Bio-Rad Bio-Scale Mini CHT 40 µm Cartridges User Manual

Bio-Scale™Mini CHT
Ceramic Hydroxyapatite Cartridges, 5 ml
Instruction Manual
Catalog # 732-4322
5.2 Wash Alternatives ..................20
5.3 Autoclaving ............................20
5.4 Storage ..................................20
Section 6 ..Technical Support.............................21
Section 7 ..Ordering Information.........................22
Section 8 ..References .......................................24
The Bio-Scale Mini CHT cartridges are packed with Type I or Type II ceramic hydroxyapatite supports. These supports are based on hydroxyapatite, a form of calcium phosphate used in chromatographic separations of biomolecules. CHT ceramic hydroxyapatite is a spherical, macroporous form of hydroxyapatite. Unlike most other chromotagraphic absorbents, CHT is both the ligand and the support matrix. CHT Type I has a higher protein binding capacity and greater capacity for acidic proteins. CHT Type II has a lower protein binding capacity but provides better resolution of nucleic acids and certain other proteins. The Type II material also has a very low affinity for albumin and is especially suitable for the purification of many species types and classes of immunoglobulins. Applications of hydroxyapatite chromatography include the purification of different subclasses of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, antibodies that differ in light chain composition, antibody fragments, isozymes, supercoiled DNA from linear duplexes, and single-stranded from double
Table 2. Product Description
TTyyppee II TTyyppee IIII
FFuunnccttiioonnaall ggrroouuppss
, PO4, OH Ca2+, PO4, OH
OObbsseerrvveedd ddyynnaammiicc bbiinnddiinngg ccaappaacciittyy
llyyssoozzyymmee ((LLyyss))
25 mg Lys/g CHT 12.5 mg Lys/g CHT
NNoommiinnaall ppoorree ddiiaammeetteerr
600–800 Å 800–1,000 Å
MMaaxxiimmuumm bbaacckkpprreessssuurree
100 bar (1,500 psi) 100 bar (1,500 psi)
Noommiinnaall mmeeaann ppaarrttiiccllee ssiizzee
20 ± 2, 40 ± 4, and 80 ± 8 µm
BBuullkk ddeennssiittyy
0.63 g/ml 0.63 g/ml
OObbsseerrvveedd ddyynnaammiicc bbiinnddiinngg ccaappaacciittyy
25–60 mg IgG/ml CHT* 15–25 mg IgG/ml CHT*
TTyyppiiccaall lliinneeaarr fflloow
w rraattee rraannggee
50–1,000 cm/hr
ppHH ssttaabbiilliittyy
BBaassee ssttaabbiilliittyy
at least 21 months in 1 N NaOH
500 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7
1,000 mM trisodium phosphate, pH 11–12
AAuuttooccllaavvaabbiilliittyy ((bbuullkk))
121°C, 20 min in phosphate buffer, pH 7
1–2 N NaOH
eccoommmmeennddeedd ccoolluummnn ssttoorraaggee
0.1 N NaOH
SShheellff lliiffee ((ddrryy,, uunnuusseedd mmaatteerriiaall))
85 months stored dry, sealed, and at room temperature
* 40 µm particles, 300 cm/hr, 5 mM sodium phosphate, pH 6.5
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