Bio-Rad Bio-Scale MT High-Resolution Empty Columns User Manual

Bio-Scale Columns
Instruction Manual
Catalog numbers 751-0081 751-0083 751-0085 751-0087
Table of Contents
MT5, MT10, and MT20 Columns ......................... 1
1.1 Introduction ........................................................... 1
1.2 Column Description ............................................... 1
1.3 Column Specifications ........................................... 2
Section 2 Use of the Bio-Scale MT Columns ..................... 2
2.1 Column Disassembly ............................................. 4
2.2 Column Assembly .................................................. 4
2.3 Column Packing .................................................... 5
2.4 Connections to Chromatography Systems ............. 7
Section 3 Care of the Bio-Scale MT Colums ...................... 8
3.1 Frit Removal .......................................................... 8
3.2 Column Bed Top-Off ............................................. 8
Section 4 Solvent Compatibility Table ................................ 9
Section 5 Product Informations ......................................... 10
Section 1 Characteristics of the Bio-Scale MT2, MT5, MT10, and MT20 Columns
1.1 Introduction
The Bio-Scale MT columns have been designed specifically to provide high resolution chromatography of bio-molecules when packed with any suitable chromatography media. Typical packings might include ion exchange, hydrophobic interaction,
hydroxyapatite, or affinity chromatography media. The Bio-Scale MT range consists of four sizes (2, 5, 10, and
20 ml), allowing easy scale-up of separation and purification protocols. The column design has been optimized to provide easy packing, equilibration, bed-height adjustment, and sample application. All column parts are bio-compatible for preservation of sample biological activity.
The Bio-Scale MT column range is designed for use with Bio-Rad’s BioLogic System, as the column fittings are 1/4-28 Super-flangeless. Adaptors and unions are available from Bio-Rad for connection of these columns to other medium or high pressure
1.2 Column Description
Each column consists of a borosilicate glass tube held in place by two endcaps and a plastic safety shield. The lower bed support consists of a fixed-position frit and a distribution screen assembly.
Bed height adjustment is provided by the upper bed support, which is positioned and held in place using a threaded lock-nut. A removable frit protects the top of the bed and supports a thin distribution screen which insures efficient sample application to the bed itself.
Each column can be packed with chromatography media using either dry or slurry packing methods. A minimum particle size of
5 microns is recommended.
Bio-Scale MT Column Instruction Manual 1
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