elcome to this addendum to my PE-Design II CD-Book. Here you will learn all about
the new features of the version 3.0 PE-Design® / DecoWizard® / Paletté® software, to
keep your CD-Book up-to-date!
The most outstanding new features are the ability to use every True Type Font installed on
your computer for your lettering-designs and the possibility to export to *.hus, *.pcs, *.dst and
*.exp-format. But also those other tiny little things are worth mentioning here: to be able to
use the arrow keys of your keyboard to move selected parts of a design, which gives you
more control. And using your Tab-key in Layout & Editing is a turbo-way of checking the
sewing order or reaching parts of a design covered by other parts! Or how about absolute
control over resizing and rotating objects by typing in numerical values, or the Realistic
Preview, that can even be changed to your own preferences, or….
Well, I know you don’t want a list of the new features; you want to use them. So, let’s start!
Print this document and follow the step-by-step exercises in the next chapters to learn all
about the new version 3 features in the best possible way to learn anything: by using it! If you
are a beginner in this software, don’t let the amount of text in the following chapters scare
you off! In the chapters I am explaining the how, why, when and where of the various
options. Once you have read all of the text, you will understand the features and then using
them is a breeze!
April 2000, Loes van der Heijden
personal use only and may not be copied, shared, or sold without the written permission of the author
Addendum to PE-Design II CD Book
All about the Version 3 software
Copyright disclaimer
All names of software and hardware products in this document are at the same time
(copyrighted) trademarks and have to be treated as such. “PE-Design” is a trademark of
Brother International Corporation, registered a.o. in the U.S.A. “Deco Wizard” is a registered
trademark of Bernina / Fritz Gegauf AG. “Paletté” is a registered trademark of Tacony
Corporation. “Microsoft”, “Windows” and “Paint” are registered trademarks of Microsoft
The screen captures displayed are used with the permission of the owner of the screen
captures out of the PE-Design software: Brother Industries, Ltd. Japan.
personal use only and may not be copied, shared, or sold without the written permission of the author
Addendum to PE-Design II CD Book
Chapter 1 – True Type Fonts
C H A P T E R 1 - T r u e T y p e F o n t s
ayout & Editing has now access to two types of fonts: the 35 fonts that come with the
software, plus every True Type Font (TTF) that is installed on your computer. There is a
difference between those 2 types:
1. The first 35 fonts, installed with the PE-Design software, contain stitch information
and were manually digitized for you, character by character, practically stitch by
stitch, where the stitch angle of most fonts will follow the shape of the letter.
2. The True Type Fonts are Windows fonts, that are installed on your computer, outside
the embroidery program. Windows itself has a number of fonts, and installing a word
processor or graphics program, or even a printer, will also add True Type Fonts to
your computer system.
These True Type Fonts do not contain stitch information, but the Version 3 software is
capable of generating stitch information from these installed fonts.
The incredible thing is that the stitch direction runs along with the shape of the letters,
without any digitizer telling the computer how to set the stitch angle – amazing!
Well, knowing the difference: 35 fonts digitized by professionals, character by
character, setting the stitch direction in an optimal angle, or hundreds of fonts
digitized by your computer “on the fly”, will make you understand that not every TTF
you have on your computer will be suitable to convert into stitches. So, always,
always sew a sample of your text designs first!
Exercise 1 – Digitizing a text with a transform effect for the Jumbo-Hoop
For this exercise I am assuming that you are familiar with digitizing text in the previous
version of the software. After all, this is an addendum to my CD-Book and I do hope that you
all read that, followed the exercises and watched the movies J
So we’ll move on to make a text with a transform effect for the Jumbo-hoop, to be sewn in 2
Step 1 - Setting up the work area
Start Layout & Editing and choose Option – Design Page Property. Select the jumbo-hoop
(marked with *) suitable for your machine, in landscape orientation.
Click the A-button in the Tool box to start digitizing a text-object. Click the spool in the
Sewing Attributes bar and select a color.
Click the little arrow next to the Font-list and choose one of the True Type Fonts on your
computer – you will find these by scrolling down the Font-list. Select a font by clicking it’s
personal use only and may not be copied, shared, or sold without the written permission of the author
Addendum to PE-Design II CD Book
Chapter 1 – True Type Fonts
Step 2 – Type the first half of the text
Click in the design page area; the Edit text box pops up. Remember: you want this text to be
real big, bigger than your machine can sew in one part – that means that your machine
needs two separate design-parts, so first thing to do is to digitize the text in two parts. In this
example the text is “Amsterdam”. Type the first half of the text: AMSTE, click OK. In the
status bar (lower part of your screen) you will see the stitch generation process – the True
Type Font is being transformed into stitches at this moment.
Step 3 – Type the second half of the text
Click in the design page area, next to the first part of the text and type the second half of the
text in the Edit Text box. Note: the first half was 5 characters, and the second half is only 4.
Normally this is no problem, but when applying two combined text transform effects it is
better to have two objects of the same size. Therefore, press the spacebar 3 times, to make
up for the extra character, and type RDAM. Click OK.
Step 4 – Move, line-up and resize the two parts
To do this, use some of the other new features in Version 3:
Activate the Selection tool and select one of the objects. Use the
arrow keys of your keyboard to move the object and align it to the
other part.
With both objects selected together, choose Edit > Numerical
Setting > Size. Click the radio button in front of the inch or mm
size and type the desired value in the box at the right (make sure
that a check mark is placed in the aspect-box to resize the objects
proportionally). Click Preview to see if the size you entered fits the