria Speid
0 White Dfessing the lilm
Speed se'eclof, oress either the up or down shiii hution.
Tne b«c< cover of this cenema nas e n*emo hooer. *t сопч'егхеш y поЮ$ tre eoo cMhe r rr box as a reminder of ire type of film in use and lie
2> Continue lo prese thè shift
button until iho ISO of the f in useapoeers on (he display*
ISO г 16 го гб зг so so S
80 100 i?s ISO гоо г$о
320 AOZ SCO 64Q 830
ICOO l»0 (600
it''-' -'. 7- Lu ^M Ü is filin
1) To open the back ccvef. pjsh 2) Place Ihe 11m canridge in tre
the back covef lalch dov/r\ film cher^ber. A cartridge v/hilo pressing the back $ymooi y/ill then appear cr
cover latch safety lock Dulton the display panel to indicate (H. that film loaded.
CAUTION: N£vGP ioLc^ '.^e biuder cunain es* pec ally wren losemg ti*4 k m It it tenttiive to pressjre cue lo its gr prec tioi cesign
' Ч, ' . , 4,N^ '
Be'o'eroadir^ ther>’$trnmcdi'idge. 'emove the p attic insert sno ihrc^v
! SWViy
3) Pull out ine t>lm loodet witr yt:ur riQht hdnd. Vi^hile holding the Cdmora and the *Wm with your left h&nd to hold the camerd steady
4) Make sufo l^at *S) iiirn
tip IS aligred v«^h Ы orange index and lhat ф iu perfora*
lions are properly engagoc witr thespfocxoUeeih.
If Иге tilm leader extends past the orange *^dex lake
cut ino film carificge and
Tanua iy Nsnd the excess lilT back ireo the carndpe.
Ц""’— Film leoder —
1 • 1 ( r « ' : 1 1 1 c 1 1 > -V ' 1 1 1M A
lcta«c»>oct ’Al I
When he humctly 1$ iigri,
In bocerr^os $ot erd esity
Ic'n Keep the I tto*ed n
itsceniiler unii lost severe
yoL load it to keep it iron
Correct t^ansptxl indtcstion'^'
5) Close the back cover. The ca^nera will advance the film &ut<ynd;icdliy and slop \snan
'T* appears in the frame
counter Drackeis on tne di$* pay panel. If the film is being
The o*eset Idm spood wv
appear cn the o spay panel *A*iile the camea s advanc ing iherrrr.
correctly advanced, three
bars will appear at the bcllom of the display pare roving r sequence from left lo right away from Ihe Mm
cartndge display symbol.
If the film has ret been cor* rectly advanced. Me film
trarsco^t bars wil no: aepear
cn me display parei. ir t'^at csie. reload the Him
fi. SilKtiA|tttStiiotlng Kuril
While pre$$mg the AE mode seieclor. press one of the shift buttons until "PROGRAM' ap pears on tho ponel.
Refer to pdQes ^0-53 lor f jr­tne? nfcrT>aton about cpeta*
I t>onoHheeihgf Tcda$>

9. HofiinitfeiCiflMra

The slightest body movo*neni
during shutter release may cause image biur (See page 60).
1) Hold the camera firmly, with
your lelt hard supporting ine camera and lens
2) Press ett ebow close to
your Dody
3) Lightly press the ca^nera against your cheeK or fore*
need and ^ok into D'e vevv*
A) Sprood your feet slightly
apart, one loot ahead of the other, and relate
- i
Thoro IS no cne ccr'oct way to nold tl>t carrera so expe^ mont to lind Kts most suiiacre way to* you. Seeci a ccrr^ortabie. stabte method and. it coasib'e. lean against a sioody support stch os â tree, \vдl^ or table It nay help to practice in hent of a
mirrof Th$ w *hepr^ake>*cur pelures snarcer.

10. fKiilng

White looking into Ihe viowfindor. lum the focusing ring irtil the main sjOjecl is sharp.
Ctt cr iccut
2) The subject is in f^us v/hen
the uppe^ and lower halves of the cenirai split range^inde'
merge to becorrie one unbrc* ken image
In fdc
Per lurt*tey dstaiis. see pagt; 34 |
W. siiiotiim
Genlly press me shuUer bulton haitv/ay or press the exposure previev^ Dutton to check the exoosure. if a scict
greer> *'P'* and a solid red aperture number appear on tho r»ght side of the v»e\vfind* er. exposure vnu be correct
2) Compose ihe picture and
cenily press the shuuer button all the way. Tne li№;
will oe eutomaticeily vancod to t^r>ext frame.
To take a sinple exposure,
remove your Itneoi f'on Ihe shulio' suitcn as seen as tne
shjtie' fsre^ased.
To toke coi^l mucus exco­suras, just keep your f lr^Qar or\ the Shutter butleo for as
r^iaiy oclutes as >ou </isn
ihneeutrect^s lo^^rkortcobr^hur^efc^lo^vho clinkm^ <*гмогг&г<$жп ecpear :Fcrdelâ^t$se9 p& 44-4$)
Whon ihe sttjccl isleo Cfi;hl Camera'Sholce wamiri^
hdcftiicos ntl’O
irdicôUons entne
di^lfiy panel
\ЧЧЪ*г u$Ji*6 Mio ^ 60 iiin h* 14 lo^s)
p,** %SCW.V9lrliin9>
Vt'nen! «rcodatk
r^r i$k»Mfaiiwo)
iraaidv alleine)
12. ScIMIfflir Hii1o<iri|itiy
... :,'c*
U$e the $elt*timer when you
wont 10 bo in Ihe ociure too
1) Pul the camera on a table.
bocd.or othe< flat surface.
2) Set the mein swMch to SELF-
3> Compose me picture and
locus the subject
4} Make sure the exposure is
correct b^* checking the view finder tnlormatbn. then press the shutier button. A beeping sound will oe fitted arto the frame counter will display (he countdown of seoc^s untit
shutter release.
Tha shuuci will released aulomahcally ten seconds alter the shutter button i$ pressed Tv/o seconds before shutter release, the camera v;iil beoin beeprg at a faster rate
rt yojr eye WÍI not be at Iheviev/-
'ir^er \vhcn y^u press tr^o s'^uiur
Cuiten, cover d*e vis'A'tiroer as il*
ustr&leo to avoio &lrdy ight r.’om
entering ot the rear Use the vie'Afi 'tder cerrer aitacneo lo t^^e neck $lrap shoulder pad lot Ihis
61 Attar retease, reset the main
switch to AVERAGE unless
you want to use the $elf*lrmer
feythe next frame.
fot seiMrmer piolo0iaphy. the
T7Û sels the exposure tusíoQ
centcf'woishiod avo'see msiet*
log) ihe moment ycu cress t^e shutter oulton ThereloTo do w storvd in hcol ol tnc «n$ ^/hei> yog press tne cuttor* or etcosuie maybe irxcvrea
e If you have sl&1cd the soH-iimsr
and wah locence^ t before shut* ter release, press Ihe battery c*teck bulton *BC* cr n^ove the man s^/itch off IT)« S€LF*tlMER ccsilioi.

13. Ociititiil Flisli PhatiHiriphT with IIm Canci 277T

Switch lo flash photography when Ih« green *P* in the view-
f^cer siarts ic blink For oest re*
Suits, wo rocomrrerd ustrg tr^ 277T v/rth the *170 When using Ihe 277T in Ihe PROGRAM mode. Ilosh photography .s iu$t
as simple as general daylight
Set the mode selectcr on the 277T to PROGRAM, turn on tho Hash's mam sv/ilch. and wait until me pilot lamp lights Then air you have lo do is fccus your subject and press the shutter buticn.
Tie Canon SpeedMe 277*1 can be used as a iiii* n itash lor dayigK chotcgrap^y Fc< information con* earning l ash photegraphy. rater to page 54

14. RewiniiiUtFIlH

Ai Ihe end o1 the film roll, film ad« vance will slop aulomaiicar.y and the camera will beop lor about four seconds to inform you Ihot the end of Mm has been reached. The frame counter number and the film transport indicator v/ili blink on the display parcel al this time
1) While sliding the rewired
button unlock switch in the direction ol the arrow Q> .
press the rewired Dutton m
ofitiUttocks %.
2) The camera wU rewind the
film automatically and the frano counter will count
down. At this time the three
bars •/nW move in sequence from fight to lo^t lov#a'OS Ihe cartridge display symbol.
The camera v/nds o^o U^nrm
:he end cl automatic
lilm ro«^/i^d
3) Film rev/rnd $top$ dutomdti* cally when Ihe roll is com'
Do not open me bac< cove* ^niii the rilrr-load r^ark on
ihe dtsp ay parcel ctinKs
4) Open me Deck cover when the film'ioad check mark
starts blinking.
&} Remove the film cartridge.
Thera >s an exUeret)* 'aio co^^bihiy ihot 'Aticn ti*e f im dcf»*aixe stcps ai ho ei>a oí me nim ron. me muror insde me camera bod>* may not lip back lo its rormai posikcn. ir (hís napcens. presa the Mm rewmd bbtton whre slidirg ihe liim rtwi^d biatlon unpc^ switch. Tr^ mirror wjI meo relum loltsrvsrmal posMico

IS. Cirrtiig the Cisen

Thread the ends ol (he shop through the rings cn (he camera as shown
To protect the camera wniie car* Un&nap the top cover of the ryiri9. insert it into its Cdse as case to remove it.
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