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Document History
TitlePublication numberSummary of changesDate
Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point
Product Reference Guide
This guide provides configuration and setup information for the Brocade Mobility 7131 Series
Access Point.
Document Conventions
This section describes text formatting conventions and important notice formats used in this
Text formatting
The narrative-text formatting conventions that are used are as follows:
bold textIdentifies command names
italic textProvides emphasis
code textIdentifies CLI output
For readability, command names in the narrative portions of this guide are presented in bold; for
example, show version.
Identifies the names of user-manipulated GUI elements
Identifies keywords
Identifies text to enter at the GUI or CLI
Identifies variables
Identifies document titles
Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guidexi
The following notice statement is used in this manual.
A note provides a tip, guidance or advice, emphasizes important information, or provides a reference
to related information.
Related publications
The following Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. document supplements the information in
this guide and can be located at
• Brocade Mobility RFS4000, RFS6000 and RFS7000 CLI Reference Guide - Describes the
Command Line Interface (CLI) and Management Information Base (MIB) commands used to
configure the Brocade wireless controllers.
If you find errors in the guide, send an e-mail to
Getting technical help
To contact Technical Support, go to for the
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xiiBrocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
In this chapter
As a standalone access point, the Mobility 7131 Access Point provides small and medium-sized
businesses with a consolidated wired and wireless networking infrastructure, all in a single device.
The integrated router, gateway, firewall, DHCP and AAA Radius servers, VPN, hot-spot gateway and
Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) simplify and reduce the costs associated with networking by eliminating
the need to purchase and manage multiple pieces of equipment.
The access point is also designed to meet the needs of large, distributed enterprises by converging
the functionality of a thick access point and thin access port into a single device. This mode
enables the deployment of a fully featured intelligent access point that can be centrally configured
and managed via a Brocade wireless switch in either corporate headquarters or a network operations center (NOC). In the event the connection between the access point and the wireless
switch is lost, a Remote Site Survivability (RSS) feature ensures the delivery of uninterrupted
wireless services at the local or remote site. All traffic between the adaptive access points and the
wireless switch is secured though an IPSec tunnel. Additionally, compatibility with Brocade’s RF Management Suite (RFMS) allows you to centrally plan, deploy, monitor and secure large
With the introduction of the Mobility 7131 Access Point 4.x firmware baseline, Brocade is also
introducing a new series of Mobility 7131N model access points as a compliment to the existing
Mobility 7131 Access Point family. The new Mobility 7131N model access points support the same
feature set and firmware as existing Mobility 7131 model access points, however Mobility 7131N
Access Points support a three radio model (with the third radio dedicated exclusively for sensor
support). For more information on the three radio Mobility 7131N Access Point, see IP Filtering on page 1-23.
Both the Mobility 7131 Access Point and Mobility 7131N model access points share the same Web
applet (user interface) and installation methods. Therefore, the UI and installation descriptions
within this guide apply to both models. There are instances where this common interface is used
differently to configure various features (radio configuration, power management etc.), however
those differences are carefully noted.
If you are new to using an access point for managing your network, refer to Theory of Operations on page 1-25 for an overview on wireless networking fundamentals.
Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide1
New Features
The following features are now available with the introduction of the Mobility 7131N Access Point
hardware and WiNG 4.4 firmware baseline:
• Power Management Antenna Configuration File
• Hotspot Customization
• WAN Failover
• Proxy ARP Support
• Multi Cipher Support
• Dynamic Chain Selection
• Broadcast/Multicast Transmit Rate Control
• Dedicated Sensor Support
• LED Disable
Power Management Antenna Configuration File
With this most recent release of the access point firmware, a Power Management Antenna
Configuration File (PMACF) has been added to the access point firmware that automatically
configures the access point’s radio transmit power based on the antenna type deployed, its
supported gain and the deployed country’s regulatory domain restrictions. The antenna type is
defined using the access point’s CLI by assigning a numerical code representing a particular type
(or category) of antenna. The following are the numerical codes representing available antenna
types: 0-Default antenna, 1-Dual band antenna, 2-Omni antenna, 3-Yagi antenna, 4-Embedded
5-Panel antenna, 6-Patch antenna and 7-Sector antenna. The antenna gain can be defined using
either the access point’s CLI, applet or SNMP interfaces.
Once the antenna type and gain are provided, the access point calculates the power range. The
PMACF contains transmit power data for each Brocade approved antenna type. Professional
installers enter the antenna type (using the access point’s CLI interface), and the access point
firmware calculates the transmit power automatically. Therefore, professional installers no longer
need to second guess whether the power is over the maximum allowed level.
The antenna type and antenna gain values are maintained by the access point after a power cycle,
and are available in imported or exported configurations.
For information on specifying the antenna type and gain for the 2.4 and 5 GHz radios using the
access point CLI, see br7131>admin([2.4 GHz])>set for the access
point’s 2.4 GHz radio and br7131>admin([5.0 GHz])>set for the
access point’s 5 GHz radio.
For information on defining the antenna gain using the access point’s GUI applet, see Configuring
the 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n Radio on page 5-167 and Configuring the 802.11a/n or
802.11b/g/n Radio on page 5-167.
2Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
Hotspot Customization
To date, the default hotspot supported on the access point does not allow users to change the text
on the hotspot portal or the logo for the enterprise where the hotspot is deployed. With this most
recent release of the access point firmware, users now have the ability to customize the
appearance of an access point’s WLAN hotspot pages. The access point’s hotspot feature is
supported by four customer accessible pages (login page, welcome page, failure page, and no
service page) displayed on the client attempting to access the AP’s supported hotspot. These four
pages can be unique to each hotspot supported by one of the access point’s 16 WLANs. The
content of the four hotspot pages can be customized by:
• Altering the text that displays on the screen
• Altering the properties of various screen elements (such as background colors, banner and
The access point allows two logos to be displayed per page. The user has the ability to alter logo
placement and screen banner color schemes.
• Configuring a cascading style sheet (css) to define how hotspot pages display font usage, text
size etc.
• Four different screens are available for customization:
• Login Page – Page used to get user’s credentials.
• Welcome Page – Page displayed when the user successfully logs on.
• Fail Page – Page displayed when the user fails to log on.
• No Service Page – Page displayed when the AP temporarily loses connection to the
authentication server or the adopted wireless controller.
For information on customizing a WLAN’s hotspot display, see Customizing a Hotspot Display on page 5-156.
For information on the access point’s existing (default) hotspot functionality, see Hotspot Support on page 1-20.
WAN Failover
With this most recent release of the Mobility 7131N Access Point firmware, a WAN failover feature
has been introduced, since a cellular network infrastructure is completely separate from the
access point’s wired transmission infrastructure.
A WWAN card is a specialized network interface card, allowing a network device to connect,
transmit and receive data over a cellular WAN. The WWAN card uses point to point protocol (PPP) to
connect to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and access the Internet. PPP is the protocol used for
establishing internet links over dial-up modems, DSL connections, and many other types of
point-to-point links.
The wired WAN is the primary WAN link for a Mobility 7131N Access Point, as long as it is enabled
and connected, and the wireless WAN interface is the secondary link. For a WWAN to be a WAN or
LAN recovery solution, the Mobility 7131N Access Point needs to monitor the link status of the
wired WAN and actively check the health of the WAN connection. If a wired WAN or LAN connection
failure is detected, a Mobility 7131N Access Point immediately establishes the WWAN connection
and updates the default gateway to the WWAN interface.
Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide3
The WWAN card is detected automatically when inserted into the Mobility 7131N Access Point
express card slot. The card is detected as a USB/Serial device once its modules are loaded. If the
card is inserted before or during module installation, the user has to wait until all the modules are
loaded before the card is operational. These modules are loaded when the Mobility 7131N Access
Point boots up (at runtime). Activate and configure the WWAN card from the access point’s applet
and CLI.
The WAN failover feature is only supported on Mobility 7131N Access Point model access points, as
theMobility 7131 model access point does not support the required PCI express card slot.
For more information on configuring a Mobility 7131N Access Point model access point for WAN
failover support, see Configuring WAN Settings on page 5-127.
Proxy ARP Support
With this most recent release of the access point firmware, the access point can respond to ARP
requests on behalf of an associated MU and protect the MU’s network credentials from being
broadcasted on a publicly accessible network.
When Proxy ARP is enabled on the access point (it’s enabled by default), the access point can
make an MU physically located on one network appear part of a different network connected to the
same access point. Proxy AP allows the access point to “hide” an MU’s IP address behind the
access point’s firewall, while still having the MU appear to be on the public network. Proxy ARP
supports both strict and dynamic modes on the access point.
For example, when Proxy ARP is enabled on the access point (it’s disabled by default) and the
access point receives an ARP request (either a wired or wireless request) for the IP address of an
associated MU, the access point responds directly to the request (on behalf of the MU) instead of
broadcasting the ARP request over the publicly accessible wireless network.
When enabled, any system on the wireless network that ARPs for the IP address of an associated
MU will receive an ARP reply from the access point stating the requesting system should be
sending packets destined for the MU to access point instead. In turn, the access point forwards the
requesting packets to the target MU. Through this process, the access point can pass ARP requests
in both directions, making an MU appear to be connected to a public network even though it’s on a
private network hidden behind the access point.
For detailed information on configuring Proxy AP support of the access point, see Enabling Wireless LANs (WLANs) on page 5-137.
Multi Cipher Support
Beginning with this release, professional installers have the option of deploying both new and
legacy MUs within the same WLAN. Multi cipher support extends the access point’s existing WLAN
security options by allowing dynamic WEP and 802.11i configurations to co-exist, and allowing
multiple security policies to be associated with the same ESSID on different WLANs. Within such an
environment, legacy MUs are capable of WEP, while new MUs are capable of WPA/2-TKIP and
WPA2-CCMP encryption. This particular form of multi cipher (security) support helps maintain the
co-existence of dynamic WEP and 802.11i based environments.
For information on configuring Multi Cipher support, see Configuring Multi Cipher Support on page 6-208.
4Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
Dynamic Chain Selection
When enabled, dynamic chain selection forces an access point radio to transmit packets using
legacy transmit rates (11b, 11g and/or 11a rates) using a single transmit chain. Transmissions
utilizing 11n rates (MCS0 - MCS15) continue to use a normal number of transmit chains, which
may be 1, 2, or 3 depending on the configuration and power source. If dynamic chain selection is
disabled, all transmissions utilize the same number of transmit chains. This feature is disabled by
Brocade has determined some of our 802.11abg-based phones don't receive frames transmitted
by the a Mobility 7131 series access point very well if all 3 transmit chains are used. When only a
single transmit chain is used, communication between the access point and the phones works
better. This Brocade phone issue could also exist with other 802.11 legacy devices.
For information on enabling dynamic chain selection using the access point Web applet, see
Configuring the 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n Radio on page 5-167.
For information on using the CLI to set the access point’s dynamic chain selection configuration,
see br7131>admin([2.4 GHz])>set for the access point’s 2.4 GHz
radio and br7131>admin([5.0 GHz])>set for the access point 5
GHz radio.
Broadcast/Multicast Transmit Rate Control
Beginning with this release, professional installers now have the ability to define the access point’s
broadcast/multicast transmission configuration. Traditionally, the access point used the lowest
basic rate for broadcast/multicast transmissions, which was ideal from a range perspective (and
remains the default configuration).
The new enhancement provides an option to increase performance by transmitting
broadcast/multicast group packets at a higher rate (based on the radio’s defined basic data rates).
This option is optimal in environments where the access point’s broadcast/multicast (group
packet) transmission range is secondary to performance. Broadcast/multicast rate control is
configurable from the access point’s GUI applet, CLI and SNMP interfaces.
For information on configuring broadcast/multicast transmit rate control, see Configuring the
802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n Radio on page 5-167.
Dedicated Sensor Support
Beginning with this release, the access point supports a CLI command enabling an access point
radio to convert to sensor only support. When enabled, only sensor mode radio configurations are
permitted. Radio configurations supporting data (WLAN) support are not configurable using the
access point’s GUI, CLI or SNMP interfaces.
LED Disable
Through extensive field research, Brocade has learned that not all customers wish to deploy an
access point with blinking LEDs. Health care deployments in particular have requested an option to
disable blinking LEDs. With this most recent release of the Mobility 7131N Access Point firmware,
an option has been added to the access point’s GUI applet and CLI to disable blinking LEDs. The
LEDs display and blink default until the disable option is invoked.
Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide5
For information on disabling the access points LEDs, refer to Configuring System Settings on page 4-67.
Feature Overview
The following legacy features have been carried forward into the 4.x firmware baseline:
• 802.11n Support
• Sensor Support
• Mesh Roaming Client
• Single or Dual Mode Radio Options
• Separate LAN and WAN Ports
• Multiple Mounting Options
• Antenna Support for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Radios
• Sixteen Configurable WLANs
• Support for 4 BSSIDs per Radio
• Quality of Service (QoS) Support
• Industry Leading Data Security
• VLAN Support
• Multiple Management Accessibility Options
• Updatable Firmware
• Programmable SNMP v1/v2/v3 Trap Support
• Power-over-Ethernet Support
• MU-MU Transmission Disallow
• Voice Prioritization
• Support for CAM and PSP MUs
• Statistical Displays
• Transmit Power Control
• Advanced Event Logging Capability
• Configuration File Import/Export Functionality
• Default Configuration Restoration
• DHCP Support
• Mesh Networking
• Additional LAN Subnet
• On-board Radius Server Authentication
• Hotspot Support
• Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
• Manual Date and Time Settings
• Dynamic DNS
• Auto Negotiation
6Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
• Adaptive AP
• Rogue AP Enhancements
• Radius Time-Based Authentication
• QBSS Support
• Triple Radio Support
• IP Filtering
• MU Rate Limiting
• Per Radio MU Limit
• Power Setting Configuration
• AMSDU Transmission Support
• IPSec VPN Support
802.11n Support
Brocade provides full life-cycle support for either a new or existing 802.11n mobility deployment,
from network design to day-to-day support. For information on deploying your 802.11n radio, see
Configuring the 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n Radio on page 5-167.
Sensor Support
The Brocade Wireless Intrusion Protection System (WIPS) protects your wireless network, mobile
devices and traffic from attacks and unauthorized access. WIPS provides tools for standards
compliance and around-the-clock 802.11a/b/g wireless network security in a distributed
environment. WIPS allows administrators to identify and accurately locate attacks, rogue devices
and network vulnerabilities in real time and permits both a wired and wireless lockdown of wireless
device connections upon acknowledgement of a threat.
An access point radio can function as a sensor and upload sensor mode operation information to a
dedicated WIPS server. WIPS is not supported on a WLAN basis, rather sensor functionality is
supported on the access point radio(s) available to each WLAN. When an access point radio is
functioning as a WIPS sensor, it is able to scan in sensor mode across all channels within the 2.4
and 5.0 GHz bands.
Sensor support requires a Brocade AirDefense WIPS Server on the network. Sensor functionality is
not provided by the access point alone. The access point works in conjunction with a dedicated WIPS
server. For information on configuring an AirDefense server for optimal use with an access point in
sensor mode, go to, select AirDefense and
download the Brocade AirDefense Enterprise 7.3.3 Users Guide.
The following is a network topology illustrating how a sensor functions within an access point
supported wireless network:
Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide7
A radio in sensor mode supports the following basic features:
The functions described below are conducted on the WIPS server side, not on the access point.
• Wireless Termination - The access point attempts to force an unwanted (or unauthorized)
connection to disconnect.
• Wireless Sniffing - All received frames are reported to the WIPS server. This feature provides
the WIPS server with visibility into the activity on the wireless network. The WIPS server
processes the received traffic and provides the IT administrator with useful information about
the 802.11 RF activities in the enterprise.
• Spectrum Analysis - The data needed to provide the current RF Spectrum is provided to the
WIPS server. The access point does not display the data, but it is available to the WIPS server.
Spectrum analysis can operate only when there are no WLAN radios configured. The WIPS
daemon and server are responsible for limiting operation only when there is no radio in WLAN
mode. When a configuration change is made at the AP, the Spectrum Analysis operation stops.
• Live View- The WIPS application provides a live view of the sensors, APs and MUs operating in a
WLAN. Live view support exists throughout the WIPS application, wherever a device icon
appears in an information panel or navigation tree. Access Live View by right-clicking on the
device, which automatically limits the data to the specific device your choose.
Sensor radios can be tuned to channels in both the 2.4GHz and 5.0 GHz band. The channels in use
by a given radio are defined by the WIPS application. There is no need to explicitly set a band for a
sensor radio. Instead, select either default values or specific channels. Specific channels can be in
either band.
8Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
Mobility 7131N Access Point models with three radios never dedicate the third radio to traditional
WLAN support. The third radio is either disabled or set exclusively to WIPS support (referred to in the
access point interface as sensor mode).
Users cannot define a radio as a WIPS sensor when one of the access point radios is functioning
as a rogue AP detector. To use one of the radios as a WIPS sensor, you must disable its current
detector method(s) first, then set the radio for WIPS sensor support. For information on disabling
rogue AP detection, see Configuring Rogue AP Detection on page 6-234.
WIPS functionality is defined as part of the access point’s quick setup procedure. For information
on using the access point’s Quick Setup screen to define how WIPS can be supported on an access
point radio, see Configuring Device Settings on page 3-55.
Mesh Roaming Client
Enable the Mesh Roaming Client feature (using the access point’s CLI) to allow a client bridge to
associate in the same manner as a regular mesh client bridge. After an initial (single) association,
the client bridge will not attempt additional associations. Since STP will be disabled, the
association forwards data as soon as the association attempt is successful. When Mesh Roaming
Client is enabled, base bridge mode is not supported to avoid a loop within the mesh topology.
Thus, the Mesh Roaming Client is always an end point (by design) within the mesh wireless
topology. The base bridge will need STP disabled to immediately begin forwarding data when a
roaming client bridge associates.
Single or Dual Mode Radio Options
One or two possible configurations are available on legacy Mobility 7131 access pointsMobility
7131 Access Point depending on which model is purchased. If the access pointMobility 7131
Access Point is manufactured as a single radio access point, the access pointMobility 7131 Access
Point enables you to configure the single radio for either 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n support.
If the access point Mobility 7131 Access Point is manufactured as a dual-radio access point, the
Mobility 7131 Access Point access point enables you to configure one radio for 802.11a/n support,
and the other for 802.11b/g/n support.
For detailed information Mobility 7131 Access Point, see Setting the Radio Configuration for a WLAN on page 5-161.
Separate LAN and WAN Ports
The access pointMobility 7131 Access Point has one LAN (GE1/POE) port and one WAN (GE2) port,
each with their own MAC address. The access point must manage all data traffic over the LAN
connection carefully as either a DHCP client, BOOTP client, DHCP server or using a static IP
address. The access point can only use a Power-over-Ethernet device when connected to the LAN
Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide9
For detailed information on configuring the Mobility 7131 Access Point LAN port, see Configuring the LAN Interface on page 5-115.
A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a widely dispersed telecommunications network. In a corporate
environment, the WAN port might connect to a larger corporate network. For a small business, the
WAN port might connect to a DSL or cable modem to access the Internet. Regardless, network
address information must be configured for the access pointMobility 7131 Access Point’s intended
mode of operation.
For detailed information on configuring the Mobility 7131 Access Pointaccess point’s WAN port, see
Configuring WAN Settings on page 5-127.
The LAN and WAN port MAC addresses can be located within the LAN and WAN Stats screens.
For detailed information on locating the access point’s MAC addresses, see Viewing WAN Statistics on page 7-253 and Viewing LAN Statistics on page 7-256. For information on access point MAC
address assignments, see MAC Address Assignment on page 1-29.
Multiple Mounting Options
The Mobility 7131 Access Point access point attaches to a wall, mounts under a ceiling or above a
ceiling (attic). Choose a mounting option based on the physical environment of the coverage area.
Do not mount the access point Mobility 7131 Access Point in a location that has not been approved
in a radio coverage site survey.
For detailed information on the mounting options available Mobility 7131 Access Point, see
Mounting an Mobility 7131 Access Point or Mobility 7131N Access Point on page 2-38.
Antenna Support for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Radios
The Mobility 7131 Access Pointaccess point supports several 802.11a/n and 802.11b/g/n radio
antennas. Select the antenna best suited to the radio transmission requirements of your coverage
For an exhaustive overview of the antennas and associated components supported by the Brocade
access point family, refer to the Enterprise Wireless LAN Antenna Specification Guide available at
A Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is a data-communications system that flexibly extends the
functionalities of a wired LAN. A WLAN does not require lining up devices for line-of-sight
transmission, and are thus, desirable for wireless networking. Roaming users can be handed off
from one access point Mobility 7131 Access Point to another like a cellular phone system. WLANs
can therefore be configured around the needs of specific groups of users, even when they are not
in physical proximity. Sixteen WLANs are configurable on each access point Mobility 7131 Access
To enable and configure WLANs on an access point Mobility 7131 Access Point radio, see Enabling Wireless LANs (WLANs) on page 5-137.
10Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
Support for 4 BSSIDs per Radio
The access point supports four BSSIDs per radio. Each BSSID has a corresponding MAC address.
The first MAC address corresponds to BSSID #1. The MAC addresses for the other three BSSIDs
(BSSIDs #2, #3, #4) are derived by adding 1, 2, 3, respectively, to the radio MAC address.
If the radio MAC address displayed on the Radio Settings screen is 00:23:68:72:20:DC, then the
BSSIDs for that radio will have the following MAC addresses:
BSSIDMAC AddressHexadecimal Addition
BSSID #100:23:68:72:20:DCSame as Radio MAC address
BSSID #200:23:68:72:20:DDRadio MAC address +1
BSSID #300:23:68:72:20:DERadio MAC address +2
BSSID #400:23:68:72:20:DFRadio MAC address +3
For detailed information on strategically mapping BSSIDs to WLANs, see Configuring the
802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n Radio on page 5-167. For information on access point MAC address
assignments, see
MAC Address Assignment on page 1-29.
Quality of Service (QoS) Support
The Mobility 7131 Access Point QoS implementation provides applications running on different
wireless devices a variety of priority levels to transmit data to and from the access point Mobility
7131 Access Point. Equal data transmission priority is fine for data traffic from applications such as
Web browsers, file transfers or email, but is inadequate for multimedia applications.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), video streaming and interactive gaming are highly sensitive to
latency increases and throughput reductions. These forms of higher priority data traffic can
significantly benefit from the Mobility 7131 Access Point QoS implementation.The WiFi Multimedia QOS Extensions (WMM) implementation used by the Mobility 7131 Access Point shortens the time
between transmitting higher priority data traffic and is thus desirable for multimedia applications.
In addition, U-APSD (WMM Power Save) is also supported.
WMM defines four access categories—voice, video, best effort and background—to prioritize traffic
for enhanced multimedia support.
For detailed information on configuring QoS support Mobility 7131 Access Point, see Setting the WLAN Quality of Service (QoS) Policy on page 5-147.
Industry Leading Data Security
The Mobility 7131 Access Point access point supports numerous encryption and authentication
techniques to protect the data transmitting on the WLAN.
The following authentication techniques are supported:
• Kerberos Authentication
• EAP Authentication
The following encryption techniques are supported Mobility 7131 Access Point:
• WEP Encryption
Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide11
• KeyGuard Encryption
• Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) Using TKIP Encryption
• WPA2-CCMP (802.11i) Encryption
In addition, the Mobility 7131 Access Point access point supports the following additional security
• Firewall Security
• VPN Tunnels
• Content Filtering
For an overview on the encryption and authentication schemes available Mobility 7131 Access
Point, refer to Configuring Access Point Security on page 6-189.
Kerberos Authentication
Authentication is a means of verifying information transmitted from a secure source. If information
is authentic, you know who created it and you know it has not been altered in any way since it was
originated. Authentication entails a network administrator employing a software “supplicant” on
their computer or wireless device.
Authentication is critical for the security of any wireless LAN device. Traditional authentication
methods are not suitable for use in wireless networks where an unauthorized user can monitor
network traffic and intercept passwords. The use of strong authentication methods that do not
disclose passwords is necessary. The access point uses the Kerberos authentication service
protocol (specified in RFC 1510) to authenticate users/clients in a wireless network environment
and to securely distribute the encryption keys used for both encrypting and decrypting.
A basic understanding of RFC 1510 Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5) is helpful in
understanding how Kerberos works. By default, WLAN devices operate in an open system network
where any wireless device can associate with an AP without authorization. Kerberos requires
device authentication before access to the wired network is permitted.
For detailed information on Kerbeors configurations, see Configuring Kerberos Authentication on page 6-194.
EAP Authentication
The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) feature provides access points and their associated
MUs an additional measure of security for data transmitted over the wireless network. Using EAP,
authentication between devices is achieved through the exchange and verification of certificates.
EAP is a mutual authentication method whereby both the MU and AP are required to prove their
identities. Like Kerberos, the user loses device authentication if the server cannot provide proof of
device identification.
Using EAP, a user requests connection to a WLAN through the access point Mobility 7131 Access
Point. The access point Mobility 7131 Access Point then requests the identity of the user and
transmits that identity to an authentication server. The server prompts the AP for proof of identity
(supplied to the Mobility 7131 Access Point by the user) and then transmits the user data back to
the server to complete the authentication process.
An MU is not able to access the network if not authenticated. When configured for EAP support, the
access point displays the MU as an EAP station.
12Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
EAP is only supported on mobile devices running Windows XP, Windows 2000 (using Service Pack
#4) and Windows Mobile 2003. Refer to the system administrator for information on configuring a
Radius Server for EAP (802.1x) support.
For detailed information on EAP configurations, see Configuring 802.1x EAP Authentication on page 6-196.
WEP Encryption
All WLAN devices face possible information theft. Theft occurs when an unauthorized user
eavesdrops to obtain information illegally. The absence of a physical connection makes wireless
links particularly vulnerable to this form of theft. Most forms of WLAN security rely on encryption to
various extents. Encryption entails scrambling and coding information, typically with mathematical
formulas called algorithms, before the information is transmitted. An algorithm is a set of
instructions or formula for scrambling the data. A key is the specific code used by the algorithm to
encrypt or decrypt the data. Decryption is the decoding and unscrambling of received encrypted
The same device, host computer or front-end processor, usually performs both encryption and
decryption. The transmit or receive direction determines whether the encryption or decryption
function is performed. The device takes plain text, encrypts or scrambles the text typically by
mathematically combining the key with the plain text as instructed by the algorithm, then transmits
the data over the network. At the receiving end, another device takes the encrypted text and
decrypts, or unscrambles, the text revealing the original message. An unauthorized user can know
the algorithm, but cannot interpret the encrypted data without the appropriate key. Only the sender
and receiver of the transmitted data know the key.
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is an encryption security protocol specified in the IEEE Wireless
Fidelity (Wi-Fi) standard, 802.11b and supported by the Mobility 7131 Access Point AP. WEP
encryption is designed to provide a WLAN with a level of security and privacy comparable to that of
a wired LAN. The level of protection provided by WEP encryption is determined by the encryption
key length and algorithm. An encryption key is a string of case sensitive characters used to encrypt
and decrypt data packets transmitted between a mobile unit (MU) and the access point Mobility
7131 Access Point. An access point Mobility 7131 Access Point and its associated wireless clients
must use the same encryption key (typically 1 through 4) to interoperate.
For detailed information on WEP, see Configuring WEP Encryption on page 6-199.
KeyGuard Encryption
Use KeyGuard to shield the master encryption keys from being discovered through hacking.
KeyGuard negotiation takes place between the access point and MU upon association. The access
point can use KeyGuard with Brocade MUs. KeyGuard is only supported on Brocade MUs making it
a Brocade proprietary security mechanism.
For detailed information on KeyGuard configurations, see Configuring KeyGuard Encryption on page 6-201.
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) Using TKIP Encryption
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a security standard for systems operating with a Wi-Fi wireless
connection. WEP’s lack of user authentication mechanisms is addressed by WPA. Compared to
WEP, WPA provides superior data encryption and user authentication.
WPA addresses the weaknesses of WEP by including:
Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide13
• a per-packet key mixing function
• a message integrity check
• an extended initialization vector with sequencing rules
• a re-keying mechanism
WPA uses an encryption method called Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). WPA employs
802.1X and Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP).
For detailed information on WPA using TKIP configurations, see Configuring WPA/WPA2 Using TKIP on page 6-203.
WPA2-CCMP (802.11i) Encryption
WPA2 is a newer 802.11i standard that provides even stronger wireless security than Wi-Fi
Protected Access (WPA) and WEP. Counter-mode/CBC-MAC Protocol (CCMP) is the security
standard used by the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). AES serves the same function TKIP
does for WPA-TKIP. CCMP computes a Message Integrity Check (MIC) using the proven Cipher Block Message Authentication Code (CBC-MAC) technique. Changing just one bit in a message produces
a totally different result.
WPA2-CCMP is based on the concept of a Robust Security Network (RSN), which defines a
hierarchy of keys with a limited lifetime (similar to TKIP). Like TKIP, the keys the administrator
provides are used to derive other keys. Messages are encrypted using a 128-bit secret key and a
128-bit block of data. The end result is an encryption scheme as secure as any the access point
Mobility 7131 Access Point provides.
For detailed information on WPA2-CCMP, see Configuring WPA2-CCMP (802.11i) on page 6-205.
Firewall Security
A firewall keeps personal data in and hackers out. The Mobility 7131 Access Pointaccess point’s
firewall prevents suspicious Internet traffic from proliferating the access point Mobility 7131 Access
Point managed network. The Mobility 7131 Access Pointaccess point performs Network Address Tra nsla tion (NAT) on packets passing to and from the WAN port. This combination provides
enhanced security by monitoring communication with the wired network.
For detailed information on configuring the access point’s Mobility 7131 Access Point firewall, see
Configuring Firewall Settings on page 6-210.
VPN Tunnels
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are IP-based networks using encryption and tunneling providing
users remote access to a secure LAN. In essence, the trust relationship is extended from one LAN
across the public network to another LAN, without sacrificing security. A VPN behaves like a private
network; however, because the data travels through the public network, it needs several layers of
security. The Mobility 7131 Access Point access point can function as a robust VPN gateway.
For detailed information on configuring VPN security support, see Configuring VPN Tunnels on page 6-216.
14Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
Content Filtering
Content filtering allows system administrators to block specific commands and URL extensions
from going out through the Mobility 7131 Access Point WAN port. Therefore, content filtering
affords system administrators selective control on the content proliferating the network and is a
powerful screening tool. Content filtering allows the blocking of up to 10 files or URL extensions and
allows blocking of specific outbound HTTP, SMTP, and FTP requests.
For detailed information on configuring content filtering support, see Configuring Content Filtering Settings on page 6-231.
VLAN Support
A Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) can electronically separate data on the same AP from a single
broadcast domain into separate broadcast domains. By using a VLAN, you can group by logical
function instead of physical location. There are 16 VLANs supported on the access point Mobility
7131 Access Point. An administrator can map up to 16 WLANs to 16 VLANs and enable or disable
dynamic VLAN assignment. In addition to these 16 VLANs, the access point supports dynamic,
user-based, VLANs when using EAP authentication.
VLANs enable organizations to share network resources in various network segments within large
areas (airports, shopping malls, etc.). A VLAN is a group of clients with a common set of
requirements independent of their physical location. VLANs have the same attributes as physical
LANs, but they enable administrators to group clients even when they are not members of the
same network segment.
For detailed information on configuring VLAN support, see Configuring VLAN Support on page 5-118.
Multiple Management Accessibility Options
The access point Mobility 7131 Access Point can be accessed and configured using one of the
• Java-Based Web UI
• Human readable config file (imported via FTP or TFTP)
• MIB (Management Information Base)
• Command Line Interface (CLI) accessed via RS-232 or Telnet. Use the access point’sMobility
7131 Access Point DB-9 serial port for direct access to the command-line interface from a PC.
Use a Null-Modem cable (Part No. 25-632878-0) for the best fitting connection.
Updatable Firmware
Brocade periodically releases updated versions of device firmware to the Brocade Web site. If the
Mobility 7131 Access Point firmware version displayed on the System Settings screen (see
Configuring System Settings on page 4-67) is older than the version on the Web site, Brocade
recommends updating the access point Mobility 7131 Access Point to the latest firmware version
for full feature functionality.
For detailed information on updating the Mobility 7131 Access Point firmware using FTP or TFTP,
see Updating Device Firmware on page 4-109.
Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide15
Programmable SNMP v1/v2/v3 Trap Support
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) facilitates the exchange of management
information between network devices. SNMP uses Management Information Bases (MIBs) to
manage the device configuration and monitor Internet devices in remote locations. MIB information
accessed via SNMP is defined by a set of managed objects called Object Identifiers (OIDs). An OID
is used to uniquely identify each object variable of a MIB.
SNMP allows a network administrator to configure the access point, manage network performance,
find and solve network problems, and plan network growth. The access point Mobility 7131 Access
Point supports SNMP management functions for gathering information from its network
components. The access point’s download site contains the following MIB files supporting the
access point:
• Symbol-CC-WS2000-MIB-2.0 (standard MIB file)
• Symbol-AP_MIB
The Mobility 7131 Access Point access point’s SNMP agent functions as a command responder
and is a multilingual agent responding to SNMPv1, v2c and v3 managers (command generators).
The factory default configuration maintains SNMPv1/2c support of community names, thus
providing backward compatibility.
For detailed information on configuring SNMP traps, see Configuring SNMP Settings on page 4-87.
Power-over-Ethernet Support
When users purchase a Brocade WLAN solution, they often need to place access points in obscure
locations. In the past, a dedicated power source was required for each access point in addition to
the Ethernet infrastructure. This often required an electrical contractor to install power drops at
each access point location.
An approved Power Injector solution merges power and Ethernet into one cable, reducing the
burden of installation and allows optimal access point Mobility 7131 Access Point placement in
respect to the intended radio coverage area. The access point can only use a Power-over-Ethernet
device when connected to the access point’s LAN (GE1/POE) port. The access point can also
support 3af/3at compliant products from other vendors.
The Power Injector (Part No. AP-PSBIAS-1P3-AFR) is a single-port Power over Ethernet hub
combining low-voltage DC with Ethernet data in a single cable connecting to the access point
Mobility 7131 Access Point. The Power Injector’s single DC and Ethernet data cable creates a
modified Ethernet cabling environment on the Mobility 7131 Access Pointaccess point’s LAN port
eliminating the need for separate Ethernet and power cables. For detailed information on using the
Power Injector, see Power Injector System on page 2-35.
MU-MU Transmission Disallow
The access point’s MU-MU Disallow feature prohibits MUs from communicating with each other
even if on the same WLAN, assuming one of the WLAN’s is configured to disallow MU-MU
communication. Therefore, if an MU’s WLAN is configured for MU-MU disallow, it will not be able to
communicate with any other MUs connected to this access point.
For detailed information on configuring an Mobility 7131 Access Point WLAN to disallow MU to MU
communications, see Creating/Editing Individual WLANs on page 5-139.
16Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
Voice Prioritization
Each Mobility 7131 Access Pointaccess point WLAN has the capability of having its QoS policy
configured to prioritize the network traffic requirements for associated MUs. A WLAN QoS page is
available for each enabled WLAN on either the Mobility 7131 Access Point802.11a/n or
802.11b/g/n radio.
Use the QoS page to enable voice prioritization for devices to receive the transmission priority they
may not normally receive over other data traffic. Voice prioritization allows the access point Mobility
7131 Access Point to assign priority to voice traffic over data traffic, and (if necessary) assign
legacy voice supported devices (non WMM supported voice devices) additional priority.
For detailed information on configuring voice prioritization over other voice enabled devices, see
Setting the WLAN Quality of Service (QoS) Policy on page 5-147.
Support for CAM and PSP MUs
The access point Mobility 7131 Access Point supports both CAM and PSP powered MUs. CAM
(Continuously Aware Mode) MUs leave their radios on continuously to hear every beacon and
message transmitted. These systems operate without any adjustments by the access point Mobility
7131 Access Point.
A beacon is a uniframe system packet broadcast by the AP to keep the network synchronized. A
beacon includes the ESSID, Mobility 7131 Access Point MAC address, Broadcast destination
addresses, a time stamp, a DTIM (Delivery Traffic Indication Message) and the TIM (Traffic
Indication Map).
PSP (Power Save Polling) MUs power off their radios for short periods. When a MU in PSP mode
associates with an access pointMobility 7131 Access Point, it notifies the Mobility 7131 Access
Pointaccess point of its activity status. The access point Mobility 7131 Access Point responds by
buffering packets received for the MU. PSP mode is used to extend an MU’s battery life by enabling
the MU to “sleep” during periods of inactivity.
Statistical Displays
The access point Mobility 7131 Access Point can display robust transmit and receive statistics for
the WAN and LAN ports. WLAN stats can be displayed collectively and individually for enabled
WLANs. Transmit and receive statistics are available for the Mobility 7131 Access Pointaccess
point’s 802.11a/n and 802.11b/g/n radios. An advanced radio statistics page is also available to
display retry histograms for specific data packet retry information.
Associated MU stats can be displayed collectively and individually for specific MUs. An echo (ping)
test is also available to ping specific MUs to assess association strength. Finally, the access point
Mobility 7131 Access Point can detect and display the properties of other APs detected within its
radio coverage area. The type of AP detected can be displayed as well as the properties of
individual APs.
For detailed information on available Mobility 7131 Access Pointaccess point statistical displays
and the values they represent, see Monitoring Statistics on page 7-253.
Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide17
Transmit Power Control
The access point Mobility 7131 Access Point has a configurable power level for each radio. This
enables the network administrator to define the antenna’s transmission power level in respect to
the access point’s placement or network requirements as defined in the Mobility 7131 Access
Point site survey.
For detailed information on setting the radio transmit power level, see Configuring the 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n Radio on page 5-167.
Advanced Event Logging Capability
The access point Mobility 7131 Access Point periodically logs system events. Logging events is
useful in assessing the throughput and performance of the access point Mobility 7131 Access
Point or troubleshooting problems on the Mobility 7131 Access Pointaccess point managed Local Area Network (LAN).
For detailed information on access point Mobility 7131 Access Point events, see Logging Configuration on page 4-103.
Configuration File Import/Export Functionality
Configuration settings for an access point Mobility 7131 Access Point can be downloaded from the
current configuration of another access point Mobility 7131 Access Point. This affords the
administrator the ability to save the current configuration before making significant changes or
restoring a default configuration. A configuration file from a single radio Mobility 7131 Access Point
can be imported to a single radio model Mobility 7131N Access Point. Similarly, a configuration file
from a dual radio Mobility 7131 Access Point can be imported to a dual radio model Mobility 7131N
Access Point.
For detailed information on importing or exporting configuration files, see Importing/Exporting Configurations on page 4-104.
Default Configuration Restoration
The access point Mobility 7131 Access Point can restore its default configuration or a partial
default configuration (with the exception of current WAN and SNMP settings). Restoring the default
configuration is a good way to create new WLANs if the MUs the Mobility 7131 Access Point access
point supports have been moved to different radio coverage areas.
For detailed information on restoring a default or partial default configuration, see Configuring System Settings on page 4-67.
DHCP Support
The access point Mobility 7131 Access Point can use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
to obtain a leased IP address and configuration information from a remote server. DHCP is based
on the BOOTP protocol and can coexist or interoperate with BOOTP. Configure the access point
Mobility 7131 Access Point to send out a DHCP request searching for a DHCP/BOOTP server to
acquire HTML, firmware or network configuration files when the Mobility 7131 Access Pointaccess
point boots. Because BOOTP and DHCP interoperate, whichever responds first becomes the server
that allocates information.
18Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
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