Bio-Rad Bio-Gel HTP Hydroxyapatite User Manual

Bio-Gel HTP
DNA Grade Bio-Gel HTP
Instruction Manual
Section 1 Properties of Bio-Gel HT, HTP, and
Section 2 Rehydrating Bio-Gel HTP and DNA
Section 3 Resuspending Bio-Gel HT
Section 4 Pouring the Column ............................... 8
Section 5 Applying the Sample .............................. 9
Section 6 Regenerating the Column ...................... 10
Section 7 References................................................ 10
Section 8 Ordering Information ............................ 13
DNA Grade HTP Hydroxyapatite......... 1
1.1 Bio-Gel HT Fully Hydrated Hydroxyapatite.... 3
1.2 Bio-Gel HTP Powder........................................ 3
1.3 DNA Grade Bio-Gel HTP Hydroxyapatite....... 4
Grade Bio-Gel HTP Hydroxyapatite.... 6
Hydroxyapatite ....................................... 7
Section 1 Properties of Bio-Gel HT, HTP, and DNA Grade HTP Hydroxyapatite
Hydroxyapatite, a crystalline form of calcium phos­phate, is widely used in preparative biochemistry, having proven itself a unique tool for the fractionation and purification of monoclonal antibodies teins,
and nucleic acids. atite is useful for preparative work in column or batch modes, and for quantitative analysis of proteins or nucle­ic acids. Its advantages include:
Unique selectivity - Since molecular separation on hydroxyapatite is not primarily dependent on molecular weight, molecular size, charge density, or isoelectric point, hydroxyapatite chromatography is a valuable com­plement to other separations techniques.*
and other pro-
* For a discussion of the mechanism of action of hydroxyapatite,
refer to the publications of M. J. Gorbunoff.
High capacity - Hydroxyapatite has a high capacity for nucleic acids and proteins. Its surface area is about 50 m per gram.
Low non-specific adsorption-Non-specific adsorption
of hydrophobic substances is minimized by the inorganic crystalline matrix of hydroxyapatite [Ca
Hydroxyapatite displays negligible adsorptive capacity for low molecular weight substances such as mononu­cleotides, salts, and amino acids.
Chemical and thermal stability - The wide range of chemical compatibilities (aqueous and inorganic sol­vents), the thermal stability (autoclavable), and the pH tolerance (pH >5.5) permit the use of hydroxyapatite under conditions that optimize the binding of nucleic acids and proteins.
Economy - The initial cost of the material is low, and can be used several times.
Commercial hydroxyapatite preparations may vary considerably in their ability to achieve the desired chro­matographic resolution. All Bio-Rad hydroxyapatite is tested for separation of double-stranded DNA from
single-stranded DNA, albumin binding capacity, DNA binding capacity, and flow capacity. The test results for ds DNA from ss DNA for each batch are printed on the package label.
1.1 Bio-Gel HT Fully Hydrated
Bio-Gel HT hydroxyapatite, prepared by the method of Tiselius,
um phosphate buffer containing 0.02% NaN
et al.,22is shipped suspended in 10 mM sodi-
. This mate-
rial gives excellent resolution at a high flow rate (see Table 1) because of its large particle size. Bio-Gel HT hydroxyapatite has a shelf life of at least 1 year when stored at 4 °C in the shipping buffer.
1.2 Bio-Gel HTP Powder
Bio-Gel HTP hydroxyapatite is the Tiselius material which has been dried by a unique process developed at Bio-Rad. It may be stored without refrigeration, and, when resuspended in buffer, it has the same properties as Bio-Gel HT hydroxyapatite.
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