Bio-Beads®SM Hydrophobic
and Polar Interaction
Instruction Manual
Bio-Rad Laboratories, 2000 Alfred Nobel Dr., Hercules, CA 94547
LIT195 Rev B

Table of Contents
Section 1 Introduction ..........................................1
Section 2 Product Description..............................2
Section 3 Instructions for Use..............................4
3.1 Preparation of Bio-Beads SM
Adsorbent (Bulk) ............................................4
3.2 Column Method..............................................4
Section 4 Sample Protocols...................................7
4.1 Triton X-100 Detergent Removal...................7
4.2 Adsorption of Unconjugated
Fuorescent Dye ...............................................8
4.3 Batch Protocol.................................................8
4.4 Column Protocol.............................................9
Section 5 Storage.................................................10
Section 6 References............................................10
Section 7 Assistance ............................................12
Section 8 Product Information...........................13

Section 1
Bio-Beads SM adsorbents, for adsorbing organics
from aqueous solutions, are neutral, macroporous
polymeric Analytical Grade adsorbents of high surface
area, which are intended for laboratory use only. The
adsorbent is composed of a large number of highly
crosslinked microspheres. This macroreticular structure
gives it high surface area and uniform pore sizes. BioBeads adsorbents can be used with a variety of solvents,
including alcohols, petroleum ether, diethyl ether,
hexane, and solvent mixtures, as well as with aqueous
media. They have excellent physical stability and will
withstand temperatures up to 250 °C and pressures to
1,200 psi. Biotechnology Grade Bio-Beads SM
adsorbents are specifically certified to contain less than
100 microorganisms per gram.
All Bio-Beads SM adsorbents are available in bulk