Basler Electric BE1-79A User Manual

Publication: 9310200990 Revision: J 12/11


This instruction manual provides information about the operation and installation of the BE1-79A Reclosing Relay. To accomplish this, the following information is provided:
General Information and Specifications
Controls and Indicators
Functional Description
To avoid personal injury or equipment damage, only qualified personnel should perform the procedures in this manual.
First Printing: July 1997
Printed in USA
Copyright© 1997-2011 Basler Electric, Highland Illinois 62249 USA
All Rights Reserved
December 2011
of Basler Electric, Highland Illinois, USA. It is loaned for confidential use, subject to return on request, and with the mutual understanding that it will not be used in any manner detrimental to the interest of Basler Electric.
It is not the intention of this manual to cover all details and variations in equipment, nor does this manual provide data for every possible contingency regarding installation or operation. The availability and design of all features and options are subject to modification without notice. Should further information be required, contact Basler Electric.
12570 STATE ROUTE 143
PHONE +1 618.654.2341 FAX +1 618.654.2351
ii BE1-79A Introduction 9310200990 Rev J


The following information provides a historical summary of the changes made to the BE1-79A hardware, firmware, and software. The corresponding revisions made to this instruction manual (9310200990) are also summarized. Revisions are listed in reverse chronological order.
Application Firmware
Version and Date Change
1.07, 02/08
1.05, 08/00
1.03.XX, 08/98
1.02.XX, 06/98
1.02.XX, 12/97
1.01.XX, 07/97
Version and Date Change
M, 03/10
L, 02/08
K, 01/06
J, 09/04
H, 02/04
G, 05/03
F, 10/02
E, 09/00
D, 01/00
C, 10/98
B, 12/97
A, 07/97
Modified firmware so the relay will go to Lockout after the EXIT
command is entered through the RS-232 port or access has timed out. If the breaker is closed, the relay will go to Reset after the Lockout Timer expires.
SP-79ARS command mode parameters were changed from C
(closed) and O (open) to E (energized) and D (de-energized).
Coordinated open and close timing of outputs C5 and C6 to preserve
consistent operation of the anti-pump function.
Communication was made consistent with other Basler products by
adding line feeds to ASCII data returned by the relay.
Initial release of part number 9310200200.
Initial release of part numbers 9310200100 and 9310200101.
Production change to digital board.
Released firmware version 1.07
Improved digital board to prevent misoperation at high voltage and
high temperature.
Changed resistors used in power supply holdup module to improve
performance in surge applications.
Changed obsolete resonator on digital board.
Initial release of part number 9310200201.
Made changes to engineering documentation.
Added RS Contact Switch S5 for user-selection of normally-open or
normally-closed RS contacts.
Contact sensing jumpers added to the digital circuit board of relays
with part number 9310200101 gave inputs V1, V2, V3, and V4 three specific ranges of operating voltage.
Changed serialization format to HXXXXXXXX.
Initial release of part number 9310200200.
Initial release of part numbers 9310200100 and 9310200101.
Revision and Date
J, 12/11
9310200990 Rev J BE1-79A Introduction iii
In Table 1-1, stated that connection plugs are included with all relays. In Figures 3-2 and 3-3, added shorting bars between terminals 15 &
16 and removed shorting bars between terminals 1 & 2.
Revision and Date Change
H, 07/10
Expanded Table 1-1, BE1-79A Versions and Features. Revised rating for output contacts under Specifications in Section 1. Added GOST-R statement in Section 1.
G, 02/08
Added manual part number and revision to footers. Updated Output Contact ratings in Section 1. Updated Lockout description in Section 3 to support version 1.07
Updated Command Descriptions in Section 4 to support version 1.07
F, 10/05
Added switch S4 labels to Figure 2-3. In Figures 3-1, 6-1, and 6-2, enhanced C8 function block illustration to
show NO or NC contact selectable by switch S5. Changed C10 from NC to NO.
Added RS Mode Selector switch illustration and corrected shorting
bars placement in Figures 3-2 and 3-3.
Changed name of Section 4 from Communication to Communication
Changed name of Section 5 from Installation to Installation and
Corrected and clarified connection drawings of Figures 5-4 and 5-5. Added troubleshooting tips to Section 6. Moved contents of Section 7 to Section 1 and deleted Section 7. Added Appendix A, RS Contact Application. Added Appendix B, Terminal Communication.
E, 04/03
Added information pertaining to part number 9310200201. Clarified the weight specification in Section 1. Corrected error in Figure 5-4.
D, 08/00
Covered addition of RS Contact Switch S5 and changes to SP-
79ARS command.
C, 01/00
Information pertaining to the jumper-selectable contact sensing
voltage ranges was added. Drawings in Figure 5-1 were changed to show the revised relay case cover.
B, 05/98
Patent information was added to Section 1. Various errors in Sections
1, 3, and 6 were corrected.
A, 09/97
, 07/97
Information pertaining to the power supply holdup feature was added.
Initial release
iv BE1-79A Introduction 9310200990 Rev J


SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 1-1
SECTION 2 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS ........................................................................................ 2-1
SECTION 3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 3-1
SECTION 4 COMMUNICATION COMMANDS ...................................................................................... 4-1
SECTION 5 INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION .......................................................................... 5-1
SECTION 6 TESTING ............................................................................................................................ 6-1
APPENDIX A RS CONTACT APPLICATION ......................................................................................... A-1
APPENDIX B TERMINAL COMMUNICATION ....................................................................................... B-1
9310200990 Rev J BE1-79A Introduction v
vi BE1-79A Introduction 9310200990 Rev J
SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 1-1
Description ............................................................................................................................................. 1-1
Features ................................................................................................................................................. 1-2
Controls and Indicators ...................................................................................................................... 1-2
Communication .................................................................................................................................. 1-2
Power Holdup Circuit .......................................................................................................................... 1-2
Primary Application ................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Specifications ......................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Reclose Timers 1, 2, 3, and 4 ............................................................................................................ 1-2
Reset Timers 1, 2, 3, 4, and Final ...................................................................................................... 1-2
Lockout Timer ..................................................................................................................................... 1-3
RS Set and Reset Timers................................................................................................................... 1-3
Communication Port ........................................................................................................................... 1-3
Power Supply ..................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Contact Sensing Inputs ...................................................................................................................... 1-3
Output Contacts ................................................................................................................................. 1-3
Type Tests .......................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Environment ....................................................................................................................................... 1-4
GOST-R Certification ......................................................................................................................... 1-4
Weight ................................................................................................................................................ 1-4
Patent ................................................................................................................................................. 1-4
Maintenance........................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Table 1-1. BE1-79A Versions and Features .............................................................................................. 1-1
9310200990 Rev J BE1-79A General Information i
ii BE1-79A General Information 9310200990 Rev J


The BE1-79A Reclosing Relay is an economical, microprocessor-based relay that automatically recloses circuit breakers that have been tripped by protective relays or other devices in power transmission and distribution systems. The BE1-79A offers true "plug and play" convenience; it can be installed in an existing GE type S2 case with no wiring changes required. General Electric type ACR11A, ACR11B, ACR11C, ACR11E, and ACR11F reclosing relays can be directly replaced by the BE1-79A-100 or BE1­79A-101. The BE1-79A-200 and BE1-79A-201 are available in a shorter cradle that fits in a Basler S1 case for new installations.
Table 1-1 lists the case style and special features of each version of the BE1-79A.
Table 1-1. BE1-79A Versions and Features
Catalog Number
BE1-79A-100 9310200100
BE1-79A-101 9310200101
BE1-79A-109* 9310200109
Basler Relay Part Number
Retrofit for Options
None GE 12ACR-11A GE 12ACR-11B
GE 12ACR-11A GE 12ACR-11B
GE 12NLR-21U
125 Vdc
GE 12NLR-21U
48 Vdc
Plugs into existing case.
Connection plugs included.
No rewiring required.
Power holdup circuit.
Plugs into existing case.
Connection plugs included.
No rewiring required.
Plugs into existing NLR case.
Connection plugs included.
Requires some rewiring on
back of case.
Plugs into existing NLR case.
Connection plugs included.
Requires some rewiring on
back of case.
BE1-79A-200 9310200200
BE1-79A-201 9310200201
* Refer to Instruction Manual for Modified BE1-79A, part number 9310200999.
9310200990 Rev J BE1-79A General Information 1-1
GE 12ACR-11A GE 12ACR-11B
GE 12ACR-11A GE 12ACR-11B
Mounting case and connection
plugs included.
Power holdup circuit.
Mounting case and connection
plugs included.


BE1-79A Multiple Shot Reclosing Relays have the following standard features:
Rugged construction in a steel, draw-out case
A maximum of four automatic reclosures
A maximum of four automatic resets
Lockout function
Selectable instantaneous or delayed first reclosure
Selectable internal or external instantaneous jumper
Selectable normally closed or normally open RS output contact
Selectable Relay Fail or Lockout and Relay Fail output contact
Selectable contact sensing voltage range

Controls and Indicators

The front panel has indicators to verify relay power and recloser status. A Reset switch is provided to restore the relay to the reset mode by clearing a reclosing sequence or a lockout condition. The left side of the relay cradle has switches (S1, S2, and S3) to configure the relay for either ACR11A or ACR11B operation. The right side of the cradle has a switch (S4) to select either an internal or an external jumper for an instantaneous, first reclose. The right side of the cradle also has a switch (S5) to select either normally open or normally closed operation of the RS contact.


All relay settings are read or changed through the serial port located on the front panel. The BE1-79A uses ASCII protocol.

Power Holdup Circuit

The BE1-79A is available with an optional, internal, power holdup circuit. This circuitry maintains the output contacts for a minimum of 40 cycles after nominal operating power is removed from relay terminals 5 and 6.

Primary Application

The BE1-79A automatically recloses circuit breakers that have been tripped by protective relays or other devices in power transmission and distribution systems.
Over 90% of faults occurring on overhead lines may be cleared by momentarily de-energizing the line. Once the circuit breaker has been opened to de-energize the line, the BE1-79A provides a reliable automatic reclosure. The advantages are:
Improved service continuity—returns the line to service quickly, preserving line integrity, and minimizing outage effects on critical loads.
System stability—prevents disjointing of the system grid.
Higher line availability—decreases likelihood of permanent loss of line.


BE1-79A relays have the following features and capabilities.

Reclose Timers 1, 2, 3, and 4

Range ........................................ 0 to 300 seconds
Increments ................................. 0.1 second
Accuracy .................................... ±20 milliseconds ±1%, typical
±50 milliseconds ±1%, maximum

Reset Timers 1, 2, 3, 4, and Final

Range ........................................ 0 to 300 seconds
Increments ................................. 0.1 seconds
Accuracy .................................... ±20 milliseconds ±1%, typical
±50 milliseconds ±1%, maximum
1-2 BE1-79A General Information 9310200990 Rev J

Lockout Timer

Range ........................................ 0 to 300 seconds
Increments ................................. 0.1 seconds
Accuracy .................................... ±20 milliseconds ±1%, typical
±50 milliseconds ±1%, maximum

RS Set and Reset Timers

Range ........................................ 0 to 300 seconds
Increments ................................. 0.1 seconds
Accuracy .................................... ±20 milliseconds ±1%, typical
±50 milliseconds ±1%, maximum

Communication Port

Parameters ................................ 9600 baud, 8N1 half duplex
Protocol ...................................... ASCII

Power Supply

Operating Range ....................... 120 to 240 Vac
125 to 250 Vdc
Power Holdup Time* ................. 40 cycles (670 ms)
* BE1-79A-101, BE1-79A-201 only. Minimum holdup time after loss of nominal operating voltage.

Contact Sensing Inputs

Energizing Level ........................ 80% of nominal
Current Draw ............................. 1.5 mA maximum per input
Operating Range
48 Vdc, Nominal ........................ 38.4 to 275 Vdc
125 Vdc/120 Vac, Nominal ........ 100 to 275 Vdc, or 96 to 264 Vac
250 Vdc/240 Vac, Nominal ........ 200 to 275 Vdc, or 192 to 264 Vac
Recognition Time
Typical ....................................... 15 ms for dc, ac (45 to 65 Hz)
Maximum ................................... 25 ms for dc, ac (45-65 Hz)
Dropout Time
Typical ....................................... 15 ms for dc, ac (45-65 Hz)
Maximum ................................... 25 ms for dc, ac (45-65 Hz)

Output Contacts

Resistive Ratings
120 Vac ...................................... Make, break, and carry 7 Aac continuously
250 Vdc ...................................... Make and carry 30 Adc for 0.2 s, carry 7 Adc continuously,
break 0.3 Adc
Inductive Ratings
120 Vac, 125 Vdc, 250 Vdc ....... Break 0.3 A (L/R = 0.04)

Type Tests

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
8 kV contact discharges and 15 kV air discharges applied in accordance with IEC 801-2 ESD.
Dielectric Strength
1,500 Vac at 50/60 Hz in accordance with IEEE C37.90
The RS-232 serial communication port is intended only for periodic use and is not subject to the requirements of IEEE C37.90.
9310200990 Rev J BE1-79A General Information 1-3
Surge Withstand Capability—Oscillatory and Fast Transient
Qualified to IEEE C37.90.1-1989, Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Protective Relays and Relay Systems. The RS-232 Serial Communication Port is intended only for periodic use and
is not subject to the requirements of IEEE C37.90.1.
Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
Type tested using a 5 W, hand-held transceiver in the ranges of 144 and 440 MHz with the antenna placed within 6 inches (152 millimeters) of the relay.
In standard tests, the relay has withstood 15 G in each of three mutually perpendicular planes without structural damage or degradation of performance.
In standard tests, the relay has withstood 2 G in each of three mutually perpendicular planes, swept over the range of 10 to 500 Hz for six sweeps, 15 minutes each sweep, without structural damage or degradation of performance.


Operating Temperature Range .. –40 to 70°C (–40 to 158°F)
Storage Temperature Range ..... –40 to 85°C (–40 to 185°F)
Humidity ..................................... Qualified to IEC 68-2-38, 1
Procedures, Part 2: Test Z/AD: Composite Temperature Humidity Cyclic Test
Edition 1974, Basic Environmental Test

GOST-R Certification

GOST-R certified per the relevant standards of Gosstandart of Russia.


BE1-79A-100, -101 .................... 5 lb (2.3 kg)
BE1-79A-200, -201 .................... 13 lb (5.9 kg)


Number 6,239,960


BE1-79A relays require no preventative maintenance. However, testing should be performed according to scheduled practices. If the relay fails to function properly, contact the Technical Support Services department of Basler Electric for a return authorization number before returning the relay for service.
1-4 BE1-79A General Information 9310200990 Rev J


SECTION 2 • CONTROLS AND INDICATORS ........................................................................................ 2-1
Front Panel............................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Style Configuration Switches ................................................................................................................. 2-2
Instantaneous Reclose Jumper Switch and RS Contact Switch ........................................................... 2-2
Figure 2-1. Front Panel Controls and Indicators ....................................................................................... 2-1
Figure 2-2. Style Configuration Switches .................................................................................................. 2-2
Figure 2-3. Instantaneous Reclose Jumper Switch and RS Contact Selection Switch ............................. 2-3
Table 2-1. Front Panel Control and Indicator Descriptions ....................................................................... 2-1
9310200990 Rev J BE1-79A Controls and Indicators i
ii BE1-79A Controls and Indicators 9310200990 Rev J
RS-232 Serial Communication Port. A PC or computer terminal running a terminal
ASCII command language.
Power LED. A lit Power LED indicates that operating power is applied to the relay.
Identification Label. Shows relay information such as the sensing input range, power supply type, serial number, and part number.
Lockout LED. When lit, this LED indicates that the relay is in the lockout state.
In Sequence LED. A lit In Sequence LED indicates any one of the following states:
Reset LED. When lit, this LED indicates that the relay is in the reset state.
Reset Pushbutton. Pressing this momentary switch clears the In Sequence or Lockout LEDs and restores the relay to the reset state.

Front Panel

Front panel controls and indicators are illustrated in Figure 2-1 and described in Table 2-1. The locators and descriptions of Table 2-1 correspond to the locators shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1. Front Panel Controls and Indicators
Table 2-1. Front Panel Control and Indicator Descriptions
emulation program such as Windows® HyperTerminal can be connected to this port so that relay settings can be read or changed. Communication with the BE1-79A uses a simple
Timing to reclose
Timing to reset
Timing to lockout
Attempting to reclose
Attempting to reset
9310200990 Rev J BE1-79A Controls and Indicators 2-1

Style Configuration Switches

Three switches on the left side of the relay cradle are used to configure the BE1-79A for either ACR11A or ACR11B operation. For simplicity, recloser styles ACR11B, ACR11C, ACR11D, ACR11E, and ACR11F will be referred to as ACR11B throughout this manual. Figure 2-2 illustrates the location of the style configuration switches. The BE1-79A is delivered with switches S1, S2, and S3 placed in the “A” position.
Figure 2-2. Style Configuration Switches

Instantaneous Reclose Jumper Switch and RS Contact Switch

Two switches on the right side of the relay cradle select either internal or external jumpering for an instantaneous first reclosure and for selecting normally-closed or normally-open operation of the RS contact. Switch S4 is used to select internal or external jumpering and switch S5 is used to select normally-open or normally-closed operation of the RS contact. Figure 2-3 illustrates the location of switches S4 and S5. The BE1-79A is delivered with switch S4 placed in the “EXT” position and switch S5 placed in the “NC” position.
2-2 BE1-79A Controls and Indicators 9310200990 Rev J
Figure 2-3. Instantaneous Reclose Jumper Switch and RS Contact Selection Switch
9310200990 Rev J BE1-79A Controls and Indicators 2-3
2-4 BE1-79A Controls and Indicators 9310200990 Rev J


SECTION 3 • FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 3-1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3-1
Hardware ................................................................................................................................................ 3-1
100 Series Description ....................................................................................................................... 3-1
200 Series Description ....................................................................................................................... 3-1
Circuit Operation .................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Inputs .................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
Microprocessor ................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Outputs ............................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Interconnections ..................................................................................................................................... 3-5
Recloser Operation ................................................................................................................................ 3-7
Power-Up............................................................................................................................................ 3-7
Reset .................................................................................................................................................. 3-8
Lockout ............................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Reclosing Sequences ......................................................................................................................... 3-8
Figure 3-1. Function Block Diagram .......................................................................................................... 3-1
Figure 3-2. Relay Interconnections for ACR11A Applications Figure 3-3. Relay Interconnections for ACR11B Applications Figure 3-4. Power-Up Flow Chart Figure 3-5. Reclose Settings Example Figure 3-6. Reclosing Flow Chart
................................................................... 3-5
................................................................... 3-6
.............................................................................................................. 3-7
...................................................................................................... 3-9
............................................................................................................ 3-10
Table 3-1. Contact Sensing Jumpers ........................................................................................................ 3-2
Table 3-2. Contact Sensing Inputs Description for ACR11A Operation Table 3-3. Contact Sensing Inputs Description for ACR11B Operation Table 3-4. Outputs Description for ACR11A Operation Table 3-5. Outputs Description for ACR11B Operation
.................................................... 3-2
.................................................... 3-3
............................................................................. 3-3
............................................................................. 3-4
9310200990 Rev J BE1-79A Functional Description i
ii BE1-79A Functional Description 9310200990 Rev J
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