0x01ProgressFirst post code
0x02ProgressLoad BSP microcode
0x03ProgressPerform early platform Initialization
0x04ProgressSet cache as ram for PEI phase
0x05ProgressEstablish Stack
0x06ProgressCPU Early Initialization
0x00ErrorGeneral - Success
0x01ErrorGeneric Error Code
0x02ErrorGeneric Memory Error
0x03ErrorBuffer Overflow
0x04ErrorInvalid Parameter(s)
0x05ErrorInvalid Data Length
0x06ErrorData Alignment Error
0x07ErrorNull Pointer Error
0x08ErrorUnsupported Function
0x09ErrorInvalid Service ID
0x0AErrorInvalid Address
0x0BErrorOut of Resource Error
0x0DErrordata abort exception
0x0EErrorprefetch abort exception
0x0FErrorOut of Boundary Condition Reached
0x10ErrorData corruption
0x11ErrorInvalid command
0x12ErrorThe package type provided by BR is incorrect
0x13ErrorFailed to retrieve FW header during FW validation
0x14ErrorKey size not supported
0x15ErrorAgesa0 verification error
0x16ErrorSMU FW verification error
0x17ErrorOEM SINGING KEY verification error
0x18ErrorGeneric FW Validation error
0x19ErrorRSA operation fail - bootloader
0x1AErrorCCP Passthrough operation failed - internal status
0x1BErrorAES operation fail
0x1CErrorCCP state save failed
0x1DErrorCCP state restore failed
0x1EErrorSHA256 operation fail - internal status
0x1FErrorZLib Decompression operation fail
0x20ErrorHMAC-SHA256 operation fail - internal status
0x21ErrorBooted from boot source not recognized by PSP
0x22ErrorPSP directory entry not found
0x23ErrorPSP failed to set the write enable latch
0x24ErrorPSP timed out because spirom took too long
0x25ErrorCannot find BIOS directory
0x26ErrorSpiRom is not valid
0x27Errorslave die has different security state from master
0x28ErrorSMI interface init failure
0x29ErrorSMI interface generic error
0x2AErrorinvalid die ID executes MCM related function
0x2BErrorinvalid MCM configuration table read from bootrom
0x2CErrorValid boot mode wasn't detected
0x2DErrorNVStorage init failure
0x2EErrorNVStorage generic error
0x2FErrorMCM 'error' to indicate slave has more data to send
0x30ErrorMCM error if data size exceeds 32B
0x31ErrorInvalid client id for SVC MCM call
0x32ErrorMCM slave status register contains bad bits
0x33ErrorMCM call was made in a single die environment
0x34ErrorPSP secure mapped to invalid segment (should be 0x400_0000)
0x35ErrorNo physical x86 cores were found on die
0x36ErrorInsufficient space for secure OS (range of free SRAM to SVC stack base)
0x37ErrorSYSHUB mapping memory target type is not supported
0x38ErrorAttempt to unmap permanently mapped TLB to PSP secure region
PSP Boot
PSP Boot Loader
phase (Error Post
0x39ErrorUnable to map an SMN address to AXI space
0x3AErrorUnable to map a SYSHUB address to AXI space
0x3BErrorThe count of CCXs or cores provided by bootrom is not consistent
0x3CErrorUncompressed image size doesn't match value in compressed header
0x3DErrorCompressed option used in case where not supported
0x3EErrorFuse info on all dies don't match
0x3FErrorPSP sent message to SMU; SMU reported an error
0x41ErrorInterface between PSP to SMU not available.
0x42ErrorTimer wait parameter too large
0x43ErrorTest harness module reported an error
0x44Errorx86 wrote C2PMSG_0 interrupting PSP
0x45ErrorA write to an L3 register failed
0x47ErrorMini-BL CCP HMAC Unit-test failed
0x48ErrorPotential stack corruption in jump to Mini BL
0x49ErrorError in Validate and Loading AGESA APOB SVC call
0x4AErrorCorrect fuse bits for DIAG_BL loading not set
0x4BErrorThe UmcProgramKeys() function was not called by AGESA
0x4CErrorSecure unlock error
0x4DErrorSyshub register programming mismatch during readback
0x4EErrorFamily ID in MP0_SFUSE_SEC[7:3] not correct
0x4FErrorAn operation was invoked that can only be performed by the GM
0x50ErrorFailed to acquire host controller semaphore to claim ownership of SMB
0x51ErrorTimed out waiting for host to complete pending transactions
0x52ErrorTimed out waiting for slave to complete pending transactions
0x53ErrorUnable to kill current transaction on host
0x54ErrorOne of: Illegal command
0x55ErrorAn SMBus transaction collision detected
0x56ErrorTransaction failed to be started or processed by host
0x57ErrorAn unsolicited SMBus interrupt was received
0x58ErrorAn attempt to send an unsupported PSP-SMU message was made
0x59ErrorAn error/data corruption detected on response from SMU for sent msg
0x5AErrorMCM Steady-state unit test failed
0x5BErrorS3 Enter failed
0x5CErrorAGESA BL did not set PSP SMU reserved addresses via SVC call
0x5EErrorCcxSecBisiEn not set in fuse RAM
0x5FErrorReceived an unexpected result
0x60ErrorVMG Storage Init failed
0x61ErrorFailure in mbedTLS user app
0x62ErrorAn error occured whilst attempting to SMN map a fuse register
0x63ErrorFuse burn sequence/operation failed due to internal SOC error
0x64ErrorFuse sense operation timed out
0x65ErrorFuse burn sequence/operation timed out waiting for burn done
0x66ErrorFailure status indicating that the given SecureOS has been
0x67ErrorThis PSP FW was revoked
0x68ErrorThe platform model/vendor id fuse is not matching the BIOS public key token
0x69ErrorThe BIOS OEM public key of the BIOS was revoked for this platform
0x6AErrorPSP level 2 directory not match expected value.
0x6BErrorBIOS level 2 directory not match expected value.
0x6DErrorGeneric error indicating the CCP HAL initialization failed
0x94ErrorKnoll failed to idle correctly after being reset
0x95ErrorBad status returned by I2CKnollCheck
0x96ErrorNACK to general call (no device on Knoll I2C bus)
0x97ErrorNull pointer passed to I2CKnollCheck
0x98ErrorInvalid device-ID found during Knoll authentication
0x99ErrorError during Knoll/Prom key derivation
0x9AErrorNull pointer passed to Crypto function
0x9BErrorError in checksum from wrapped Knoll/Prom keys
0x9CErrorKnoll returned an invalid response to a command
0x9DErrorBootloader failed in Knoll Send Command function
0x9EErrorNo Knoll device found by verifying MAC
ErrorFunction RunPostX86ReleaseUnitTests failed in memcmp()
HVB validation failure for BIOS RTM volume (OEM public/signature failed to
華碩 RS720-E9-RS24-E 使用手冊
PSP Boot
PSP Boot Loader
phase (Status Post
0xA0ProgressBootloader successfully entered C Main
0xA1ProgressMaster initialized C2P / slave waited for master to init C2P
0xA2ProgressHMAC key successfully derived
0xA3ProgressMaster got Boot Mode and sent boot mode to all slaves
0xA4ProgressSpiRom successfully initialized
0xA5ProgressBIOS Directory successfully read from SPI to SRAM
0xA6ProgressEarly unlock check
0xA8ProgressInline-AES key programming is done
0xA9ProgressInline-AES key wrapper derivation is done
0xAAProgressBootloader successfully loaded HW IP configuration values
0xABProgressBootloader successfully programmed MBAT table
0xACProgressBootloader successfully loaded SMU FW
0xADProgressPSP and SMU configured WAFL
0xAEProgressUser mode test harness completed successfully
0xAFProgressBootloader loaded Agesa0 from SpiRom
0xB0ProgressAGESA phase has completed
0xB1ProgressRunPostDramTrainingTests() completed successfully
0xB2ProgressSMU FW Successfully loaded to SMU Secure DRAM
0xB3ProgressSent all required boot time messages to SMU
0xB4ProgressValidated and ran Security Gasket binary
0xB5ProgressUMC Keys generated and programmed
0xB6ProgressInline AES key wrapper stored in DRAM
0xB7ProgressCompleted FW Validation step
0xB8ProgressCompleted FW Validation step
0xB9ProgressBIOS copy from SPI to DRAM complete
0xBAProgressCompleted FW Validation step
0xBBProgressBIOS load process fully complete
0xBCProgressBootloader successfully release x86
0xBDProgressEarly Secure Debug completed
0xBEProgressGetFWVersion command received from BIOS is completed
0xBFProgressSMIInfo command received from BIOS is completed
0xC0ProgressSuccessfully entered WarmBootResume()
0xC1ProgressSuccessfully copied SecureOS image to SRAM
0xC2ProgressSuccessfully copied trustlets to PSP Secure Memory
0xC3ProgressAbout to jump to Secure OS (SBL about to copy and jump)
0xC4ProgressSuccessfully restored CCP and UMC state on S3 resume
0xC5ProgressPSP SRAM HMAC validated by Mini BL
0xC6ProgressAbout to jump to <t-base in Mini BL
0xC7ProgressVMG ECDH unit test started
0xC8ProgressVMG ECDH unit test passed
0xC9ProgressVMG ECC CDH primitive unit test started
0xCAProgressVMG ECC CDH primitive unit test passed
0xCBProgressVMG SP800-108 KDF-CTR HMAC unit test started
0xCCProgressVMG SP800-108 KDF-CTR HMAC unit test passed
0xCDProgressVMG LAUNCH_* test started
0xCEProgressVMG LAUNCH_* test passed
0xCFProgressMP1 has been taken out of reset
0xD0ProgressPSP and SMU Reserved Addresses correct
0xD1ProgressReached Naples steady-state WFI loop
0xD2ProgressKnoll device successfully initialized
0xD3Progress32-byte RandOut successfully returned from Knoll
0xD4Progress32-byte MAC successfully received from Knoll.
0xD5ProgressKnoll device verified successfully
0xD6ProgressDone enabling power for Knoll
0xD7ProgressEnter recovery mode due to trustlet validation fail.
0xD8ProgressEnter recovery mode due to OS validation fail.
0xD9ProgressEnter recovery mode due to OEM public key not found.
ProgressInline Aes key successfully derived
Initialization) phase
Quick VGA
DXE(Driver Execution
Environment) phase
BDS(Boot Device
Normal boot
Selection) phase
Operating system
0x10ProgressPEI Core Entry
0x11ProgressPEI cache as ram CPU initial
0x15ProgressNB Initialization before installed memory
0x19ProgressSB Initialization before installed memory
0x32ProgressCPU POST-Memory Initialization
0x33ProgressCPU Cache Initialization
0x34ProgressApplication Processor(s) (AP) Initialization
0x35ProgressBSP Selection
0x36ProgressCPU Initialization
0x37ProgressPre-memory NB Initialization
0x3BProgressPre-memory SB Initialization
0x4FProgressDXE Initial Program Load(IPL)
0x60ProgressDXE Core Started
0x61ProgressDXE NVRAM Initialization
0x62ProgressSB run-time Initialization
0x63ProgressCPU DXE Initialization
0x68ProgressPCI HB Initialization
0x69ProgressNB DXE Initialization
0x6AProgressNB DXE SMM Initialization
0x70ProgressSB DXE Initialization
0x71ProgressSB DXE SMM Initialization
0x72ProgressSB DEVICES Initialization
0x78ProgressACPI Module Initialization
0x79ProgressCSM Initialization
0xD0ProgressCPU PM Structure Initialization
0x90ProgressBDS started
0x91ProgressConnect device event
0x92ProgressPCI Bus Enumeration
0x93ProgressPCI Bus Enumeration
0x94ProgressPCI Bus Enumeration
0x95ProgressPCI Bus Enumeration
0x96ProgressPCI Bus Enumeration
0x97ProgressConsole outout connect event
0x98ProgressConsole input connect event
0x99ProgressAMI Super IO start
0x9AProgressAMI USB Driver Initialization
0x9BProgressAMI USB Driver Initialization
0x9CProgressAMI USB Driver Initialization
0x9DProgressAMI USB Driver Initialization
0xb2ProgressLegacy Option ROM Initialization
0xb3ProgressReset system
0xb4ProgressUSB hotplug
0xb6ProgressNVRAM clean up
0xb7ProgressNVRAM configuration reset
0xA0ProgressIDE, AHCI Initialization
0xA1ProgressIDE, AHCI Initialization
0xA2ProgressIDE, AHCI Initialization
0xA3ProgressIDE, AHCI Initialization
0x00~0xFFProgressWait BMC ready
0xA8ProgressBIOS Setup Utility password verify
0xA9ProgressBIOS Setup Utility start
0xABProgressBIOS Setup Utility input wait
0xADProgressReady to boot event
0xAEProgressLegacy boot event
0xAAProgressAPIC mode
0xACProgressPIC mode
華碩 RS720-E9-RS24-E 使用手冊
2.1 機殼上蓋
2.1.1 打開機殼後半部上蓋
1. 使用螺絲起子鬆開機殼兩側的 6 顆螺絲。
2. 按下機殼上的按鈕並將機殼上蓋向後推,使之鬆開脫離機殼。
3. 將機殼上蓋從機殼上面取出。
2.2 中央處理器(CPU)
本主機板具備 L GA 3647 處理器插槽,本插槽是專為 LGA 封裝的 Int el® Xeon®