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Enabling Backups for
Windows and MAC OS X
© Copyright Storix, Inc. 1999-2005
Storix is a registered trademark of Storix, Inc. SBAdmin is a trademark of Storix, Inc in the USA and other countries Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Microsoft and Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows NT and Windows XP are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Apple and MAC OS X are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
All other brand or product names are trademarks of the or respective companies or organizations.
Storix System Backup Administrator - 2 - Enabling Backups for Windows and MAC OS X
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................4
How to Use this Guide ................................................................................................................................ 4
SBAdmin Windows (SMB) Backup Feature ................................................................................................. 4
Sharing SMB Folders.................................................................................................................................. 5
Configuring SMB Client Backups................................................................................................................. 5
Restoring SMB Backup Data....................................................................................................................... 6
2. Windows 98 / ME.................................................................................................7
Configure the Computer for File Sharing ..................................................................................................... 7
Sharing a Folder ......................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Windows 2000 / NT............................................................................................10
Configure the Computer for File Sharing ....................................................................................................10
Sharing a Folder ........................................................................................................................................11
4. Windows XP PRO..............................................................................................14
Configure the Computer for File Sharing ....................................................................................................14
Sharing a Folder ........................................................................................................................................15
5. MAC OS X..........................................................................................................18
Enabling Windows Sharing.........................................................................................................................18
Storix System Backup Administrator - 3 - Enabling Backups for Windows and MAC OS X
1. Introduction
Storix System Backup Administrator (SBAdmin) provides the ability to backup, from an SMB Host (currently
supported on Linux), data that is shared from a Windows or MAC OS X system. This is because both Windows and MAC OS X support the SMB network protocol, which can be used to share folders on the system.
On a Windows or MAC system, a user account is created. The files created by this account, accessed using a username and password, can be made available to SBAdmin for backups and restored.
There are some differences between Windows and MAC SMB file-sharing:
1. Windows allows you to turn on or off sharing for each folder on the system. MAC will only allow you to share the user’s home directory.
2. Windows also provides administrator shares. This will include the ability to share the entire disk, which will appear as a share such as C$. Note, however, that some files are system files that no user has read access to. These files will be reported, but skipped during the backup.
3. Windows will only allow one user to log on at a time, while multiple MAC users may be logged on simultaneously. The files for a user may only be accessed from SBAdmin while the user is logged on.
4. Although MAC allows multiple users to log on at one time, SBAdmin only provides the ability to configure one user account for each SMB client configured for backups. This limits backups of a MAC system to a single user, unless multiple client licenses of SBAdmin are configured – one for each user. The same applies to Windows, however, this is not likely an issue since Windows will let you share all files on the system, not just a single user’s folder.

How to Use this Guide

The information in this guide is intended to assist the user in enabling shared folders or files on the Windows and OS X systems. It may be expanded to support other systems, such as various UNIX systems, that also support the SMB protocol.
It is important to note, however, that Storix does not provide knowledge and support of such systems, as they are not actually running any Storix software. If configured properly, SBAdmin should have no problem accessing the data within, however SBAdmin performs no configuration tasks nor runs any software on these systems.
Information provided herein is therefore provided on an as-is basis, with no warranty. Storix would appreciate, however, any reports of incorrect or confusing information, or information we can add to provide better assistance to our customers.

SBAdmin Windows (SMB) Backup Feature

In order to backup SMB client data, you must install an SBAdmin license key for the Windows (SMB) Backup Feature. This requires an additional license, which must be purchased from Storix. the feature is only available
for use with a Network Administrator license. The network administrator is the system from which all backups are configured and performed.
Storix System Backup Administrator - 4 - Enabling Backups for Windows and MAC OS X

Sharing SMB Folders

As already discussed, this is not a function of SBAdmin, but one what must be setup on your SMB (Windows/MAC) system. Beginning with Chapter 2, we provide as much detail as possible for configuring shared folders on each of the different systems and versions.

Configuring SMB Client Backups

The Storix SBAdmin GUI interface provides the ability to configure an SMB client, configure SMB backup jobs, as well as view backup output data, performance statistics, verify and, of course, restore SMB data.
SBAdmin may only backup an entire SMB share (at this time), not specific files within. However, you can configure exclude lists which may be used with SMB backups to limit the data backed up within the share.
Detailed instructions are provided for configuring SMB clients in the Storix System Backup Administrator
User Guide. In summary, after installing your Network Administrator software, the steps to begin your first
backup will be:
1. Enable the Windows (SMB) Backup Feature: To do this, select Configure!Software License, select the Windows (SMB) Backup Feature, then either:
a. Enter the license key provided by Storix, which will enable SMB client support for a certain number of
clients, or
b. Select the 30-day trial button to configure the system for a 3-day trial and unlimited number of SMB
2. Configure an SMB Client: After selecting Configure!Windows (SMB) Clients, you will provide the username and the password to access this account, and must assign the client an SMB host. The SMB host is a Linux system from which the shared data will be accessed. It is often desirable to have the same system where the backup data will be stored also be the SMB host, as this will reduce the amount of network traffic during the backup.
3. Configure an Exclude List: This optional feature can be found using Configure!Exclude Lists, and may be used to select files or directories that should be excluded from the backup. You can use wildcards (*) within the file or directory specifications to easily exclude files with similar names.
4. Configure a Backup Job: Using Configure!Backup Jobs, you will create a new job name, then select the SMB_SHARES backup profile, which will define the backup job as one for backing up SMB share data. You can create any number of backup profiles for SMB shares, each with different default options, however for simplicity, this one is provided for you by default.
When configuring the backup job, you will also select the backup server, and the device or directory where the data will be stored. You can also select to use an exclude list provided in step 3, to encrypt the backup data (if the optional Backup Data Encryption Feature is also installed), and to schedule the backup to run at a specific time.
5. Run a Backup Job: To run the backup, just select Actions!Run a Backup Job or select the Run Job button when configuring the backup job. The backup will be performed and the backup output and status messages will be saved on the administrator. You will be able to view this information, the backup label, history and performance reports, just as with any other SBAdmin client.
Storix System Backup Administrator - 5 - Enabling Backups for Windows and MAC OS X

Restoring SMB Backup Data

The data backed up from the SMB shares on the Windows or MAC systems may be restored to their original locations, to different shares on the same system, a share on a different SMB system, or even to a directory on a Linux or AIX system (also configured as an SBAdmin client).
Using Actions!Restore Data from a Backup, you can select the backup to restore from. If an SMB backup is selected, you will be provided the option of restoring the entire share (to the same or different SMB client), regular files or entire directories (to the same SMB client, different SMB client, or even to an AIX or Linux client). In addition, you can select a different destination, whether it be a share name or a directory.
Although a backup job may contain multiple shares (in the case of Windows), you can selectively restore specific shares, files or directories by selecting the items to restore from the administrator interface.
Storix System Backup Administrator - 6 - Enabling Backups for Windows and MAC OS X
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