Basler Electric BE1-CDS240 Quick Start


SECTION 2 • QUICK START .................................................................................................................... 2-1
General .................................................................................................................................................. 2-1
About This Manual ............................................................................................................................. 2-1
Section................................................................................................................................................ 2-1
BESTlogic .............................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Characteristics of Protection and Control Elements .......................................................................... 2-2
Element Logic Settings ....................................................................................................................... 2-3
Output Logic Settings ......................................................................................................................... 2-3
User Interfaces ....................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Front Panel HMI ................................................................................................................................. 2-3
ASCII Command Communications .................................................................................................... 2-4
BESTCOMSfor BE1-CDS240, Graphical User Interface ............................................................... 2-5
Getting Started ....................................................................................................................................... 2-6
Connections ....................................................................................................................................... 2-6
Entering Test Settings ........................................................................................................................ 2-6
Checking the State of Inputs .............................................................................................................. 2-7
Testing ................................................................................................................................................ 2-7
FAQ/Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 2-7
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ................................................................................................. 2-7


Figure 2-1. 87 Phase Differential Element ................................................................................................ 2-2
Figure 2-2. 51 HMI Screen ........................................................................................................................ 2-4


Table 2-1. Function Categories and Manual Sections Cross-Reference .................................................. 2-1
Table 2-2. Trip LED Truth Table ................................................................................................................ 2-9
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ii BE1-CDS240 Quick Start 9365200990 Rev M


Input and Output Functions
Protection and Control
Reporting and Alarm Functions
BESTlogic Programmable Logic


This section provides an overview of the BE1-CDS240 Current Differential System. You should be familiar with the concepts behind the user interfaces and BESTlogic before you begin reading about the detailed BE1-CDS240 functions. Sections 3 through 6 in this manual describe in detail each function of the BE1­CDS240.
The following information is intended to provide the reader with a basic understanding of the three user interfaces (front panel human-machine interface (HMI), ASCII serial communications link, and the BESTCOMSfor BE1-CDS240 software) and the security features provided in the BE1-CDS240 relay. Detailed information on the operation of the HMI (human-machine interface) is in Section 10, and the information on ASCII command communications is in Section 11. BESTCOMS is a Windows® based software application (graphical user interface) that enhances communication between the PC user and the BE1-CDS240 relay. BESTCOMS for the BE1-CDS240 is provided free of charge with the BE1­CDS240 and details are provided in Section 14.
Also covered in this section is an overview of BESTlogic. BESTlogic is a highly flexible programmable logic system that allows the user to apply the available functions with complete flexibility and customize the system to meet the requirements of the protected power system. Detailed information on using BESTlogic to design complete protection and control schemes for the protected circuit can be found in Section 7, BESTlogic Programmable Logic, and Section 8, Application.
Sections 3 through 6 describe each function provided in the BE1-CDS240 relay and include references to the following items. Note that not all items are appropriate for each function.
Human-machine interface (HMI) screens for setting the operational parameters.
BESTCOMS for setting the operational parameters.
BESTCOMS for setting up the BESTlogic required for functions in your protection and control
Outputs from the function such as alarm and BESTlogic variables or data reports.
HMI screens for operation or interrogation of the outputs and reports provided by each function.
ASCII commands for operation or interrogation of the outputs and reports provided by each function.

About This Manual

The various application functions provided by this multifunction relay are divided into four functional categories: input/output functions, protection and control functions, metering functions, and reporting and alarm functions. Detailed descriptions of each individual function, setup, and use are covered in the Sections as shown in Table 2-1. Detailed information on using programmable logic to create your protection and control scheme is described in Section 7, BESTlogic Programmable Logic.
Table 2-1. Function Categories and Manual Sections Cross-Reference
Section Title


Each of the protection and control elements in the BE1-CDS240 is implemented as an independent function that is equivalent to a single function, discrete device counterpart. Each independent element has all of the inputs and outputs that the discrete component counterpart might have. Programming BESTlogic is equivalent to choosing the devices required by your protection and control scheme and drawing schematic diagrams to connect the inputs and outputs to obtain the desired operational logic.
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The concept is the same but the method is different in that you choose each element by enabling it and use Boolean logic expressions to connect the inputs and outputs. The result is that you have even greater flexibility in designing your system than you had using discrete devices. An added benefit is that you are not constrained by the limitations in flexibility inherent in many multifunction relays.
One user programmable, custom logic scheme created by the user may be programmed and saved in memory. Or, the user may choose from one preprogrammed logic scheme embedded in the relay firmware or several preprogrammed logic schemes in the BESTCOMS logic library that can be copied to the relay. Preprogrammed schemes can reduce or eliminate the need for programming by the user.
Preprogrammed logic settings can also be modified after being saved in the relay. This provides a good starting point for a custom logic scheme. To modify the preprogrammed scheme, it is necessary to enter a unique name for the new logic before modifying the settings. Naming the new logic distinguishes it from the preprogrammed logic scheme. In the 16 character preprogrammed logic name, the last 4 characters refer to revision A, dash (-), and BE (Basler Electric). When customizing a programmed logic scheme, it is recommended that the user include the revision level of their scheme and change the BE to a 2-digit code representative of the user's company name. For example, if VA Power were modifying the CDS240­BATX-A-BE the preprogrammed logic scheme might be CDS240-BATX-B-VP, the B standing for revision level B, and VP for VA Power.
There are two types of BESTlogic settings: element (function block) logic settings and output logic settings. These will be described briefly in the following paragraphs. Detailed information on using BESTlogic to design complete protection and control schemes for the protected circuit can be found in Section 7, BESTlogic Programmable Logic and Section 8, Application.

Characteristics of Protection and Control Elements

As stated before, each element (function block) is equivalent to a discrete device counterpart. For example, the transformer differential element in the BE1-CDS240 relay has all of the characteristics of a version of the BE1-87T transformer differential relay with similar functionality. Figure 2-1 shows the 87 phase differential element inputs and outputs.
Figure 2-1. 87 Phase Differential Element
Two inputs:
Mode (enable/disable 87 operation)
BLK (block 87 operation)
Five outputs:
87RPU (87 Restrained Pickup)
87RT (87 Restrained Trip)
87UT (87 Unrestrained Trip)
Harmonic Inhibit Status)
Harmonic Inhibit Status)
Five operational settings:
Minimum pickup
Harmonic Inhibit
Harmonic Inhibit
Unrestrained Pickup
Of the above characteristics, the five operational settings are not included in the logic settings. They are included in the protection settings. This is an important distinction. Since changing logic settings is similar to rewiring a panel, the logic settings are separate and distinct from the operational settings such as pickups and time delays.
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