Bio-Rad BioLogic DuoFlow Pathfinder 80 System DuoFlow Chromatography System User Manual

BioLogic DuoFlow Chromatography System
Version 4.0 Software New Features
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Version 4.0 software retains the familiar intuitive, accessibility of version 3.0. The ease of system Setup and method building are retained in the Browser, Setup, Protocol and Run screens. Manual accessibility to instruments is gained through the Manual screen provid­ing individual control panels for each instrument and device attached to the system.
Programming has been added to incorporate new instruments and now integrates the Maximizer buffer blending system with all its peripherals, the BioFrac fraction collector, new pH Monitor and USB Bitbus Communicator.
USB Bitbus Communicator
Version 4.0 software requires the more robust Windows 2000 operating system and the new USB to Bitbus Communicator converter box. Any dedicated PC capable of running Windows 2000 and with a USB connection may be used to run version 4.0 DuoFlow software programs.
Maximizer Buffer Blending System
Programming includes support for the Maximizer unit that enables adding automated buffer blending capabilities to a DuoFlow system. Buffer blending allows users to run multiple separations, each at a different buffer pH and salt concentration. Four stock solutions connected to the Maximizer are blended to the correct pH and salt concentration. Version 4.0 software calculates the acid/base ratio and compensates for changes in ionic strength and temperature during the run.
Programming includes support for double the pump flow rate when a Maximizer is in use. Workstations with F10 pumpheads increase their flow rates to 20 ml/min, F40 pumphead Workstations double to 80 ml/min.
Programming support incorporates additional valves enabled by adding a Maximizer to a DuoFlow system. This includes support for 3 additional low pressure solenoid valves (total of 6 valves), connecting to valve ports (3 on the Workstation and 3 on the Maximizer. The same is true for high pressure valves enabling a total of 6 high pressure valves, 3 connecting to the Workstation and 3 connection to the Maximizer. Additional Maximizer ports include a QuadTec port, a SIM port ( Analog and pH), a conductivity port , and an auxiliary I/O port .
BioFrac Fraction Collector
Programming support has been added enabling users to incorporate functions of the new BioFrac Fraction Collector and supporting all 14 new rack and collection schemes of the BioFrac.
Manual Screen - Resize
The Resize button enables users to double the size of the on screen chromatogram.
Manual Screen – Valve Display
The valve display panel has two viewing options: one, Workstation Valves, displays valves connected to the Workstation. The other, Maximizer Valves, displays valves connected to the Maximizer. Access to each display is via the down arrow box in the right upper corner of the valves display panel.
Manual Screen – Maximizer Control Panel
Manual pump control panel includes control of the Maximizer buffer blending mode.
Manual Screen – Maximizer Buffer Blending Setup
Buffer blending icon in the toolbar provides access to new buffer blending screen for selection of buffers (including recipes) to be used in buffer blending mode.
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