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The document conventions describe text formatting conventions, command syntax conventions, and
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Text formatting conventions
Text formatting conventions such as boldface, italic, or Courier font may be used in the flow of the text
to highlight specific words or phrases.
bold text
italic text
Courier font
Identifies command names
Identifies keywords and operands
Identifies the names of user-manipulated GUI elements
Identifies text to enter at the GUI
Identifies emphasis
Identifies variables and modifiers
Identifies paths and Internet addresses
Identifies document titles
Identifies CLI output
Identifies command syntax examples
Command syntax conventions
Bold and italic text identify command syntax components. Delimiters and operators define groupings of
parameters and their logical relationships.
bold textIdentifies command names, keywords, and command options.
valueIn Fibre Channel products, a fixed value provided as input to a command
[ ]Syntax components displayed within square brackets are optional.
option is printed in plain text, for example, --show WWN.
Default responses to system prompts are enclosed in square brackets.
{ x | y | z }A choice of required parameters is enclosed in curly brackets separated by
x | yA vertical bar separates mutually exclusive elements.
< >Nonprinting characters, for example, passwords, are enclosed in angle
vertical bars. You must select one of the options.
In Fibre Channel products, square brackets may be used instead for this
Repeat the previous element, for example, member[member...].
Indicates a “soft” line break in command examples. If a backslash separates
two lines of a command input, enter the entire command at the prompt without
the backslash.
Notes, cautions, and warnings
Notes, cautions, and warning statements may be used in this document. They are listed in the order of
increasing severity of potential hazards.
A Note provides a tip, guidance, or advice, emphasizes important information, or provides a reference
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An Attention statement indicates a stronger note, for example, to alert you when traffic might be
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A Caution statement alerts you to situations that can be potentially hazardous to you or cause
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A Danger statement indicates conditions or situations that can be potentially lethal or
extremely hazardous to you. Safety labels are also attached directly to products to warn of
these conditions or situations.
12FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide
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14FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide
About This Document
● Supported hardware and software.................................................................................. 15
● What’s new in this document ......................................................................................... 15
● How command information is presented in this guide.....................................................16
Supported hardware and software
This guide supports the following product families for the FastIron 08.0.11 release:
• FastIron X Series devices (chassis models):
‐FastIron SX 800
‐FastIron SX 1600
• Brocade FCX Series (FCX) Stackable Switch
• Brocade ICX™ 6610 (ICX 6610) Stackable Switch
• Brocade ICX 6430 Series (ICX 6430)
• Brocade ICX 6450 Series (ICX 6450)
• Brocade ICX 6650 Series (ICX 6650)
• Brocade ICX 7750 Series (ICX 7750)
The Brocade ICX 6430-C switch supports the same feature set as the Brocade ICX 6430 switch unless
otherwise noted.
The Brocade ICX 6450-C12-PD switch supports the same feature set as the Brocade ICX 6450 switch
unless otherwise noted.
For information about the specific models and modules supported in a product family, refer to the
hardware installation guide for that product family.
What’s new in this document
This document includes a description of the new information added to this guide for the FastIron
How command information is presented in this guide
Summary of enhancements in FastIron release 08.0.10dTABLE 1
FeatureDescriptionDescribed in
Force mode
Describes the considerations applicable to force
Basic Software Features on page
How command information is presented in this guide
For all new content, command syntax and parameters are documented in a separate command
reference section at the end of the publication.
In an effort to provide consistent command line interface (CLI) documentation for all products, Brocade
is in the process of preparing standalone Command References for the IP platforms. This process
involves separating command syntax and parameter descriptions from configuration tasks. Until this
process is completed, command information is presented in two ways:
• For all new content included in this guide, the CLI is documented in separate command pages. The
new command pages follow a standard format to present syntax, parameters, usage guidelines,
examples, and command history. Command pages are compiled in alphabetical order in a separate
command reference chapter at the end of the publication.
• Legacy content continues to include command syntax and parameter descriptions in the chapters
where the features are documented.
If you do not find command syntax information embedded in a configuration task, refer to the
command reference section at the end of this publication for information on CLI syntax and usage.
● Management port overview.............................................................................................17
● Logging on through the CLI.............................................................................................19
● Using stack-unit, slot number, and port numberwith CLI commands..............................22
Supported management application features
Lists the management application features supported on FastIron devices.
The following table lists the individual BrocadeFastIron switches and the management application
features they support. These features are supported in the Layer 2 and Layer 3 software images.
The management port applies to FCX, SX 800, SX 1600, ICX 6430, and ICX 6450 devices.
The management port is an out-of-band port that customers can use to manage their devices without
interfering with the in-band ports. The management port is widely used to download images and
configurations, for Telnet sessions.
For FCX devices, the MAC address for the management port is derived from the base MAC address of
the unit, plus the number of ports in the base module. For example, on a 48-port FCX standalone
device, the base MAC address is 0000.0034.2200. The management port MAC address for this device
would be 0000.0034.2200 plus 0x30, or 0000.0034.2230. The 0x30 in this case equals the 48 ports on
the base module.
For SX 800 and SX 1600 devices, the MAC address for the management port is derived as if the
management port is the last port on the management module where it is located. For example, on a 2
X 10G management module, the MAC address of the management port is that of the third port on that
How the management port works
The following rules apply to management ports:
• Only packets that are specifically addressed to the management port MAC address or the
broadcast MAC address are processed by the Layer 2 switch or Layer 3 switch. All other packets
are filtered out.
• No packet received on a management port is sent to any in-band ports, and no packets received on
in-band ports are sent to a management port.
• A management port is not part of any VLAN
• Configuring a strict management VRF disables certain features on the management port.
• Protocols are not supported on the management port.
• Creating a management VLAN disables the management port on the device.
• For FCX and ICX devices, all features that can be configured from the global configuration mode
can also be configured from the interface level of the management port. Features that are
configured through the management port take effect globally, not on the management port itself.
For switches, any in-band port may be used for management purposes. A router sends Layer 3
packets using the MAC address of the port as the source MAC address.
For stacking devices, (for example, an FCX stack) each stack unit has one out-of band management
port. Only the management port on the Active Controller will actively send and receive packets. If a
new Active Controller is elected, the new Active Controller management port will become the active
management port. In this situation, the MAC address of the old Active Controller and the MAC address
of the new controller will be different.
CLI Commands for use with the management port
The following CLI commands can be used with a management port.
To display the current configuration, use the show running-config interface management
To display the current configuration, use the show interfaces management command.
Syntax: show interfaces management num
device(config)#show interfaces management 1
GigEthernetmgmt1 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is GigEthernet, address is 0000.0076.544a (bia 0000.0076.544a)
Configured speed auto, actual 1Gbit, configured duplex fdx, actual fdx
Configured mdi mode AUTO, actual none
BPRU guard is disabled, ROOT protect is disabled
Link Error Dampening is Disabled
STP configured to OFF, priority is level0, MAC-learning is enabled
Flow Control is config disabled, oper enabled
Mirror disabled, Monitor disabled
Not member of any active trunks
Not member of any configured trunks
18FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide
Logging on through the CLI
No port name
IPG MII 0 bits-time, IPG GMII 0 bits-time
IP MTU 1500 bytes
300 second input rate: 83728 bits/sec, 130 packets/sec, 0.01% utilization
300 second output rate: 24 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization
39926 packets input, 3210077 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 4353 broadcasts, 32503 multicasts, 370 unicasts
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 ignored
0 runts, 0 giants
22 packets output, 1540 bytres, 0 underruns
Transmitted 0 broadcasts, 6 multicasts, 16 unicasts
0 output errors, 0 collisions
To display the management interface information in brief form, enter the show interfaces brief
management command.
Syntax: show interfaces brief management num
device#show interfaces brief management 1
Port Link State Dupl Speed Trunk Tag Pri MAC Name
mgmt1 Up None Full 1G None No 0 0000.0076.544a
To display management port statistics, enter the show statistics management command.
Syntax: show statistics management num
device#show statistics management 1
Port Link State Dupl Speed Trunk Tag Pri MAC Name
mgmt1 Up None Full 1G None No 0 0000.0076.544a
Port mgmt1 Counters:
InOctets 3210941 OutOctets 1540
InPkts 39939 OutPackets 22
InBroadcastPkts 4355 OutbroadcastPkts 0
InMultiastPkts 35214 OutMulticastPkts 6
InUnicastPkts 370 OutUnicastPkts 16
InBadPkts 0
InFragments 0
InDiscards 0 OutErrors 0
CRC 0 Collisions 0
InErrors 0 LateCollisions 0
InGiantPkts 0
InShortPkts 0
InJabber 0
InFlowCtrlPkts 0 OutFlowCtrlPkts 0
InBitsPerSec 83728 OutBitsPerSec 24
InPktsPerSec 130 OutPktsPerSec 0
InUtilization 0.01% OutUtilization 0.00%
To display the management interface statistics in brief form, enter the show statistics brief
management command.
Syntax: show statistics brief management num
device(config)#show statistics brief management 1
Port In Packets Out PacketsTrunk In Errors Out Errors
mgmt1 39946 22 0 0
Total 39945 22 0 0
Logging on through the CLI
Once an IP address is assigned to a Brocade device running Layer 2 software or to an interface on the
Brocade device running Layer 3 software, you can access the CLI either through the direct serial
connection to the device or through a local or remote Telnet session.
You can initiate a local Telnet or SNMP or SSH connection by attaching a cable to a port and specifying
the assigned management station IP address.
The commands in the CLI are organized into the following levels:
• User EXEC - Lets you display information and perform basic tasks such as pings and traceroutes.
• Privileged EXEC - Lets you use the same commands as those at the User EXEC level plus
configuration commands that do not require saving the changes to the system-config file.
• CONFIG - Lets you make configuration changes to the device. To save the changes across
reboots, you need to save them to the system-config file. The CONFIG level contains sub-levels for
individual ports, for VLANs, for routing protocols, and other configuration areas.
By default, any user who can open a serial or Telnet or SSH connection to the Brocade device can
access all these CLI levels. To secure access, you can configure Enable passwords or local user
accounts, or you can configure the device to use a RADIUS or TACACS/TACACS+ server for
authentication. Refer to "Security Access" chapter in the FastIron Ethernet Switch SecurityConfiguration Guide .
Online help
To display a list of available commands or command options, enter "?" or press Tab. If you have not
entered part of a command at the command prompt, all the commands supported at the current CLI
level are listed. If you enter part of a command, then enter "?" or press Tab, the CLI lists the options
you can enter at this point in the command string.
If you enter an invalid command followed by ?, a message appears indicating the command was
unrecognized. An example is given below.
device(config)#rooter ip
Unrecognized command
Command completion
The CLI supports command completion, so you do not need to enter the entire name of a command or
option. As long as you enter enough characters of the command or option name to avoid ambiguity
with other commands or options, the CLI understands what you are typing. This feature is not
available in the boot loader prompt of ICX 6430 and ICX 6450 devices.
Scroll control
By default, the CLI uses a page mode to paginate displays that are longer than 24 lines to 24-line
page increments. For example, if you display a list of all the commands at the global CONFIG level,
the page mode stops the display at each 24-line increment and lists your choices for continuing the
display. An example is given below.
some lines omitted for brevity...
--More--, next page: Space, next line:
Return key, quit: Control-c
20FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide
Line editing commands
The software provides the following scrolling options:
• Press the Space bar to display the next page (one screen at a time).
• Press the Return or Enter key to display the next line (one line at a time).
• Press Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Q to cancel the display.
To toggle page display mode, enter the skip and page commands from the Privileged EXEC level of
the CLI as given below:
The CLI supports the following line editing commands. To enter a line-editing command, use the CTRL
+key combination for the command by pressing and holding the CTRL key, then pressing the letter
associated with the command.
CLI line editing commands TABLE 2
Ctrl+Key combination Description
Ctrl+AMoves to the first character on the command line.
Ctrl+BMoves the cursor back one character.
Ctrl+CEscapes and terminates command prompts and ongoing tasks (such as lengthy displays),
Ctrl+DDeletes the character at the cursor.
Ctrl+EMoves to the end of the current command line.
Ctrl+FMoves the cursor forward one character.
Ctrl+KDeletes all characters from the cursor to the end of the command line.
Ctrl+L; Ctrl+RRepeats the current command line on a new line.
Ctrl+NEnters the next command line in the history buffer.
Ctrl+PEnters the previous command line in the history buffer.
Ctrl+U; Ctrl+XDeletes all characters from the cursor to the beginning of the command line.
Ctrl+WDeletes the last word you typed.
and displays a fresh command prompt.
Ctrl+ZMoves from any CONFIG level of the CLI to the Privileged EXEC level; at the Privileged
Using stack-unit, slot number, and port numberwith CLI commands
Using stack-unit, slot number, and port numberwith CLI commands
Many CLI commands require users to enter port numbers as part of the command syntax, and many
show command outputs display port numbers. The port numbers are entered and displayed in one of
the following formats:
• port number only
• slot number and port number
• stack-unit, slot number, and port number
The following sections show which format is supported on which devices. The ports are labelled on the
front panels of the devices.
CLI nomenclature on Chassis-based models
Chassis-based models (FSX 800 and FSX 1600) use port numbering that consists of a slot number
and a port number. When you enter CLI commands on these devices, you must specify both the slot
number and the port number. The slot numbers used in the FSX CLI examples apply only to Chassis
Here is an example. The following commands change the CLI from the global CONFIG level to the
configuration level for the first port on the device:
• FSX commands
device(config)#interface e 1/1
Syntax: ethernet slotnum/portnum
CLI nomenclature on Stackable devices
Stackable devices (FCX and ICX) use the stack-unit /slot/port nomenclature. When you enter CLI
commands that include the port number as part of the syntax, you must use the stack-unit/slot/port
number format. For example, the following commands change the CLI from the global CONFIG level
to the configuration level for the first port on the device:
device(config)#interface e 1/1/1
Refer to "Brocade Stackable Devices" chapter in the FastIron Ethernet Switch Stacking ConfigurationGuide for more information about these devices.
Searching and filtering output from CLI commands
You can filter CLI output from show commands and at the --More-- prompt. You can search for
individual characters, strings, or construct complex regular expressions to filter the output.
Searching and filtering output from Show commands
You can filter output from show commands to display lines containing a specified string, lines that do
not contain a specified string, or output starting with a line containing a specified string. The search
22FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide
Management Applications
string is a regular expression consisting of a single character or string of characters. You can use
special characters to construct complex regular expressions. Refer to Using special characters in
regular expressions on page 24 for information on special characters used with regular expressions.
Displaying lines containing a specified string
The following command filters the output of the show interface command for port 3/11 so it displays
only lines containing the word "Internet". This command can be used to display the IP address of the
device#show interface e 3/11 | include Internet
Internet address is, MTU 1518 bytes, encapsulation ethernet
Syntax: show-command | include regular-expression
The vertical bar ( | ) is part of the command.
Note that the regular expression specified as the search string is case sensitive. In the example above,
a search string of "Internet" would match the line containing the IP address, but a search string of
"internet" would not.
Displaying lines that do not contain a specified string
The following command filters the output of the show who command so it displays only lines that do not
contain the word "closed". This command can be used to display open connections to the Brocade
device#show who | exclude closed
Console connections:
you are connecting to this session
2 seconds in idle
Telnet connections (inbound):
1 established, client ip address
27 seconds in idle
Telnet connection (outbound):
SSH connections:
Syntax: show-command | exclude regular-expression
Displaying lines starting with a specified string
The following command filters the output of the show who command so it displays output starting with
the first line that contains the word "SSH". This command can be used to display information about SSH
connections to the Brocade device.
device#show who | begin SSH
SSH connections:
1 established, client ip address
7 seconds in idle
2 closed
3 closed
4 closed
5 closed
Searching and filtering output at the --More-- prompt
Searching and filtering output at the --More-- prompt
The --More-- prompt displays when output extends beyond a single page. From this prompt, you can
press the Space bar to display the next page, the Return or Enter key to display the next line, or Ctrl
+C or Q to cancel the display. In addition, you can search and filter output from this prompt.
At the --More-- prompt, you can press the forward slash key ( / ) and then enter a search string. The
Brocade device displays output starting from the first line that contains the search string, similar to the
begin option for show commands. An example is given below.
--More--, next page: Space, next line: Return key, quit: Control-c
The results of the search are displayed.
telnet Telnet by name or IP address
temperature temperature sensor commands
terminal display syslog
traceroute TraceRoute to IP node
undebug Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug')
undelete Undelete flash card files
whois WHOIS lookup
write Write running configuration to flash or terminal
To display lines containing only a specified search string (similar to the include option for show
commands) press the plus sign key ( + ) at the --More-- prompt and then enter the search string.
--More--, next page: Space, next line: Return key, quit: Control-c
The filtered results are displayed.
telnet Telnet by name or IP address
To display lines that do not contain a specified search string (similar to the exclude option for show
commands) press the minus sign key ( - ) at the --More-- prompt and then enter the search string.
--More--, next page: Space, next line: Return key, quit: Control-c
The filtered results are displayed.
temperature temperature sensor commands
terminal display syslog
traceroute TraceRoute to IP node
undebug Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug')
undelete Undelete flash card files
whois WHOIS lookup
write Write running configuration to flash or terminal
As with the commands for filtering output from show commands, the search string is a regular
expression consisting of a single character or string of characters. You can use special characters to
construct complex regular expressions. See the next section for information on special characters
used with regular expressions.
Using special characters in regular expressions
You use a regular expression to specify a single character or multiple characters as a search string. In
addition, you can include special characters that influence the way the software matches the output
against the search string. These special characters are listed in the following table.
24FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide
Management Applications
Special characters for regular expressions TABLE 3
Character Operation
.The period matches on any single character, including a blank space.
For example, the following regular expression matches "aaz", "abz", "acz", and so on, but not just "az":
*The asterisk matches on zero or more sequential instances of a pattern.
For example, the following regular expression matches output that contains the string "abc", followed
by zero or more Xs:
+The plus sign matches on one or more sequential instances of a pattern.
For example, the following regular expression matches output that contains "de", followed by a
sequence of "g"s, such as "deg", "degg", "deggg", and so on:
?The question mark matches on zero occurrences or one occurrence of a pattern.
For example, the following regular expression matches output that contains "dg" or "deg":
Normally when you type a question mark, the CLI lists the commands or options at that CLI level that
begin with the character or string you entered. However, if you enter Ctrl+V and then type a question
mark, the question mark is inserted into the command line, allowing you to use it as part of a regular
^A caret (when not used within brackets) matches on the beginning of an input string.
For example, the following regular expression matches output that begins with "deg":
$A dollar sign matches on the end of an input string.
For example, the following regular expression matches output that ends with "deg":
_An underscore matches on one or more of the following:
• , (comma)
• { (left curly brace)
• } (right curly brace)
• ( (left parenthesis)
• ) (right parenthesis)
• The beginning of the input string
• The end of the input string
• A blank space
For example, the following regular expression matches on "100" but not on "1002", "2100", and so on.
Special characters for regular expressions (Continued)TABLE 3
Character Operation
[ ]Square brackets enclose a range of single-character patterns.
For example, the following regular expression matches output that contains "1", "2", "3", "4", or "5":
You can use the following expression symbols within the brackets. These symbols are allowed only
inside the brackets.
• ^ - The caret matches on any characters except the ones in the brackets. For example, the following
• - The hyphen separates the beginning and ending of a range of characters. A match occurs if any of
regular expression matches output that does not contain "1", "2", "3", "4", or "5":[^1-5]
the characters within the range is present. See the example above.
|A vertical bar separates two alternative values or sets of values. The output can match one or the other
( )Parentheses allow you to create complex expressions.
For example, the following regular expression matches output that contains either "abc" or "defg":
For example, the following complex expression matches on "abc", "abcabc", or "defg", but not on
If you want to filter for a special character instead of using the special character as described in the
table above, enter "\" (backslash) in front of the character. For example, to filter on output containing
an asterisk, enter the asterisk portion of the regular expression as "\*".
device#show ip route bgp | include \*
Creating an alias for a CLI command
You can create aliases for CLI commands. An alias serves as a shorthand version of a longer CLI
command. For example, you can create an alias called shoro for the CLI command show ip route .
Then when you enter shoro at the command prompt, the show ip route command is issued.
To create an alias called shoro for the CLI command show ip route , enter the alias shoro = show iproute command.
device(config)#alias shoro = show ip route
Syntax:[no] aliasalias-name=cli-command
The alias-name must be a single word, without spaces.
After the alias is configured, entering shoro at either the Privileged EXEC or CONFIG levels of the CLI,
issues the show ip route command.
Enter the command copy running-config with the appropriate parameters to create an alias called
wrsbc .
To remove the wrsbc alias from the configuration, enter one of the following commands.
device(config)#no alias wrsbc
device(config)#unalias wrsbc
The specified alias-name must be the name of an alias already configured on the Brocade device.
To display the aliases currently configured on the Brocade device, enter the following command at
either the Privileged EXEC or CONFIG levels of the CLI.
wrsbc copy running-config tftp test.cfg
shoro show ip route
Syntax: alias
Configuration notes for creating a command alias
The following configuration notes apply to this feature:
• You cannot include additional parameters with the alias at the command prompt. For example, after
you create the shoro alias, shoro bgp would not be a valid command.
• If configured on the Brocade device, authentication, authorization, and accounting is performed on
the actual command, not on the alias for the command.
• To save an alias definition to the startup-config file, use the write memory command.
● Basic system parameter configuration............................................................................ 30
● Network Time Protocol Version 4 (NTPv4)..................................................................... 36
● Basic port parameter configuration................................................................................. 54
Supported basic software features
Lists basic software features supported on FastIron devices.
The following table lists the individual BrocadeFastIron switches and the basic software features they
support. These features are supported in the Layer 2 and Layer 3 software images, except where
explicitly noted.
FeatureICX 6430ICX 6450FCXICX 6610ICX 6650FSX 800
FSX 1600
System name, contact, and location08.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.10
SNMP trap receiver and trap source
Virtual routing interface statistics via
Disabling Syslog messages and traps for
CLI access
Cancelling an outbound Telnet session08.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.10
Network Time Protocol Version 4 (NTP)08.0.0108.0.0108.0.01 (on
Enhancement to port group naming08.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.01No08.0.0108.0.10
Show interface enhancements08.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.01No08.0.0108.0.10
System clock08.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.10
Byte-based broadcast, multicast, and
unknown-unicast limits
Packet-based broadcast, multicast, and
unknown-unicast limits
VoIP auto-configuration and CDP08.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.01No08.0.0108.0.10
Port flap dampening08.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.10
Port loop detection08.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.0108.0.10
Basic system parameter configuration
Brocade devices are configured at the factory with default parameters that allow you to begin using the
basic features of the system immediately. However, many of the advanced features such as VLANs or
routing protocols for the device must first be enabled at the system (global) level before they can be
configured. If you use the Command Line Interface (CLI) to configure system parameters, you can find
these system level parameters at the Global CONFIG level of the CLI.
Before assigning or modifying any router parameters, you must assign the IP subnet (interface)
addresses for each port.
For 100BaseTX. ICX 6430-C supports 100BaseFX.
For 100BaseTX.
30FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide
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