This instruction manua l provides information about t he operation and installation of t he BE1-700 Digital
Protective Relay. To accomplish this, the following information is provided:
• General information, specifications, and a Quick Start guide.
• Functional description and setting parameters for the inputs and outputs, protection and control
functions, metering functions, and reporting and alarm functions.
• BESTlogic programmable logic design and programming.
• Documentation of the preprogrammed logic schemes and application tips.
• Description of security and user interface setup including ASCII communication and the human-
machine interface (HMI).
• Installation procedures, dimension drawings, and connection diagrams.
• Description of the front panel HMI and the ASCII command interface with write access security
• A summary of setting, metering, reporting, control, and miscellaneous commands.
• Testing and maintenance procedures.
• Description of BESTCOMS™ graphical user interface (GUI).
• Description of BESTNet Communication for the optional web page enabled relay.
• Appendices containing time overcurrent characteristic curves and an ASCII command-HMI cross-
reference, and overexcitation (24) inverse time curves.
Optional instruction manuals for the BE1-700 include:
• Modbus™ (9376700991).
To avoid personal inj ury or equipment damage, only qualified personnel should
perform the procedures in this manual.
Be sure that the BE1-700 is hard-wired to e arth ground with no sma ller than 12
AWG copper wire attache d to the ground terminal on the rear of the unit case.
When the BE1-700 is configured in a system with other devices, it is
recommended to use a separate lead to the ground bus from each unit.
9376700990 Rev M BE1-700 Introduction i
First Printing: July 2004
Basler Electric does not assume any responsibility to compliance or noncompliance with national code, local code,
For terms of service relating to this product and software, see the Commercial Terms of Products and Services
document available at
This publication contains confi dent i al inform at ion of Basler Electric Company, an Illinois corporation. It is loaned for
and options are subject to modification without notice. Over time, improvements and revisions may be made to this
The English-language version of this manual serves as the only approved manual version.
or any other applicable code. This manual serves as reference material that must be well understood prior to
installation, operation, or maintenance.
confidential use, subject to return on request, and with the mutual understanding that it will not be used in any
manner detrimental to the interests of Basler Electric Company and used strictly for the purpose intended.
It is not the intention of this manual to cover all details and variations in equipment, nor does this manual provide
data for every possible contingency regarding installation or operation. The availability and design of all features
publication. Before performing any of the following procedures, contact Basler Electric for the latest revision of this
12570 STATE ROUTE 143
HIGHLAND IL 62249-1074 USA,
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ii BE1-700 Introduction 9376700990 Rev M
The following inform ation provides a h istorical summary of th e changes made to this instruction manual
(9376700990), BESTCOMS software, application firmware, and hardware of the BE1-700.
Revision and Date Change
M, 08/14
L, 02/14
K, 10/11
J, 12/10
H, 07/10
G, 10/09
F, 09/09
E, 02/09
D, 12/08
•Added serial number to fault reports and sequence of events in
Section 6 and replaced Figures 6-16, 6-20, and 14-41.
•Updated contact-sensing inputs specifications in Sections 1, 3, and
• Added Storage statement in Section 13.
• Updated PC software requirements in Section 14.
• Changed Isolation specs in Section 1 to exclude Ethernet port.
• Updated 24 Vdc resistance, voltage, and current values in Table 6-9.
• Improved Figure 12-11.
• Re-organized Operation al Speci fic at ions and listed functions in
numerical order in Section 1.
•Moved Real-Time Clock from Operational Specifications to General
Specifications in Section 1.
•Corrected terminal numbering in Figure 12-22, RS-485 DB-37 to BE1-
• Changed all instances of BESTWAVE to BESTWAVEPlus™.
• Added option “5” power supply type in style chart, power supply and
control inputs specifications in Section 1, General Information.
•Added option “5” power supply type under Co ntac t Se nsing Inp ut s in
Sections 3 and 12.
• Added CE Compliance in Section 1, General Information.
• Updated Figure 4-54, Overall Logic Diagram for Reclosing, to show
PI 0/100 ms and PI Stretched.
• Updated screen shots of BESTCOMS style chart screen.
• Added Republic of Belarus certification.
• Updated contact sense turn-on voltage range and burden values to
reflect new digital board.
•Added screens,, and to Figure
10-8, Protection Menu Bran ch Struc ture. Removed screen
• Changed Figure 12-5 to show OUTA as Normally Closed contact.
• Added 3-Phase VT 4-Wire Connection and 3-Phase VT 3-Wire
Connection to Figure 12-11.
9376700990 Rev M BE1-700 Introduction iii
Revision and Date
C, 10/08
B, 10/04
A, 07/04
• Added manual part number and revision to footers.
• Changed Appendix C, Overexcitation (24) Inverse Time Curves, to
Appendix D.
• Created Appendix C, T erminal Communication.
• Added GOST-R certification to Section 1.
• Combined BE1-700C and BE1-700V style charts into one style chart,
Figure 1-1.
• Changed 81 function pickup range from 40-70 to 20-70 Hz.
• Added Frequency Range to Power Supply specifications.
• Updated all BESTCOMS screenshots to Windows XP style.
• Added explanation of Inhibit setting for 27P/27X function in Section 4.
• Changed 25 function delta angle setting from 1-45 to 1-99.
• Added Figure 6-7, Breaker Monitoring Tab, and Figure 6-8,
BESTlogic Screen for Breaker Duty Monitoring.
•Added style number and firmware version display to fault reports
under Fault Reporting in Section 6.
• Added Settings Compare in Section 6.
• Added 127PPU and 127PT to Table 7-1, Logic Variable Names and
• Added explanation of Figure 9-2, Show Passwords Screen.
• In Section 11, ASCII Command Interface, added descriptions for SA-
24, SG-DSP, SG-EM AIL, S G -VTP, SG-VTX, SL-27, S L-47, SL-59,
S<g>-24D, S<g>-25VM, S<g>-27, S<g>-47, S<g>-81, S<g>-81INH,
and SP-60FL.
• Added Figure 12-17, RS-232 Pin-outs.
• Added 27P/127P/27X Inhibit Pickup Test in Section 13.
• In Section 15, updated Configuration and Web Page screenshots
using Windows XP.
•Annotated each section, sub-section, figure, and tab le to indica te
applicability to a current (BE1-700C) or voltage (BE1-700V) relay, as
•Updated the discussion of the 24 element in Sect ion 4, Protection and
•Added Table 6-14, Targets as Displayed to Section 6, Reporting and
Alarm Functions.
• Updated Figure 10-7, Protection Menu Branch Struct ur e.
• Increased the number of figures in Section 14, BESTCOMS Software
from 16 to 42.
•Added a troubleshooting guide to Section 15, BESTNet
•Added voltage ASCII commands to Appendix B, Command CrossReference.
•Added Appendix C, Overexcitation (24) Inverse Time Curves (BE1700V Only).
• Initial release
iv BE1-700 Introduction 9376700990 Rev M
BESTCOMS™ Software
Version and Date
Version and Date
2.05.00, 05/14
2.04.01, 10/11
2.04.00, 04/11
2.03.02, 09/09
2.03.01, 12/07
2.02.00, 09/04
2.01.00, 07/04
2.00.00, 06/04
• Corrected settings file upload issue for 127P time delay.
• Added Windows 8 compatibility .
• Improved Settings Compare function.
• Added Windows® 7 32-/64-bit compatibility and removed Windows
2000 compatibility.
• Improved operation when regional parameters are set to French.
• Added option “5” power supply type to style chart.
• Improved Settings Compare function.
• “>” character can now be entered in setting name descriptions.
• Corrected overflow error when too many characters are entered for
time delays on the Voltage and Power Protection screens.
• Improved Modbus TCP Discovery program.
• Improved BESTCOMS metering func t ions .
• Changed pickup setting range of 81 function.
• Changed default nominal frequency range.
• Added support for the Modbus/TCP protocol.
• Added links on the Sys te m Sum mar y screen to jump to the Settings
screen for the selected setting.
• Revised the 47N Mode label to be Vpn always.
• Added the ability to double click a saved IP address to connect to it.
• Provided support for voltage relays (BE1-700V).
• Resolved a possible program crash when using the Discovery applet.
• Initial release
Application Firmware
2.03.02, 06/14
2.03.01, 09/09
• Added serial number to fault reports and sequence of events.
• Corrected access timeout operation.
• Corrected 62 logic timer operation when td2 is set less than 8 ms.
• Corrected 60FL operation that caused 60FL to be disabled when
power is cycled.
• Corrected password setting for Modbus over RS485.
• Corrected sample rate in Comtrade files.
• Made fault trigger logic input edge triggered.
• Corrected operation that caused intermittent loss of sync output.
• Changed 79 Pilot Reclose functionality so that if the recloser is in
reset, and if the time delay for the pilot reclose is non-zero, and if the
reclose time delay is set to zero, then upon a trip, a reclose initiate
will cause the relay to use the 2
reclose time delay as the 1st reclose
time delay.
•Disabled recloser Timing Fail message to front panel HMI when the
recloser fail timer TD=0.
•Corrected 25VM logic “Live Phase/Dead Aux” for AB, BC, and CA
•Fixed invalid pointer so that screens are properly added to the screen
scroll list.
FEATURES ............................................................................................................................................ 1-1
Input and Output Functions ................................................................................................................ 1-1
Protection and Control Functions ....................................................................................................... 1-2
Communication .................................................................................................................................. 1-5
MODEL AND STYLE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ................................................................................... 1-5
General ............................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Sample Style Number ........................................................................................................................ 1-5
OPERATIONAL SP EC IF IC AT IO N S ...................................................................................................... 1-6
Metered Current Values and Accuracy (BE1-700C) .......................................................................... 1-6
Metered Voltage Values and Accuracy (BE1-700V) .......................................................................... 1-6
Metered Frequency Values and Accuracy (BE1-700V) ..................................................................... 1-6
Calculated Values and Accuracy ....................................................................................................... 1-6
Figure 1-1. Style Number Identification Chart ........................................................................................... 1-6
Table 1-1. Power Supply Ranges and Holdup Times ............................................................................. 1-11
Table 1-2. Contact-Sensing Turn-On Voltages and Burdens .................................................................. 1-12
ii BE1-700 General Information 9376700990 Rev M
The BE1-700 Digital Pro tective R elay is an ec onomical, mic roprocessor b ased, mult ifunction sys tem that
is available in a panel mount, non-drawout case. The rela y can be purcha sed as a current relay (BE1-700C) or as a voltage relay (BE1-700V). In this manual, function headings will note in parenthesis
whether it applies to a curr ent or v olta ge r elay . ( See F igures 1-1 and 1-2.) Depending on the ty p e of r elay,
the BE1-700 features inclu de the following. Functions are shown as C (current), V (voltage) or A (all -
either current or voltage).
• C Three-phase Overcurrent Protection
• C Ground Overcurrent Protection
• C Negative-Sequence Overcurrent Protection
• C Breaker Failure Protection
• V Voltage Protection
• V Frequency Protection
• A Control Protection
• A Communication
• A Breaker Monitoring
• A Metering Functions
• A Automatic Reclosing (optional)
BE1-700 relays have four programmable contact sensing inputs, five programmable outputs, and one
alarm output. Outputs can be assigned to perform protection, control, or indicator operations through
logical programming. For example, protection function s could be programmed to cause a protect ive trip.
Control functions could be programmed to cause a manual trip, manual close or automatic reclose.
Indicators could be configured to annunciate relay failure, a settings group change, and others.
Protection scheme des igners may select f rom a number of pre-programmed logic s chemes that perform
the most common protection and control requirements. Alternately, a custom scheme can be created
using BESTlogic™.
A simplified "How to Get Started" procedure for BE1-700 users is provided in Section 2, Quick Start.
The BE1-700 family inc ludes many features for the protection, monitor ing, and control of pow er system
equipment. These features include pr otec t ion an d c ont r ol func tio ns , m eter i ng functions, and reportin g a nd
alarm functions. A highly f lexible programmable logic sy stem called BESTlogic allows the user to apply
the available functions with complete flex ibility and c ustomize the sys tem to meet the requ irements of the
protected power sys tem. Programmable I/O, ex tensiv e c ommu nication features and an advanced humanmachine interface (HMI) provide easy access to the features provided.
The following information summarizes the capabilities of this multifunction device. Each feature, along
with how to set it up a nd h ow to use its out puts is des cribed in c omple te det ail in the lat er s ections of t his
Input and Output Functions
Input functions consist of p ower s ystem meas ure ment and contact sensing inputs . Pr ogramma ble con tact
outputs make up the output functions.
Power System Measurement Funct ions
Three-phase currents or voltages are digit ally sampled and the fundamenta l is extracted usin g a discrete
fourier transform (DFT) algorithm.
The voltage sensing circuits can be configured for single-phase, three wire or four wire voltage
transformer circuits. Voltage sensing circuitry provides voltage protection, frequency protection, and
metering. Neutral (res idual) and negat ive-sequence voltage magni tudes are deriv ed from t he thre e-phase
voltages. Digital sampling of the measured frequency provides high accuracy at off-nominal values.
An auxiliary voltage se nsing input pr ovides protecti on capabilities for over/underv oltage mon itoring of the
first and third harm onic of the VT source c onnected to the Vx input . This capability is useful for ground
fault protection or sync-check functions.
9376700990 Rev M BE1-700 General Information 1-1
Each current sensing circ uit is low burd en and isolated . Neutral (res idual) and ne gative-sequence current
magnitudes are deriv ed from the three-ph ase currents. An indepen dent ground current i nput is included
for direct measurement of the c urrent in a transformer neutral, tertiary wind ing or flux balancing current
Contact Sensing Inputs
Four programmable contact-sensing inputs (IN1, IN2, IN3, and IN4) with programmable signal
conditioning provide a b inary logic interface t o the prot ection and c ontrol sys tem. Each i nput funct ion and
label is programmab le using BESTlogic. A user-meaningful label ca n be assigned to each input and to
each state (open and closed) for use in reporting functions.
Contact Outputs
Five programmable g eneral-purpose contact outputs ( OUT1, OUT2, OUT 3, OUT4, and OU T5) provide a
binary logic interface to the protection and control sy stem. One programmable, fail-safe co ntact output
(OUTA) provides an a larm output. Each output function an d label is programmable using BESTlogic. A
user-meaningful name c an be assigned to each outp ut and to each state (open and c losed) for use in
reporting functions. Out put log ic c an be ov err id den to open , c lose, or pulse each output c ontac t for tes t ing
or control purposes. All output contacts are trip rated.
Protection and Control Functions
Protection functions, depending on the relay style ordered, may consist of overcurrent, voltage,
frequency, breaker rec losing, fuse loss and breaker failure protec tion and general purpose logic timer s.
Setting groups and virtual control switches make up the control functions. The following paragraphs
describe each protection and control function.
Overcurrent Protection (BE1-700C)
Overcurrent protection is provided by six instantaneo us overcurrent functions an d three time overcurrent
functions. Digital signal processing filters out unwanted harmonic components while providing fast
overcurrent response with limited transient overreach and overtravel.
Each instantaneous overcurrent function has a settable time delay. Phase elements inc lude 50TP and
150TP. Neutral elements include 50TN and 150TN. Negative-sequence elements include 50TQ and
Inverse time overcurr ent functions are provided for ph ase, neutral and negative-sequenc e protection. A
51P phase element, 51N and 151N neutral elements, and a 51Q negative-sequence element are
provided. Time overcurrent functions employ a dynamic integrating timing algorithm covering a range
from pickup to 40 times pickup with selectable instantaneous or integrated reset characteristics. Time
overcurrent curves conform to the IEEE PC37.112 document and include seven curves similar to
Westinghouse/ABB CO curves, five curves similar to GE IAC curves, a fixed time curve and a user
programmable curve.
Voltage Protection (BE1-700V)
One volts per hertz protective element (24) provides overexcitation protection for a generator and/or
Two phase overvoltage an d tw o p hase undervoltage elements provide over/underv oltag e pr ot ec tio n (27 P,
59P). Phase overvoltage pr otection can be s et for one of thr ee, two of three or thr ee of three l ogic. When
a four-wire voltage transfor mer connect ion is used, over voltage protec tion can be set for eith er phase-tophase voltage or phase-to-neutral voltage.
Two auxiliary overvoltage and one auxiliary undervoltage e lement provides over/und ervoltage protection
(27X, 59X, 159X). Auxiliary voltage protection elem ents can be set to individually monitor the auxiliary
voltage fundamental, third harmonic or phase 3V
when the optional auxiliary voltage input is connected to a source of 3V
voltages. Ground unbalance protection is provided
such as a broken delta VT.
With the optional auxiliary voltage input connected to the bus, one sync-check function provides
synchronism protection (25). Sync-check protection checks for phase angle difference, magnitude
difference, frequency difference ( slip) and, op tionally, if the three-p hase VT freq uency is gr eater than t he
auxiliary VT frequency. One voltage monitor output (25VM1) provides independent dead/live voltage
closing logic.
One negative-sequence overvoltage element provides protection for phase unbalance or a reverse
system phase-sequence (47).
1-2 BE1-700 General Information 9376700990 Rev M
Voltage transformer circuit monitoring adds security by detecting problems in the voltage transformer
sensing circuits and preventing mis-operations of the 27P/127P, 47, 59P/159P.
Frequency Protection (BE1-700V)
There are six independent frequency elements. Each can be set for overfrequency or underfrequency
operation. Each ca n be indiv idually s et to mon itor t he f requency on the ma in thr ee-phase voltage input or
the VX input.
A fuse loss function protects against false tripping due to a loss of voltage sensing.
General Purpose Logic Timers
Two general purpose logic timers (62, 162) with six modes of operation are provided.
Setting Groups
Two setting groups all ow adaptive relaying to be impl emented to optimize BE1-700 sett ings for various
operating conditions. Automatic and external logic can be employed to select the active setting group.
Virtual Control Switches
BE1-700 virtual control switches include one virtual breaker control switch and two virtual 43 switches.
Trip and close contro l of a s elect ed break er ca n b e c o ntr ol led by the Virtual Breaker Contr o l Sw itch ( 101).
The virtual breaker contr ol s witch is ac cess ed locally f rom the fr ont pa nel hu man-machine interface (HMI)
or remotely from the communication ports.
Additional control is provided by the two virtual switches: 43 and 143. These virtual switches are
accessed locally from the front pane l HMI or r emote ly f rom the co mmunic atio n ports . Virtual s witc hes can
be used to trip and close additional switches or breakers, or enable and disable certain functions.
Metering Functions
Metering is provided for all measured currents, voltages and frequency, and all derived neutral and
negative-sequence currents and voltages.
Reporting and Alarm Functions
Several reporting and alarm fu nctions provi de fault re porting, dem and, breaker and trip cir cuit monitoring
as well as relay diagnostic and firmware information.
Relay Identification
Two free-form fields are pr ovided for the user to enter informa tion to identify the relay. These fi elds are
used by many of the repor ting functions to identify the relay that th e report is from. Examples of relay
identification field uses are station name, circuit number, relay system, purchase order, and others.
A standard IRIG input is provided for receiving time synchronization signals from a master clock.
Automatic daylight sav in g t i me c om pens at io n can be enabled. Time reporting is settable for 12 or 24-hour
format. The date can be formatted as mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy.
General Status Reporting
The BE1-700 provides extensive general status reporting for monitoring, commissioning, and
troubleshooting. Status reports are available from the front panel HMI or communication ports.
Demand Reporting
Ampere demand registers monitor phase A, B, C, neutral and negative-sequenc e values. The demand
interval and demand calculation method are independently settable for phase, neutral and negativesequence measurements. Demand reporting records today's peak, yesterday's peak and peak since reset
with time stamps for each register.
Breaker Monitoring
Breaker statistics ar e recorded for a single break er. They includ e the number of operations, fault current
interruption duty and breaker time to trip. Each of these conditions can be set to trigger an alarm.
9376700990 Rev M BE1-700 General Information 1-3
Trip Circuit Monitoring
A trip circuit monitor funct ion is provided to mon itor the trip circ uit of a breaker or loc kout relay for loss of
voltage (fuse blown) or loss of continuity (trip coil open). The monitoring input is internally connected
across OUT1. Addition al trip or close cir cuit monitors can be implemented in BE STlogic using addition al
inputs, logic timers, and programmable logic alarms.
Fault Reporting
Fault reports consist of simple target information, fault summary reports, and detailed oscillography
records to enable the user to retrieve informat ion abou t disturbanc es in as much detail as is d esired. The
relay records and r eports oscillography da ta in industry standard I EEE, Comtrade format to allow using
any fault analysis s oftware. Basl er Electric prov ides a Wi ndows® based program called BESTwave™ that
can read and plot binary or ASCII format files that are in the COMTRADE format.
Sequence of Events Recorder
A 255 event Sequence of Events Recorder (SER) is provided that records and time stamps all relay
inputs and outputs as well as all alarm condit ions monitored by the relay. Time s tamp resolution is to the
nearest half-cycle. I/O and Alarm reports can be extracted from the records as well as reports of events
recorded during the time span associated with a specific fault report.
Alarm Function
Extensive self-diagnostics will trigger a fatal relay trouble alarm if any of the relay core functions are
adversely affected. Fatal relay trouble alarms are not programmable and are dedicated to the Alarm
Output (OUTA) and the front panel Relay Tr oub le L E D. Ad dit ion al re lay tro ubl e alar ms a nd all other alarm
functions are programmab le for major or minor priority. Programmed al arms are indicated by major and
minor alarm LEDs on the front panel. Major and minor alarm points can also be programmed to any
output contact including OUTA. Over 20 alarm conditions are ava ilable to be monitored including user
definable logic conditions u sing BE STl ogic.
Active alarms can be read and reset from the front panel HMI or from the communication ports. A
historical sequence of events report with time stamps l ists when eac h al arm occ urr ed and c leared . Th ese
reports are available through the communication ports.
Version Report
The version of the embedded software (firmware) is available from the front panel HMI or the
communication ports. The unit serial number and style number is also available through the
communication port.
BESTlogic Programmable Logic
Each BE1-700 protec tion and control funct ion is implemented i n an independent functi on element. Every
function block is equivalen t to its single function, discrete device counterp art so it is immediately fami liar
to the protection engineer. Each independent function block has all of the inputs and outputs that the
discrete component cou nterpart might have. Program ming with BESTlogic is equivalent t o choosing the
devices required by your protec tion and contr ol sc heme and the n drawin g schem atic dia grams to c onnect
the inputs and outputs to obtain the desired operating logic.
Several preprogrammed logic schemes and a set of custom logic settings are provided. A
preprogrammed scheme c an be activate d by merely selecti ng it. Custom lo gic settings allow yo u to tailor
the relay functionality to match the needs of your operation's practices and power system requirements.
Write Access Security
Security can be defined fo r three distinct functional access areas: Settings, Reports, and Control. Eac h
access area can be as sign ed its ow n p as s wor d. A g lo bal pas s wor d prov id es acc es s to a ll thr ee fu nc tio nal
areas. Each of the four passwords can be unique or multiple access areas can share the same password.
A second dimension of sec urity is provided by allowin g the user to restrict access for any of the access
areas to only specific communication ports. For example, you could set up security to deny access to
control commands from the Ethernet port that is connected through a modem to a telephone line.
Security settings only affect write access.
Human-Machine Interface (HMI)
Each BE1-700 comes wi th a front panel display with f ive LED indicators for Pow er Supply Status, Relay
Trouble Alarm, Minor Alarm, Major Alarm, and Trip. The l ighted, liquid crystal display (LCD) allows the
1-4 BE1-700 General Information 9376700990 Rev M
relay to replace loca l indication and control functions such as panel metering, alarm annunc iation and
control switches. Four s crolling pushbuttons on the front pan el provide a means to navigate thr ough the
menu tree. Edit and reset pus hbuttons provide access t o change parameters and reset targets , alarms,
and other registers. I n Edit mode, the scrolling pushb uttons provide data entry s elections. Edit mode is
indicated by an Edit LED on the Edit pushbutton.
The LCD has automat ic priority logic to govern what is being displayed on the scr een so that when an
operator approaches, the information of most interest is automatically displayed without having to
navigate the menu structure. The order of priorities is:
1. Recloser Active
2. Targets
3. Alarms
4. Programmable Automatic Scrolling List
Up to 16 screens can be defined in the programmable, automatic scroll list.
Three independent, isol ated communicatio n ports provide acces s to all functions in the r elay. COM0 is a
nine pin RS-232 port loc ated on the front of the cas e. COM2 is a two wire RS-485 port located on th e
back of the case. The optional rear Ethernet port is referred as Com1 in the BESTCOMS™ General Operation screen, Security tab.
An ASCII command interface allows easy interaction with the relay using standard, off the shelf
communication software. The ASCII command interface is optimized to allow automation of the relay
setting process. Sett ings f iles c an be capt ured fr om th e relay and ed ited us ing a ny s oftware th at su pports
the ∗.txt file format. These ASCII text files can then be used to set the relay using the send text file
function of your communication software.
A Modbus™ protocol manual (9376700991) is optionally available for the RS-485 communication port.
Ethernet information can be found in Secti on 15, BESTnet™ Communication.
The BE1-700 relay electrical characteristics and operational features are defined by a combination of
letters and numbers that mak e up the style number. The model n umber, together with the sty le number,
describes the options included in a specific dev ice and appears on labels o n the front panel and i nside
the case. Upon receipt of a relay, be sure to check the style number against the requisition and the
packing list to ensure that they agree.
The style number id entification chart, Figures 1-1, defines the electrica l characteristics and operational
features included in BE1-700 c urrent and v oltage rela ys. In this manua l, the curr ent relay wil l be referred
to as a BE1-700C and the voltage relay as a BE1-700V.
Sample Style Number
If, for example, the style number were E0N1X0N, the device would be a current relay and have the
following characteristics and features:
BE1-700 —
(E) - 5 ampere phase and independent ground input
(0) - No voltage sensing input
(N) - No reclosing function option
(1) - 48 Vdc power supply
(X) - Pan el mou nt, non-drawout case
(0) - ASCII over RS-485, no Ethernet
(N) - No Option 2 is available
9376700990 Rev M BE1-700 General Information 1-5
Figure 1-1. Style Number Identification Chart
Depending on the style ordered, BE1-700 relays have the following features and capabilities:
Metered Current Values and Accuracy (BE1-700C)
Current Range
5 Aac Nominal: 0.5 to 15 Aac
1 Aac Nominal: 0.1 to 3.0 Aac
Accuracy: ±1% of reading, ±1 least si g nif icant dig it at 25°C
Temperature Dependence: ≤±0.02% per °C
Metered Voltage Values and Accuracy (BE1-700V)
Voltage Range
3-wire: 0 to 300 V
4-wire: 0 to 300 V
Accuracy (10 to 75 hertz)
50 V to 300 V: ±0.5% of reading, ±1 least significant digit at 25°C
Temperature Dependence: ≤±0.02% per °C
Metered Frequency Values and Accuracy (BE1-700V)
Frequency Range: 10 to 75 Hz
Accuracy: ±0.01 hertz, ±1 least significant digit at 25°C
Sensing Input
3-wire: Phase A – B
4-wire: Phase A – Neutral
Minimum Frequency Tracking Voltage: 10 V rms
Calculated Values and Accuracy
Range: 0.1 to 1.5 nominal
Type: Exponential
Accuracy: ±1% of reading ±1 digit at 25°C
Temperature Dependence: ≤±0.02% per °C
Interval: 1 to 60 min
1-6 BE1-700 General Information 9376700990 Rev M
24 Overexcitation Protection (BE1-700V)
Setting Range: 0.5 to 6 V/Hz
Accuracy: ±2%
Integrating Time Delay
Time Dial: 0.0 to 9.9
Reset Dial: 0.0 to 9.9
Accuracy: 5% or 4 cycles, whichever is greater
Time to Trip
Time to Reset
= Time to trip
= Time to reset
= Time dial trip
= Time dial, reset
= Elapsed time
n = Curve exponent (0.5, 1, 2)
FST = Full scale trip time (TT)
ET/FST = Fraction of total travel toward trip that integration had progressed to. (After a trip,
this value will be equal to one.)
Definite Time Delay
Time Delay: 0.050 to 600 s
Accuracy: 5% or 4 cycles, whichever is greater
25 Sync-Check Protection (BE1-700V, Optional)
Delta Phase Angle: 1 to 99° Accuracy: ±0.5°
Delta Voltage Magnitude: 1 to 20 V
Accuracy: ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Delta Frequency: 0.01 to 0.50 Hz
Accuracy: ±0.01 Hz
Voltage Monitoring
Live/Dead voltage threshold: 10 to 150 V
Accuracy: ±2% or ±1 V
Dropout Time delay: 0.050 to 60 s
Accuracy: ±0.5% or ±2 cycles, whichever is greater
Logic: Dead Phase/Dead Aux
Dead Phase/ Live Aux
Live Phase/ Dead Aux
One independent output: 25VM1
9376700990 Rev M BE1-700 General Information 1-7
27P Phase Undervoltage Protection (BE1-700V)
Setting Range: 10 to 300 V
Accuracy: ±2% of setting or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio: 102%
Time Delay
Setting Range: 0.05 to 600 s
Accuracy: ±0.5% or ±2.5 cycles, whichever is greater
27X Auxiliary Undervoltage Protection (BE1-700V)
Setting Range: 1 to 150 V
Accuracy: ±2% of setting or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio: 102%
Time Delay
Setting Range: 0.05 to 600 s
Accuracy: ±0.5% or ±2.5 cycles, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT: 0.1 to 30 A
Accuracy (50TP, 50TN)
5 Ampere CT: ±2% or ±50 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT: ±2% or ±10 mA, whichever is greater
Accuracy (50TQ)
5 Ampere CT: ±3% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT: ±3% or ±15 mA, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio: 95%
Time Delay
Setting Range: 0 to 60 s
50TP, 50TN: ±0.5% or ±½ cycle, whichever is gr eater, plus trip
time for instantaneous response (0.0 setting) *
50TQ: ±0.5% or ±1 cycle, whic hever is greater, plus trip
time for instantaneous response (0.0 setting) *
1-8 BE1-700 General Information 9376700990 Rev M
∗ Trip Time for 0.0 Delay Setting
50TP, 50TN: 2¼ cycles maximum for currents ≥ 5 times the
pickup setting. Three cycles maximum for a
current of 1.5 times p ickup. Four c ycles maximu m
for a current of 1.05 times the pickup setting.
50TQ: 3¼ cycles maximum for currents 5 times the
pickup setting. Four cycles maximum for a current
of 1.5 times pickup. Five cycles maximum for a
current of 1.05 times the pickup setting
50BF Breaker Failure Protection (BE1-700C)
Setting Range: Fixed at 0.5 A for 5 A unit, 0.1 A for 1 A unit
Accuracy: ±10%
Time Delay
Setting Range: 50 to 999 ms
Accuracy: ±0.5% or +1¼, –½ cycles, whichever is greater
Reset Time: Within 1¼ cycles of the current being removed
51 Time Overcurrent Protection (BE1-700C)
Setting Range
5 Ampere CT: 0.5 to 16 A
1 Ampere CT: 0.1 to 3.2 A
Accuracy (51P, 51N)
5 Ampere CT: ±2% or ±50 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT: ±2% or ±10 mA, whichever is greater
Accuracy (51Q)
5 Ampere CT: ±3% or ±75 mA, whichever is greater
1 Ampere CT: ±3% or ±15 mA, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio: 95%
Time Current Characteristic Curves
Timing Accuracy (All 51 Functions): Within ±5% or ±1½ cycles, whichever is greater,
for time dial settings greater than 0.1 and
multiples of 2 to 40 times the pickup setting but
not over 150 A for 5 A CT units or 30 A for 1 A CT
See Appendix A, Time Overcurrent Character istic Curves, for information on available timing curves.
59P Phase Overvoltage Protection (BE1-700V)
Setting Range: 10 to 300 V
Accuracy: ±2% of setting or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio: 98%
Time Delay
Setting Range: 0.050 to 600 s
Accuracy: ±0.5% or ±2.5 cycles, whichever is greater
9376700990 Rev M BE1-700 General Information 1-9
59X Auxiliary Overvoltage Protection (BE1-700V)
Setting Range: 1 to 150 V
Accuracy: ±2% of setting or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Dropout/Pickup Ratio: 98%
Time Delay
Setting Range: 0.050 to 600 s
Accuracy: ±0.5% or ±2.5 cycles, whichever is greater
Retriggerable, Oscillator, Integrating, Latch
Setting Range: 0 to 9,999 s
Accuracy: ±0.5% or ±12 ms, whichever is greater
79 Recloser Protection
Reclose (791, 792, 793, 794), Reset (79R), Max Cycle (79M), Reclose Fail (79F), Pilot (79P)
Setting Range: 100 ms to 600 s
Accuracy: ±0.5% or +1¾, –0 cycles, whichever is greater
81 Over/Under Frequency Protection (BE1-700V)
Setting Range: 20 to 70 Hz
Accuracy: ±0.01 Hz
Dropout : 0.02 Hz ±0.01 Hz of the actual pickup value
Time Delay
Setting Range: 0.00 to 600 s
Accuracy: ±0.5% or ±1 cycle, whichever is greater, plus 3
cycle recognition time
Voltage Inhibit
Setting Range: 15 to 300 V
Accuracy: ±2% or ±1 V, whichever is greater
Automatic Setting Group Character istics
Number of Setting Groups: 2
Control Modes
Automatic: Cold-Load Pickup, Dynamic Load or Unbalance,
Recloser Shot, or Unbalance (BE1-700C); Fuse
Loss (60FL) (BE1-700V)
External: Discrete Input Logic, Binary Input Logic
Switch Level
Setting Range: 0 to 150% of the Setting Group 0, monitored
element setting
Accuracy: ±2% or ±50 mA (5 A), ±2% or ±10 mA (1 A)
Switch Timer
Setting Range: 0 to 60 min with 1 min increments where 0 =
Accuracy: ±0.5% or ±2 s, whichever is greater
1-10 BE1-700 General Information 9376700990 Rev M
Update Rate: ½ cycle
AC Current Inputs (BE1-700C)
5 Ampere CT
Continuous Rating: 20 A
One Second Rating: 400 A
For other current levels, use the formula: I= (K/t)
Begins to Clip (Saturate): 150 A
Burden: <0.01 Ω
1 Ampere CT
Continuous Rating: 4 A
One Second Rating: 80 A
For other current levels, us e the follow ing formu la: I = ( K/t)
mount, non-drawout case).
Begins to Clip (Saturate): 30 A
Burden: ≤0.01 Ω at 1 A
Phase AC Voltage Inputs (BE1-700V)
Continuous Rating: 300 V, Line to Line
One Second Rating: 600 V, Line to Line (3-wire sensing)
600 V, Line to Neutral (4-wire sensing)
Burden: <1 VA at 300 Vac
where t = time in seconds, K = 160,000.
where t = time in seconds, K = 9 0,000 (pane l
Auxiliary AC Voltage Inputs
Continuous Rating: 150 V, Line to Line
Fault Rating: 360 V, Line to Line
One Second Rating: 600 V, Line to Neutral
Burden: <1 VA at 150 Vac
Analog to Digital Converter
Type: 16-bit
Sampling Rate: 12 samples per cyc le, adjusted to input frequency
(10 to 75 Hz)
Power Supply
Power supply ranges and holdup times are listed in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1. Power Supply Ranges and Holdup Times
Style Option AC Range AC Holdup Time DC Range DC Holdup Time
1) 48 Vdc N/A N/A 35 to 150 Vdc 30 ms
2) 125 Vac/dc 90 to 270 Vac 70 ms 90 to 300 Vdc 50 ms
3) 24 Vdc N/A N/A 17 to 32 Vdc † 80 ms
4) 250 Vac/dc 90 to 270 Vac 280 ms 90 to 300 Vdc 170 ms
5) 125 Vac/dc *
55 to 135 Vac 280 ms 35 to 150 Vdc 170 ms
* Extended holdup option. See Style Chart in Figure 1-1.
† Operates down to 8 Vdc momentar ily.
9376700990 Rev M BE1-700 General Information 1-11
Frequency Range
Options 1, 2, and 4 only: 40 to 70 Hz
Options 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: 8 W continuous, 11 W maximum w ith all outputs
Output Contacts
Make and Carry for Tripping Duty: 30 A for 0.2 seconds per IEEE C37.90;
7 A continuous
Break Resistive or Inductive: 0.3 A at 125 or 250 Vdc (L/R = 0.04 maximum)
Contact-Sensing Inputs
Contact-sensing turn-on voltages and burdens are listed in Table 1-2. Burden values assume nominal
value of input voltage applied.
Table 1-2. Contact-Sensing Turn-On Voltages and Burdens
* AC voltage ranges are calculated using the default recognition time (4 ms) and debounce time (16 ms).
† Extended holdup option. See Style Chart in Figure 1-1.
Recognition Time
Programmable ................................................................ 4 to 255 ms
All timing specifications are for the worst-case response. This includes output
contact operate times and standard BESTlogic operation timing but excludes
input debounce timing and non-standard logic configurations. If a non-standard
logic scheme involves feed back, then on e or more BESTlogic update rate d elays
must be included to calcul ate the worst-case delay. An example of feedbac k is
Virtual Outputs drivin g Function Block Inputs. For more informatio n, see Section
7, BESTlogic Programmable Logic.
125 Vac/dc †
Contact-Sensing Turn-On Voltage *
69 to 100 Vdc
56 to 97 Vac
138 to 200 Vdc
112 to 194 Vac
69 to 100 Vdc
56 to 97 Vac
53 kΩ
123 kΩ
53 kΩ
Supports IRIG Standard 200-98, Format B002
Input Signal: Demodulated (dc level-shifted digital signal)
Logic-High Voltage: 3.5 Vdc, minimum
Logic-Low Voltage: 0.5 Vdc, maximum
Input Voltage Range: ±20 Vdc, maximum
Resistance: Nonlinear, approximately 4 kΩ at 3.5 Vdc,
approximately 3 kΩ at 20 V dc
1-12 BE1-700 General Information 9376700990 Rev M
Real-Time Clock
Accuracy: 1 second per day at 25°C (free running) or
±2 milliseconds (with IRIG synchronization)
Resolution: 1 millisecond
Date and Time Setting Provisions: Front panel, communications port, and IRIG. Leap
year and selectable daylight saving time
correction provided.
Communication Ports
Front RS-232: 300 to 19200 baud, 8N1 full duplex
Rear RS-485: 300 to 19200 baud, 8N1 half duplex
Rear Ethernet: IEEE 802.3 (10BaseT)
Response Time (RS-232): <100 ms for metering and control functions
Type: Two line, 16 character alphanumeric LCD (liquid
crystal display) with LED (light emitting diode);
Operating Temperature: –40°C (–40°F) to +70°C (+158°F).
Display contrast may be impaired at temperatures
below –20°C (–4°F).
Meets IEC 255-5 and exceeds IEEE C37.90 one minute dielectric test as follows:
All Circuits to Ground*: 2,000 Vac or 2,828 Vdc
Input Circuits to Output Circuits: 2,000 Vac or 2,828 Vdc
Communication Ports to Ground†: 700 Vdc for one minute
* Excludes communication ports.
† Ethernet port excluded from dielectric tests.
Surge Withstand Capability
IEEE Std C37.90.1-2002 - IEEE Standard Surge Withs tand Capa bility (S WC) Test s for Relays and R elay
Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus (Excludes front panel RS-232 communication port.
Shielded RJ-45 cable is required for the Ethernet port.)
Fast Transient
Qualified to IEEE Std C37.90.1-2002 - IEEE Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for
Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus. (Due to surge suppression
components, excludes application across open output contacts. Excludes front panel RS-232
communication port. Shielded RJ-45 cable is required for the Ethernet port.)
Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
Qualified to IEEE Std C37.90.2-2004 - IE EE Sta ndar d Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to R adi ate d
Electromagnetic Interference from Transceivers.
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
IEEE Std C37.90.3-2001 - IEEE Standa rdElectrostatic Discharge Test for Protective Relays.
Qualification: IEC 255-21-2, Class 1
9376700990 Rev M BE1-700 General Information 1-13
Qualification: IEC 255-21-1, Class 1
Operating Range: –40°C to 70°C (–40°F to 158°F) *
Storage Range: –40°C to 70°C (–40°F to 158°F)
∗ Display is inoperative below –20°C
Qualified to IEC 68-2-38, 1st Edition 1974, Basic Environmental Test Procedures, Part 2: Test Z/AD:
Composite Temperature Humidity Cyclic Test.
CE Compliance
This product meets or exceeds the standards required for distribution in the European Community.
UL Recognition for US and Canada
UL recognized per Standard 508 and Standard CAN/CSA-C22.2 Number 14-M91, UL File Number
E97033. Note: Output contacts are not recognized for voltages greater than 250 V.
GOST-R Certification
GOST-R certified per the relevant standards of Gosstandart of Russia.
Weight: 4.33 lb (1.96 kg) maximum
Case Size: See Section 12, Installation.
GENERAL .............................................................................................................................................. 2-1
About This Manual ............................................................................................................................. 2-1
Figure 2-1. 51 Time Overcurrent Logic (BE1-700C) ................................................................................. 2-2
Figure 2-2. Menu Screens Numbering Example ....................................................................................... 2-4
Table 2-1. Function Categories and Manual Sections Cross-Reference .................................................. 2-1
Table 2-2. Trip LED Truth Table ................................................................................................................ 2-9
9376700990 Rev M BE1-700 Quick Start i
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ii BE1-700 Quick Start 9376700990 Rev M
Section Title
This section provides an overview of the BE1-700 Digital Protective Relay. You should be familiar with the
concepts behind the user inter faces and B ESTlo gic before y ou begin read ing ab out t he det ailed BE1-700
functions. Sections 3 through 6 in the instruction manual describe each function of the BE1-700 in detail.
The following information is intended to provide the reader with a basic understanding of the user
interfaces and the sec urity features pr ovided in the BE1-70 0 relay. Detailed information on th e operation
of the human-machin e interface (HMI) can be found i n Section 10, Human-Machine Inter face, and the
ASCII command commun ic atio ns in Sec t ion 11, ASCII Command Interface. BE ST COMS™ is a Wind ows
based software appl ication that enhances comm unication between the PC user and the BE1-700 re lay.
BESTCOMS for th e BE1-700 is prov ided free of char ge with the B E1-700. BESTCO MS operation is v ery
transparent, and does contain a Windows type help file for additional operational details.
Also covered in this section is an overview of BESTlogic, which is fundamental to how each of the
protection and control functions is set-up and used in the BE1-700 relay. Detailed i nformation on using
BESTlogic to design comp lete protection and control schemes for the prot ected circuit can be found in
Section 7, BESTlogic Programmable Logic, and Section 8, Application.
Sections 3 through 6 desc ribe each func tion provided in th e BE1-700 rel ay and include r eferences to the
following items. Note that not all items are appropriate for each function.
• Human-machine interface (HMI) screens for setting the operational parameters.
• BESTCOMS for setting the operational parameters.
• BESTCOMS for setting up the BESTlogic required for functions in your protection and control
• Outputs from the function such as alarm and BESTlogic variables or data reports.
• HMI screens for operation or interrogation of the outputs and reports provided by each function.
• ASCII commands for operation or interrogation of the outputs and reports provided by each
About This Manual
The various application functions provided by this multifunction relay are divided into four categories:
input/output functions, protection and control functions, metering functions, and reporting and alarm
functions. Detailed des criptions of each ind ividual func tion, s etup, and us e are cov ered in the sec tions as
shown in Table 2-1. Detailed informa tion on using progr ammable logic to create your own pr otection and
control scheme is described in Section 7, BESTlogic Programmable Logic. Section 15, BESTNet Communication, provides information on all of the device Ethernet features and capabilities. Browser
screen shots of available web pages are illustrated and explained.
Table 2-1. Function Categories and Manual Sections Cross-Reference
Input and Output Functions Section 3
Protection and Control Section 4
Metering Section 5
Reporting and Alarm Functions Section 6
BESTlogic Programmabl e Log ic Section 7
Application Section 8
BESTNet Communication Section 15
9376700990 Rev M BE1-700 Quick Start 2-1
Each of the protection an d control functions in the BE1-70 0 is implemented as an independent f unction
block that is equivale nt to a s ingle functio n, discr ete dev ice counterpar t. Each independ ent function block
has all of the inputs and outputs that the discrete component counterpart might have. Programming
BESTlogic is equivalent to choosing the devices required by your protection and control scheme and
drawing schematic diagrams to connect the inputs and outputs to obtain the desired operational logic.
The concept is the sam e but the met hod is d ifferent i n that yo u choose eac h func tion block by enabling it
and use Boolean logic expr essions to c onnect the inputs and outputs. Th e result i s that in des igning your
system, you have even gr eater flexibility than you had using discrete dev ices. An added benefit is that
you are not constrained by the flexibility limitations inherent in many multifunction relays.
One user programmab le, custom logic scheme created by the user may be programmed and saved in
memory. To save you time, s everal preprogrammed logic schemes have also been pr ovided. Any of the
preprogrammed sche mes can be cop ied into the pr ogrammable log ic settings w ithout the user having to
make any BESTlogic programming.
There are two types of B ESTlogic settings: func tion block logic s ettings and output log ic settings. These
are described briefly in the following paragraphs. Detailed information on using BESTlogic to design
complete protection and co ntrol schemes for the protected circ uit can be found in Section 7, BESTlogic Programmable Logic, and Section 8, Application.
Characteristics of Protection and Control Function Blocks
As stated before, each function block is equivalent to a discrete device counterpart. For example, the
phase time-overcurr ent function block in the BE1-700 r elay has all of the characteristics of Bas ler BE1
relays with similar functionality. Figure 2-1 is a logic drawing showing the inputs and outputs.
One input:
•BLK (block 51P operation)
Two mode settings:
• Enable 51P operation
• Disable 51P operation
Two outputs:
• 51PT (51 Phase Trip)
• 51PPU (51 Phase Pickup)
Four operational settings:
• Pickup
• Time Delay
• Characteristic Curve
Of the above characteristic s, the four operational setti ngs are not included in the logic sett ings. They are
contained in the protection settings. This is an important distinction. Since changing logic settings is
similar to rewiring a pa nel, the logic s ettings are separ ate and distinct from t he operationa l settings such
as pickups and time delays.
Function Block Logic Settings
To use a protection or control function block, there ar e two items that need t o be set: Mode and Input
Logic. The mod e is equivalent t o deciding wh ich devic es you want to insta ll in your protec tion and contr ol
scheme. You then must set the logic variables that will be connected to the inputs.
For example, the 51N function block has three modes (disabled, three-phase summation (3Io), and
ground), and one input, block (torque control). To use this function block, the logic setting command might
be SL-51N=1,/IN2 for Set Logic-51N to be Mode 1 (three-phase and n eutral) with the funct ion blocked
when Contact Sensing Inp ut 2 is not (/) energized. Contact Sensing Inpu t 2 would be wired to a ground
relay enable switch.
As noted before, the pr otection settings for this funct ion block, pickup, time dia l, and curve must be set
separately in the settin g gr oup sett ings. T he sett ing m ight be S0-51N =6.5, 2.1,S1 R for Set ting in gr oup 0 -
Figure 2-1. 51 Time Overcurrent Logic (BE1-700C)
2-2 BE1-700 Quick Start 9376700990 Rev M
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