(13) (14) (15) (16)(17) (20)(18) (19)(12)
Quick Start Guide
Legendary 2500 Series 8-Position Step
Sequencer Module for Eurorack
(1) (3)(2)
knobs to se t the control volt age output for eac h step.
Each colu mn sends out contro l voltages via that c hannel’s
respec tive CH A / CH B / CH C output j ack.
(2 ) STEP LEDs – Eac h LED lights to indic ate its respec tive
sequence r step is active.
(3 ) POSITION GATES – Eac h of these output ja cks sends out a
gate signal f or its respec tive sequence ste p via cables with
3.5 mm TS conne ctors. These 8 g ate output signals a re
also availab le via the 12-pin GATE OUT LINK CONNEC TOR
located o n the module under side. This 12-pin connec tor
can connect to and trigger other compatible modules,
such as the MI X-SEQUENCER MODU LE 1050, via a 12-pin
ribbon co nnector.
(4 ) R ATE – This knob co ntrols the step spe ed at which the
sequence r moves from step to s tep. The knob opera tes
in two overall frequency ranges determined by the
LOW/HIGH switch .
(5 ) LOW/HIGH – Use t his sliding switch t o set whether the
RATE knob ope rates in a lower-freq uency (LOW) or
higher-frequency (HIGH) range.
V 1.0
(6 ) % PULSE WIDTH – Sele ct between w idth settings
for the re ctangular wavef orm ranging fro m 5% to 95%
duty c ycle. The PULSE WIDTH cont rol operates on th e
CLK OUT jack o nly, making this contro l very useful f or
triggering other modules such as envelope generators,
and so on.
(7 ) IN T/EXT – U se this switch to sel ect betwee n internal (INT)
or exte rnal (EXT) puls e width control vol tage. When EXT
is selec ted, the % PULSE WIDTH con trol knob is disab led.
(8 ) ON /OFF – Thi s button star ts or stops the se quence with a
manual button push.
(9 ) STEP – Pre ss this button to ma nually progress to t he next
sequencer step.
(10) RESET – Press this bu tton to manually re start the
sequence a t step 1.
(11) STEP – Use this j ack to route exter nal trigger signa ls for
the STEP bu tton into the modul e via cables with 3.5 m m
TS connectors.
(12 ) RESET – Use this jack to rou te external tri gger signals for
the RESET b utton into the mo dule via cables wi th 3.5 mm
TS connectors.
(13 ) ON – Use this jac k to route extern al trigger signals to
enable the s tep counter into the m odule via cables w ith
3.5 mm TS conne ctors.
(14) OFF – Use this jac k to route extern al trigger signals to
disable t he step counter into t he module via cable s with
3.5 mm TS conne ctors.
(15) RATE – Use this jack to rout e in external cont rol voltage
signals fo r the sequencer's st ep speed (usually contr olled
by the RATE knob) vi a cables with 3.5 mm TS co nnectors.
(16) WIDTH – This jack allow s control voltage a nd modulation
signals fo r the rectangul ar waveform to be rou ted in via
cables w ith 3.5 mm TS connect ors.
(17) CH A – This jack s ends out control vo ltage signals for
the CH A sequ encer column via cab les with 3.5 mm
TS connectors.
(18) CH B – This jack s ends out control vo ltage signals for
the CH B sequ encer column via cab les with 3.5 mm
TS connectors.
(19 ) CH C – This jack sen ds out control volt age signals for
the CH C sequ encer column via cab les with 3.5 mm
TS connectors.
(20) CLK OUT – Use this jack to ex port the inter nally generated
clock sig nal via cables wit h 3.5 mm TS connector s.
The intern al clock produce s a gate pulse every ti me
the seque ncer steps, and the ga te pulse’s width can be
adjuste d using the % PULSE WIDTH con trol or via the
WIDTH control jack.
Power Connection
with the re quired power cab le for connecti ng to a standard
Eurorac k power supply syst em. Follow these st eps to connect
power to the mo dule. It is easier to make t hese connecti ons before
the modul e has been mounted int o a rack case.
1. Turn the power supp ly or rack case power o and
disconne ct the power cabl e.
2. Ins ert the 16-pin conn ector on the power c able into the
socket on t he power supply or rac k case. The connec tor has
a tab that wi ll align with the gap in t he socket, so it can not
be inser ted incorrec tly. If the power supply d oes not have
a keyed socke t, be sure to orient pi n 1 (-12 V) with the red
stripe o n the cable.
3. Ins ert the 10-pin co nnector into the s ocket on the back of
the modul e. The connector ha s a tab that will align wi th the
socket for correct orientation.
4. Af ter both ends of the po wer cable have been se curely
attac hed, you may mount the mo dule in a case and tur n on
the power supply.
The neces sary screws a re included wit h the module for mou nting in
a Eurorac k case. Connect t he power cable bef ore mounting.
Dependi ng on the rack case, t here may be a series o f xed holes
spaced 2 HP ap art along the len gth of the case, or a t rack that allows
individ ual threaded plate s to slide along the len gth of the case.
The free -moving threa ded plates allow pre cise position ing of the
module, bu t each plate should be p ositioned in th e approximate
relation to the mounting holes in your module before attaching
the screws.
Hold the mo dule against the Eu rorack rails so th at each of the
mounting h oles are aligned w ith a threaded rai l or threaded
plate. Att ach the screws pa rt way to star t, which will allow sma ll
adjustments to the positioning while you get them all aligned. After
the nal pos ition has been es tablished, tig hten the screws do wn.
On / o
Impedance 100 KΩ, unbalanced
Maximum input level 10 V
Minimum switching
Type 1 x 3.5 mm TS jack,
Impedance 100 KΩ, unbalanced
Maximum input level 10 V, 1 V/oct.
Type 1 x 3.5 mm TS jack,
Impedance 100 KΩ, unbalanced
Maximum input level 10 V
Step / reset
Type 2 x 3.5 mm TS jacks,
Impedance 100 KΩ, unbalanced
Maximum input level 10 V
Minimum switching
Ch A / B / C
Type 3 x 3.5 mm TS jacks,
Impedance 1 KΩ, unbalanced
Maximum output level 10 V
Clock out
Type 1 x 3.5 mm TS jacks,
Impedance 1 KΩ, unbalanced
Maximum output level 5 V
2 x 3.5 mm TS jacks,
DC coupled
2.5 V, trigger
DC coupled
DC coupled
DC coupled
2.5 V
DC coupled
DC coupled