This instruction manual provides information about the installation and operatio n of the BE1-51 Time
Overcurrent Relay. To accomplish this, the following information is provided:
• General information
• Controls and indicators
• Functional description
• Installation
• Tests and adjustments
• Specifications
Conventions Used in this Ma nua l
Important safety and procedural information is emphasized and presented in this manual through
warning, caution, and note boxes. Each type is illustrated and defined as follows.
Warning boxes call attention to conditions or actions that may cause
personal injury or death.
Caution boxes call attention to operating conditions that may lead to
equipment or property damage.
Note boxes emphasize important information pertaining to installation
or operation.
BE1-51 Preface
ii 9137200997 Rev G
Basler Electric does not assume any responsibility to compliance or noncompliance with national code, local code,
For terms of service relating to this product and software, see the Commercial Terms of Products and Services
document available at
This publication contains confidential information of Basler Electric Company, an Illinois corporation. It is loaned for
and options are subject to modification without notice. Over time, improvements and revisions may be made to this
The English-language version of this manual serves as the only approved manual version.
READ THIS MANUAL. Read this manual before installing, operating, or maintaining the BE1-51. Note
all warnings, cautions, and notes in this manual as well as on the product. Keep this manual with the
product for reference. Only qualified personnel should install, operate, or service this system. Failure to
follow warning and cautionary labels may result in personal injury or property damage. Exercise
caution at all times.
or any other applicable code. This manual serves as reference material that must be well understood prior to
installation, operation, or maintenance.
confidential use, subject to return on request, and with the mutual und er st and ing that it will not be used in any
manner detrimental to the interests of Basler Electric Company and used strictly for the purpose intended.
It is not the intention of this manual to cover all details and variations in equipment, nor does this manual provide
data for every possible contingency regarding installation or operation. The availability and design of all features
publication. Before performing any of the following procedures, contact Basler Electric for the latest revision of this
Standard Features ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Time Overcurrent Functions .................................................................................................................. 1
Built-In Test ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Sensing Input Type ................................................................................................................................ 2
Sensing Input Range ............................................................................................................................. 3
Power Supply ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Model and Style Number Description ........................................................................................................ 4
Controls and Indicators .............................................................................................................................. 5
Power Supply ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Current Sensing ................................................................................................................................... 10
Tap Select and Tap Cal ....................................................................................................................... 10
Tests and Adjustments ............................................................................................................................. 35
Required Test Equipment ........................................................................................................................ 35
Operational Test ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Power Supply ....................................................................................................................................... 50
Case Size ............................................................................................................................................. 51
Time Overcurrent Characteristic Curves ................................................................................................ 53
Revision History ........................................................................................................................................ 91
Contents BE1-51
9137200997 Rev G 1
BE1-51 Time Overcurrent Relays are microprocessor-based devices that monitor the magnitude of singlephase, two-phase-and-neutral, or three-phase-and-neutral ac current to provide accurate time overcurrent
and instantaneous overcurrent protection for 50- or 60-hertz power systems.
Standard Features
Time Overcurrent Functions
Time overcurrent elements pick up over a range of 0.1 to 0.8 amperes, 0.3 to 2.4 amperes, 0.5 to 4.0
amperes, 1.5 to 12.0 amperes, 0.1 to 2.4 amperes, or 0.5 to 12.0 amperes and provide an adjustable time
delay that is proportional to the overcurrent. Time delay is initiated when the sensed current exceeds the
pickup point. When the current drops below the pickup point, the timing circuit is reset immediately. At
reset, the output contacts, if operated, are restored to normal.
Adjustment of the overcurrent pickup point is provided by controls on the relay front panel. Time delay is a
function of the characteristic curve that has been selected. Time delay is settable from 00 to 99 on the
TIME DIAL thumbwheel switch located on the front panel. Curve type is selected either as an option or, in
some models, is switch selectable.
Sixty-nine characteristic curves and three timing options are available:
Characteristic curves:
• Seven inverse time
• Nine I
• Seven inverse time with extended timing range
• Nine I
t with extended timing range
• Five British Standard 142 (E curves)
• Seven integrating inverse time
• Nine integrating I
• Seven integrating inverse time with extended timing range
• Nine integrating I
t with extended timing range
Timing option Z1 (switch-selectable, 16-position) B and C curves:
• Seven inverse time
• Nine I
Timing option Z1 with option 2-D or 2-E (switch-selectable, 16-position) B and C curves:
• Seven inverse time with extended timing range
• Nine I
t with extended timing range
Timing option Z2 (switch-selectable, 16-position) B and E (British Standard 142) curves:
• Seven inverse time
• One I
•Five British Standard (BS) 142 (E curves)
Timing option Z2 with option 2-D or 2-E (switch-selectable, 16-position) B and E (BS142) curves:
• Seven inverse time with extended timing range
• One I
t with extended timing range
•Five British Standard 142 (E curves)
Timing option Z3 (switch-selectable, 16-position) integrating B and C curves:
• Seven integrating inverse time
• Nine integrating I
Timing option Z3 with option 2-D or 2-E (switch-selectable, 16-position) integratin g exten ded B and C
BE1-51 Introduction
2 9137200997 Rev G
• Seven integrating inverse time with extended timing range
• Nine integrating I
Characteristic curves are shown by the graphs in the Time Overcurrent Characteristic Curves chapter.
Note that each graph (i.e. function) consists of a set of representative curves. Each curve (as well as any
between-curve interpolation) is selectable by the front panel TIME DIAL using a two-digit destinat ion fr om
00 to 99. Because of space limitations, each graph shows only 14 of the 100 possible selections.
t with extended timing range
Non-Integrating Timing
Timing options Z1 and Z2 and the characteristic curves available with those options use non-integrating
timing. Non-integrating timing is accomplished by timing at a gate that is not solely dependent on the
magnitude of the applied multiple of pickup current. The time-out value is calculated based on the type of
time curve characteristic selected, time dial setting, and the magnitude of the applied multiple of pickup
current. The time-out value is continuously updated during the timing cycle. When pickup is exceeded, a
timer is initiated. When the timer elapsed time exceeds the calculated time-out value, a time trip output
signal is generated.
This type of non-integrating time delay characteristic exhibits a dynamic characteristic that is immediately
responsive to changes of the applied multiple of pickup current.
Integrating Timing
Timing option Z3 and the characteristic curves available for that option uses integrating timing. Integrating
timing is accomplished by summing time increments that are based on the magnitude of the applied
multiple of pickup current, the time curve characteristic selected, and the time dial value. These time
increments are summed until a predetermined value is exceeded, then a time trip output signal is
This type of integrating time delay characteristic simulates the operating characteristics of an
electromechanical overcurrent relay.
Built-In Test
A built-in test (BIT) switc h moun ted on the Logic Board provides diagnostic troubleshooting and
An extended timing option multiplies by approximately 5.7, the standard time delays. The resulting curves
are shown following the standard curves in the Time Overcurrent Characteristic Curves chapter.
When timing option Z1, Z2, or Z3 is specified, a printed circuit board mounted selector switch allows a
choice of up to sixteen different time overcurrent functions. Timing option Z1 or Z3 may be further
specified as standard or extended time, depending upon option 2 selection.
Neutral Defeat
When neutral defeat is specified, a front panel switch allows neutral current sensing to be disabled. This
function permits the user to energize desired circuits and not trip because of imbalanced current in the
neutral circuit. After the circuits are balanced, the neutral defeat function can be switched off and neutral
current sensing protection is provided.
Sensing Input Type
When single-phase, two-phase-and-neutral, three-phase, or three-phase-and-neutral sensing has been
specified, the front panel TAP selector and the front panel TAP CAL control set the pickup point for all
phases. An independent front panel TAP (NEUTRAL) selector and front panel CAL (NEUTRAL) control
Introduction BE1-51
9137200997 Rev G 3
set the neutral pickup point. In addition, for three-phase-and-neutral sensing units, one of the seven
sensing input range combinations must be specified.
Sensing Input Range
For three-phase-and-neutral sensing units, input ranges are:
• 0.5 to 4.0 amperes (phase and neutral)
• 1.5 to 12 amperes (phase) and 0.5 to 4.0 amperes (neutral)
• 0.5 to 4 amperes (phase) and 1.5 to 12 amperes (neutral)
• 1.5 to 12 amperes (phase and neutral)
• 0.1 to 0.8 amperes (phase and neutral)
• 0.3 to 2.4 amperes (phase) and 0.1 to 0.8 amperes (neutral)
• 0.3 to 2.4 amperes (phase and neutral)
For all other units, two ranges are available: 0.5 to 12 amperes and 0.1 to 2.4 amperes.
Power Supply
Five power supply options are available:
• 24 Vdc
• 48 Vdc
• 125 Vdc and 100/125 Vac
• 48 Vdc or 125 Vdc and 100/125 Vac
• 250 Vdc and 240 Vac
Single-phase relays have two function targets that indicate when the time delay or instantaneous
element(s) have operated. On multiple phase relays, additional targets indicate which phase or neutral
element(s) operated.
Function targets may be specified as either internally operated or current operated by a minimum of 0.2
amperes through the output trip circuit. When current operated, the output circuit must be limited to 30
amperes for 0.2 seconds, 7 amperes for 2 minutes, and 3 amperes continuously.
Optional normally opened, normally closed, or SPDT auxiliary output contacts may be selected. Contacts
actuate when the output relay is energized. Internally operated front panel mounted targets, and front
panel targets operated by the dc current in the output circuit are available for the time overcurrent and
instantaneous overcurrent functions. Optional front panel mounted PUSH-TO-ENERGIZE-OUTPUT
pushbuttons allow direct actuation of each output relay for external circuit testing.
Instantaneous Outputs
One or two instantaneous overcurrent outputs are optionally available. Each is adjustable up to 40 times
the time overcurrent pickup point. When the sensed current exceeds the instantaneous overcurrent
pickup point, an output relay is energized. An independent front pan el contr ol (INST 1 or IN ST 2) adjusts
the pickup point for each optional output. If more than one phase is applied to the relay, the instantaneous
pickup point will be the same for all phases. If neutral current is sensed, a front panel INST 1 (NEUTRAL)
provides adjustment of the neutral pickup point. Instantaneous overcurrent elements are not voltage
Each relay is mounted in a drawout cradle and enclosed in a standard utility style case with either semiflush or projection mounting (depending upon case style selected). An available test plug (Basler Electric
part number 10095) allows the relay to be tested in place without disturbing external control circuit wiring.
BE1-51 Introduction
4 9137200997 Rev G
Model and Style Number Description
Electrical characteristics and operational features included in a particular style of the BE1-51 Time
Overcurrent Relay are defined by a combination of letters and numbers that make up its style number.
The model number, together with the style number, describes the options included in a specific device,
and appears on the front panel, drawout cradle, and inside the case assembly. Upon receipt of a relay, be
sure to check the style number against the requisition and the packing list to ensure that they agree.
The Style Number Identification Chart (Figure 1) illustrates the manner in which the relay style number is
determined. For example, if the style number were H3E-Z1P-B2C1F, the device would have the following
H - Three-Phase-and-Neutral sensing
3 - Sensing input range of 1.5 to 12.0 amperes for phase and 0.5 to 4.0 amperes for neutral
E - Normally open outputs
Z1 - Switch selectable time curves
P - Operating power derived from 125 Vdc or 120 Vac
B - Current operated targets
2 - Two instantaneous elements
C - Push-to-energize outputs
1 - Normally open auxiliary timed output relay
F - Semi-flush mounting
Figure 1. Style Number Identification Chart
Introduction BE1-51
9137200997 Rev G 5
Controls and Indicators
BE1-51 controls and indicators are located on the front panel and left-side interior. The controls and
indicators are shown in Figure 2 and described in Table 1. Your relay may not have all of the controls and
indicators shown and described here.
BE1-51 Controls and Indicators
Figure 2. Location of Controls and Indicators
6 9137200997 Rev G
Table 1. Controls and Indicators
A Phase Tap Calibration Control. This single-turn potentiometer adjusts the phase overcurrent pickup
threshold between the selected phase tap setting and the next lower tap setting.
B Phase Tap Selector. Selects the phase overcurrent pickup point in conjunction with the front panel
Phase Tap Calibration Control (locator A).
C Phase Instantaneous 1 Control. This four-turn potentiometer adjusts the phase instantaneous 1
element trip setting over the range of 1 to 40 times the selected Phase Tap Selector (locator B)
setting value.
D Phase Instantaneous 2 Control. This four-turn potentiometer adjusts the phase instantaneous 2
element trip setting over the range of 1 to 40 times the selected Phase Tap Selector (locator B)
setting value.
E Phase Time Dial Selector. These two knobs set the time delay between sensing of a phase
overcurrent condition and closing of the output contacts. See the Time Overcurrent Characteristic Curves chapter for curve selection information.
F Target Indicators. LED indicators latch on when the corresponding output relay is energized by an
overcurrent condition. Target indicators are reset by the Target Reset Switch (locator H).
G Push-to-Energize Output Pushbuttons. These recessed pushbuttons are depressed to energize the
external trip circuits for testing purposes. A thin, non-conducting rod should be used to depress the
buttons. Do not use a screwdriver.
H Tap Selector Table. This front-panel reference lists the high and low setting limits for a particular tap
I Target Reset Switch. Operating this switch resets all active targets (locator F).
J Power Ind ic ator. This LED indicator lights when control power is applied and the relay power supply is
K Timing Indicators. A Timing LED lights when the corresponding overcurrent pickup point is reached
and exceeded.
L Neutral Time Dial Selector. These two knobs set the time delay between sensing of a neutral
overcurrent condition and closing of the output contacts. See the Time Overcurrent Characteristic
Curves chapter for curve selection information.
M Neutral Tap Calibration Control. This single-turn potentiometer adjus ts the phase ov er cur rent pickup
threshold between the selected neutral tap setting and the next lower tap setting.
N Neutral Defeat Switch and LED. This switch enables (ON) and disables (OFF) the neutral defeat
function. The corresponding LED lights when the neutral defeat function is enabled (ON).
O Neutral Tap Selector. Selects the neutral overcurrent pickup point in conjunction with the front panel
Neutral Tap Calibration Control (locator M).
P Neutral Instantaneous 1 Control. This four-turn potentiometer adjusts the neutral instantaneous 1
element trip setting over the range of 1 to 40 times the selected Neutral Tap Selector (locator O)
setting value.
The time overcurrent characteristic curve selector (not shown) is located on the left-side interior. This
circuit board mounted switch selects the characteristic curve to be used.
Prior to August 2010, this switch was located behind the front panel.
The normal/test slide switch (not shown) is located on the left-side interior. This switch is only used for
factory testing and must be in the normal position (towards front of relay) for proper operation.
Prior to August 2010, this switch was located on the right-side interior.
The tap range plate (not shown) indicates the terminal connections (high or low) used to select the current
sensing input range. The sensing input ranges are listed in Table 2.
Controls and Indicators BE1-51
* For relays with sensing input ranges 1 or 9, connect the system wiring to the current sensing terminals
for the desired range (HIGH or LOW).
BE1-51 Controls and Indicators
8 9137200997 Rev G
Refer to Table 3 for target installation configurations.
Table 3. Target Installation Configurations
Number of Instantaneous Elements Targets Installed (Types A and B)
Input Type
None One Two
Element Function
Controls and Indicators BE1-51
9137200997 Rev G 9
Functional Description
BE1-51 Time Overcurrent Relays are microprocessor-based devices that provide protection for the phase
or phase and neutral time and instantaneous overcurrent functions.
Block Diagram Analysis
The following block diagram analysis is referenced to Figure 3. A microprocessor (not illustrated in Figure
3) processes signals, performs logic functions, and all of the time overcurrent computations.
Figure 3. Functional Block Diagram
BE1-51 Functional Description
10 9137200997 Rev G
Power Supply
Operating power for the relay circuitry is supplied by a wide range, electrically isolated, low-burden power
supply. Power supply operating power is not polarity sensitive. The front panel power LED and power
supply status output indicate when the power supply is operating. Power supply specifications are listed in
the Specifications chapter.
Current Sensing
All relay models (except three-phase-and-neutral units) have two sensing ranges for each phase. Each
high/low sensing range has its own set of input terminal connections.
• Five ampere CTs have: LOW (0.5 A to 4.0 A) and HIGH (1.5 A to 12.0 A).
• One ampere CTs have: LOW (0.1 A to 0.8 A) and HIGH (0.3 A to 2.4 A).
Three-phase-and-neutral sensing units, however, have one of four possible combinations of input sensing
ranges with one range for neutral and one range for the phases.
• Five ampere CTs have: 0.5 A to 4.0 A and 1.5 A to 12.0 A.
• One ampere CTs have: 0.1 A to 0.8 A and 0.3 A to 2.4 A.
Tap Select and Tap Cal
Front panel TAP selectors and TAPCAL controls are provided for selection and precise adjustment of
the phase and neutral (if provided) time overcurrent pickup points. The front panel TAP selectors, tenposition BCD weighted rotary switches, select the desired current sensing pickup point, while the front
panel TAP CAL controls provide precise adjustment between the selected setting and the next lower
Neutral Defeat
Front panel mounted switch allows neutral current sensing to be disabled. When the switch is set to ON, a
current imbalance in the neutral circuit will not trip the output contacts.
The multiplexor sequentially switches a voltage representing each of the sensed input currents to the
analog-to-digital converter and level detector.
Analog-To-Digital Converter and Level Detector
Analog dc voltages representing the sensed currents from the multiplexor are converted to binary
numbers (successive approximation) and applied to the time trip comparator and scaler circuits.
Time Trip Comparator and Scaler
This circuit accepts both the binary number representing the detected current level and the desired time
delay characteristic selected by the front panel TIME DIAL, then computes the required time delay before
the timed output relay will be energized. Time delay characteristics are shown in the curves located in the
Time Overcurrent Characteristic Curves chapter. If extended timing range options 2-D or 2-E is present,
the time delay characteristic curves are modified so that the time delay is approximately 5.7 times the
derived value.
Time delay computations are updated continuously so that changes in the overcurrent condition are
monitored and result in a corresponding change in the time delay. A software counter begins counting
when the initial binary number is received from the analog-to-digital converter and level detector. The
counter measures the elapsed time of the overcurrent condition, and resets if the current decreases
below the pickup point. This continuously increasing binary number is then passed to the comparator.
Microprocessor (Not Shown)
Some of the circuitry already discussed is part of the microprocessor and no definite lines are drawn to
separate the functions. The microprocessor compares the desired time delay (from the time trip
Functional Description BE1-51
9137200997 Rev G 11
comparator and scaler) with the actual elapsed time from the counter. When the elapsed time reaches the
intended delay, the timed output relay is energized. During the time delay period, the front panel TIMING
indicator (i.e. pickup) associated with the detected phase is illuminated.
If targets are present, the front panel TIME FUNCTION target wi ll be tripp ed, and the A, B, C, or N ELEMENT target associated with the detected phase will be tripped. See the Controls and Indicators
chapter for the types of targets that are present (depending upon relay configuration).
If option 3 is present, an auxiliary output relay (with N.O., N.C., or SPDT contacts) is also actuated when
the timed output relay energizes.
Instantaneous Overcurrent (Options 1-1 and 1-2)
Input current levels applied to the time overcurrent circuitry are also passed to the instantaneous
overcurrent circuitry. These levels are compared to the setting of the front panel INST 1 adjust and the
front panel INST 1 (NEUTRAL) adjust (if present). If the input current level is above the setting, the output
driver energizes the instantaneous 1 output relay. If the instantaneous 2 option is present, the input level
is also compared with the setting of the front panel INST 2 adjust to energize the instantaneous 2 output
relay. Note that the current level settings for the instantaneous overcurrent element will always be from 1
to 40 times above the front panel TAP and TAP (NEUTRAL) settings of the time overcurrent element.
If target type A or B is present, the front panel INST 1 target and the front panel INST 2 targets are
tripped when their respective output relay is energized, along with the front panel A, B, C or N ELEM EN T
targets (if present) associated with the detected phases. (See the Controls and Indicators chapter for the
types of targets that can be present depending upon the relay configuration.)
Timed and Instantaneous Outputs
Each output signal (representing either time overcurrent or instantaneous overcurrent) from each
monitored phase (or neutral) is applied to the respective output driver. Each output driver supplies
operating current to energize the associated output relay. Either normally open (output type E) or normally
closed (output type G) contacts may be specified. (The contact configurations of all output relays for a
given model will be the same.)
Auxiliary Outputs
In addition to the output relays, an auxiliary relay, having the same or a different contact configuration,
may be specified. Both the output and the auxiliary relays will remain energized for the duration of the
overcurrent condition.
Push-to-Energize Pushbuttons
If either option 2-C or 2-E is present, each individual output relay can be directly energized for test
purposes by the actuation of a front panel PUSH-TO-ENERGIZE OUTPUT pushbutton. The pushbutton is
actuated by the insertion of a thin, non-conducting rod through an access hole in the front panel.
Power Supply Status Output (Option 3-6)
Power supply status output relays have a set of normally closed contacts that are energized open during
power-up. If either or both power supply output legs (+12 Vdc or −12 Vdc) fails, the power supply status
output relay is de-energized and the output contacts close. Shorting bars across the output contacts are
held open by the installed connection plug. When the relay is removed from service by removing the
connection plug, the shorting bars are closed.
Target Indicators
Target indicators are optional components selected when a relay is ordered. The electronically latched
and reset targets consist of red LED indicators located on the relay front panel. A latched target is reset
by operating the target reset switch on the front panel. If relay operating power is lost, any illuminated
(latched) targets are extinguished. When relay operating power is restored, the previously latched targets
are restored to their latched state.
BE1-51 Functional Description
12 9137200997 Rev G
A relay can be equipped with either internally operated targets or current operated targets.
Internally Operated Targets
The relay trip outputs are directly applied to drive the appropriate target indicator. Each indicator is
illuminated regardless of the current level in the trip circuit.
Current Operated Targets
A current operated target is triggered by closure of the corresponding output contact and the presence of
at least 200 milliamperes of current flowing in the trip circuit.
Note that the front panel function targets (TIMED, INST 1, etc.) may be either internally or current
operated. Phase and neutral indicators are current operated only if the instantaneous options are not
included and if current operated targets are specified.
Prior to August 2007, BE1-51 target indicators consisted of
magnetically latched, disc indicators. These mechanically latc h ed
target indicators have been replaced by the electronically latched LED
targets in use today.
Functional Description BE1-51
9137200997 Rev G 13
BE1-51 relays are shipped in sturdy cartons to prevent damage during transit. Upon receipt of a relay,
check the model and style number against the requisition and packing list to see that they agree. Inspect
the relay for shipping damage. If there is evidence of damage, file a claim with the carrier, and notify your
sales representative or Basler Electric.
If the relay will not be installed immediately, store it in its original shipping carton in a moisture- and dustfree environment. Before placing the relay in service, it is recommended that the test procedures of the
Tests and Adjustments chapter be performed.
Relay Operating Guidel ines and Precautions
Before installing or operating the relay, note the following guidelines and precautions:
•For proper current operated target operation, a minimum current of 200 milliamperes must flow
through the output trip circuit.
•If a wiring insulation test is required, remove the connection plugs and withdraw the relay from its
When the connection plugs are removed, the relay is disconnected
from the operating circuit and will not provide system protection.
Always be sure that external operating (monitored) conditions are
stable before removing a relay for inspection, test, or service.
Be sure that the BE1-51 is hard-wired to earth ground with no smaller
than 12 AWG copper wire attached to the ground terminal on the rear
of the case. When the BE1-51 is configured in a system with other
devices, it is recommended to use a separate lead to the ground bus
from each device.
Because the relay is of solid-state design, it does not have to be mounted vertically. Any convenient
mounting angle may be chosen. Refer to the following figures for relay outline dimensions and panel
drilling diagrams.
BE1-51 Installation
14 9137200997 Rev G
Figure 4. Panel Cutting/Drilling, Semi-Flush, S1 Case
Installation BE1-51
9137200997 Rev G 15
Figure 5. S1 Case Dimensions, Rear View, Double Ended, Semi-Flush Mount
BE1-51 Installation
16 9137200997 Rev G
10-32 SCREWS
10-32 SCREWS
Figure 6. S1 Case Dimensions, Side View, Double Ended, Semi-Flush Mount
Installation BE1-51
9137200997 Rev G 17
Figure 7. S1 Case Dimensions, Rear View, Single Ended, Semi-Flush Mount
BE1-51 Installation
18 9137200997 Rev G
10-32 SCREWS
Figure 8. S1 Case Dimensions, Side View, Single Ended, Semi-Flush Mount
Installation BE1-51
9137200997 Rev G 19
Figure 9. Panel Cutting/Drilling, Double Ended, Projection Mount, S1 Case
BE1-51 Installation
20 9137200997 Rev G
Figure 10. S1 Case Dimensions, Rear View, Double Ended, Projection Mount
Installation BE1-51
9137200997 Rev G 21
Figure 11. S1 Case Dimensions, Side View, Double Ended, Projection Mount
BE1-51 Installation
22 9137200997 Rev G
Figure 12. Panel Cutting/Drilling, Single Ended, Projection Mount, S1 Case
Installation BE1-51
9137200997 Rev G 23
Figure 13. S1 Case Dimensions, Rear View, Single Ended, Projection Mount
BE1-51 Installation
24 9137200997 Rev G
10-32 SCREWS
5/16-18 STUD
Figure 14. S1 Case Dimensions, Side View, Single Ended, Projection Mount
Installation BE1-51
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