Brocade, the B-wing symbol, Brocade Assurance, ADX, AnyIO, DCX, Fabric OS, FastIron, HyperEdge, ICX, MLX, MyBrocade, NetIron,
OpenScript, VCS, VDX, and Vyatta are registered trademarks, and The Effortless Network and the On-Demand Data Center are
trademarks of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., in the United States and in other countries. Other brands and product
names mentioned may be trademarks of others.
Notice: This document is for informational purposes only and does not set forth any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning
any equipment, equipment feature, or service offered or to be offered by Brocade. Brocade reserves the right to make changes to
this document at any time, without notice, and assumes no responsibility for its use. This informational document describes
features that may not be currently available. Contact a Brocade sales office for information on feature and product availability.
Export of technical data contained in this document may require an export license from the United States government.
The authors and Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. assume no liability or responsibility to any person or entity with respect
to the accuracy of this document or any loss, cost, liability, or damages arising from the information contained herein or the
computer programs that accompany it.
The product described by this document may contain open source software covered by the GNU General Public License or other
open source license agreements. To find out which open source software is included in Brocade products, view the licensing
terms applicable to the open source software, and obtain a copy of the programming source code, please visit
Brocade Communications Systems, Incorporated
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Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
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Tel: 1-408-333-8000
Fax: 1-408-333-8101
European Headquarters
Brocade Communications Switzerland Sàrl
Centre Swissair
Tour B - 4ème étage
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Case Postale 105
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Tel: +41 22 799 5640
Fax: +41 22 799 5641
Document History
Diagnostic and System Error
Message Reference v3.0, v4.0
Diagnostic and System Error
Message Reference v3.1.0
Diagnostic and System Error
Message Reference v4.1.0
Diagnostic and System Error
Message Reference v4.1.2
Diagnostic and System Error
Message Reference v4.2.0
Diagnostic and System Error
Message Reference v4.2.0
53-0000210-02 First releaseMarch 2002
53-0000511-04 Major content reorganizationJune 2003
54-0000515-02 Major content reorganizationJune 2003
53-0000515-06 Minor editorial changesOctober 2003
53-0000515-07Added FW and PLATFORM messagesDecember 2003
53-0000515-08 Updated software and hardware supportMarch 2004
Asia-Pacific Headquarters
Brocade Communications Systems China HK, Ltd.
No. 1 Guanghua Road
Chao Yang District
Units 2718 and 2818
Beijing 100020, China
Tel: +8610 6588 8888
Fax: +8610 6588 9999
Asia-Pacific Headquarters
Brocade Communications Systems Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen WFOE)
Citic Plaza
No. 233 Tian He Road North
Unit 1308 – 13th Floor
Guangzhou, China
Tel: +8620 3891 2000
Fax: +8620 3891 2111
Summary of changesDate
Summary of changesDate
Fabric OS System Error Message
Reference Manual
Fabric OS System Error Message
Reference Manual
Fabric OS System Error Message
Reference Manual
Fabric OS System Error Message
Reference Manual
Fabric OS System Error Message
Reference Manual
Fabric OS Message Reference53-1000242-01Updated for Fabric OS v5.2.0:
Fabric OS Message Reference53-1000437-01Updated for Fabric OS v5.3.0:
Fabric OS Message Reference53-1000600-01 Updated for Fabric OS v6.0.0:
Fabric OS Message Reference53-1000600-02 Updated for Fabric OS v6.1.0:
Fabric OS Message Reference53-1001116-01Updated for Fabric OS v6.1.1_enc:
53-0000515-09 Updated for v4.4.0,
First RASLog release
53-0000515-10Added 22 ZONE messagesApril 2005
53-0000515-11Added FICU-1010, HAMK-1004, and
53-1000046-01 Added BM, FCR, IPS, FCIP, SEC, and
ZONE messages
53-1000046-02 Minor updates to a few messages.June 2006
-Changed doc title and number
-Added the following new modules: IBPD,
Added Audit messages: AUTH, CONF,
-Updated Introduction chapter with AUDIT
log information.
-Updated chapter titles.
-Added new chapters: AG, BKSW, IBD,
Revised and added new messages to:
This document is organized to help you find the information that you want as quickly and easily as
The document contains the following components:
• Chapter 1, “Introduction to System Messages” provides basic information on system
• Chapter 2, “Audit Messages” includes a lookup list for Audit messages.
• Chapter 3, “FFDC Messages” includes a lookup list for FFDC messages.
• Chapter 4, “Log Messages” includes a lookup list for LOG messages.
• Chapter 5, “Fabric OS System Messages” provides message text, probable cause,
recommended action, and severity for each of the messages.
Supported hardware and software
In those instances in which procedures or parts of procedures documented here apply to some
switches but not to others, this guide identifies exactly which switches are supported and which are
Although many different software and hardware configurations are tested and supported by
Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. for Fabric OS v7.3.0, documenting all possible
configurations and scenarios is beyond the scope of this document.
Fabric OS Message Referencexiii
The following hardware platforms are supported by this release of Fabric OS:
• Brocade 300
• Brocade 5100
• Brocade 5300
• Brocade 5410
• Brocade 5424
• Brocade 5430
• Brocade 5431
• Brocade 5432
• Brocade 5450
• Brocade 5460
• Brocade 5470
• Brocade 5480
• Brocade 6505
• Brocade M6505
• Brocade 6510
• Brocade 6520
• Brocade 6547
• Brocade 6548
• Brocade 7800 Extension Switch
• Brocade 7840 Extension Switch
• Brocade Encryption Switch
• Brocade DCX Backbone and Brocade DCX-4S Backbone
-FC8-16 port blade
-FC8-32 port blade
-FC8-48 port blade
-FC8-64 port blade
-FCOE10-24 DCX Blade
-FS8-18 Encryption Blade
-FX8-24 DCX Extension Blade
• Brocade DCX 8510-8 Backbone and Brocade DCX 8510-4 Backbone
-FC8-32E port blade
-FC8-48E port blade
-FC8-64 port blade
-FC16-32 port blade
-FC16-48 port blade
-FC16-64 port blade
-FCOE10-24 DCX Blade (not supported on Brocade DCX 8510-4)
xivFabric OS Message Reference
-FS8-18 Encryption Blade
-FX8-24 DCX Extension Blade
• Brocade VA-40FC
What’s new in this document
The following changes have been made since this document was last released:
• New modules added:
-BCM Messages
-BLZ Messages
-ESM Messages
• Information that was added:
Fabric OS Message Referencexv
xviFabric OS Message Reference
• Information that was changed:
For further information about new features and documentation updates for this release, refer to
the release notes.
Document conventions
This section describes text formatting conventions and important notice formats used in this
Text formatting
The narrative-text formatting conventions that are used are as follows:
bold textIdentifies command names
italic textProvides emphasis
code textIdentifies CLI output
Identifies the names of user-manipulated GUI elements
Identifies keywords and operands
Identifies text to enter at the GUI or CLI
Identifies variables
Identifies paths and Internet addresses
Identifies document titles
Identifies command syntax examples
Fabric OS Message Referencexvii
For readability, command names in the narrative portions of this guide are presented in mixed
lettercase: for example, switchShow. In actual examples, command lettercase is all lowercase.
Command syntax conventions
Command syntax in this manual follows these conventions:
commandCommands are printed in bold.
--option, optionCommand options are printed in bold.
-argument, argArguments.
[ ]Optional element.
variableVariables are printed in italics. In the help pages, values are underlined
enclosed in angled brackets < >.
...Repeat the previous element, for example “member[;member...]”
valueFixed values following arguments are printed in plain font. For example,
--show WWN
|Boolean. Elements are exclusive. Example:
--show -mode egress | ingress
Command examples
This book describes how to perform configuration tasks using the Fabric OS command line
interface, but does not describe the commands in detail. For complete descriptions of all Fabric OS
commands, including syntax, operand description, and sample output, see the Fabric OS Command Reference.
Notes, cautions, and warnings
The following notices and statements are used in this manual. They are listed below in order of
increasing severity of potential hazards.
A note provides a tip, guidance, or advice, emphasizes important information, or provides a
reference to related information.
An Attention statement indicates potential damage to hardware or data.
xviiiFabric OS Message Reference
A Caution statement alerts you to situations that can be potentially hazardous to you or cause
damage to hardware, firmware, software, or data.
A Danger statement indicates conditions or situations that can be potentially lethal or extremely
hazardous to you. Safety labels are also attached directly to products to warn of these conditions
or situations.
Key terms
For definitions specific to Brocade and Fibre Channel, see the technical glossaries on MyBrocade.
See “Brocade resources” on page xix for instructions on accessing MyBrocade.
For definitions of SAN-specific terms, visit the Storage Networking Industry Association online
dictionary at:
Notice to the reader
This document may contain references to the trademarks of the following corporations. These
trademarks are the properties of their respective companies and corporations.
These references are made for informational purposes only.
CorporationReferenced Trademarks and Products
Red Hat, Inc.Red Hat, Red Hat Network, Maximum RPM, Linux Undercover
Additional information
This section lists additional Brocade and industry-specific documentation that you might find
Brocade resources
To get up-to-the-minute information, go to to register at no cost for a user ID
and password.
White papers, online demonstrations, and data sheets are available through the Brocade website
For additional Brocade documentation, visit the Brocade website:
Release notes are available on the MyBrocade website.
Other industry resources
For additional resource information, visit the Technical Committee T11 website. This website
provides interface standards for high-performance and mass storage applications for Fibre
Channel, storage management, and other applications:
For information about the Fibre Channel industry, visit the Fibre Channel Industry Association
Getting technical help
Contact your switch support supplier for hardware, firmware, and software support, including
product repairs and part ordering. To expedite your call, have the following information available:
1. General Information
• Switch model
• Switch operating system version
• Software name and software version, if applicable
• Error numbers and messages received
• supportSave command output
• Detailed description of the problem, including the switch or fabric behavior immediately
following the problem, and specific questions
• Description of any troubleshooting steps already performed and the results
• Serial console and Telnet session logs
• syslog message logs
2. Switch Serial Number
The switch serial number and corresponding bar code are provided on the serial number label,
as illustrated below.
• Brocade 6510—On the pull-out tab on the front of the switch
• Brocade DCX and DCX 8510-8—On the port side of the chassis, on the lower right side and
directly above the cable management comb.
• Brocade DCX-4S and DCX 8510-4—On the non-port side of the chassis, on the lower left
3. World Wide Name (WWN)
Use the licenseIdShow command to display the WWN of the chassis.
If you cannot use the licenseIdShow command because the switch is inoperable, you can get
the WWN from the same place as the serial number, except for the Brocade DCX. For the
Brocade DCX, access the numbers on the WWN cards by removing the Brocade logo plate at
the top of the non-port side of the chassis.
Document feedback
Quality is our first concern at Brocade and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and
completeness of this document. However, if you find an error or an omission, or you think that a
topic needs further development, we want to hear from you. Forward your feedback to:
Provide the title and version number of the document and as much detail as possible about your
comment, including the topic heading and page number and your suggestions for improvement.
This guide supports Fabric OS v7.3.0 and documents system messages that can help you diagnose
and fix problems with a switch or fabric. The messages are organized alphabetically by module
name. A module is a subsystem in the Fabric OS. Each module generates a set of numbered
messages. For each message, this guide provides message text, probable cause, recommended
action, and severity level. There may be more than one cause and more than one recommended
action for any given message. This guide discusses the most probable cause and typical action
System message types
Fabric OS supports three types of system messages. A system message can be of one or more of
the following types:
• RASLog messages
• Audit log messages
• FFDC messages
Fabric OS supports a different methodology for storing and accessing each type of message.
Fabric OS Message Reference1
Overview of system messages
RASLog messages
RASLog messages report significant system events (failure, error, or critical conditions) or
information and are also used to show the status of the high-level user-initiated actions. RASLog
messages are forwarded to the console, to the configured syslog servers, and to the SNMP
management station through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps or informs.
The following is an example of a RASLog system message.
2012/10/25-17:51:05, [C3-1001], 937, CHASSIS, ERROR, switch, Port 18 failed due to
SFP validation failure. Check if the SFP is valid for the configuration.
For information on displaying and clearing the RASLog messages, refer to “Displaying system
message logs and attributes” on page 17.
Audit log messages
Event auditing is designed to support post-event audits and problem determination based on
high-frequency events of certain types such as security violations, zoning configuration changes,
firmware downloads, and certain types of fabric events. Audit messages flagged only as AUDIT are
not saved in the switch error logs. The switch can be configured to stream Audit messages to the
switch console and to forward the messages to specified syslog servers. The Audit log messages
are not forwarded to an SNMP management station. There is no limit to the number of audit
For any given event, Audit messages capture the following information:
• User Name - The name of the user who triggered the action.
• User Role - The access level of the user, such as root or admin.
• Event Name - The name of the event that occurred.
• Event Information - Information about the event.
The seven event classes described in Table 1 can be audited.
TABLE 1Event classes
Operand Event classDescription
1ZoneYou can audit zone event configuration changes, but not the actual
values that were changed. For example, you may receive a message
that states “Zone configuration has changed,” but the message
does not display the actual values that were changed.
2SecurityYou can audit any user-initiated security event for all management
interfaces. For events that have an impact on the entire fabric, an
audit is only generated for the switch from which the event was
3ConfigurationYou can audit configuration downloads of existing SNMP
configuration parameters. Configuration uploads are not audited.
4FirmwareYou can audit configuration downloads of existing SNMP
configuration parameters. Configuration uploads are not audited.
2Fabric OS Message Reference
Overview of system messages
TABLE 1Event classes (Continued)
Operand Event classDescription
5FabricYou can audit Administration Domain-related changes.
6FWYou can audit Fabric Watch (FW)-related changes.
7LSYou can audit Virtual Fabric (Logical Switch)-related changes.
8CLIYou can audit the CLI commands executed on the switch.
9MAPSYou can audit Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite (MAPS)-related
N/ARASUsed to audit or track the RASLog messages or modules that are
enabled or disabled using the rasAdmin command.
NOTE: The RAS class is not configurable, and it is always enabled
Fabric OS v7.3.0 generates component-specific Audit messages.
Event auditing is a configurable feature, which is by default disabled. You must enable eve nt
auditing using the auditCfg
--enable command to send the events to a configured remote host.
Syslogd must be configured for logging audit messages. You can set up filters to screen out
particular classes of events using the auditCfg command. The defined set of Audit messages is
sent to the configured remote host in the Audit message format, so that they are easily
distinguishable from other syslog events that may occur in the network. For details on how to
configure event auditing, refer to “Configuring event auditing” on page 15. For more details, refer to
“Displaying Audit messages” on page 19 and “Reading an Audit message” on page 24.
FFDC messages
First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) is used to capture failure-specific data when a problem or failure
is noted for the first time and before the switch reboots, or trace and log buffer get wrapped. All
subsequent iterations of the same error are ignored. This critical debug information is saved in
nonvolatile storage and can be retrieved using the supportSave command. The FFDC data is used
for debugging or analyzing the problem. FFDC is intended for use by Brocade technical support.
FFDC is enabled by default. Execute the supportFfdc command to enable or disable FFDC. If FFDC
is disabled, the FFDC daemon does not capture any data, even when a message with an FFDC
attribute is logged.
The following is an example of the FFDC message.
2000/12/17-08:30:13, [SS-1000], 88, SLOT 6 | FFDC | CHASSIS, INFO, DCX,
supportSave has uploaded support information to the host with IP address
Message severity levels
Tab le 2 shows the four levels of severity for system messages, ranging from CRITICAL (1) to INFO
(4). In general, the definitions are wide ranging and are to be used as general guidelines for
troubleshooting. For all cases, you must look at each specific error message description thoroughly
before taking action.
Fabric OS Message Reference3
Overview of system messages
TABLE 2Severity levels of a message
Severity levelDescription
1 = CRITICALCritical-level messages indicate that the software has detected serious problems that
2 = ERRORError-level messages represent an error condition that does not impact overall system
3 = WARNINGWarning-level messages highlight a current operating condition that should be
4 = INFOInfo-level messages report the current non-error status of the system components: for
System error message logging
will cause a partial or complete failure of a subsystem if not corrected immediately; for
example, a power supply failure or rise in temperature must receive immediate
functionality significantly. For example, error-level messages might indicate time-outs
on certain operations, failures of certain operations after retries, invalid parameters, or
failure to perform a requested operation.
checked or it may lead to a failure in the future. For example, a power supply failure in
a redundant system relays a warning that the system is no longer operating in
redundant mode unless the failed power supply is replaced or fixed.
example, detecting online and offline status of a fabric port.
The RASLog service generates and stores messages related to abnormal or erroneous system
behavior. It includes the following features:
• All RASLog error messages are saved to nonvolatile storage by default.
• The system error message log can save a maximum of 1024 messages in random access
memory (RAM).
• The system message log is implemented as a circular buffer. When more than the maximum
entries are added to the log file, old entries are overwritten by new entries.
• Messages are numbered sequentially from 1 to 2,147,483,647 (0x7ffffff). The sequence
number will continue to increase beyond the storage limit of 1024 messages. The sequence
number can be reset to 1 using the errClear command. The sequence number is persistent
across power cycles and switch reboots.
• The message log size is 256.
• Trace dump, FFDC, and core dump files can be uploaded to the FTP server using the
supportSave command.
• Brocade recommends that you configure the syslogd facility as a management tool for error
logs. This is particularly important for dual-domain switches because the syslogd facility saves
messages from two logical switches as a single file and in sequential order. For more
information, refer to “System logging daemon” on page 5.
• RASLog messages are streamed to the console, and are forwarded to the configured syslog
servers and to the SNMP management station through the SNMP traps (in SNMPv1 and
SNMPv3) or informs (in SNMPv3). Use the snmpConfig command to configure the SNMPv1
and SNMPv3 hosts and their configurations.
• Audit messages are streamed to the switch console, and are forwarded to the configured
syslog servers. The Audit log messages are not forwarded to an SNMP management station.
4Fabric OS Message Reference
Configuring the syslog message destinations
Configuring the syslog message destinations
You can configure the Fabric OS to send the syslog messages to the following output locations:
syslog daemon, system console, and SNMP management station.
System logging daemon
The system logging daemon (syslogd) is a process on UNIX, Linux, and some Windows systems that
reads and logs messages as specified by the system administrator.
Fabric OS can be configured to use a UNIX-style syslogd process to forward system events and error
messages to log files on a remote host system. The host system can be running UNIX, Linux, or any
other operating system that supports the standard syslogd functionality. Configuring for syslogd
involves configuring the host, enabling syslogd on the Brocade model, and, optionally, setting the
facility level.
For the Brocade DCX family of switches, each control processor (CP) has a unique error log,
depending on which CP was active when that message was reported. To fully understand message
logging, you should enable the syslogd, because the logs on the host computer are maintained in a
single merged file for both CPs and are in sequential order. Otherwise, you must examine the error
logs in both CPs, particularly for events such as firmwareDownload or haFailover, for which the
active CP changes.
For the Brocade DCX family of switches, any security violations that occur through Telnet, HTTP, or
serial connections are not propagated between CPs. Security violations on the active CP are not
propagated to the standby CP counters in the event of a failover, nor do security violations on the
standby CP get propagated to the active CP counters.
Configuring a syslog server
To configure the switch to forward all system events and error messages to the syslogd of one or
more servers, perform the following steps.
1. Log in to the switch as admin.
2. Execute the syslogdIpAdd IP address command to add a server to which system messages are
switch:admin> syslogdipadd
You can configure up to six syslog servers to receive the syslog messages.
3. Execute the syslogdIpShow command to verify the syslog configuration on the switch.
switch:admin> syslogdipshow
You can remove a configured syslog server using the syslogdIpRemove IP address command.
System console
The system console displays RASLog messages, Audit messages (if enabled), and panic dump
messages. These messages are mirrored to the system console; they are always saved in one of
the system logs.
Fabric OS Message Reference5
Configuring the syslog message destinations
The system console displays messages only through the serial port. If you log in to a switch through
the Ethernet port or modem port, you will not receive system console messages.
You can filter messages that display on the system console by severity using the errFilterSet
command. All messages are still sent to the system message log and syslogd (if configured).
Setting the system console severity level
You can limit the types of messages that are logged to the console using the errFilterSet command.
The system messages displayed on the console are filtered up to and include the configured
severity level. You can choose one of the following severity levels: INFO, WARNING, ERROR, or
To set the severity levels for the system console, perform the following steps.
1. Log in to the switch as admin.
2. Execute the errFilterSet [-d console -v severity] command to set the console severity level. The severity can be one of the following: INFO, WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL. The severity values
are not case-sensitive.
For example, to set the filter severity level for the console to ERROR, enter the following
switch:admin> errfilterset -d console -v error
3. Execute the errFilterSet command to verify the configured filter settings.
An unsolicited message that comes to the management station from the SNMP agent on the
device is called a trap. When an event occurs and if the event severity level is at or below the set
severity level, the SNMP trap, swEventTrap, is sent to the configured trap recipients. The VarBind in
the Trap Data Unit contains the corresponding instance of the event index, time information, event
severity level, the repeat count, and description. The following are the possible severity levels:
• None (0)
• Critical (1)
• Error (2)
• Warning (3)
• Informational (4)
• Debug (5)
By default, the severity level is set to None, implying all traps are filtered and therefore no event
traps are received. When the severity level is set to Informational, all traps with the severity level of
Informational, Warning, Error, and Critical are received. For more information on changing the
severity level of swEventTrap, refer to “Changing the severity level of swEventTrap” on page 11.
The Audit messages are not converted into swEventTrap.
6Fabric OS Message Reference
Configuring the syslog message destinations
The SNMP traps are unreliable because the trap recipient does not send any acknowledgment
when it receives a trap. Therefore, the SNMP agent cannot determine if the trap was received.
Brocade switches send traps out on UDP port 162. To receive traps, the management station IP
address must be configured on the switch. You can configure the SNMPv1 and SNMPv3 hosts to
receive the traps.
For more information on the swEventTrap, refer to the Fabric OS MIB Reference.
Configuring the SNMPv1 trap recipient
Use the snmpConfig --set snmpv1 command to specify the recipient of the SNMP trap. To
configure the SNMPv1 host to receive the trap, perform the following steps.
1. Log in to the switch as admin.
2. Execute the snmpConfig
switch:admin> snmpconfig --set snmpv1
SNMP community and trap recipient configuration:
Community (rw): [Secret C0de]
Trap Recipient's IP address : []
Trap recipient Severity level : (0..5) [4]
Trap recipient Port : (0..65535) [162]
Community (rw): [OrigEquipMfr]
Trap Recipient's IP address : [fec0:60:22bc:200:313:72ff:fe64:78b2]
--set snmpv1 command to configure the SNMP trap recipient.
To receive the traps, the management station IP address must be configured on the switch.
3. Execute the snmpConfig
switch:admin> snmpconfig --show snmpv1
SNMPv1 community and trap recipient configuration:
Community 1: Secret C0de (rw)
Trap recipient:
Trap port: 162
Trap recipient Severity level: 5
Community 2: OrigEquipMfr (rw)
Trap recipient: fec0:60:22bc:200:313:72ff:fe64:78b2
Trap port: 162
Trap recipient Severity level: 5
Community 3: private (rw)
Trap recipient:
Trap port: 162
Trap recipient Severity level: 5
Community 4: public (ro)
Trap recipient:
Trap port: 65530
Trap recipient Severity level: 1
Community 5: common (ro)
Trap recipient: fec0:60:69bc:200:213:72ff:fe64:069f
Trap port: 11
Trap recipient Severity level: 2
Community 6: FibreChannel (ro)
Trap recipient:
Trap port: 65521
--show snmpv1 command to verify the SNMPv1 agent configuration.
Fabric OS Message Reference7
Configuring the syslog message destinations
Trap recipient Severity level: 2
Configuring the SNMPv3 trap recipient
To configure the SNMPv3 host to receive the trap, perform the following steps.
1. Log in to the switch as admin.
2. Execute the snmpConfig
--set snmpv3 command to configure the SNMP trap recipient. Ignore
the step to enable the SNMP informs “SNMP Informs Enabled”.
switch:admin> snmpconfig --set snmpv3
SNMP Informs Enabled (true, t, false, f): [false]
SNMPv3 user configuration(snmp user not configured in FOS user database will
have physical AD and admin role as the default):
User (rw): [snmpadmin1]
Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/3DES(3)/AES128(4)/AES192(5)/AES256(6)]):
(2..2) [2]
User (rw): [snmpadmin2]
Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/3DES(3)/AES128(4)/AES192(5)/AES256(6)]):
(2..2) [2]
User (rw): [snmpadmin3]
Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/3DES(3)/AES128(4)/AES192(5)/AES256(6)]):
(2..2) [2]
User (ro): [snmpuser1]
Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/3DES(3)/AES128(4)/AES192(5)/AES256(6)]):
(2..2) [2]
User (ro): [snmpuser2]
Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/3DES(3)/AES128(4)/AES192(5)/AES256(6)]):
(2..2) [2]
User (ro): [snmpuser3]
Auth Protocol [MD5(1)/SHA(2)/noAuth(3)]: (1..3) [3]
Priv Protocol [DES(1)/noPriv(2)/3DES(3)/AES128(4)/AES192(5)/AES256(6)]):
(2..2) [2]
To receive the SNMP traps, the username, the authentication protocol, the UDP port number,
and the privacy protocol must match between the switch and the management station.
8Fabric OS Message Reference
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