Bio-Rad Chelex 100 Molecular Biology Grade Resin User Manual

Catalog # 732-6030
Table of Contents
Section 1. Introduction........................................................1
1.1 Contents and Storage.................................................................1
1.2 Warning ......................................................................................1
1.3 Use .............................................................................................1
Section 2. Instruction for Use .............................................2
2.1 DNA Preparation From Whole Blood...........................................2
2.2 DNA Preparation From Cultured Mammalian Cells ......................3
2.3 DNA Preparation From Bacteria .................................................4
Section 1. Introduction
1.1 Contents and Storage
This bottle contains 20 ml of 6% InstaGene matrix and a magnetic stirbar. This is sufficient for 100 DNA preparations. Upon arrival, store the matrix at 4 °C.
1.2 Warning
Avoid prolonged exposure of the matrix to UV light.
1.3 Use
InstaGene matrix allows fast and easy preparation of PCR* amplifiable DNA by eliminating labor intensive phenol/chloroform extraction steps. A simple cell lysis step by boiling in the presence of the matrix is sufficient. This is possible because the matrix efficiently absorbs cell lysis products that interfere with the PCR amplification process. Procedures for generating DNA suitable for PCR from whole blood, cultured cells, and bacteria using InstaGene matrix are described on the following pages. Protocols for other types of tissues or cells are presently being investigated.
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